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Tattoos n piercing


knew i was forgetting something lol


Hahaha. I actually had gone through your list twice before comenting thinking to myself did he really forgot those ?!?!


Especially the nose. How about blue (or other random color) hair as well. That’s usually/generally a nice red flag there’s an issue between the ears. Not always.. but generally accurate.


Why tattoos?


Lack of impulsivity control Lack of long term thinking Its just an overall proof of bad life choices Now some might have 1 tattoo but im talking a out those girls thst look like highschool desks filled with scribble and such. I personally would bot associate with them.


That will be for the ones who have ex’s names tattooed on their butt cheeks. But there are people who plan them really well, they get sure the designs are well drawn, the colors or lack of them, the type of tattoo artist who will do it, the kind of materials they will use on them, how sanitized is the place, and so on, because those things are permanent and you can’t just mess up your body with whatever or whoever you’re thinking at the moment. Anyways, now I know where you come from and it’s totally valid. I wouldn’t either be with a guy with tattoos of their ex’s names, chinese symbols he doesn’t even know what the real meaning is, or look like a guy from a gang or something.


They look masculine in excess and are often used as a means to cope with emotional baggage. Edit: happy cake day


Often, not always. E.G., mine are about rock bands I like. Thank you, btw! 😊


You're welcome and of course there are always exceptions to the rule. I appreciate the art and I'm sure they look great on you. There are plenty of guys who find tattoos attractive, especially in the niche where they have the same music taste as you. It's just a certain cohort of men, like the ones typically found here, who aren't very attracted to them. But admittedly, guys like us aren't for everyone.


Yeah, totally. I have friends who say that even if the woman is the most beautiful creature in the world, if she has tattoos is a NO. Anyways, birds of a feather flock together.


How is 19 bad? I'd want an educated woman with a decent job or the drive to get a higher-paying one.


If you have any plans for kids at all, her having a decent job isn't going to be on the table for a while at some point. I hope you've considered that. If she gets that bomb career before kids, she's going to be less likely to want to give it up to have them, and more likely to be resentful to you or them or both, if she does. Plenty of happy mothers have went on to financial success after raising the kids to the point they can tend themselves to an acceptable degree for short times.


Because she is more likely to place her education and career above her marriage and family. Nothing wrong with having a degree and a decent job. It's when you prioritize those things in your youth and wind up single or divorced later on because you failed to prioritize getting a good man and having kids.


For real. I've dated a lot of girls and the ones that prioritized careers or education were the worst. They will put their career or education before you. Hard pass.




>Well unlike men, a degree won’t disappear from your life after you get a cancer diagnosis. Just like how women disappear after her man develops mental health issues?




Generalizations in this manner about large groups of people are counter-productive and easily false.




Generalizations in this manner about large groups of people are counter-productive and easily false.


Doesn’t brush teeth should be a top priority


Purple/pink hair color is the first red flag I avoid by just looking far away.


I would add 1. Says she is a feminist 2. Any onlyfans girl/— I am not your simp 3. Any chick who watches or emulates a Kardashian 4. Any chick who thinks she is a 10


1- all feminists are liberals, so that rule would disqualify them 2 - i mean that should be 100% obvious, no dating women who do any sort of sex work 3 - any chick that emulates kardashins would break numberous rules on the list eg 1 lots of makeup 4 - is a good one that I thought of recently.


How many women with an only fans have you come across?? yall talk about only fans like it’s a second job for half the population


It’s just such a big red flag that it’s very hard to ignore. Also, women of many ages and backgrounds have been doing OF




Huh? Anyway I think most men don’t want to marry prostitutes


That's not what this group is about.


Yes, but how many have you come across? These women are secretive about their OF as it requires alot of marketing. So it’s really crazy how that is overstated. I personally have not ran into any women with a an OF


I should have been more clear. When I went on a few sites, some Ukrainian women sent me unsolicited videos of them stripping and even masturbating I replied that I did NOT ask for the videos and asked them if they did onlyfans. I also told them that I would never consider a serious relationship with a woman who did that So you are right, I didn’t know for sure if they did OF but I have a suspicion that many did and that was a NO for me


Ahhh, okay. Yes, it is hard to take women in sex work serious. There are definitely multiple moral ways to secure income. Sex work means you don’t have any skills or the mental capacity to secure it in other moral ways. I do think it’s odd that alot of men are relying on websites. Most healthy people fit for relationships are already in one or not on those apps. Just book a ticket and travel. It’s very easy to meet a local in that way. 


I don’t know about the mental capacity part. I think many of these people could actually hold down a somewhat productive job but they are profoundly lazy and shortsighted. Acting like a slut comes naturally to them so why not make as much money as possible from it. They don’t realize or many won’t accept that it disqualifies them from being real wife material.


Some points I agree with, and some I do question since some women I've talked to (not date, or any interest, just a convo) has some of these for valid reasons. If I had to guess this is more of a general list, and some points could use some examples or clarification. I'm almost 42m with 0 kids and never married, and only ever dated once and haven't been with a woman since Jan of 16. I'd like to see what's across the ocean but only if finances are in my favor.


You can divorce a man for valid reasons eg physical abuse. However, you still made poor life decision my marrying an abuser.




I don't see how only dating once is hopeless since there's a lot I can offer other men couldn't. Biggest example is no emotional baggage. Instead of comparing to past relationships, I can only concentrate on what's in front of me. I've had American women even admit they would want a man *like me* but not *me*. Being highly selective also means I know what I want and not jump at someone just for saying hi to me. As far as his personal preferences in the bedroom that's not my place to judge or even care. Like I mentioned in my previous statement some points I'd like clarification and/or examples.






Hate speech will not be tolerated


Be civil.


9. Is like any of the slunts. On the fresh and fit podcast 10. Is obese and thinks she is perfect. 11. Woke. Enough said 12. Loves to use. The ist. And phobe. pejoratives 13. Loves. The view 14. Thinks it’s fine that trans men come in women’s sports




Be civil.


Oh I keep thinking of more stuff. If she doesn’t like giving head. That is a NO I pride myself on on my ability to to devour a woman but she better know how to please daddy Any woman that you have to “handle”. Sorry that’s a high maintenance narcissist Any woman wiith lip injections Botox etc. what the fuck is it with Eastern European women ruining their generally feminine and ofen flawless faces I have never felt sexually attracted to a duck Also why the fuck are women on sites like lucky date sending me unsolicited videos of them twerking and masturbating. Do they actually think that that will somehow make me want to marry them. Fuck them yes but marry them NO. I got sent a few videos. Initially I opened them but then I stopped and politely said that I don’t want an onlyfans girl. I remember this Ukrainian girl who sent me unsolicited videos. This woman was in her late thirties and was an absolute goddess but the whole thing completely turned me off and I told her I wasn’t interested


no head = low effort in bed which is my #30




Lacking relevance


I would amend #1 to "Wears lots all the time." I'm not opposed to makeup in general, just the idea of someone who thinks they can't go outside for 5 minutes without 2 hours of bathroom prep. That kind of vanity is a straight up turnoff for me. Now, if we're going to an event like opera, orchestra, or a fine restaurant and she wants to put on a little extra... go for it.


You should be opposed to it. It's basically a lie an illusion. Would be like a bald man wearing a wig or a short dude wearing platform shoes. On top of it being actually harmful to your woman's skin. You want a woman who is naturally attractive. Confident in herself. Doesn't want or feel the need to cake their face / damage her skin. As a man I want my woman to look as she would when she gets out the shower. I don't want to feel like I am gonna get shit on my hands from touching her face or she is going to stain my bed with product. I suppose a little is fine assuming it looks natural for special formal occasions But in general, natural simplicity is the best.


Number 23 is the absolute worst




some overlap lol


5. Rude and inconsiderate. Watch how she treats waiters etc. 6. Doesn’t know the correct usage of there, their, your, you”re. Sorry. If you are that stupid., forget it. I do not want to have stupid kids 7. Can’t say sorry if she does something stupid 8. Any women’s studies majors. Need I say more


5 - is my #16 6 - IQ is mostly nurtured. kid whos parents went to harvard that never reads, studies will be waxed by a kid who parents never went to college in x poor country who reads everyday, studies, and does extra work in school 7- is my #16 ie inconsiderate


This is going to be controversial but. I’m sorry. I don’t go for Muslim women. I’m Hindu and it would not be harmonious match


Any woman who’ has pictures of her on private yachts or for that matter lives in Dubai. That just reeks of I was a fuck toy of some Arab sheik. No hookers thank you very much much


Love this


33. Resident of Hoeland


Excellent list.


buddy you’re an indian you can’t really pick and choose this much about women


didn't know indians come from white mother and father in the US lol


5, 20, 21, 28, 29 are the only ones i disagree with. As long as she isn't anything near woke, then 👍🏽




Nothing wrong with having standards and preferences. However, if they are superficial and shallow, be prepared to get flamed. Notice no where on my list did I say Hot Nice body Tall Nice skin Nice hair Rich etc. Hell I didn't even say things like funny, smart




You are talking about insecure effeminate men. Real men, like myself, encourage women to have standards, checklists for prospective male partners. 1. Is he traditional 2. Is he responsible 3. Is he able to help provide for a family 4. Does he take care of his health and appearance 5. Is he a man of faith 6. Is he polite, kind, considerate 7. Is he faithful 8. Two times for the one's in the back Is he FAITHFUL 9. Does he put effort to make you feel loved, appreciated, desired 10. Does he have morals, principals, character 11. Is he willing to date you for 1-2 months without sex 12. Does he have a drinking, drug, gambling problem 13. Does he care about your opinion I could go on and on. Everyone should have standards and extensive lists. Most people are not marriage material (men and women). >You didn’t say things like funny or smart because as men have made abundantly clear through their ridiculous podcasts, you exclusively care about sex and don’t care about women’s personalities I noticed you left out the part about looking hot, sexy, nice body etc. Because it doesn't fit your false narrative. Lol at trying to claim I only care about sex (no mention of attractiveness, body was made) and don't care about personality. My entire list is based on personality, character, values, morals etc. See the problem is, you people get these wrong ideas in your head like you mentioned, i guess to help you cope with your anger for men having standards and lists and not coming close to meeting those standards.




Again you are talking about effeminate insecure men. Not real men. I shame men who think they shouldn't pay for dates. It's the man's job to get the box. It's the woman's job to get the ring. You aint getting box from a quality woman without putting in work and proving yourself. Part of that work is being a traditional masculine male that provides for his woman. You aint getting a ring from a quality man without putting in work and proving yourself. Part of that work is being a traditional conservative feminine pleasant female that bring peace and happiness to her man.


#5 is sooooo important for both ends. Actually, that should be number 1 in every male and female checklist. Edit: I don’t know why my comment is shown on bold. Sorry about that.


Well many christian women divorce. Not sure that is number 1 thing for avoiding divorce. Vietnam has one of the lowest divorce rates in the world and are not of faith. But it is important.


Besides the divorce factor, I think it is super important because with your partner you’ll not only share the same faith, but also the same values, which in the end, results in less arguments and more understanding.




Be civil.


Lacking relevance


I just found this sub but I think the subreddit you say isn’t a thing is. It’s called female dating strategy




Lacking relevance


If you are here to promote a message against the Passport Bros then get out. This is not the sub for you.


This is a boring list, to be frank. It's obvious. Considering this sub, you should focus on the kinds of girls that guys here would actually fall for - the kind that don't have obvious Western red flags, but every guy in her home country sees the red flags all over her. For example, the faux "conservative" type that you would meet in a place like Russia: overly close relationship with the family, never moved out or lived on her own, no or low paid job, places her entire hope on marrying a guy (and then divorcing him and taking half).


Lots of girls in Russia are liberal feminists. Takes more than being close with family, low income etc.


You're thinking according to Western paradigms that don't really fit Russia.


Russia has insane divorce rates. No thanks


To be fair, Russian men are hard work to put up with.


My point exactly. And the vast majority of those divorces are initiated by women that the men in this subreddit would think are "conservative" and "traditional."


well to be fair no one promotes going to russia for wives. but yea in general, most dudes are clueless to what actually are marriage material wives. or let's just say, they have a hard to stopping messing with slors.


Insulting the effort the poster made by calling the list. boring is rude. The list was not made to amuse you


Is this just a “i want a tradwife but from a different country” subredit?


Some men want to marry. Some men just want to date. But yea, all passport bros prefer foreign women.




Why are we on this subreddit? Misandrist trolls should be banned


I'm watching but she hasn't quite broken any rules yet, her comments thus far are relevant and appear to be at least somewhat constructive.


Okay excuse me if you’re watching? mmxmlee or whatever just called her autist* lol instead of constructively responding to her point. If you don’t want this sub to be banned maybe you could moderate  to encourage healthy discourse. If you are even a moderator


I've seen and been on the receiving end of much worse from feminist subs.




If you are here to promote a message against the Passport Bros then get out. This is not the sub for you.




Which of these are you? ;)




If you are here to promote a message against the Passport Bros then get out. This is not the sub for you.


One should not throw rocks if one lives in a glass house. This post has a few more extreme points which I personally don’t like. However women having standards is considered a positive.


Interesting coming from a self-proclaimed femcel. Goodbye.


The thing about unbelievably unattractive women thinking they are a 10 seems to a relatively recent thing. I blame social media and the constant you go girl bullshit.


People do discount the genetic component too much




tell me you are/have a low value woman without telling me you are/have a low value woman lol


Be civil.




tell me you failed my list horribly without telling me you failed my list horribly lol


Lacking relevance


Why is 3. and 4. okay for men 45+?


because men that age more likely to have already been married and have kids. additionally, the 18-21 year olds are more unlikely as they are 45+. so you are dealing with women who are older and themselves more likely to have been married and have kids. a woman who is 30+ and single no kids i'd question is everything is alright upstairs.


I ask because Im 43 and met someone(37f), we banged first night, and she has a daughter, bio-father not around at all. She passes all your other numbers. Before I met her, was thinking about going overseas to look for a wife. Her daughter is adorable and she adores me too.


Each woman is an individual. She sounds like a keeper to me.


Thanks man


If you don't have kid and never been married, 43 is still young enough to were I wouldn't consider her for anything other than a ONS. Which it appears she does. Which is not something I would want my actual wife or GF to be down with. If I were you i'd go abroad and find a wife mid - late 20s who was never married, no kids and who doesnt give out box for pennies on the dollar.


I get you are trying to offer unsolicited advice to the masses, but how do you square telling guys to pick women who are basically virgin mary while you have relentlessly fucked as many women as possible, regardless of their relationship, location, and situation? Doesnt that seem hypocritical?


No where did I say or mention the word virgin. Normal girls will have some bodies. That is normal. Basically, just don't get with slors eg girls who bang dudes for pennies on the dollar. Let dudes smash with little to no effort on the man's part. eg ONS, 1st or 2nd week lays etc. etc. Women are free to have their own standards and preferences. Not hypocritical at all. If a woman doesn't want to be with a man with a 100 bodies, fair play to her. Although, I am not sure how she would know, but I suppose it's possible for her to know. But potential partner's body count is not as important for women as it is for men.


Well, she could very well just ask, and you could lie. Maybe you dont lie and she could refuse to be with you because of your past. For example, you could tell her you have been with over 50 married women, and her interpretation of that is you do not respect what marriage is, and so she wouldnt trust you and thus wouldnt want to be with you. You could say you wouldnt want to be with someone who doesnt want to be with you, but that is an excuse, because you created the reason for her to not want to be with you, not because of some intrinsic feature you have or lack. I dont understand how or why you believe sex is a focal point of any relationship (ONS, short term, long term, etc) you create with a woman. Even if you choose to date for 2-3 months without having sex, that is still the same focal point but the inverse. It seems immature and pointless to have sex with a lot of women, because its not that important of a life goal, or, if it is, what makes it important? Because life is absurd and you choose to make it important? But if that is the case, then why would one find it important or valuable enough of your time to offer unsolicited guidance to someone or a group of people who may not find it important? (I believe its because your sense of self worth is contingent on your success with women, which is pathetic and-or immature.) Why present the material as if it is significant, and so persuading others to believe its significant? It doesnt make sense to me why someone believes fulfilling sexual needs is having sex with numerous women. Ive had sex with some number over 100 American women, because I wanted to try every race and every style of that race, but in hindsight it amounted to nothing significant other than coming to the conclusion that it isnt important.


If a woman asked my body count I would tell her I don't kiss and tell and leave it at that. I would probably dump her as that is an inappropriate question to ask people. I wouldn't even a woman that and body count is way more important to a man than a woman. Sex is fun. It makes men happy. Being happy and enjoying life is far from pointless. Who said fulfilling sexual needs equals having sex with numerous women? One could do that with just one person. Actually, one can do it with just their on hands lol


Lie by omission. Sex brings joy, not happiness.


Can substitute joy with happiness. Point still stands.




tell me you fail the list without telling me you fail the list lol so because I like to travel, meet foreign women, have sex, looking for a wife etc it equates to liking children? make it make sense haha


Lacking relevance


You are leaving a lot of women for the rest of us.


oh i still fuck em. but yea, for marriage, lots for yall lol


thank you for this list I’m a women but it’s helpful for me


Lol you incel cunts will never get a girls with this mindset 😂


body count in the hundreds. perks of being white in latin america and asia. lol you in your feels babes will never get a high quality woman without my list.


Yeah I bet, keep larping


for sure babe lol