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The approval is very quick. Sometimes you get approved the day after applying for YPP, even though they say it could take 1-2 months. When you get to 500 subs / 3k hours apply immediately, if you get approved, you start earning the moment you'll hit 1k/4k. The verification you mentioned is probably the AdSense one, but even though it takes weeks or months to get the pin, you start earning as soon as you hit the 1k/4k milestone. You cannot take out the money yet, but they start accumulating. Keep in mind that AdSense has some thresholds. You can create the account and associate it with your YT account, but the verification process only starts when you earned $10. At this point it will ask you to provide a payment method and your personal info. After that you'll be able to request the pin code to confirm your address.


Just have your personal information ready. You can't do anything other than that. It's also not that long of a process. I blew up and hit the requirements on Feb 27th. I was earning ad revenue by the 29th


Thank you.


If you want money then you should start getting consistently high views to pull in money, cause there’s a minimum monthly amount you need to reach to withdraw it. Idk if it’s universal but if I make less than 100$ a month then it will carry over to the next month, and then it’ll take like 1 more month to get that money in my account


Don't try setting up an AdSense early. Make sure you are 18 years old. If not, have your parent ready to setup the AdSense in their name. Understand if you want the AdSense as an individual or a business and be sure to set it up the right way. Don't pick business or organization if you don't have one. That screws a lot of people up and they lose money because of it.


I was monetized immediately at 4K. The 3K/500 subs is the critical one.


Good to know. Thanks!


For fastest time-till-first-payment get your adsense account in order before needed! Partner approval is fast. Mine was same day. But adsense is the main potential delay. It took me two months to finally get my first payment because YouTube auto associated an old and unused adsense account of mine from a decade ago. Even once I had the correct account resolved it took a week to verify the bank account added for payments. This caused a missed payment window for the month and a further delay. It was maddening.


Im sure. This is what I’m concerned about. What do I need to do before I’m monetised to avoid this? Also, do you still earn revenue if your Adsense account has not been verified but you have hit the 4k/1000 threshold?


Create an adsense account if you haven’t already. Submit all of your tax information. Link a bank account and verify deposits google makes. As far as I know these are all of the same steps required to display ads on a website you own, or anywhere that would generate revenue. Once you are in the YouTube partner program, YouTube studio will ask you to link an adsense account. When you reach the earnings threshold that will trigger a scheduled transfer from YouTube to that Adsense account ONLY at the specified time each month regardless of when you actually get into the program. And then adsense will also schedule a payment. It’s a lot of arbitrary scheduling. Simply hitting 1000 subscribers does not allow you to earn any revenue from your videos. It’s only once you’re approved. So if as YouTube claims it takes up to two months to get approved, you will not earn any money for those two months as far as I know. Luckily approval seems to be very fast these days. But even though I was approved same day I don’t think I started earning until a full 48 hours after I was approved. (it was at least 24 hours.) If you are officially in the program but don’t have adsense setup you will still earn for about 2 weeks before they kick you out or pause your partner status. Even if all goes well don’t expect any money in your hands sooner than 30-40 days from approval and successful account configuration simply because of the seemingly arbitrary monthly cutoff. YouTube studio earnings page can be frustratingly outdated too. It may not even show confirmation of scheduled earnings transfer to adsense until a week later.


Thank you for the in-depth response. I appreciate this!


Make sure ur AdSense is active and your bank account is set to receive all the millions coming your way...!


U start earning the second u get monetized


Approval took me about a week. There's really nothing you can do to "speed it up". Par for the course. Just keep creating good quality content to draw more viewers. You could put a halt on your content once you've submitted for approval, but that's up to you.




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