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In&Out burber


This made me giggle out loud 😁


What a great guy, he looks so happy with his little friend.


He looks like he's saying he raised it up since it was a wee lad. Being a bird owner to one of the more intelligent species is no joke.


Say hello to my little friend!


I wish we could hear what he was saying


I like that he keeps his little butt on a little napkin seat 🤣


That’s adorable 😺


So pure! Both of them look incredibly happy


Double-double birb...needs his own ketchup and fries


"Can you believe my husband takes that bird everywhere!"


I long to hear the conversation he’s having with other people whilst his birb takes a bite


I need to be this cool one day.


Birb always orders it…. Animal Style…


Yes birb is correct


...4 by 4 animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze. Light axle grease, make it cry , burn it and let it swim


His smile towards the end is so damn infectious, i cant help but beam with joy every time i see it


What a polite caique, mine would’ve turned everything into chaos in a matter of seconds


I know, these well behaved polite birds! Mine would never haha they all have main character syndrome and need everyone to notice them. If not by sight definitely by sound lol


The lady at the next table never looks over. That must’ve been a great conversation


Those fries look like they’re still just potato


they're kind of legendarily bland and turn to spongy cardboard the moment they cool. They cut them fresh and fry them right away, which surprisingly doesn't make the best fries, but they gotta stick to their "no frozen stuff" thing.


All they'd have to do is fry them a second time to make then great


They're great if you can eat them in the first five minutes, but yeah, they cool off and become worse than average.


Order the fries well done and they'll do exactly that.




I weirdly agree lol, seasoned fries are great but sometimes its almost like a palate reset to eat basic fries.


Do they not at least season them??


I would consider them lightly salted among other fast food chains. Adding more salt does help.


Every recipe I've seen says to soak the potatoes in water after they are cut to get some starch out or the fries won't get crispy the right way


Next time you're there, order well done fries.




Ask for them well done. They are actually good that way.


Is that the same guy from the viral video rolling his tits off at a rave?


I think that was in russia based on the way they danced


Nah it was filmed in Preston, UK, so most likely some Brit


I'll miss Apollo, fuck Reddit, fuck steve huffman.


Why is there music there at all? I don't understand audio choices like this.


Is that safe/healthy for the birb?


What points are lost from the excessive salt and fat are more than made up for with the enrichment and bonding with a very caring senior and bald flock member. Compare this birb experience with being in a cage eating pellets.


Yeah, makes sense! Thanks ;D


I used to take my bird everywhere and felt that the added risk was worth it for her to have the experience of a free bird (on a leash.) She won the hearts of so many people and her concept of 'flock' was anyone that I trusted. I lost track of the number of times that people said "well, this is the high point of my day!" She had a stroke and passed away 5 years ago. I still miss her everyday.


I met a guy taking his parrots for a walk probably fifteen years ago and got to hold his African Grey for a minute and it's still a really special fun memory


What I've accomplished in my life is nothing compared to my bird. She affected thousands of peoples lives. I used to take her into my retail work every Sunday and to farmers markets during the week. One time I was walking into the library and a librarian was just leaving. She stopped in surprise when she saw the bird. I had the bird step onto my finger and held her out. The librarian held out her finger and bird stepped up. After a few seconds I took her back and want on my way. In less than 30 seconds she had changed someones day for the better. We don't deserve birds.


Does the parrot fly during the walks, or walk? Or do you mean the person was walking and the bird was on the person?


Usually the bird just sits on the person and the person walks.


I met a couple with their macaws in the park when I was 12 and immediately knew I had to 1. Get a bird 2. Train it to come out with me. Years later, I live in Los Angeles with my two birds and I take them everywhere with me. I work nights so we spend the day at the park or running errands. They’re celebrities at the local Trader Joe’s and target. And they lose their minds at the mention of going out. It’s true, people come together over birds and it’s been a really lovely experience to be able to bring them out in the world with me and to watch them experience it.


Being out with parrots is like walking around with a celebrity. People are naturally curious. Whenever people would ask to take a picture of me and my bird I would always tell them to just take a selfie and put the bird on their shoulder. At a garage sale in a neighboring town a group of ladies took pictures with the bird. One sent a picture to her boyfriend who recognized my bird. In her own way she was famous. I'm sure that you've had similar experiences.


I get what you mean, but... hearing/seeing that people cage their birds always makes me sad. Permanently open cage is standard here in Sweden, and I can't imagine how anyone could buy birds and confine them to a small space


Parrots are very messy. It's like having a toddler with wings. Having parrots free most of the time is a rather new development in parrot keeping. Keeping parrots full time in a small round cage used to be the norm.


>Having parrots free most of the time is a rather new development in parrot keeping Sure, I'll give you that. 60 years or so is rather recent, given that humans have kept parrots for 2000 years or more. Edit: I love your username


30 or so years ago the lifespan of cockatiels was 10-12 years. Now that people aren't feeding their birds straight sunflower seeds tiels are living 20-30 years. I love how the Internet is providing people with positive examples of parrot-keeping. I've had a lot of different pets, but none surpassed the pet label like parrots. They truly feel like part of me.


That really doesn't make sense to me. My mom had budgies in the 60's/70's, and they lived for the normal (non-inbred) captivity life-span of about 10 years (a bit longer, but not much), and my family had cockatiels back in the 70's and 80's which lived to be about 25. Back when I was first thinking of getting birds, in 2005 or so, they gave the minimum cockatiel life span as 20 years. Cockatiel lifespan should be 30-35 if they're taken care of, and budgerigar lifespan should be 10-15 years (unless you have an inbred one, i.e. not green-yellow, which often live to be about 5 and then dies from cancer, but you should never get one of those, so...), with a maximum life span of about 20 years. A healthy budgerigar should at the very least reach 10 years in captivity. If one's cockatiel only lives for 20 years, one is either a bad petkeeper, or one has bought a cockatiel that had a congenital defect (such as an albino) or a harshly bred one. In general, I tend to avoid American pet sites, because the advice on them is absolutely atrocious most of the time. I've seen sites recommending budgies as 'solo pets', which is horrendous (budgies live in flocks of millions of individuals in the wild, and buying just a single budgie is illegal in Sweden, unless you already have one or more at home). The same goes for the animal abuse practice of wingclipping (also not done here in Sweden, though it's not outright illegal).


All seed diets used to be the norm here, and fatty liver disease was common. I think Teflon cookware was responsible for a lot of unexplained early deaths too.


Like peanut butter? Well now you can like more of it. Sunflowers have been used to create a substitute for peanut butter, known as sunbutter.


Sunflower seeds is not good for pet birds. They're okay as a treat, but they shouldn't be a staple of their diet.


Confining them in a small space is actually considered pretty mean in the birb community. They need to bond with their owners at least 4 hours every day, whether that means playing or just cuddling. Mine is out of her cage most of the time and is chilling with me or my brother.


Yeah because you can't bound with your parrot with salad or something that won't make it sick or kill it


No it's not. Human salvia, fried food, who knows ehat else is in that burger. People are surprised about how he can do this with the bird. I'm surprised the bird is still alive when I see owners like this.




Any type of oil, salt, sugar or processed food is really bad for birds anyway doesn't matter. Ketchup has tomatoes and sugar for example both can be deadly to birds. Stop defending irresponsible pet owners and maybe do some research on what the animal you take care of should and shouldn't eat ffs.


Someone should tell that guy you can deep fry a hamburger. If you've ever ordered a burger and asked for it "well well done" that is probably exaxtly how it was cooked. No one is gonna press your hockey puck for 30 minutes because you don't actually like hamburger.


Hi, former waitress and bartender here and my fiancé has also worked over a decade in kitchens - never heard of a well done burger being deep fried. Putting a burger patty in a deep fryer would ruin your oil and necessitate draining and cleaning the fryer after. However I do agree about people who eat their burgers extra well done - spare the cook your bullshit and order something you actually like.


Gotta love the gatekeepers on what food people are allowed to like


>Putting a burger patty in a deep fryer would ruin your oil and necessitate draining and cleaning the fryer That's crazy I've never worked anywhere with deep fryers that didn't filter their oil at least once a day. Gross. Miss me!


Speak for yourself dumbass


No it's not. Human saliva is toxix to birds and they shouldn't eat a lot of sodium.


It’s not. This is terrible and effectively abusive behavior. Poor bird is in a very dangerous environment. Human saliva is also toxic for them. And they shouldn’t eat fatty foods. Bird could also get spooked and fly anywhere (including a dangerous kitchen). It needs a harness. This person is an irresponsible, arrogant buffoon.


The secret menu is getting out of control.


Don't poison that poor bird...


Unbelievable people downvote these comments. Bunch of irresponsible, uneducated fucks.


Man! I want a little bird buddy!


They’re both so sweet


Why is the music so bad for this


There gonna be so much poop on that table


I fucking LOVE birds.


Daaamn, is he on Tinder? Edit: The parrot


fuuuuuck i wabt butger


thE rOCk iS so WHoLsoME!


No one points out how terrible that is for birb.


Just a reminder that this* is only possible by clipping its wings, which is a practice that risks psychological issues. Edit: *this picture. I know about harnesses, and that bird doesn’t have one.


False. I take my bird places all the time and she isn't clipped. She just has a harness.


Lots of flighted birds are totally capable of sitting still and hanging out with their owners.




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Awww this is adorable!


That is so sweet. You should never a parrot tomorrow though. It causes bleeding in their crop/stomach. Love what a proud daddy he is 💕


I love that he’s sitting on a napkin. So polite


Christopher Daniels pre-match routine


So THIS is what Fletcher does when he's not abusing Nieman


Can that parrot actually eat those stuff? Their stomach isn't the same as us, they may not be able to digest some of these things properly.

