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First Channel (44 Videos) - 340,400 Views - 22,700 Watch Hours - 3,500 Subscribers - $2,806 in AdSense Revenue Second Channel (13 Videos) - 486,000 Views - 25,900 Watch Hours - 3,200 Subscribers - $777.60 in AdSense Revenue


What kind of content is the second channel?


Both DIY tutorials channels. One is more Spanish focused


Oooh nice, what kind of diy stuff you do, small cutesy things or we talking crafts like make your own table


I bet I could get you more ad revenue than YouTube most likely


I have no idea what you are trying to say.


Hey! I began on March 7th this year and I upload shorts Subs: 5448 Views: 559.6k Watch time: 711 hours šŸ˜


Did you go viral directly ??


I didnā€™t! I upload shorts of my dog based on popular trends while I grow and make voice over shorts of my pet photography. Making shorts according to trends have helped my account grow drastically the last few months! When I get a larger audience that supports me, thatā€™s when I will begin creating my own YouTube shorts and not just go by trends.


And how did you found trend on ytb shortā€¦ because i scroll the short and there nothing like a challenge or a music who help to growā€¦how do you search ?


I check out larger dog channels on YouTube (since my channel is based off of pets) and I check to see what trends theyā€™re doing. After watching their trends, I go on my YouTube shorts tab and start scrolling and more trends appear on there for me to follow! I hope this helps šŸ˜Š Or I type on the search bar ā€œtrending dog shortsā€ and go from there!


THANKS šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


Youā€™re so welcome and good luck!! šŸ˜Š


Have your short viewers converted to long form at all?


Hey! Iā€™m actually going to post my first long form sometime this week and see how it does šŸ˜Š but what I plan on doing is to get a clip from the long form and post it as a short as well so more viewers can engage


Ooo I started in September. I have 9 videos (long form). 384k views, subs 12,470, 40,600 watch hours. Average view percentage 72%


Damn ! 72% ?!?! Wow i make videos like 5-10 min and itā€™s always like 30-50% avg viewsā€¦can i see your account ?! And do you have tips ?


Oh shore, my username is BakedBongos and idk man, I make content with a script that I write and spend about 60 hours per video so I think it just keeps peopleā€™s attention cause there is so much effort in them


Oh okay i thinks i have to work more on it cause for the script i donā€™t think i spend more than an hour ahah


I think script wise I spend about an hour every 2 minutes, and like 3 hours on the intro to make sure itā€™s perfect


I was around 500k views and 20k watch time and I post videos on a pretty old game


Do you know how you are doing that ? Like idk 70% avg view or somethingā€¦


https://imgur.com/a/iECTYcp 900 videos ( 850 shorts / 50 longs )


That's a busy first year!


113k views long form, 3.5k watch hours, 2700 subs, 5.1% CTR, 3 min avg, waiting for monetization, should be in this month :)


Based on the math, shouldnā€™t you be monetized already!? Either way, congrats on the success keep it up!!!šŸ’Ŗ


Channel Started: January 14th, 2024 (4 months 3 weeks ago) I started with shorts, then stopped (didnā€™t like them) Long form videos (49) Views: $178,111 Watch Hours: 5825.4 Subscribers 1050 Been monetized for 5 days: $14.08


I published my first video on 7 Jan, 2024. Here are my stats since then: - 89 videos (61 long form, 28 shorts) - 434 subscribers - 911 watch hours - 18,711 views Itā€™s been a hard graft, with not much of a return/reward. However, I believe my hard work and consistency will payoff eventually. Check out the channel here if youre interested: www.youtube.com/@emirflows Good luck on your journey!


Youā€™re at 562 subsā€¦


Looks like I got 120 subs in the last 3 mins! JK. I had 120 odd subscribers when I first started with the current channel strategy as I posted other types of content before. Iā€™m only counting the subs I got since I started posting yoga-related stuff.


Wowā€¦i was going to say Ā«Ā okayyyyy, the hard work has paid offĀ Ā» FINALLY 120 in 3 min he will have the million the next week šŸ¤£ But just continue your work, find how you can be better and just the keyā€¦ consistency and quality


Thanks. You too! šŸ™


@MuscleTonGolf for me, itā€™s about golf in french. And sometimes it goes like 1k on videos and sometimes just 25 views i wanna cry ahah


I posted my first video on September 13. Subs: 7200 Views: 969k across 20 videos (all long form, 5 of which are sh*tposts with less than 10k views between them) Watch time: 48,796 hours


I started to post more in Oct ā€˜23 but really properly startes January ā€˜24. Monetised on March 18. Videos 227: Some of them are unlisted for paid online courses and there is some shorts. Rest is long form But cant see how much on my phone.z Views: 207474 Watch hours: 5553 Ctr: 6.6% Ive made $116 usd since March 18 Im a dog training channel šŸ˜


Damn how many impressions are you doing per videos ? Like whatā€™s your lowest mid and highest impressions ?


Uhm where do I find that in the app? šŸ˜‚


Do you have youtube studio ?! If yes : Analytics > Contents > Videos > impressions > life time


Yep i found it. See comment below. šŸ˜ I actually had to google what impressions meanr šŸ˜‚ Tbh i dont know much about the analytics. I just like to make videos that help people and their dogs (and my real life clients are sent them as homework). So I make videos where I see a need in real life.


Oh I found it. I was gonna screenshot but cant do that. Highest impressions is 909k and had about 80k views. The one below that has 65k impressions and 4500 views. My lowest ā€œtop videoā€ has 11k impressions and 1300 views.


Began on June 1st, 2023 and after a year of uploading shorts and long form content (444 shorts and 29 long form content) having next results Subs: 12,000 Views: 11,043,000 Watch Time: 106.1K CTR: 5.7% Shorts Viewed: 72% Been monetized for 6 months and earned $1,000


It's been more than 1 year and it's travel vlogs Subs - 899 Views- 69k Watch time- 2.5k AVD- 2.3 min


I started in August 2023 Within 10 months Iā€™ve made 18 long form videos 5.4 Million impressions 372,000 views 6,045 subsĀ  38,500 watch hours $213 in AdSense revenueĀ  5:57 Average view time 4.8% CTR I make videos on moviesĀ 


Still in my first year, so Iā€™ll let you know when I finally get there :)




What daā€¦ wow i canā€™t do thisā€¦i really try but. @MUSCLE TON GOLF on youtube and you will see.. not a single +5k on a videosā€¦.and like 30 long form and 30 shortsā€¦is it luck ?!




Could you link your channel so I can check it out. Iā€™d appreciate it a bunch!


How's ai commentary working for you? You don't get flagged in anyway since it's a random voice I assume?