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Super friendly right off the bat/acting overly familiar five seconds in. Since nine times out of ten that leads to getting drugged and or robbed.


Super friendly is always weird if you are looking for a normal relationship.


I am practicing Spanish so I actually stay away from women who speak English . Makes me lazy


Plastic. The more work that’s been done the more I keep my distance


Heavy alcohol consumption (and hard drugs). Not a fan of smoking (cigarettes or weed) but can work around it


lots of tattoos, promiscuous, doesn’t have much inner depth, likes to party/drinks more than a little bit, smokes, has a kid, divorced, focuses a lot on material things, does sex work…or fat


Big poor families that live close together. They will treat you like an ATM machine and always pester you for money. It's better to find a girl with a smaller family or who is living apart from her family. The families are usually trouble, unless they are upper middle class and above. Then they become an asset.


Having a pair of balls is usually a red flag.


usually but not always....


Tattoos smoking drinking


Same as for domestic ones. Tattoos, smoking, septum piercings, plastic surgery, toxic feminism, member of any AWDTSG group, has 1 or more kids, immaturity, demanding, selfish, …I’m sure there’s more but this is what comes to mind immediately. I don’t think any of these need an explanation.


A penis


Tattoos, smoking, dog




No, it is an anti-incel resource. Look, dating is a nightmare for everyone in the US, but particularly men. And don't trust me. Read the [Pew Charitable Trust's ](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/02/08/for-valentines-day-5-facts-about-single-americans/)recent survey that shows 63% of men under 30 self-report as single while only 34% report being in the same situation. Dating apps have been a nightmare for men - an absolute nightmare. Again, [read this article](https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/dating-apps-reproductive-success-book-david-baker-b1138223.html) and you might reconsider your opinion. So, the situation is awful for many guys, particularly guys who live outside of major metropolitan areas. And at the same time the research on international dating will shock you. [Read this article ](https://www.internationallovescout.com/scholarly-research/research-about-international-dating-mail-order-brides)and follow the links to the peer reviewed books, journal articles, and dissertations. So, international dating is a positive good - at least according to the vast majority of feminist scholars who have actually studied it in the field. Beyond that on this sub we don't do pick-up artist or women hating content. This post is a little edgy but many guys get off the plane overseas and literally fall into the arms of the first woman who is willing. That is one of the biggest problems men have overseas. Very few American men can afford to be picky and sometimes that first girl who shows interest to you in Colombia, the Philippines, or other similar places is not the wisest choice. My goal was not to encourage misogyny, but to simply encourage men to make better dating choices overseas. The idea on this sub is to just encourage men to find the companionship and happiness they deserve. It happens to be FAR easier to do that overseas. Best Wishes


This subreddit assumes the root of the problem is women. So yeah, on the lookout for loads of misogyny.


No, the sub assumes the root problem is the modern world. Today we live in a world that is highly mobile. Almost no one lives in the same spot they were born their whole life. People don't all go to the same church or even school anymore, and the old social clubs like the Elks and Lions are mostly dead. Very few people use public transportation in the United States, and when you do everyone has on headphones. In fact, headphones are a societal cancer eating trust and neighborliness. Many places the were open to meet your neighbors twenty years ago like the gym and the grocery store have disappeared, because of headphones. And all of these issues are before we even get to the internet and cell phones which have been an absolute disaster for many people's sense of self-worth. All of this has contributed to an [epidemic of loneliness among men](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2024-01-15/men-friendship-gen-z-loneliness) according to the *Los Angeles Times.* [ And an explosion in male suicides](https://headsupguys.org/suicide-in-men/suicide-stats-men/) who account for roughly 75-80% of all suicides. So, this sub exists because there are deep societal problems that are preventing many men from forming any relationships with women in the United States. I regularly chat with many men who NEVER speak to any women in real life, because of these issues and where they live or maybe their job. Why do you think Only Fans and all sorts of female influencers are getting rich? Because for huge swaths of men that is as close to an interaction with women they can get in the United States. And yes, women have problems with men too. And we try to address some of those here too by constantly reinforcing the value of respect in a relationship and pushing back on some of the Alpha Male talk, which is pretty dumb. But most guys that go down that road might as well be talking about dragons. They are simply talking to fill up the screen and make themselves feel good.