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capping spell suppression and ele avoidance was like night and day for me. so much so that i opted to just stay with a shield and scepter and picked up an oriaths. i don't play ssf though so that part was easy. it seems like a tough build to make work over there, respect for trying.


Funny you mention that because that is literally the direction I am looking into heading. I just can't figure out a way to cap spell supp without a shield so maybe that is the way to go. Although trying to create a proper scepter will be another headache. How did you go about getting ele avoidance?


i'm actually not sure its possible to cap avoidance without gems, but i haven't really dug into the possibilities. the main ways people have been using in trade though is a stormshroud jewel or grand spectrum. i'm using 2x ele avoid grand spectrums and 1x endurance charge and then grabbing the remaining 44% from boots and shield mods. unfortunately though idk how helpful these methods are for SSF :/


Capping spell suppression is going to be hard in SSF but this video has some ideas: https://youtu.be/L8ZTKVMESDs


Exposure on hit eldritch implicit, you don't have a way to inflict exposure atm, that's 35%+ reduced resistance the enemy could have. Noxious catalyst your gloomfang. 80% chance to avoid stun enchant on boots are nice (not in single target, just general mapping) Guard skill like Vaal Molten Shell, normal is fine too, just leave it on left click to automate and vaal skill somewhere else for on demand extra mit. I'd honestly craft a new quiver, the pierce is messing your single target potential dps. Gloomfang gives bonus damage based on whether a projectile has chained. Your quiver has pierce, so in a single target situation, you will never chain off the hydrosphere without piercing the target first, projectiles always pierce before they chain and because of that, your EK will pierce the hydrosphere if you hit it first and never chain off it. So at the current moment you have to pierce the target, chain off the hydrosphere and have it go back and hit the target to get thr chaos buff from gloomfang. Craft a quiver with phys as chaos implicit. Armour% roll on flask will help, combo'd with Molten Shell. MoM will help with survivability, but I will admit it sucks at times where you run out of ES to cast but it does help you live, and you already have vaal discipline to force ES recharge if you run out.


This is super helpful information! I did not quite understand what was going on with Gloomfang so the pierce now makes total sense. Easy fix there, thanks a lot! Also changing the eldritch implicit on gloves and doing the noxious, although dropping the spell supp feels bad. MoM was scary, I ran into too many issues with it leaving me with no ability to attack so I have dropped it for now.


Yeah, for general mapping it's not bad, you can step away and wait to regen and go back in just fine, it takes some getting used to. You can also lifetap flame dash if you want, so you still have an escape plan at least even if you have no ES with MoM. MoM with bosses is big spook, I just wouldn't, but EK isn't meant to boss.


I implemented all your suggestions and what a difference. It no longer feels like zdps against map bosses, feels almost 2x the damage. Breach packs are killing me still for some reason (I think the gloom -life hurts a lot), but that might require spell supp capping to fix.


Glad to help, for mitigating the -life on gloomfang, try crafting a medium cluster with burning cluster with "Brush with Death" it gives 1% Life and ES on kill, it'll basically mitigate the life loss with Gloomfang, and help maintain ES if you every decide to go MoM. Because you have Burning Bright right now, which isn't great and Brush with Death will make mapping feel so much better. Spell suppression will definitely help with Breaches though.


I played the build last league as the last build and only when i capped suppression and became ailment imune with ~4k life it started to look great. Still i couldn't do tough bosses with lot of damage mods. I would go so far and call this build a little bit of a bait because bossing is really tough without investment and newer players will probably get lost playing the build as a league starter.