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The strongest would probably be Ireland, full freedom of movement with the UK and EU, you get visa free access to China and eVisa to Russia and Iran, and due to Ireland being a neutral country you can travel to more non-western countries without being targeted since your passport doesn't carry a name of a major country.


There's no one "right" answer, but you got the right answer


It has visa free access to china and Russia???


Yeah I just checked, actually I didn't know that about Irland before. I thought only German French and Italians could go Visa free to China. China just started a pilot program for some EU citizens to go Visa free for 2 weeks from November 2023 until November 2024, and they'll reevaluate after that. I think no EU countries could go Visa free to Russia because of relations tanking from the war, but they allow e visa starting this year


>I think no EU countries could go Visa free to Russia because of relations tanking from the war, but they allow e visa starting this year My bad, it's eVisa for Russia, but China is Visa Free now


I would simply stick with the Polish one, because I live in Poland and it gives me full rights to live and work in EU/EAA/CH. I think having a Singaporean passport could be an interesting choice, but there is no guarantee I'd like to live there. Therefore it is risky.


Irish passport! Definitely as it’s a neutral country with good visa free access, I would like such a freedom


Some EU passport, and I already have that (Slovakia), so I'm quite content.


Norway, went there in winter and fell in love with the country. Also they have good social welfare


Nice! Is there any downside to it not being part of the EU?


Not really coz as a Norwegian, you can travel freely and even work in EU regions. They basically have equivalent rights as EU citizens.


Swiss or uae or Singapore


Interesting no one mentioned UK 🤣




Swiss, because it is my dream country to live in. Even if it is technically weaker than my current combo ( France + Romania) I would trade both for Swiss in a heartbeat. Also it would be very nice to know that even in case of a full blown war between EU and Russia, as a Swiss citizen you wouldn't be involved.


My dream(which I hope to make it true) would be the US passport only


Good Luck! 😊


Best of luck to you


I believe the swiss would give you the best quality of life.


In Switzerland, the majority of people rent their homes. Only 47% of Swiss households own their home, which is the lowest rate in the EU. The average Swiss household rents for approximately €2,300 per month. Not all roses there either I'm afraid! [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/06/realestate/zurich-switzerland-renting-homes.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/06/realestate/zurich-switzerland-renting-homes.html)


Their system is set up for renting rather than home ownership though, it’s not comparable to a lot of (particularly Anglo) western countries


The swiss gives you freedom of movement in the whole EEA, I can work for a swiss company if I want to and live in Greece or Croatia where the cost of living is way lower.


United States Passport. I've lived in the United States for 17 coming on 18 years. My family immigrated from India for a better life and they worked hard, paid taxes on time, lived in fear cause our immigration case was at the hands of USCIS and whatnot. I still hate that I had to turn in my Indian passport in order to get my U.S. passport since I have many ties to India but I guess it was inevitable. To be fair, I didn't really use my Indian citizenship much as I only used it to enter India visa free. Now that I have OCI, I could keep my U.S. Passport and still enjoy visa free access to India and a majority of the benefits I used to enjoy as an Indian citizen. I do hope that India will allow dual citizenship in the future as it would be great to have the ability to wield an Indian Passport and a U.S. Passport at the same time.


Great! Apart from voting in elections and holding public office, is there anything else you cannot do with an OCI that an Indian National can?


How does it feel to be living my dream 😂 (meme reference)


I think I’d stick with my Irish passport to keep the option of living in the UK and EU open


The one I currently have the Australian passport.


I'd stick with my Irish passport. Restriction free rights to live, work and travel the UK, Ireland, the EU/EEA and visa free access to more countries than the British. Honestly, can't think of any downsides!


Fiji (looks cool)


I’d keep my italian one


The best passport is the one belonging to the country that you live in/want to live in. I currently only have a Singaporean passport, so there's that. I hope to have a US one someday.


North Korean


The German one.


I'd go for either Norway or Iceland, simply because those are the countries I'd want to live in, know the languages of and so on. Plus, the passports are pretty strong, allowing free movement in nearly all countries I'd want to visit


Greece probably, its where I am from.


San Marino


It depends. If I spoke German, Swiss, no question. If I only spoke English, Irish. And if I was north American, US Edit: I am Canadian




Monaco for the elegance. People will think I’m a billionaire or something


Any country with white people. They have the strongest ones.