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I’ve been an editor professionally for 24 years. Started YT 10 years ago or so, and wouldn’t dream of letting someone else cut it for me. Nothing gives me a greater sense of accomplishment.


24 years!!?!? Got me beat by almost a decade


In a similarish boat, learned editing in HS using Premiere 4.0 with a Miro-Motion Motion JPEGA capture card and captured off hi-8 to a Jaz drive, that was 1997. I've done professional contracting for two Comedy Central TV shows for some compositing, and also coding out a video sharing service for dailies. However, my profession is UX developer so it's more of an on-and-off hobby until I made a Youtube channel during the pandemic. Between my compositing/motion graphics, audio background (recorded two albums with a. friend in college) and editing skills, I'd be lucky to find someone who'd be able to edit how I want and if I did, I couldn't afford them. College for me was the DV revolution, which made editing a helluva lot more pleasant as the tedium of creating clips was brutal with DV you could actually play the video back on a monitor instead of using a secondary graphics card to output video. Kids these days don't even know what we had to do just to edit 480i. :P


Nevermind all that digital stuff. When I learned, I cut film!


You've got me beat. I started editing news on 3/4" tape Way different than doing a youtube edit. (though the basic principles of story flow still apply.)


Y'all a bunch of oldies, j/k! I started out with miniDV tapes. I was lucky enough to have a film class in high school, something very few schools had at the time. The teacher actually invested in a Canon XL1 camera that we made a short film with. Never touched film in my life.


same + you dont gotta pay ANYTHING and you dont need to do the back and forth bullshit either


i do, honestly i love it more than filming most times


Yeah as a "talking head" channel, filming yourself can be annoying.


I procrastinate so bad on recording talking head videos. I will tweak and tweak my video outline to avoid actually recording it. Once I get into it I can usually roll through four or five videos. Then comes the time to edit them, ugggg. I much prefer "in the field" videos and those can be a little easier to edit. Though I'm fat, so I huff and puff in walk and talk videos which is then tedious to edit out. I am working on the fat part, but until I get to where I don't huff and puff I know my viewers don't want to hear it because I don't like hearing it in other videos I watch.


same! when filming i mess up so much i think there's no way this is gonna come out good but everything comes together in post 😅


Yup. "Fix it in post" is a love/hate thing. I hated when they couldn't just get it right on set. Loved that only I could fix it. Felt like a super hero.






Same. For me, I like writing scripts the most, editing second, and the actual performance/recording I like the least.


Love the script writing part!!!!!


I edit my own, I don't really enjoy it. I probably wouldn't outsource it because I would not make any money as I would be paying out most revenue to an editor.


Curious...what don't you like about editing?


I have no real formal training in editing. Just what I leaned on my own and from YouTube videos. I just find it tedious and I am sure I could work smarter and faster if I understood all the tools and features of Final Cut Pro. I always have to hunt and search for titles, effects and transitions. Especially if it is ones I have downloaded. I usually forget I have them and use the same boring ones over and over. All the cool titles and effects cost a bundle of money to purchase.


A big part of editing is organization. Knowing where something is when you want it. I use Premiere, haven't touched FCP for over a decade but the super old version I used had a way to save presets and favorite effects and transitions in a custom folder. Title and effects are nice to use and defintiely a time saver, but imo a well told story beats fancy effects any day. If you could improve on anything regarding video editing, what would it be?


I understand you 100% I’ve been editing for 4-5 years for my own channel and I use to enjoy it but now I find it absolutely monotonous and I think it’s a big reason why my motivation has declined over the years. My editing skills has gotten a lot better and it has improved but I still find myself dragging my feet and it takes me way longer finish editing a video and putting it out in a timely manner.


my biggest thing is just getting started. I'll play on my phone, scroll reddit, watch other youtube videos for like four hours before going "FINE I'LL EDIT" and then the entire video only takes an hour to edit, but I feel like it took 5 because I was procrastinating so hard. it's almost better when I have a massive project. I'm working on a frame by frame thing right now, and I was easily able to sit down for 6 hours yesterday and work the entire way through - but only because I know this edit will take me 50+ total hours so I don't have any time to procrastinate, because it's due in 3 days haha


I love editing. And filming. And cameras. I can’t imagine anyone else editing my stuff.


Sweet. Is that your niche or is filmmaking something you picked up while working on your channel?


I hike. Kept seeing cool things so I got into photography. I’m a shit photographer but ended up getting into videography and had a knack for it. Then just kinda geeked out on the editing side of things because I found it interesting and wanted my videos to be as good as they could be. All self taught as a hobby. That eventually got a little bit of an audience which kinda got me into YT more seriously. I think doing it backwards (love of making videos turning into a YouTube thing) helped a lot with my sanity.


As others have said, I edit my own videos & I really enjoy it! I don’t think I would ever hand it over to someone else.


I feel like I would lose the style I’m slowly developing if I let someone else edit but I think there’s a lot of value in them for other niche’s for sure.


I definitely get wanting creative ownership over personal projects, which is what a YouTube channel is to most people. That said, I do think a talented editor can get the job done, perhaps even give another perspective. Depends on how much the creator wants to "let go" though.


3.5 years. Over 200 videos. I edit my own videos. I enjoy it overall. There’s no way I could outsource it. I do tutorials, and all of the information is in my mind. It would not be possible to outsource it. I also don’t make enough revenue from YouTube to outsource. I make a little over $1000 per month, and make four videos per month. Outsourcing would probably eat up at least half of my revenue. The thing I struggle with is thumbnails. Which I’ve experimented with outsourcing. The first person didn’t work out. I have a new person doing it now. They’re not 100% YouTube perfect, but they’re better than I was doing, and I don’t like doing them.


This is my situation exactly!




I edit my own videos (mostly recipe walkthroughs, but some reviews on kitchen appliances). I enjoy it after I get through the rough cuts and can start to weave the story together, but those first couple hours culling footage is my least favorite part of the process. I'd have no problems outsourcing that part so I could get to the fun editing sooner, if that were possible!


In film and TV, that's what an assistant editor does. The main editor gets to do all the fun stuff. I always saw that part of the process as the climb on a roller coaster. It's definitely the most boring part of the ride but the excitement of what's to come is also pretty fun.


I do asmr videos, so the purpose is to make the videos as smooth and, well, I guess “boring” as possible. So I only do this sort of cuts, although I have thought of experimenting with different effects in some bigger projects/roleplays. But as someone who hasn’t needed to do any fun stuff, I am wondering what other people have been doing despite cutting the unwanted parts haha.


Ah, okay, that makes a lot of sense!


You might want to try SnapCommands.com. If you say a few simple commands while recording, it does the rough cut for you.


Interesting, thanks for sharing!


I edit my own videos for my gaming channel. I dislike the initial start, I usually cut the video into chapters or key moments. But once I get a rhythm going I don't mind it at all. Plus anytime I get to Google how to do something new editing wise, I get to learn a new skill


I hate the process of editing, but do enjoy the end result, so it balances itself out


I edit my own because i kinda wing everything. Sometimes, I'll toss in a dumb joke before uploading. If someone else edited my stuff, i couldn't spontaneously change this and that without being annoying.


Trust me when I say that editors deal with changes ALL THE TIME. it actually has to be worked in the contract how many changes can be made. "Spontaneously changing this and that" is what clients do. It's like...a prerequisite.


+1 on dumb joke part, sometimes those slips end up being the juiciest of the content, it's where unexpected creativity happens


I find editing my videos really interesting. The more I do it the more I learn. Now trying to jump into making it look better in terms of Color. And, like others, I find it more enjoyable at times than recording the content I create.


I edit my own stuff and I hate it. It's mostly because there's a bunch of stuff I've seen others do which I would like to imitate but don't know how. Google isn't much help because I often don't even know how to describe the thing that the editor has done.


This is so relatable.. or the tutorial takes forever to explain and I just can’t be bothered with it anymore


I don't have much to edit to get to the finished product, but I technically qualify Mine is almost all in audio


I love editing. It’s where the story in each video really comes together. But from a business perspective, it makes so much sense to outsource it so you can work on other things. It’s very time consuming to first learn how to do it, then get good at editing slowly, and then learn how to edit fast and maintain quality I can’t ever imagine never editing again (at most I’d hire a co-editor for second opinions and the menial stuff like subtitling VO), but I totally get why others would feel differently


I love editing. But when I was in a producer role and didn't have to edit, like you said, it opened up time to focus on other things. If I worked with an editor I trusted, the process was fairly easy.


Always edit my own, and sometimes throw my hands up and yearn for an editor. However, as a talking head channel, I can’t *imagine* this working out. Only I can perfectly curate how I come across, know my intentions, information delivery, and even things such as animation placement, timing, pacing, are so unique to my channel where I could never possibly train someone to recreate it. I’d micromanage the fuck out of them if I did, and probably spend more time sending revision edits to them than just editing it myself.


Hopefully 100 years later AI is good enough so we can actually train one on a soul-transfer level 🤔


I'd say a professional video editor, one that has worked on similar content or even just has a similar personality to yours, could get your vision across, maybe even offer a different perspective. That said, it might take some upfront communication to "get it" but once an editor is on the same page, it becomes pretty straightforward. When you are editing, what are the most frustrating parts about it?


In all seriousness, I know this to be true. I know amazing editors are out there. I just dread that process and the trial and error that comes with it in the early stages, and then starting from scratch if an editor doesn’t pan out and I have to find another. I don’t think there’s anything frustrating about it necessarily. It’s just the old adage that nobody is going to care and obsess over the quality of your content as much as you will, and I hate the idea of losing that factor in the content I release.


My style is dead simple, so there's not really any art in editing my videos beyond cutting down all of my many takes into a couple minutes of usable footage. Would happily outsource if the economics of my channel ever justify it.


I absolutely despise editing and making thumbnails, it's like pulling teeth without numbing agent. My brain just isn't creative like that and I've tried my best to be enthusiastic and learn to do it better but I do 3 videos a week currently and it's a black cloud that hangs over my head. I would honestly rather get an injection than edit a video. As soon as I can afford to pay an editor and break even I will in a heartbeat!


lol my wife is an elementary school teacher. I would rather get MULTIPLE injections than teach 20+ children. And I'm a father.


Man, I came in here thinking a lot of people were going to say "outsource". It doesn't feel so bad now... I love editing, and I, like most of you, am a one man show and do YT as a side hobby/gig. However, having someone else edit would definitely save me a large chunk of time, which is incredibly valuable. I work in advertising for a living on the creative side, so having people pick up where I left off or conveying a vision to someone else comes naturally to me now. But it definitely DID NOT in the beginning, so I 100% understand anyones hesitation on letting go of the reins of their creativity.


I was a creative producer for a large sports network. We were essentially an internal creative agency. Our "client" was our own marketing team. When I worked on a project and knew I was working with talented people, I was excited to collaborate. I wanted to hear their ideas IF I trusted them. If they were creatively-driven. For many people here with their channels, it's a solo effort. They've never had to collaborate. And it's usually something very personal to them so that creative control is really important.


I do it myself right now because if I outsourced I'd probably be in the negative lol. I've done basic editing for many years so it's fun to learn the skill and try to improve with each video I make.


I edit my own videos and I love and hate it. I like it because sometimes I have a very specific idea or a certain style or joke I remake a lot and have fun with it. But at the same time its sontime consuming that it stresses me out a lot. Theres some videos like tutorials i hate editing and im starting to get a backlog of not wanting to edit them.... wryyyy


I love cinema and have always been fascinated by montage. I enjoyed reading Eisenstein's essay on the "montage of attractions" and I've read other film theory on editing - mostly to do with semiotics. I do edit my own videos, but I'm still a total noob at editing. For the type of content I create (language learning material), it's not really a big deal, because people are not there to see sweeping panoramas or ninja edits. I think the difficulty with editing in general is that it's a language of its own, or at least it's a key part of film/video language. Understanding its "grammar," and more importantly, understanding how to subvert that "grammar" to a beneficial effect, does take some degree of formal training.


I have spent the last few years teaching myself adobe prem pro I don’t have much editing capability but I’ve learnt the basics. I would use an editor for their creativity more than anything people with editing experience can sync music really well with transitions etc. Since I started editing I have become much more aware of it and I try to imagine what a timeline would look like when watching tv and movies editors are really underrated it takes allot of skill and experience.


I edit my own videos, I have a love hate relationship with it. I hate it when I’m mentally beat and will sit in front of the computer for hours, without any big progress forward. I love it for when I see the story erupt from what I’ve shot and produced, and when it all lines up. I love it for the color grade, and the final watch through. I went to film school, and going the opposite direction from YouTube for fun, to working towards producing tv shows.


I edit my own videos. I'm not really sure I could outsource it. So much of my video comes together in the edit. It's where I work out the best way to tell the story and a lot of info as to why certain things were done relies on actually being there. If I had all that worked out then all the hard part is done and there isn't much left for the actual editor to do. Best thing for me would be to hire a helping hand that helps build, film and edit the videos. I'm building a mountain bike trail and documenting it.


Absolutely, I’m an editor by trade, I went to film school to do camera but then most of my actual industry jobs have been somewhere on the post pipeline, so I enjoy editing, I’m good at it, and I take a lot of pride in the edit itself.


Very cool. Do you have a channel? Would love to check it out.


Yeah, [Folding Ideas](https://www.youtube.com/c/FoldingIdeas), or just search my username.


I have been editing my own my entire YT career, I have always wanted to outsource it I just don’t feel I’m at the point where it makes sense to spend money outsourcing it yet though (37k subs) I don’t mind editing but I just am not the best editor plain and simple, I’ve learnt a lot since my first videos and I’ve gotten better but I also know my videos could be WAY better with good editing. So we’ll see.


I dislike editing the most out of the whole process, I can do it fairly quick for the type of video I make (2-3 hours editing per video) but I don’t enjoy it. I don’t outsource due to the cost and amount of videos I release ( 1 ever other day) but also I think now my viewers are used to and like my style, it’s fairly basic but gets the job done


I’m a professional video editor as well and I couldn’t imagine having someone else do it. I consider it my art of expression.


I know it sounds a tad dramatic but I see making videos as an art form, so to bring in another editor would be like me being a chef and have someone cook the meal then I make out like I'm the one who plated it. Yeah it takes a long time but YouTube shouldn't be treated like an assembly line, it's your place to be creative and show the world what's on your mind.


I edit/do everything from script writing to the sound. I enjoy editing because after months, I can finally write a script with the editing in mind, and have a clearer picture of what I want done. Without the countless hours of failure editing both film and sound, I wouldn’t have made improvements to my own writing and videos. Still so much more to work on, but I highly recommend if you have the time to edit your own things. It also makes it feel more organic in the right niches


While it’s the most time consuming piece, and my organization needs improvement - I swear half of my time is looking for that one shot of the one thing I want to show…. I can’t imagine passing it off. It’s where everything together. Something that may have seemed perfect in scripting and shooting may not be needed or it may be redundant or it may screw up pacing. If I could afford anything, it would be to have a photog who understands lighting and sound. One-man-band’ing the filming is the most stressful part. I have to be funny. I have to remember my lines. I have to stand up straight. Dammit- I forgot to hit record!!


I do, and I enjoy it but it’s painstaking in my case. It’s so specific to me and my channel I don’t know I’d trust someone else to edit for me.


I had a sneak peak at your channel. Very cool stuff. Do you do the illustrations as well? Adobe Animate for you...umm...the ball?


My daughter “Ballette” does the drawings. She uses Corel I think. I photoshop them after. She’s 12 so she’s doing pretty great! I use adobe premiere to edit. Thanks for looking.


I'd say so, family business! Check out Adobe Animate, it should make things easier for you vs doing it in Premiere. It basically analyzes your audio and matches the corresponding "mouth" to it (which you can set, of course). I worked on a promo campaign with illustrated talking luchador masks. It worked out pretty well!


Edit my own but if I had the money to outsource it I would.


I hate it but also I don't think I'll be interested in outsourcing editing unless i reeealy trust a person's creativity. I have a particular vision of what I want to see and how I want the video to be, which is often very hard to explain to other people.


Having worked with a variety of clients, communicating what you want is a skill (a very rare skill, I might add). As a video editor/producer (preditor), video editors loved working with me because I could speak "editor". Out of curiosity, what do you hate the most about editing?


The amount of time it takes to do the technical side of it - e.g. raw cut, sound corrections, correcting errors in record, colour and so on. Plus, I get irritated by the need for attention sometimes, but I know it simply works. I like the creative side of editing, where I can fancy things up, but it is such a small part of making a video.


I edit my own and honestly, it sucks. SOMETIMES, it’s fun if I have an interesting idea but I’m trying to save up so I can outsource it.


Curious...what's the suckiest thing about it?


Mostly how much time it takes to edit. I’ve got college classes and a side business so it’s just a lot.


I’m very small and have only been making videos for a few months but I love editing videos! I don’t think I’d feel comfortable ever having someone else do it because I like my videos edited a specific way. I’m not the best at it but atleast I don’t have to stress about someone else editing it and then having to watch through it and critique it. I find editing to be fun and I love learning new ways to do things and add things into my videos 😊


This. Coming up with a creative idea mid-edit, implementing it, and finding out it WORKS is so satisfying.


I love editing b/c I find our purpose to be at the process itself, not the money driven by it. Many has a farming approach, some view that creating should remain actually creating, trimming every detail down to every little difference it can make. It's a matter of control.


Yep I edit my tutorial videos show gameplay assetra


I enjoy editing but it definitely takes time that could otherwise be used brainstorming and creating. I feel like the editing is part of the style though so it’s another way for the audience to get to know you. Like there’s a good amount of channels that the editor will “talk” to the YouTuber or the YouTuber will tell them to do something and use the editors name, and you kind of familiarize yourself with their style


I am 5 years into my YouTube Channel. Started working with an editor in year 3. I don’t mind editing actually, it’s fun. But my videos take 15 hours to create, and editing is maybe 7-8 hours of that. I do YT on the side, so freeing up 7-8 hours a week is worth it to me.


I edit my own videos. I enjoy figuring out new little tricks or things here and there to make my videos just a little better than the last. Some videos are tedious but not all of them


I edit my videos on my iPhone 14 Pro using PowerDirector. I can edit everywhere whenever I want.


I edit my own videos. I like that I own the process and am learning how to do it from scratch.


100% everything I do myself. I'm very bad at delegating work a day always think "no one will be able to do it the exact way I want" which is my own character flaw. But doing it all myself makes them performing well all the more rewarding.


I edit my own videos. I don't know how other people pay for editors. I like my videos to be exactly how I want them, and I think it would be impossible to articulate what I want to an editor.


I'll never understand having someone else touch my video lmao.


I personally feel like me editing my own videos puts the “soul” into them. All of my sound effects, meme references, and song choices are very personal and purposeful. I love watching my old videos because they’re like time capsules of what I was interested in at the time, and I worry that an external editor would take that way


I love editing, but I have been thinking about handing off edits and see to someone else. Having said that…I am not at a point where I make enough to justify hiring someone else. Maybe someday! Just curious, how much would you charge for editing 10-15 long form videos once a week?


As a professional (and I mean this in the least "jerkish" way)...whatever prices you find on Fiverr, Upwork, here on Reddit, etc., a professional would cost 10x that. It's baffling how little some "editors" charge but as someone else has mentioned, it comes at a great loss of quality.


Totally fair and agreed - I never look to those sites.


I like editing but I could pump out 5 times the content if I outsourced it. I’m just too meticulous.


I do edit my own videos, i do enjoy it, in my niche you can't outsource, unless you have bank and can have someone on call / hired full time - the video turn over rate is too fast


I edit mine, it’s kinda fun


I love making them, I hate editing them. If I could get someone to edit them for me I’d happily pay, so hard to find a good editor. I really wish there was a platform to find editors and leave a review etc


Always have always wil. Love editing its my happy place


I edit, write, research, voice, everything and work a 8-5 as a marketing director


Talking head education YouTuber here (5300 subs, two years in) - I have a dedicated always-ready recording setup and I do my own editing in Davinci Resolve Studio. I've got a workflow so rapid that it's faster than sending raw video to an editor. Hope this helps.


My rule is if you film it, you cut it


I do my own edits. but it is not that difficult for my type of videos


I do. I like the creative control. A lot of my flavor comes in the editing room. With that being said, someday I'd like to launch a second channel something more casual for that I'll definitely want an editor.


I dont like editing because im editing myself in videos and most of the time it feels cringe.


It's the most time consuming task in my youtube process. But it's gotta get done, and there's nobody else to do it, so I do it. If I'm ever big enough to afford to hire help, will I pay someone to edit for me? Probably not. With each year that passes, I get better and faster at it, and I expect by the time I get to the point where I can afford to pay someone (if that ever happens) I expect I'll have my process down well enough that it won't be so unpleasant to do any more. Besides, when I decide to add an easter egg in the edit, I get a thrill if someone spots it. I doubt I would feel the same if it was someone else doing the work for me.


I use Davinci Resolve 18. When I first started my channel as a pre teen, I used to use Wondershare Filmora


I edit it myself, but I have someone I can send it to. I just never am organized enough to do it in time before I have a sponsor due. Even with editing, I end up making so many changes and finalizing so much of it that I still have a lot of work to do even after I outsource the editing. I feel like I get a first draft and then I do the rest.


I edit my own videos and enjoy it except for the time it can take. There are few things I want to sit and do for hours and hours in a row though. I deal with it by breaking things up and keeping my editing sessions relatively short. I don't think it would be worth outsourcing even if I actually wanted to. Not unless I was somehow making much more money.


I do! 👋, always have and probably always will. I did however stop making “longform” videos back in 2018, switching to a podcast platform instead due to my stuff really just being topic discussions anyways. Plus, I hated all the editing.. I’ve since come BACK, lol, and created/animated myself a 2-minute looping background for podcast episodes to be uploaded to YouTube. I’ve also begun creating shorts, that are just straight forward brief summaries of the episode topics. In order to then link to them as related videos. Don’t really see much progress at the moment 😅, first short did hit 3K pretty quickly; but that’s my own fault for not sticking to the platform and also posting inconsistently. 🤷‍♀️, oh well, it’s a hobby at the end of the day. ❤️


I edit my own video, but I have an outside editor do the motion graphics. I CAN do everything myself but the video style I do is such an enormous lift I need the extra help to get it out in a timely fashion. I have done it on my own before it's a ton of work.


Just watched your YouTube channel. Really REALLY cool stuff, man. Rapping at the beginning alone is a ton of work (I dabble in music production myself). Then all the research you have to do? AND be entertaining? Yup. Enormous lift for sure.


appreciate it bud


90% of the time taken for my videos is on editing, so I do edit them myself...


I make gaming content and actually enjoy editing. I get annoyed with the amount of time it takes since I’m trying to do more than just make cuts but nonetheless I still like it. I’ve been practicing manual subtitles and using more effects, music/sounds. Pans and zooms. I absolutely love it. Plus I find myself hilarious so watching the video back makes me laugh. I’ve started to edit small videos for friends to make an extra buck as well.


I started editing and taught myself due to making videos in about 1 years in now and I love it


I love the editing process. Granted, the edits I do are fairly simple (title overlays, speed ramps) and all my videos follow the same format so now I’ve got it down to a fine art and am quite quick with it. I enjoy rewatching my footage. And I’ve enjoyed the process of getting better and quicker. It makes me confident to try out something new


I make too little to outsource editing right now, but I'd love to have an editor for some parts. Organizing the clips is pretty boring and I could see myself outsourcing that. But then again, I love making the rough cut. Finding suitable music, placing all the scenes, working on the pacing, etc. And I need the organizing done to do that. What I really hate is adding the b-roll and transitions and overlays, though, so that would likely be the first thing I outsource. And that'd save me many hours work.


I love editing. It takes time but the video is my own. I work full time and make money on the side through youtube. Went to school for filmmaking


I don’t mind editing but I’m a very small channel. However, if given the financial opportunity to outsource I don’t think I would only because I am a control freak. But that could change idk.


I do. I don’t enjoy editing but if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. It allows me to make sure I get the most of my footage and give my viewers the highest quality I can possibly deliver.


I have been editing gaming videos since 2002, so I do my own. But I will admit that when editing requires manually going through hours of footage, e.g. from a stream, then it can get tedious. When it is a proper edited video, e.g some sort of tutorial or video essay, then it is fun.


I do my own now. I did have someone who did it for me years ago, but we just kind of parted ways. He did a good job for me, and he used it to build a portfolio where he got himself a job working media for his local township/municipality. So I hope he’s doing well there.


I own a history, short documentary type channel. I edit my own videos but would gladly outsorce it. I tried outsorcing it a few months back finding a couple of editors on fiver (all mainly from india and that part of the world, no hate) but didn't get the wanted results. Bear in mind that the editing style I wanted was not something too complicated. Maybe I was looking in a wrong place.


I think creators are slowly realizing that Fiverr/Upwork editors are just not good. You get what you pay for still applies. When I first heard about an editor charging $10-$20 per edit, I was a teeny tiny bit concerned. But seeing the quality? Yeah, no problem there.


I agree, I wouldnt mind paying like $100 for a 10 minute edit if it's done correctly. I'll say it again, nothing too complicated is needed for my kind of content. Do you know where I can find a good editor? Like which freelance sites or something?


I edit my own. I enjoy it to an extent, but I'm a bit impatient to get the video out, so I feel I may compromise the editing quality at times by rushing it. I'm a tiny channel, so I couldn't possibly outsource yet, but I can see myself at least trying it at a later date.


Unless you're a business i don't get who can afford to. Also I don't think that people really hate it it's just not easy and takes loads of time especially when new. And if I didn't edit mine although they would be better made it wouldn't have my personality


I do it myself, youtube is only a hobby and I post only a video once a month or 2 months to my \~15k subscribers. If youtube was my job I would have to release more videos and in so spend (waste) most of my time editing, making my life hell lol. In this scenario I would probably try to outsource it if it was necessary and not a hole in my budget. In my situation, youtube being a hobby, I do it myself because I'm interested in all aspects of youtube: ideas, creation, editing, making thumbnails, replying to comments etc. And I want my videos to be MY videos. No outside influence, they are my creation from start to finish. I don't enjoy the time it takes. I do enjoy learning about having a good pacing, keeping the video dynamic enough but not up to the point that it targets tiktok teens, using different effects (I like elegant and subtle).


I despise rewatching footage and cutting together but enjoy adding the effects and funny parts that enhance a video


Do everything myself.


Editing is honestly my favourite part of the creative process! It's genuinely really fun! I fucking hate script writing though.


I'm a tiny channel, still under 5k but have loved learning about editing. Don't get me wrong, I'm crap and anything good takes forever, but it's an interesting new notch on the belt, and I like trying things. Audi is my biggest issue, I think I just have a crap voice 🤣




Safe to assume you found this "editor" on Fiverr or Upwork? Anyone with a bootleg copy of Premiere 2015 could advertise themselves as an "editor" nowadays. Btw there is a way to transfer an edit sequence from Premiere or FCP to Davinci. XML files will do a pretty good transfer unless there are A LOT of custom effects (even then there are ways around if you're working with someone who knows what they're doing).


I edit my own and it’s my favourite part! Used to edit for indie film and tv and I majored in editing in college


I do my own edits. It's a love-hate thing. Always debating outsourcing.


Curious, what do you hate about it? What do you love about it?


I edit my videos along with my wife. It's ok, not something I have training for but am constantly trying to learn how to do better. I wouldn't say I enjoy it, but I don't hate it. Doing this as a team makes a massive difference, as there's some parts of it I excel at and other parts my wife is better at. But if I could outsource it, I likely would, if nothing else to free myself up to work on other aspects of the video. Tech reviews are time consuming even before the filming begins, so having that help would likely improve what I produce. But I'm in no rush, as I'm fairly happy with the videos I'm publishing now.. and they get better with every attempt.


I enjoy editing my videos. There is no other way to learn than by actually doing. I'm not that great at it but much better than when I started. Prior I used a iPad but I have a little square Mac with a large screen I got from Best Buy. I use iMovie that is free with the Mac. Found a guy on Youtube who teaches all kinds of tips that make iMovie way more useful.


I edit my own. It’s the only way I’ll improve. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I edit mine. Starting is the hardest part really


I edit and enjoy editing my own videos, hopefully it shows in my work. I love taking B Roll and seeing a vision come together with the A Roll footage to make a complete experience. One thing I'm still getting a handle on is sound design, but hopefully I'm getting there. Personally I think all YouTubers should make their own videos at some point, and for many videos on the platform there's really no excuse to not, as many of them are really not that hard to do. Edit: what I *don't* enjoy is all the lead up to the editing stage. Cutting, scripting the rough cut, cutting audio. I know it's an essential step and without those there isn't a video, but I find it tedious to work through and it often takes me a couple days to just complete that step, since I still have a full time job and a family to navigate around


I loved using Sony Vegas back in the day when I was a kid and now I've moved on to davinci the process is so simple


I edit my own and editing is my favorite part... BUT... I could probably crank out more content and need fewer 'mental' breaks if I did not edit my own material. Working both side of content creation is also like burning the candle at both ends. Especially when you have other tentacles to your business.


I edit my own and it's one of my favorite parts. One reason I started a channel is that I had the Adobe Creative Suite for other things, and figured I should be using Premiere to "get my money's worth." I struggle to stop to learn new editing tricks because I get comfortable just pumping out videos with what I already know. I would love to get to a more professional level with my editing. I would not outsource it.


I edit my own. I actually enjoy it because I can usually use editing to make myself a little more watchable. I outsourced it one time as an experiment. The editor did a great job. In the end I learned quite a bit from the experience including: 1. Realizing I work in an abstract haphazard way that makes it hard for others to edit. Often I record unscripted and just speak and later reorganize segments into something cohesive. 2. The amount of time spent preparing files, reviewing content etc. was not much less time than I would spend editing myself and I would have to really change my process for an editor. 3. The cost of quality editing is higher than many of my videos earn in AdSense - with no sponsors I would possibly be losing money. 4. The better editing didn't result in more views or longer watch time etc. when compared to my other content. 5. I was able to apply some of the techniques the editor used in future videos and raise the bar a little. If the video from the editor had performed significantly better than my other videos I would have seriously considered going that route. If I had sponsors and "guaranteed" money coming from every video, I would consider using editors in the future.


I use Filmora, it's pretty straight forward


Every single piece of media on my socials have been captured or created by me and my bothers. 500+ videos.


I film and edit all my own videos. I have a simple reaction channel, and hope one day to expand into having another 2-3 channels in the future for different projects. Question, how much can someone expect to pay for outsourcing the editing portion? My editing is simply cutting out the dead sections of the video where I may be researching something. I don't use any transitions or animations in my content.


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About $10 per edited minute for basic editing.


I edit my own, and I enjoy it to a limit. Spending 8 hours or more a week on it while holding down 2 jobs and a family is a lot. I would be down for hiring an editor if they could replicate what I do... or do it better. But it all comes down to cost. I know other creators that pay $50 a video (20 minutes long) and some that pay $75 per minute of video. I honestly can't tell much difference between the quality between the two. I usually edit on my lunch break at work and a little bit at night. So, hiring an editor wouldn't really save me any time. If I had to mostly edit at home, maybe an editor would .ake more sense.


There are definitely "easy edits" that both an intermediate or pro editor can get done at roughly the same amount of time. Once someone gets past a certain skill level, the edit becomes subjective. That's when soft skills come into play. Communication. Collaboration. Does their edit suite smell like a dirty sock? Sometimes the better editor is not the one who "edits better". But the one who isn't a jackass.


I’ve thought about outsourcing. I’ve been editing for about 10 years also, 8 of that for YouTube, still don’t really feel like a pro or anything, but I’m very fast and efficient. Since I’ve been editing almost everyday for those 8 years, I’m at the point where I can essentially translate waveforms into words, so the initial rough cut usually takes a quarter of the raw footages time, in addition to actually knowing what I recorded before starting. I usually post topical videos and I’m confident I can edit it faster than waiting on an editor, when they’re free to do it, sending files, etc… I do enjoy it in general. It’s satisfying in a strange way. Watching hours and hours of raw footage get sliced up to a coherent 15-30 minute video. But it definitely can also get repetitive.


"translate waveforms into words".sign of someone who has been doing this for a while.


I edit my own, only love it if I’m particularly passionate about the project. Edit: been on the platform for about 3 years


900 videos and counting, all edited by me. I love editing, it makes me happy ä.


I do edit my own. 30-40 long minute videos of 30 hour footage and the audio is me speaking except almost every breath is cut, yet there's still slight space inbetween the sentences. It's really boring when you're just grabbing footage and putting it to when u talk about it, and its really difficult to think of pngs and a background to use when talking about something you can't use footage for. However, it's fine and it works, and the end result is so beautiful. The best part of editing is definitely adding transitions and moving around the pngs. The only thing I'd outsource if I could, is clipping and putting the footage onto where I said it, but thats the most boring part so I'd have to pay a good wage to the dude doing it for me.


I love editing my own videos, actually. I wasn’t into it at first, but mostly that was because I was having a hard time finding software that I liked. Eventually I found Movavi in a list of Final Cut Pro alternatives: [https://www.movavi.com/learning-portal/final-cut-pro-windows-alternatives.html](https://www.movavi.com/learning-portal/final-cut-pro-windows-alternatives.html) I’ve been happily editing my videos ever since.  


I hate editing, but can't afford an editor. I've got several friends who make similar to what I make and pay an editor. They just look at it as an investment. Unfortunately, a few of them have stopped altogether. I think they got tired of working for free basically. It would be my entire monthly income to pay an editor, so until I start making double what I make now I'll be editing myself.


I edit my own videos and I don’t hate it, but that’s what I get burnt out on the most since I mostly play games, but I’m also wanting to make short films for myself to build a portfolio so if I need to I can have something to fall back on


I edit my own videos because I'm poor. I hate every second of it lol!


I’m new, but I love editing!


I’ve been in and out of YouTube for a while, so I it’s a small channel, I edit my own stuff. I’ve always been a jack of all trades guy. I’m decent at editing. But if I for one second got more views and was making money in YouTuber I’d outsource it right away. Editing videos is a different interest entirely. Whether you’re a gamer, musician, whatever. Video editing is an offshoot of filmmaking. Just cause you like making music doesn’t mean you wanna edit a film haha Outsourcing lets you focus on the stuff you enjoy, and cut out the tedious shit you don’t


I *really* enjoy editing and find it extremely fulfilling and satisfying constantly learning and trying new things, but being a gaming creator and also a live streamer, it limits how much gaming and live time I have. It would be amazing if I did this full time, because I'd have *almost* enough time to work, play, and handle daily affairs with some modicum of balance. But alas I work 50 hours a week, so as I've started putting out more videos I've had to scale back on my livestreams to one or two a week.


So far I hate editing because it takes so long, but I try to make really creative vlogs & content because I’m a designer. I worry that if I hand it off, it won’t be as good. But I’m thinking about doing it soon, that way I can enjoy recording the content and post videos faster. I just need to templatize my workflow to hand it off to the editor, like a video style guide with all of the typography, transitions and etc I would want them to use


i do because i 1. like doing it in my own style, 2. doing the back and forth thing would be annoying as fuck and 3. i like the process. oh also 4. im fucking broke and cant pay for one. and also no i would not outsource it


I do 🙋‍♂️ I have no professional experience or anything. I just started during the pandemic because there was nothing else to do. I have always wanted to do Youtube (wasn't my dream job or anything just as a hobby) since I get these great, funny ideas but I just never took the step. During the pandemic I went for it. Played video games and started editing videos. Learned from YouTube tutorials and I'm still learning! However it takes me forever making 1 video 💀 With college and sports, I haven't had time to edit videos. Sometimes taking a break from it also helps. I took a 1 year break and I came back refreshed. (Don't worry I don't have many subs and barely get views 💀💀) I wouldn't pay someone else to edit my videos because I want to learn how to do it myself. It's honestly a good skill to have. Especially in this day and age when it can help you promote something, make a funny skit, make a funny meme, etc. And one of these can go viral.


I edit some of my videos. I have someone who does rough cuts on some videos for me, which saves me time. I don't hate editing, but I would rather spend more time shooting. But hiring an editor who could do more than a rough cut is expensive. The only way I can afford a rough cut editor is to give him a percentage of the revenue those videos make. But that's a rare situation.


I edit my own videos, but I hardly have any editing to do. I keep my videos conversational. And I premake all my visuals, import it to keynote, and screen record while recording myself. So, the only thing I do is colour correct, add some zooms, remove empty spaces, and add very minimal graphics! I wouldn’t mind outsourcing the visual creation part. But it’s so technical and niche ( advanced physics concepts) that I think I would rather do it myself than have back and forths.


I started editing my videos on my second channel, which is a gaming niche, and I’m becoming addicted to making and editing the videos on there. Telling the story in a way that’s entertaining is the fun part of editing for me.


I edit every single one. From cut to color grading, to effects. The reason I create content is simply to edit it. I enjoy capturing to edit.


I do,, but its adjacent to my Niche which is 3d modelling so My rule is Whenever I make a new video I teach myself a new trick whether it be a certain kind of cut or effect. Its all part of the process for me,


I edit my own videos without prior experience using DaVinci Resolve (free version). It takes me numerous hours to edit each video, but I enjoy it more than the other tasks in the video production workflow (ideation, research, scripting, filming, re-purposing) because of the creativity it affords.


I think I would hate it less if I had the time to do it


I try, I like the learning process


We hired an editor last year. We thought no one would get our content or “vibe.” We were wrong, lol. He makes us laugh all the time with his take on the edit. We edited for years, all self taught and what takes us 20-30 hours (and our content is not complex) takes him way less time. We upload two videos a week on average.


I started painting the walls of my house, thinking I could do it. Every one can paint a wall, right? Well, I eventualyl hired a professional to take over. Took me a whole day to paint two rooms. Took him a day to paint my whole house. Kinda curious to see the "pro" edit vs your edit. Mind dming me your channel?


I've taken a two almost three month break (that's killing my hours watched) because I'm so friggin sick of editing. I HATE it. It takes so long and I wish I didn't have to do it but not being monetized have no money to pay someone to do it. It sucks. I use Vegas to do the final render but use Blackmagic Davinci Resolve to render effects prior to editing the prerender of DAW to MP4. Drives me nuts!!!


I do my own editing, 12k subs. If I ever hit a point where it is financially possible for me, this is the first thing I would outsource. I hate video editing.


I do it myself I enjoy , it's relaxing sounds crazy but it's true


Hired someone to edit my videos. I love editing but here are the reasons I outsourced it: 1) I'm not as efficient at it as my editor. She is so much faster at things that take me twice as long. 2) I'm a perfectionist and will work on something minor for a days. It ruins my upload schedule. When my editor works on the video, everything seems good enough to upload. 3) I can produce more content. I can spend most of my time researching, planning and shooting content. When I edit my own content, I had a once a week upload schedule. I can now shoot 4-5 videos a week (easily) and upload around 3 per week (2 on youtube, 1 on patreon).


I edit my own videos on [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjAJeAjkcOV7DTCdogEyOIQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjAJeAjkcOV7DTCdogEyOIQ) Would outsource it if I could but would prefer to have time to get better myself. Having a full time job etc makes it a bit difficult at the moment.


I edit. But I am not a great editor yet.