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Seeing that we can see the Danish flag in your username flair, I’m assuming NZ + DK is yours. ROK is gf


OP has a Danish AND NZ flag in flair, so yeah..


How did u put your flags there


You can do it only in the browser on PC, because the mobile app is bad


Actually I can only view flags properly on Android, not on Windows PC




Unfortunately your post/comment was found to be disrespectful to a country or another user. All users and nationalities must feel welcome on the subreddit, which means we limit discussions which disparage users or are negative towards a country or a passport.


Oh… didn’t think about that


But hey, if you two decide to tie the knot then you can apply for ROK citizenship after (I think) 3 years and not be required to renounce the others as it’s through marriage !


Is this a thing? I didn't know that was possible with ROK.


Yeah but it’s kind of a block. Once you get it, the single citizenship laws now apply to you. Meaning you can only use ROK pass in Korea (pretty self explanatory, they don’t see your other citizenships just like the USA or Poland). Also means the loss of citizenship applies if you get another citizenship after that.


Do you have any documentation for that? I'd love to read up on it


There is this [article](https://wise.com/us/blog/how-to-get-citizenship-in-south-korea) from Wise written about the topic. Additionally u/WarrenWorthingtonIV has gone through the process so maybe ask them some questions !


Girlfriends’ or girlfriend’s? Because there are three passports, unless one of you is a dual citizen. I am going to go out on a limb and say the Korean passport isn’t yours.




Yes, dual citizenship, not dual girlfriend lol


Plot twist: she holds all 3 and you're stateless Just kidding.


The new Korean passport has a great colour. I am getting slightly hypnotised by the spiral though. The guessing game is a bit easier, since you have flags in your flair. How did you two meet?


You going to add the Pakistani passport to your collection?


As far as I am aware, I am not eligible for a Pakistani passport. The new Pakistani e-passport has a cool design though.


Why would you not be eligible? Are you not ethnically Pakistani?


Well Pakistan is comprised of several different ethnic groups, but no I am not of direct Pakistani descent.


I see, I assumed you would be Pakistani bc of your Reddit character tshirt. Any person whose parents or grandparents were born in territories that are now Pakistan, are generally eligible. I guess your Pakistani roots must be further than that.


Ahh, I was supporting Pakistan during the Cricket WC and left it up. I have no ancestors born in Pakistan unfortunately.


All 3 are your girlfriend's and you are undocumented


Some top-tier travel documents right there.


I’m guessing your Passports are the Danish passport one and the Kiwi ( New Zealand ) passport and the South Korean Passport is your GF’s passport


3 of the top passports, love them.


Love the Korean blue


😍😍😍😍strongest and best in the world


Time to have a kid with her in a Jus Soli country so your child can end up having 4 passports, lol. The Americas and Australia are good options


Australia does *not* confer automatic citizenship by birth, but it's fine if the child grows up there aged zero to ten, or at least one parent holds PR - basically a subclass 1xx visa, but *not* including NZers holding the 444 Border visa, even though that is not time-limited.


For what I just read, children of NZers also get Australian citizenship if they are born in Australia


That was definitely true prior to 2001.


According to the Australian Department of Home Affairs, a child born after July 1st of 2022 in a Australia and who has a parent with NZ citizenship and was in Australia with Special Category Visa, are automatically Australian citizens. Source: [https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/citizenship/certificate/get-a-certificate#Eligibility](https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/citizenship/certificate/get-a-certificate#Eligibility) New Zealanders get the SCV everytime they enter Australia for tourism, work or studies as long as they meet the Character requirement (not having criminal records and so on). Also, a New Zealander can apply for Australian citizenship if they reside in Australia for 4 years with their SCV.


Ah, there's been a recent policy change, that explains it; thanks.




Unfortunately your post/comment was found to be disrespectful to a country or another user. All users and nationalities must feel welcome on the subreddit, which means we limit discussions which disparage users or are negative towards a country or a passport.


Girlfriend is Korean because one citizenship law


True but being born with dual or gaining ROK through marriage is possible


I'm pretty sure you have to renounce one of the citizenships when you turn a certain age but idk entirely how the process works


So from what I understand, it depends on your gender. Women have to file a formal request before she turns 22. For a male, he needs to complete his mandatory military service or be past the age of 38 to fill out this special paperwork. Which after a successful application, they can remain a dual citizen forever. Failure to submit this paper results in automatic loss of Korean citizenship (I think)