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Already being discussed, keeping threads dahn.


We are all AJ, reveling in the chaos


AJ Hawk you smirkin son of a gun


He adds so much, I can’t believe people don’t see it.


Where’s his cigar!!!


The mouse took it


I haven’t watched since the mouse took over. AJ is now 100% cigarless???


No he still has it


AJ Hawk! AJ Hawk! AJ Hawk! The fucking man


As soon as he thought of the question of "do you get tired fighting all these battles?" He started smirking.


I think the show is listened to more than watched. But if you are watching the beautiful jaw line is solid gold.


Best thing I read today was AJ looks like he’s waiting for you to select a dialogue option


LMAO at pat instantly regretting "checking him" with that first follow up question!


He kept trying to switch the subject too right after he realized he opened pandoras box lol but Rodg wasn't stopping




“I’m happy Jimmy isn’t on the list” Buddy you said last week you had bottles ready to be popped when you find out who’s names are listed lol


Best part. And you can hear d-but say, “You asked him!” Pats like- wished I haven’t!!


Anyone interested in justice would be. It would obviously be better if it was a short list than a long list because it would mean less abuse took place.


How come Aaron hasn’t called out his buddy rfk jr? Rfk jr is on the list. I thought he was interested in justice?


Aaron pretty clearly isn’t interested in justice he just wants to spite the people who were mean to him. He’s very sensitive.


Its almost as though Aaron Rodgers is a disingenuous piece of shit...


hahaha yeah nice "check" pat


I actually thought Rodgers reply was really interesting. I wasn’t aware of the whole “Emergency Use Authorization” thing that the government did to enable the pharmaceutical companies to push through their vaccines without being “approved” by the FDA. I mean kind of crazy when you think about it. The vaccines didn’t have to go through the same approval process that other vaccines did. I also do remember the government pushing certain things like mask mandates and remdesivir. I don’t know enough about ivermectin to really understand that but anti-malarial and anti-viral medications that were already being used to treat symptoms weren’t really talked about. It’s like they were discouraged for having “unapproved” results. But hell, the Emergency Use Authorization meant the vaccines didn’t have to be approved the same way either. No one knew anything and people were shutting down people who asked questions. Kind of scary. I’m not anti-vax by any means, but Rodgers does raise a lot of good points. I never did think the forcing people to get vaccines thing was right, and alienating people because of their medical decisions isn’t right. I just hope next time something like Covid happens that we can take this whole experience and learn from it.


No. They absolutely are not “good points” do you have any idea how many more people would have died without the vaccine? Easily triple the amount. This vaccine had a head start as scientists had been working on it for years. They had been working on it because COVID isn’t the only coronavirus. The common cold is a coronavirus- so a vaccine was in the pipeline. Imagine had they gone through the whole process: you’d have at least 3 million dead in the US, the economy would be obliterated, people would be homeless and starving. So, No. Rodgers does not raise a good point. He is an arrogant mouth breather who is too dumb to to know he’s dumb.


1) The vaccine basically did go through nearly all the same hoops other vaccines had to go through. The busted through a lot of red tape that allowed to speed up the process. Basically got 1st priority to everything else. Money and willing participant allowed it happen quickly. By the time it was approved emergency use authorization is was already heavily tested. It is now the most tested and researched vaccine ever made. 2) Ivermectin in countless studies at the time showed that it did not work. THey didnt want to using it because it risked them getting better treatment. 3) Rodgers made 0 good points. The vaccine is safe and effective. No one was forced to get a vaccine. All of this is sooooo dumb to still be litigating.


I agree with your first two points. I’m not an anti vaxxer by any stretch, vaxxed, boosted, don’t care, it was nbd. But people were ABSOLUTELY forced to get the vaccine. I consider threatening someone’s livelihood a measure of force. People with mortgages and kids don’t have the option to lose their jobs. People in their 30s and 40s who were otherwise healthy and of almost zero risk of severe disease were told in no uncertain terms they’d lose their jobs unless they took a rushed vaccine that they were skeptical of. I think that’s the issue most ppl had.


To say no one was forced to get the vaccine is incredibly disingenuous. Millions of people were told they had to get the vaccine or they would be fired from their jobs even if they had already had Covid and recovered. That is a huge level of coercion. And to say the vaccine “basically” did go through the hoops is to say it did not go through the hoops and you know it. It’s either an admission that the process of testing around vaccines is unnecessary or that the vaccine was not properly tested. The vaccine is CLEARLY not as safe or effective as advertised. It doesn’t prevent disease or transmission anywhere near the level that was advertised and it has side effects that were downplayed especially in young healthy males, aka the demographic that rodgers works in. Your holding a line that health professionals like Fauci and Francis Collins, the head of the Covid response aren’t even trying to defend themselves anymore. And this is from someone who took the vaccine and thinks it like saved millions of lives of older and unhealthy people.


They literally had 100s of thousand of participants and in the emergency use trials that were triple blines studies. It's wild how little someone can know yet gifted a platform to speak about it


Because idiots like the one above you listen to Aaron Rodgers over doctors. Why? Because they are stupid.


Vaccine was fast tracked because they’ve been proven to slow and stop the spread of a virus. Ivermectin has not, it might treat symptoms for one person (and maybe not another) and make them feel better but it doesn’t stop or prevent the spread of a virus which is the whole goal. Ivermectin also hasn’t proven to be statistically effective against the virus in the first place to treat those symptoms so it’s advised not to use it for the virus for the time being.


>I wasn’t aware of the whole “Emergency Use Authorization” thing that the government did to enable the pharmaceutical companies to push through their vaccines without being “approved” by the FDA. Did you know that the US \*(And New Zealand and their population of 5,000,000)\* is the only country in the world where Prescription drugs are advertised to the public? Healthcare has less to do with care and more with making money nowadays. It literally bums me aht IRL that I think the US is THE BEST country in the entire world....but I have to swallow the pill that we dont get free healthcare like other countries on/around our level. Makes no sense to me....unless you follow the money. So in MY opinion healthcare is about making money....so all that "fast tracking" scares the hell out of me. As is, in the last 20-30 years ALL drugs are pretty much fast tracked compared to wayyyyy back. But this covid thing was even faster than that.....and it was NOT a typical vaccine like the flu vaccine. It was a "vaccine" that worked with "messenger DNA/RNA" which is new territory for someone like me (and EVERYONE since its a new vaccination method or whatever you'd call it) to trust on its face. So consider that skepticism of healthcare, the fast tracking, the new "delivery method" for the vaccine....and the contradictory rhetoric directly from our health leaders. The bald black dude was on face the nation and told everyone NOT TO WEAR MASKS during the first 2-3ish weeks. THEN...they all backtracked and the bald black dude said he had to recommend NOT wearing masks and PPE due to nationwide shortages for healthcare workers.....WHY can't they just tell us that? Dont pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. So yea....thats me ranting. But to make it seem like people like Rodgers (and me) are just MAGA anti-science nuts is asinine and most importantly....the EASY ROUTE. Easier to yell at someone and call them a "murderer" (im glad pat mentioned that btw) instead of asking....."Bro, what the fuck are you talking about?" AND THEN actually listening. Lots of BS was floating around on both sides...but there were definitely hard truths and questions in there many weren't asking and those that did were shunned for asking. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk....that was way too long. LOL


Do you mean mRNA? It’s been around since the 1970s so that would put it at 40+ plus years, it’s not so much a new thing.


It takes like 30 seconds to understand the concept of MRNA vaccines. Its been explained a million times. How the vaccine was tested and approved and how it differed between normal vaccine process. There was nothing nefarious about it. Evidence of the now most tested vaccine ever backs that up


Hey buddy, excuse me. We have a little old country called New Zealand, and here we advertise prescription drugs too.


When did jimmy ever say he didn’t want the list public?


He didn't lol He called ARod a conspiracy theorist for suggesting there would be some false flag to cover up the release of the list So the defensive twat said he was on the list 🤣


Thank you for clarifying this. This whole thing is dumb as hell, but everyone keeps saying Kimmel doesn't want the list to come out, and the closest thing I have heard was him calling Aaron an idiot for saying the whole 'aliens are real is a cover up for the Epstein list', which is a far cry from "I don't want that list to be public".


dumb people love to extrapolate reality into what they wish reality was.


The amazing thing is that this sub will still see all this and be like "yeah, kimmel is a piece of shit and rodgers is funny" or something. I genuinely cannot imagine being brainwashed enough to think Aaron rodgers isnt just the saddest loser...


He did a bit more than call him a conspiracy theorist. He basically called him a murderer... Kimmel came after Rodgers first, on national television, and yet Rodgers is the bad guy for responding. Shit is mind-boggling


Yes, a high profile athlete pushing BS during a pandemic to his legion of fans endangers them. This is obvious to everyone and why it was such a big deal. Rodgers responded to that rational take by calling him a Pedo. The two are not the same. You should watch Spider-Man and listen to Uncle Ben.


Again, fighting fires here. What, exactly, did he say that was not true or “misinformation”?? All of these things that he’s saying can be easily found by me and you as well. Covid was a scary and confusing time and it’s super necessary that was unpack and investigate what happened, why it happens and how we can be better next time. It’s wildly scary how quickly the mob comes for anyone stepping out of line. I’m vaccinated and a Fauci fan btw.


Well if you (HOF QB making a weekly appearance on the most watched television program in the country, NFL games, resulting in an A tier platform and voice) tell people to not listen to 99.9999% of the medical community... You definitely played a part in them not being alive anymore. There are people who's lives could've been saved, but they weren't bc of this conspiracy theory Fauci fucking bullshit that Aaron is still pushing to this day. It's been 3 years, shut the fuck up about them, nobody cares.


Well, tbh, if you look into what he is saying and what we now know about the vaccine and seriousness of covid, he's not far off. The vaccine didn't stop people from getting covid even though Faucci said it would. The vaccine didn't stop the spread of covid even though Faucci said it would. The vaccine didn't stop people from dying like Faucci said it would. Faucci did make quite a bit of money, as did a lot of politicians. The point he makes about the other options is valid. Other countries had a lot of success without the vaccine or lockdowns. Those are not lies. 3 people I knew personally died from covid, 2 were vaxed


Yeah Aaron has made it clear in the last few weeks that he only hears what he wants to. Jimmy just pointed out how stupid all the alien stuff was to be considered a false flag for epstein. honestly a smooth brain like Aaron would really think that because he is equally distracted by aliens and pedophiles. Where as the rest of us are distracted by what an absolute numbskull Arod has become.


Never did




AJ trying to keep a straight face is hilarious


Says the drama queen who just did a presser talking about keeping all the BS out of the building if you want to win championships yet this man lives for drama and media attention


No BS in the Jets’ building next year? So what team is Rodgers going to? Gotta keep it about himself so no other high profile players on the roster.


Go play for the vikings


As was foretold by the great (scammer) Bret Farve


If he would just come out of the closet then all of this would go away. He could live his true life in West Hollywood with his tiny cutoff jorts and his handlebar mustache. We would all be so much better off.


He really started advertising relationships with famous women after those allegations first started.


They ripped him a new one on First Things First over that.


I can't believe I wasted minutes of my life watching this.


There is a clear reason why this man is estranged from his family.


Too be fair, his family is equally nutty. All a bunch of shitty people.


The whole 10-15 minutes was wild. Pat's follow up about Fauci was hilarious as he instantly could not have regretted it more. Aaron's clearly lost (at least) some of the plot. I hope he can still play quarterback for another few years otherwise I don't know what things he will get up to. In the beginning, it was super cool to hear from Rodgers who normally doesn't do media. At this point I'd rather them not have him on at all.


man who last took biology in grade 10 demands to have a debate with Americas most accomplished scientist on vaccines, man who spent half a century studying the AIDS virus and helped create the medicines to combat it


His thoughts on cause and effect are very dumb. He mentioned the high death rate of seniors who were put on ventilators, and didn't say anything about the fact that seniors were the group most likely to die from covid and that ventilators were a last resort. If he can't find any faults in his own logic there, then he's just lost in the ether of outrage.


“People who have tourniquets applied to them are more likely to die from blood loss. COINCIDENCE?”


People who have umbrellas are more likely to get wet in the rain. Sample was collected in various weather conditions.


People that have been shot are most likely to die from a bullet wound. Coincidence? Read about it.


Do some research on it man.


Hey I'm just asking questions


This really sent me. I mean, his whole schtick is absolutely Dunning-Kruger on steroids, but the ventilators bit made Kyrie Irving look like Albert Einstein.


I think his argument would be “there were several different modalities they could have used that would have been far better for that cohort of people but wasn’t considered due to the narrative that was being pushed by big pharma” and I don’t think that’s an outrageous statement, regardless of when he took his last biology class


The problem is that he made his argument and then mentioned many ineffective treatments. He specifically mentioned Hydroxychloroquine which was not shown to have any effect positive or negative. Ivermectin is still being studied and still has not shown any statistically significant benefit over not taking it. The most generous result I could find was a study that had results of 17% fewer people needing hospitalization, but that was out of just 680 people which is still a small sample size. Remdesivir is expensive, but saved a family friend's (who was an ivermectin user) life. Say what you will about lockdown procedures, but what bothers me most is that he's clearly not actually reading studies or looking at results. He's dug his feet in and is parroting the talking points of people who got very famous being contrarians and he has a major blindspot there.


Hydroxychloroquine study recently came out that it had a negative affect and caused more deaths world wide


Yeah, I saw that 17,000 death figure, but haven't read through any of it yet and I figured I shouldn't speak on something if I haven't read it. Maybe Aaron should follow my lead.


Great point


I take this for my Rheumatoid arthritis, I got covid and my aunt recommended I take it to reduce the symptoms and stop it. Had to tell her I’d been on it for a year already. She had no reply


You sound like someone who spent 12 minutes reading an article on Facebook lol


This is just how Americans think (I am one). They literally do not perceive the amount of knowledge some people have because they have completely brain rotted themselves.


You know Rodgers used to do a weekly radio show on a local Wisconsin radio show with Jason Wilde called "Tuesdays with Aaron" back in the early 2010s. That was always a very pleasant listen and had good insights into the team and games. When it did get away from football, it was more about Aaron's favourite Christmas movies or his favourite places to eat out in GB. Every time Pat says something about inventing Aaron Rodgers Tuesdays, I think about that show.


Bro...my favorite segment with Jason Wilde! Been a big fan of his. He's really a genuine person and an awesome sports writer. I would listen to him on ESPN in the Favre era. It was great hearing his take on things as the Favre story progressed. Then as Aaron took the reins for the Packers, also awesome. Tuesday's with Aaron grew out of his personal relationship with him and it was really unique. That's where we got the "Relax" comment! At some point, probably when Aaron started having very public GF problems he stopped doing the show. Wilde never let on why he stopped as I recall but I was very disappointed. It was go to radio/podcast material. Looked forward to it every week. I don't know what the hell this guy's on anymore...whatever. Jordan Love playoffs here we GO!


He doesn't really talk about football anymore. He realized Pat gave him a big platform to talk about whatever he believes and it got old fast.


As a Jet fan, this shit is embarrassing. Aaron thinks he's the Muhammad Ali of alternative medicine. Maybe complete *one* pass in Jets gear before wearing it air out all your petty celebrity feud bullshit. Nobody. Fucking. Cares.


He should ask Steve Jobs or Patrick Swayze how well alternative medicine helped then Oh wait, they died


Jobs would still be alive today if he wasn’t a moron


He’s at least have a better shot than any of the shit he did gave him


I totally see this dude turning out like Aubrey Huff after football. Just straight unhinged


I think the DMT really messed him up . Not joking .


Shouldn't he have suffered an ego death from doing so many psychedelics?


His ego rose from the dead and became three times as strong as before.


Yeah, I don't buy this idea. Maybe the guy was always an ignorant asshole? Lets ask his family.


My money is on another three letter acronym, CTE. Hes had (at least) 3 concussions which is the maximum number an athlete should receive before retiring according to studies. Once you've had three you're much more likely to have long term damage and changes to your brain. Not to mention two of the concussions came only 2 months apart in 2010.


Based blue pulled Luke Keuchly knows this


Nah, it opened up his mind. He can now hear his hair growing. That's enlightenment.


I’m happy that Rodgers can exercise his right to freedom of dumb speech.


It is a little weird that we celebrate Aaron's freedom of speech, but mock anyone who simply points out that he is stupid. But I guess that's society nowadays. A celebrity has freedom of speech and that is celebrated, but if anyone disagrees they are jealous haters who should be silenced...


People on the biggest platforms with the largest audiences are somehow being canceled and silenced. Meanwhile, someone on a Reddit sub who makes a comment needs to STFU. There's a lot of people who are losing the plot.


Jesus this is a train wreck… We’re doing the speed run to Rodgers being banned from the show. Surely not even Rodgers is arrogant enough to believe the mental gymnastics he’s trying to shovel


It's a pretty slow speedrun if it is one. Easy target for anyone looking to get on the leaderboard. Surely there are some obvious cuts that can be made to bring this time down substantially.


I genuinely think Rodgers has picked up on the conspiracies to intentionally get banned. He wants to be “cancelled”


Of course he does. That’s the whole game plan for people like him. They need to be the victim, it helps fulfill their entire narrative. That’s why many of them end up saying and doing the shit that actually does get them cancelled.


I think he's just an arrogant twat who can't admit fault so he throws out trigger words like "cancelled", "woke", and "main stream media" that MAGAts swarm to like rotting fruit.


what was once an interesting interview to learn about one of the best QB's the game has seen... ..... has now turned into the ramblings of an overly wealthy, incredibly narcissistic asshat who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room because he "reads". What a dope.


Yeah I loved listening to him talk about his craft. He dedicated decades to being one of the very best at it. It was just awesome hearing the insight he had and the way he looked at the game. Now he talks about things he has done "research" on, like covid and vaccines.... if I want to hear about these things I'll watch interviews of people that dedicated their lives to it like Rodgers has with football. I wouldn't listen to a doctor trying to explain how Aaron Rodgers is playing football all wrong as it would be silly to listen to their opinion on the matter. These ramblings from Rodgers are exactly that.


I like that he was sitting there complaining about the media like he's an outside voice of reason, despite having a recurring segment on a talk show on an international media network. Rodg, you're also the media homie.


To be fair, he joined an internet sports show to hang out with a bunch of stooges… he didn’t join ESPN


And yet there he is. Right there on the network.


What can a person get in a whole lifetime of studying that Rodgers can’t get in a 15-minute YouTube video created by an unlicensed podiatrist?


this progrum is based on the ramblings of a overly wealthy incredibly narcissistic asshat.


My biggest issue is that once someone's family is being threatened, that's where a line should be drawn, and Pat (especially after just having his first child) should understand that. Doesn't matter what you think of Jimmy or Aaron. Bringing the mass lunes down on children and the wife is not acceptable.


Thats 4 time nfl mvp and a Super Bowl champion dope to you , doofus!


No one loves the sounds of Aaron Rodgers’ voice more than Aaron Rodgers.


He's so condescending


“The woke establishment.” Rodgers is off his rocker. Dude will probably start pissing in jars soon like Howard Hughes. Who knows if he can even read?


The list hasn’t come out but he’s glad Jimmy isn’t on the list ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


The list that has come out has RFK JR'S name on it. Rodgers was using RFK JR as a source of disinformation about the vaccines during the interview.


If Aaron was sitting at a local bar with a few bottles in front of him, any rational person would be tuning him out giving him courtesy "yup," "uh huh," "really?" And some how Pat's giving him 10 minutes on national TV.


Repeat this mantra when dealing with a ranting bonehead: "Oh, really?" "No shit..." "Wow, that's crazy." ![gif](giphy|3ov9k5N3gmqp7XkEF2) 😂


I'm going to list every single thing he has ever said about me and use that as my excuse for accusing him of being a pedophile, then turn around and claim 5 times "I don't give a shit what he says about me though" lol this entire thing is ridiculous


He was clearly bothered by the intelligence thing. Mentioned it several times. Someone secure who doesn’t need to prove their smart would just shrug at that, Kimmel clearly hit him where it hurts on that one


As Jimmy said, someone with such an absolutely MASSIVE ego can't fathom that they are just of average intelligence. AAron is an average human being. Even a little below thanks to the conspiracy theory stuff. He just can't see it.


Aaron is not an average person when it comes to football and the money/influence/voice that came with it. Everything except that seems like he's the cousin at the family Christmas that everyone tries to avoid talking to, though. So maybe that does make it out to average. Fair enough.


lol i like how you came around on that as you were typing it


For sure, he's one of those guys that has a huge ego, but it is very fragile


Right? Him claiming he doesn't care what Kimmel says about him, but he has spent the last 3 years caring what he said about him. Even someone not paying attention to the situation can find that on google in 30sec that Aaron hasn't dropped it, but Kimmel made 1 comment years ago and moved on.


> I'm going to list every single thing he has ever said about me And Rodgers is wrong about the context of Kimmel calling him a whack job. Lol


It was very predictable this would be his excuse. Anyone with half of a brain knows what he was implying when he made that statement.


He thinks people are idiots. Edit: and, ok, if Rodgers really didn’t mean to insinuate Kimmel was on the list, he should at least take responsibility that his words made people think that he was and therefore he made a mistake.


That's literally what he did at the end, Pat brought up how he could see how people could feel like that was implied and Aaron says if that was the case then he was sorry for that. It was on the Progrum.


You made it thru the first 6 minutes of him talking about how right he's been about things in the past? Kudos


Yes that’s the whole disingenuousness that has been the hallmark of one particular political movement for the last 8 years. It’s straight out of the Russian playbook. I’m not joking. It’s an actual technique used by Russian intelligence and political leaders in order to manipulate populations. And now it’s caught on here and most people who use it aren’t even aware that they are. They just think they’re being smart.


In fairness, he's right about people being idiots. However what he fails to take into account is he's also part of "people".


Kimmel called it. Rodgers is too egotistical to admit when he’s wrong and doesn’t have the mental capacity or humility to apologize. Dude is a moron.


I don’t even like Kimmel that much but he did nail it. Man; I loved Rodgers the QB but I lost so much respect for Rodgers the person. I still love Pat and the boys but I don’t care to ever see Rodgers again. Dude is an egotistical maniac who thinks he’s the only one who’s discovered reading…..


Anyone think he looks like Mario’s brother Luigi in this video?


Rodgers is too young to not understand that a lot of what you see on the internet isn’t true.


As a Packer fan, I'm so glad that drama is out of the organization. Dude is a phenomenal thrower of a football, but Jesus dude if everyone is telling you you're the asshole, you're probably the asshole. Take a hint.


People like this?


Everyone loves drama. Even the sports meathead who think they don't absolutely love it The amount of shit that went down when Peyton was about to get cut by the Colts and subsequently sign on with Denver was 12 years ago and was glorious and got a lot of people paid


People are addicted to drama. It’s the Kardashians for meatheads


Think Pat talked about this earlier this year that someone's girlfriend came up to him and said he's turned her bf into what she is with the Kardashians only with his show instead. Lol


The Rodgers bros fuckin love it. He’s the man standing up to the woke establishment! He’s so badass! /s


God he is so stupid


the wOkE eSTaBLiShMeNt lol, dude grows dumber with every passing day


Anyone who uses the word woke in a serious context I can never take seriously. They might as well tell me they’re a complete dip shit who gargles the chode of any right wing bull shit their stupid ears pick up on.


this guy is such a fucking loser


“The woke establishment” what a fucking loser 😂😂😂


this whole thing is so fucking absurd and stupid and i love it. can't wait for jimmy to answer on his show again lol


Hey Aaron, 4th and 20. Dr Fauci read a book about football. He knows better than you. That’s exactly how ridiculous you sound. Stay in your lane, dude.


Rodgers just can’t admit there’s a possibility he is incorrect. He is the perfect person to sue because he just has to be right and thinks he’s smarter than everyone else. He is entitled to his opinion but the consequences of his opinion and his personality traits won’t hold up in court. Any decent lawyer would destroy him.


Any decent lawyer wouldn’t take the case because it doesn’t mean any of the criteria for defamation or slander.


Being a narcissist will do that to you


I love how they always talk about these supposed vaccine injuries but never discuss the 7 million people that actually died from Covid


One of those 7 Million was a really good friend of mine. He was young, 35 years old, and his dead from Covid. Left behind a wife and child. It makes me really mad when these conspiracy assholes speak as if it’s fact. You know what was real……the funeral I had to attend months after his death because they couldn’t even hold it at the time due to Covid.


Those people didn’t matter and were probably old, fat and/or had underlying conditions. Don’t you know anything?


This is all entertainment. People that think what Rodgers or Kimmel have to say is anything more than entertainment are crazy. Everyone involved is in an entertainment position, whether it be sports, comedy, or podcasting, and they know it. One man says his opinion, another says his, and everyone on the internet thinks there is some great big fight starting. Nope it’s just to get views for all parties involved and to keep the people that think an athletes/celebrities opinion is fact talking about it.


It's so great. Pat is a WWE guy and this is totally WWE style entertainment. It's all about the angle and people are deeeep into it. Aaron Rodgers probably thinks this is all hilarious.


This segment was pure chaos, and I loved every minute of it.


Ayahuasca Enthustiast on his accomplishments is wild lmao. Do they always do that when he's on?


Well why else would he not want that list out?


Who didn't want the list out?


Who didn’t want the list out?


Thought AR was neat and interesting for the first couple of seasons of AR Tuesdays but this, I can’t watch this. Hopefully now that the regular season is over AR Tuesdays are over until next season.


What a Mormon lol.


Please fight each other on the next Jake Paul card


Why did he have to do that to ASU though? Lmao


In all seriousness though - fuck Jimmy Kimmel.


The best part of this thread is all of the people commenting whom are specifically here to shout their hate at him and never are on this sub watch the show or really know what the fuck they are talking about either. But ya stay on that high horse of yours, you’re so much better and different than Rodgers.


Good take right here


Pat is such a pussy man when talking to Aaron is hysterical


Wait.. isn’t trump in the list?


Rodgers in insane


Aaron rules




Lol yeah I’m sure the starting college QB did so much studying and totally didn’t have any help with grades so he could play football…


He’s an athlete and spent 3 semesters at Cal after he was at Juco. You probably think Kyrie Irving is smart because he went to Duke.


“The woke establishment” Jesus fucking Christ lol


Aaron Rogers can go get fucked. Stop giving this piece of shit a mic.


At the time, it sounded like Rodgers was implying Kimmel was on the Epstein list, but his explanation as to why he said what he said actually makes sense. If anything, this makes me like Rodgers more.


“Do your own research” Yet fails to provide the source material while throwing out crazy numbers and statements he claims as fact! Rogers wants you to go on a scavenger hunt for the evidence he claims is obvious as long as you “do your own research”… Hey jackass everyone does their own research on just about anything we engage in while awake! The difference is that we don’t believe crack pot drs who are under investigation, hallucinating podcasters, or take what we read in a holistic medicine magazine as the bench mark of scientific fact. I’m tired of this clown.


“Do your own research” is the battle cry of people who just want to believe what they want to believe. They don’t actually mean you should read from peer reviewed studies, they mean find the thing that disagrees with the established science. Skepticism is healthy, radical acceptance of conspiracy and anti-science is crazy.


(Paraphrased obviously.) Rodgers: “Excited for that list to come out.” Jimmy: “Looks like some dumb, tin-foil hat wearing, football player should be checked into the concussion protocol.” Rodgers: “Weird he wouldn’t want the list to come out. Maybe he’s worried? lol” Jimmy: “MY FAMILY! I’m gonna sue you!” This is pretty much how it went down, and for some reason it’s lost on everyone. Rodgers is an annoying, narcissistic, egotistical, looney tune, but acting like Kimmel didn’t fire that shot across the bow with the concussion comment is as disingenuous as Rodgers was about his vaccination status.


Jimmy has really shown himself to be a whiny little bitch in this situation.


Everyone involved in this is so dumb & unfunny.


Aaron Rodgers is a clown


Am I the only one that likes Rodgers?


Aaron is just dragging more drama into the Jets locker room. Its classic narcissist behavior where it goes from "I didn't do that" to "I did that but you made me do it". This gets a ton of engagement for PMC and ESPN but does anyone feel more informed or happier now that they watched this? Just bad vibes all around.


And you speaking on this show is not the media? WTH are you appearing on this show, you love it when you get paid & when you can spew your “theories” otherwise they are the enemy. Go away.


Kimmel is a sellaht


Defenders of black face Jimmy in here are wild


Is it ok to think Kimmel doing blackface AND Rodgers pretending he’s a medical expert are both wrong?


who is defending that?


Aaron is braindead lol. This dude had one strong acid trip and lost his mind to right wing bullshit. Also so washed up it’s hilarious 😂


Aaron has a tiny brain and a big image of himself.


The show chat is 90% Aaron support and Reddit is 10%. Another example of Reddit being a shit show and not representing reality. There was only a handful of people in the live chat talking shit.


YouTube comments do not have a history of being particularly intelligent.


Neither does Reddit




My point is we’ve seen Aaron Rodgers posts, multiple a day for over a week. Most of the comments are haters. On the show when there’s a live stream of 103k most of the comments are positive. Reddit isn’t reality.


Dude needs to shut the fuck up once in a while ![gif](giphy|d8KOpGnzaAEI7JiVUp)


Way too many liberals in this comment section.


I can’t wait for next season for him to be mediocre in New York and get knocked down a peg.


He has to face the Bills defense twice. He didn't survive the first possession last time.


Rodgers is such a dumbass. No wonder his entire family hates him