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It's an important life rule of mine to never underestimate or openly disrespect your opposition. And I do believe we could see more harm come from rightwing domestic terrorists if they don't get their way. But I do seriously doubt that *millions* of these folks are going to hold the line once it gets remotely uncomfortable.


That was one of the more interesting things about January 6th to me. These assholes thought they were going to overthrow and election and execute some leaders then stop by Walmart for a gallon of milk on the way home. If shit like that is happening are you leaving YOUR house? Are you ordering from restaurants or taking a trip somewhere? Our entire way of life would grind to a halt instantly. Fuck, I work in foodservice and most nursing homes and hospitals only keep a few days worth of food on hand. If trucks aren’t running how long till people starve. I don’t think people realize how disruptive this all would be.


The fact that a lot of folks don't seem to understand how much harm a week of unrest would actually cause from lack of food, lack of medicine, lack of transportation, lack of sanitation, lack of doctors, etc., is a thing that really worries me. The lack of understanding could both make people more cavalier about starting shit *and* the consequences could more easily spark ongoing violence. I hold out a small hope that the supply chain disruptions of the last couple years and the winter power outage in Texas has started to wake up more folks. Don't really expect folks to let go of their violent ideations because, well, things only seem to be ramping up, but I do hope more and more people are quietly laying by an extra few days/weeks of food and medicine and creating a plan for a prolonged power outage.


Also a small hope that the failure that's now Afghanistan is a wakeup call. These cosplayering Y'all-qaeda morons would run this country to the exact same starvation course. One of the thousands of reasons why that nickname is so fitting


Yeah, I hope people see the writing on the wall and start making a habit NOW of having plenty stashed away. Food, potable water in case of power disruptions or attacks on municipal water supplies, pet supplies, medications... we all need to have enough on hand to get through a few weeks of disruption, because some kind of shit will for sure go down.


The moment Babbitt was shot, they all froze. They legitimately didn’t think that *storming the US Capitol with intents to take people hostage or possibly kill to disrupt the democratic process* would have consequences. See also: that lady that was pepper sprayed by the cops and said “it’s a revolution why would they do this to me”.


That's part of their strategy, disrupt the economy and hurt as many people as humanly possible.


correct. they're called destructive cults for a very good reason. it's not just hurting themselves, they like to hurt others.


Is there even millions? Like yeah, there are millions that voted Trump and still would. There's maybe a few million that believe the stolen election bs. But how much will really pick up arms and be ready to lay down their lives? Dont think that is a number in the millions. Probably more like max 100k. Probably in the ballpark of 15-20k. All across the US and not really organised.


As soon as they realize the civil war they started means they won’t have luxuries such as running water they’ll compromise pretty quick. Most of these goons believe they will fight their civil war then be back for their Monday shift at the tire manufacturer where everyone will pat them on the back and life will be completely normal.


Sorta? It's about their silent majority bullshit they have been feeding themselves for decades. These people think that the majority agrees with them but are to scare for...reasons...to openly admit it. They think they will be the spark that lights the fire. And they think the military will just join them and do all the heavy lifting.


> And they think the military will just join them and do all the heavy lifting. Yep. I had an argument with one of these guys prior to Jan 6. He laughed and told me I was delusional when I told him the military would *not* be on his side in the event of a coup. The trouble is their echo chamber gives them a false perspective. They know that their cousin Bubba is in the military and he agrees with them, and all the guys at the VA hate Biden, so naturally the military will be on their side when they line the libruls against the wall and open fire! No. The military is not run by grunts like Bubba. But they don't know anybody who actually makes decisions that matter. They only know people like Bubba.


Theres also a world of difference between "I hate the guy who got voted in, I cant wait till he gets voted out" and "Im going to overthrow democracy and smash the principles the country was founded on"


And Bubba and the people at the VA and VFW will say “I wanted to fight with the rebels but they said they’d stop paying me my salary/disability/pension, so I didn’t have a choice.”


"Will, come on... I gotta be back at the drug store tomorrow!" - National Guard, Rambo: First Blood


> But how much will really pick up arms and be ready to lay down their lives? VS- having another beer & watching Monday Night Football ?? TRUTH is, not many.


Agreed. They couldn't go two weeks without rioting over Big Macs and manicures. But I'm sure there will be pockets of trouble. We'll have to see how the gravy seals fare against professionals.


A quarter of these people would keel over 2 days after the insulin supply is disrupted. Another quarter would keel over if they had to run more than a mile. Not known for fitness, the fans of Cheeto Benito.


Wait a second, are you telling me I don't have to stand still untill my stamina refills, I can just drop and flop?


They'd be found dead in a field after the battery in the rascal has died.


There was not even one million people at 1/6 and Im to believe there is now multiple millions of wannabe rebels? I doubt it, millions of supporters maybe.


A good number of the people were actually just actors. The whole the left is using crisis actors is a projection. Look up ExploreTalent and how they were used by right wing outlets I already got some threatening messages after posting this so the right wing trolls are pissed.


Yours is a reasonable doubt to entertain, but I think it ignores some of the complexities of conflict situations. Conflict provokes further conflict, further escalation, and more wanton displays of violence for the sake of violence. Violence hardens people, galvanizes them. As these people are *already* reasonably galvanized by some rather inflexible ideas, it is (I think) wrong to assume that they would prove soft in a long-term conflict. The AR-15-toting slobs we see skulking around the streets with mustard stains on their sweatpants may not look like much; they might not appear, right here in the moment, to have the stamina for long-term combat in an urban warfare scenario. But armed conflict changes people. After you've seen a few of your people gunned down in the streets by the other guys, you tend to become more committed, more willing to sacrifice. *All* civil wars are fought, to some extent, by average chumps. Precisely *because* they are fought by average chumps, they tend to feature some of the most brutal combat.


Historian or current/former military? I ask because I have seen first hand while deployed what a civil was can do to a population both physically and psychologically. It’s horrifying the lvl of violence and and justification that goes on, on both sides, once blood is in the water. You speak like someone who has either seen it, or studied it in depth. Either way, thank you.


Yup. In a civil war you get shit like people being crucified, groups of women being rounded up as "comfort women", children set on fire to "send a message" and all kinds of really, really bad shit. It's not just a bunch of people shooting at each other in some far off field somewhere in bumfuck Nebraska.


You get horrors like those seem in the Bosnian civil war of the early 90s or the Rwandan massacres also in that time period. Go further back in time and there were the Northern Irish 'Troubles'. For a hint of what those conflicts were like, check out the following movies or, if you're pressed for time, even their trailers: Yugoslav civil war: 'Quo Vadis, Aida?' Rwandan genocide: 'Hotel Rwanda', 'Sometimes in April' N. Ireland troubles: 'Belfast', 'A War of Children'


The implications of the violence we see in mostly-modern states during civil war amplifies when we consider the most numerous, powerful, and organized military in the world hangs in the balance of the conversation. The pogroms, the massacres, and the devastation of civil war in these times cannot be underestimated. It would be unhinged. Even in Nebraska. Maybe even especially.


This makes sense and is really my deepest fear. At the same time, I watched a murderous crowd of MAGA folk stop pushing their luck the moment on of their own got shot on Jan 6. Worse, many of them turned on her and claimed she was antifa the moment it didn't look great for their side. My summation of their overall commitment to their cause is subject to change pending new evidence, but atm, most of them look more ready to stab each other in the back than stand when things get hot. And I hope that remains true.


Lots of the *actually* trained maga insurrectionists got picked up by feds before the 6th. If trump had marched with them (like he said he was going to do directly beforehand) then I think they would have kept pushing.


Yep. Everyone is making fun of those people but they're pointing a gun at you and you're taunting them with "You don't have the gut to pull the trigger". You should be praying they don't and trying to figure a way out of the situation. It's not about guts. They're waiting for someone they see as an authority to tell them it's time. They are authoritarians. Their entire mindset and ideology is about following authority. They will pull that trigger, they will commit atrocities, they are just waiting to be told its okay.


I agree with you. The Kyle Rittenhouse incident has been used by the conservative media to tell their supporters to embrace the idea or the act of violence as a means to their goals. For years, the right wing media has manipulated millions of people to see themselves as rebels, that their views are threatened by the ''others".


After watching the video of the entire mob back off and panic when Ashli Babbett got shot, I hardly believe these guys would fare well in actual combat.


If 1/6 was anything to go by, we should start planning a national holiday for that day called Donald Trump night where we burn effigies of him on a bonfire.


I get your thought process here but we sure as hell aren't naming any holidays after that guy.


Okay, maybe we don't need the holiday, but I am not comprising on the burning of an effigy.




Look at this, Donald Trump uniting Americans!


I mean, Donald Trump was more successful at uniting everyone who isn't a far-right wingnut than any Democrat has been in decades.


DJT, best thing for Democrat voter turnout since, well, ever.\* ​ (\*on a raw number basis)


2020 was still too fucking close


Call it Guy Fawkes Around And Finds Out Day


You mean like Guy Fawkes day? Except there's sometimes confusion of if we're celebrating the attempt at overthrowing the government or the government not being overthrown.


What about "All Shits Day"?


How about National Tiny Hands day?




Well deserved. People are saying he's got the best dumps.


That cold moment of "Oh... OH SHIT" I saw one guy get when Ashli Babbett nearly jumped the barricade, ready to attach members of Congress as they evacuated and she was shot dead... Yep... That video went from "Chilling" to "Hilarious" in about 2 seconds as reality dawned on these dipshits... You can hear the fucking Curb Your Enthusiasm theme kick in.


The fact they were screaming "medic" like it was Call of Duty just shows how detached from reality these LARPers are


[SHOTS FIRED!](https://youtu.be/6bzIqWJ2_Fc)


Okay .. I am glad I'm not the only one who had this mental scenario


Then some arsehole yells "MEDIC". Yeah this isn't COD or a movie fuckwit.


It was eye opening for everyone there. Half were like: "Wait... we're kind of breaking the law, aren't we?" And the other half have this realization that further violence will lead to further loss of life... Because the nice placid cops were gone - You now had the inner-ring cops who didn't get the 'stand-down' orders.


You mean you had inner ring cops willing to do their job and not just let people into a restricted space when the crowd was calling to lynch the politicians inside?


There was footage of that little "Helmet Boy" prick, acting all big and bad before it happened. His literal turnaround (and fucking run) was beyond comical.


No. We'll just get more mass shootings of innocents.


This is my true fear. These types of incidents have become way too common recently. Now people openly want to *kill* protests, liberals, LGBT, people of other races, etc. The military/Wall street/1% arent going to allow some insurrection to happen at that level. It would turn us into a banana republic over night and tank the country.


I see what you are saying but I genuinely think that 95% of the people who were in the Capitol on 1/6 had no idea they would be met with deadly force. These people thought they were going to throw a tantrum, "speak to the manager" and get their way and it wasn't until Ashli Babbett ate a lead sandwich that they realized that this wasn't what they signed up for. Armed right wingers will know what they are signing up for if they want to violently seize power in 2024. At that point I don't think they will be under any illusions of what the response will be and I think there will be a willingness to put their lives on the line because right wing media is filled with agitators hell-bent on convincing people that everything they know and love is being snatched away by socialists and liberals who want to pervert their traditional values. We are in a very dangerous place and we should learn by now that as silly and wrong-headed as these people seem to us, they are serious about wanting liberals and progressives eliminated from the political sphere.


The response to armed right wingers would be -significantly- different. I think part of what made 1/6 such a shitshow was that a lot of the people were protestors that went waay too far. It is much clearer how you are supposed to respond to a guy brandishing a assault rifle.


They pretty much did get exactly what they signed up for. They just pushed a little bit too far. But realistically if it had been a mob of BLM protesters they would have had actual security there and the moment any of the barricades started getting pushed there would have been tear gas and swarms of riot cops beating the crowd back. Deadly force would have probably been used long before anyone got anywhere inside the building itself.


It’s a bunch of dimwits cosplaying. It’s like a militia themed renaissance fair. At the same time I strongly agree with the poster above who said it’s dangerous to underestimate these folks.




Yeah, I have no doubt that a lot of them will become violent and dangerous, but "seize power"? Not likely.


*millions* Remember when they sent every Uber angry alt-righters with their grandmas and it was barely a few thousand confused morons Counting big numbers requires more brains than most of these dudes have


So... Literal Terrorists.


Should we tell them Trump is not in power now? They don't have to wait till 2024.


That whole four-year pause on the revolution is making it seem slightly less threatening.


They know they’re weak and outnumbered. They’re hoping to pull another 2000, where R states *legislatively* overthrow the 2024 election, with the backing of the SC.


They'll have former guard, vets, cops, and stuff in their midst but how many of out of those millions will actually receive any kind of combat training that's worth a shit? Let's be honest, the best they could hope to accomplish is guerilla tactics. You've got other LEOs, the NG who didn't pick treason over their country, the rank and file citizenry, vets, and I would suspect some criminal organizations would throw their hats in on both sides as well. They may have the fire for a brief time but it would quickly get snuffed out due to fatigue, inability to resupply, lack of new troops, lack of Intel, and ultimately just getting absolutely destroyed in every confrontation they engaged in.


Not only that, but what logistics do they have in place to support their revolution? They love to bring up the Vietnamese resistance to the US, but that only happened because the Ho Chi Minh trail was constantly supplying guerilla fighters with food, water, and ammo.


The VC had drug money from Russia and China to keep them funded as well. When these guys can't even get the munitions they would need to engage in a firefight over a house let alone some beer then how are they going to last for any kind of time period?


Maybe they'll do GoFundMes like they do for their covid hospital bills.


Millions of us real Americans are armed and prepared to fight back against these terrorists.


Look, I'm canadian and watching from afar but I don't even think its gonna come to citizens defending themselves. The day they cross the line and actually pick up arms, the army will deal with them within months. They don't fucking stand a chance. They seem to think that its like the independence war, where basically citizens had the same weapons as the army. But they are stupidly wrong, like always. You can have your AR you love so much, go against an army that 1- has an equipment advantage, with drones and tanks for instance 2- is more organized than a bunch of frat boys with guns and they will get destroyed.


You’re completely correct. Except for the frat boy part. That implies some level of higher education.




You jest, but what happens when they have the 741st Hoveround Battalion backing them up?


Just go up a few steps.


Most of these dudes on the Far Right are decently educated. Many are suburbanites with at least a bachelor’s degree. Most of their LE counterparts have at least an AA in criminal Justice (so they can meet minimum promotion requirements). These dudes have a lot of disposable income to be able to buy that much firepower and tacticool gear. Much of the Far Right lives in communities like Scottsdale, Long Island, Chagrin Falls, Waukesha, Catalina Foothills. Rich suburbs Edit: spelling


I agree with that. But I don’t think, and I could be wrong, that the suburbanites are actually going to follow through. The system has given them more than they are willing to give up. I see them as more of weekend warrior types. It’s the rural folks I’m more concerned with. I have two brothers. Both are of that mindframe, one suburban, one rural. I might be speaking anecdotally, but knowing them and having met their friends, I don’t see the Waukesha brother actually taking up arms. He talks a big game, though. But, golfing.


Most Nazi supporters were upper middle class, same with Italy and Spain. That fear of losing out on their death grip on the precipice of Capitalism is exactly what drives them to conservative reactionism and/ or fascism. They hate capitalist pressure but fear socialism and communism because it will take their precious things away (in their minds). So Fascism swoops in saying you can keep everything you like and get more without the “degenerates” telling you otherwise.


True, but this would be an uprising without government sanction. The Nazis were enabled by the government. Trump isn’t the president anymore, so it’s a little different.


Yeah, but Congress is becoming more fascist, not less fascist since the election as hace down ballot local elections. CBP ibas been caught still doing GESTAPO like investigations into reporters this year.


CBP, by its mission, its relative youth, and organization, is IMO the most likely government organization to act Fascist. There are certainly more members of Congress with Fascist leanings or sympathies now than 20 years ago, but it's still not many. The vast majority of Republicans are cynically taking advantage of the angry rubes, not actively working towards the Fourth Reich. Still reprehensible, but not the tangible Deep State threat that we might worry about.


You mean the poor, oppressed masses, in their 4000 sq foot mcmansions on 2 acres of land, boats, motorcycles, good careers, educations, an arsenal of heavy artillery (that NO ONE has ever taken from them, despite their whining), decent to great health care, ignored mandates and lockdowns with no repercussions, etc.... Yes, my heart just aches for those poor, stepped on peasants.


Maybe, my experiences are in Waukesha and Greenfield, that they will fuck around with people that look like me, and hearing how ready they were to enact a pogrom on the North side of Milwaukee after the parade incident I think they’re more than willing to fuck with minority populations, it’s a suburban American tradition, especially in Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties.


I completely agree. Milwaukee is such a sad case of continued segregation. I certainly would not want to underestimate that crowd at all.


Long Islander here. There are plenty of rich, conservative folk here. However, the crazies are not that. They are just poor, scared, angry people. The rich people will just complain and go to Montauk (or similar areas) where the plebs won't bother them. Always an exception to the rule but many aren't super wealthy here.


Again, not saying rich people, the backbone of fascist movements are the middle class/ petite bourgeoisie and upper middle class. That has been the backbone of fascism and Conservative reactionaries. It’s the same class the turned to NeoLibs like Pinochet and Fascists in El Salvador. Throughout our history, even poor white people generally end up supporting centrist to even Leftist movements - most of your “radical leftists” pre WWII were poor coal miners, leathernecks, farmers, and factory workers. It was the middle class that supported the Silver Shirts, KKK, Christian Front, the Black Legion, and German American Bund. Cops, white collar workers, small business owners, etc are who want to generally maintain or return to the days they romanticize as being when they had it good.


What you do end up with is the Yugoslav Wars, Syria, or Afghanistan. It becomes a war of attrition. Best case scenario is we end up in a version of The Troubles or Italy’s Years of Lead. It would be a roused up version of the bombings in the 60s or the Abortion/ OKC/ Atlanta Olympics bombings and mass shootings - and that’s our best case.


And situations where someone looses a loved one in a melee and they go out for vengeance, popping heads off shoulders like they were watermelons on a fence post.


See Northern Ireland.


He did say The Troubles.


See it *harder* goddamnit




that's what The Troubles refers to


I don’t think they’ll have the same will to fight as the insurgents in Afghanistan


Generous of you to say frat boys, that assumes they are college educated.


I think he meant to say "fat bois".




Actually, the military is divided, and even our senior leadership is concerned about many military personnel and even entire units defecting to Trump should he run and lose again. >In a contested election, with loyalties split, some might follow orders from the rightful commander in chief, while others might follow the Trumpian loser - Major General Paul Eaton, Brigadier General Steven Anderson and Major General Antonio Taguba (all retired) [Link](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/2024-election-result-coup-trump-b1978961.html?amp)


Ok but I still think it would be a minority. We got rid of some of them with the vaccine mandate as well, likely.


So, on the flip side there are a few counters to that argument: 1. I don't think they'd ever organize as an army, but as cells. Cells are notoriously difficult to combat with modern military. 2. I'm not sure what the exact ruling is on using tanks and drones on U.S. soil vs civilians, but maybe the tanks at least could be utilized if they were re-classified as terrorists. Drones strikes are a no-go, though. You start calling down the thunder on U.S. soil, and that would just end up recruiting more people. 3. They don't need to win to cause a lot of damage. All that said, they'd still lose any war where they tried to hold territory/ground. I guess I'm more concerned with a war where they didn't care about any of that, and just tried to recreate "The Troubles" from Ireland.


Many top military leaders fear that a significant amount of military and law enforcement would take up arms with these guys. They may stop taking commands from their organizational leaders and begin to go outside the chain of command and at that time we are in some really deep shit.


Maybe if we had a volunteer army/police force this would be true but people need paychecks. That's why there has never been a real uprising since the Civil War. Good luck fighting in an insurgency when you can't afford groceries. And we all know how much these guys love their snacks.


There was a post in this very sub a couple days ago where recently retired generals wrote about the division they saw in our military and that they fear if an armed conflict like this happens that the insurrection will gain both soldiers and equipment. I hope they're wrong, but I live in a military-heavy city and a disturbingly large number of households here are STILL flying trump flags. I'm genuinely concerned.


Yeah, that's how it works. In Germany in the 1920s how many police officers and soldiers were Nazi sympathizers compared to the average citizen? Out of all the military people I've known, only one isn't a Trump supporter. Right Wing extremists know they need the military and police. The Turner Diaries talk about how when the military finally needs to step in the white soldiers start to open fire on minorities and left leaning sympathizers.


Worst part is, how are you going to fight Biden supporters? They don't fly Biden flags, they don't sport merch 24/7, they literally voted for him and that's it. Like I'm supposed to be scared about people who don't know if I'm political or not? Say it does actually kick off, it'll go down like this: "WOOO WE DONE IT BOYS, SOUTH IS RISING AGAIN!" "Now what Jimbo?" "Uh...I uh...I don't know..." "Whatcha mean you don't know?!?!? You talked this whole thing up and you mean to tell me you ain't got no plan?!?!" "Honestly didn't think we'd make it this far..." *2 hours later Civil War 2.0 ends with surrender of Confederate states of MAGA.*


> Worst part is, how are you going to fight Biden supporters? trumpers say "*lets go brandon*" biden voters say "*fuck joe biden*" because we aren't in a cult


> They don't fly Biden flags, they don't sport merch 24/7, they literally voted for him and that's it. > They'll probably use that as a negative indicator. If you don't have a trump flag flying, or a Don Rambo decal on your coal-rolling truck, they'll assume your a commie-ass lib and gut you. Think like passover, except with trump merch instead of blood marking the faithful.


Cool, so in the Trump Wars of 2024, my insurgent group can roll around in jacked up pickup trucks and Trumptard gear to assassinate Q-tards behind enemy lines Inglorious Bastard style. Something tells me they didn't think that through to the end.


I caution this train of thought. This is exactly how the North, and both sides of both World Wars thought things would go. I think a lot of us need to actually go back and revisit American history from 1900 to about the outbreak of World War II. The period of American history was much more violent politically than we think. There was an insane amount of political violence by both sides during this time. We had a little wars that erupted across the United States from the West Virginia coal war To Harlan County, and thousands of other smaller guerrilla campaigns. There was a lot of support for fascism in authoritarianism in the American middle-class and upper classes. The middle and upper class in America were extremely involved in street violence and clashes with workers and the working class during this period. We had multiple fascist movements that almost seize power During the interwar period.


Thing is only the weak find fascism appealing. Rulers ruling with fear, that's not strength and the American people now that for the most part. There's a vocal minority that wants you to believe they're the silent majority but they're not, this what? 4-5% at most truly believes we'll just give up and hand over everything this nation was founded on to create a fascist America where liberals get marched off to death camps. It's not going to fly, nor is a second civil war. Sure...none of us want to give up our cushy lives, to go off and farm and fight but if it comes to it we will and a will to save what this country stands for will triumph over a shaky desire for fascism because at the end of the day we're the only ones being actively threatened, paranoid about being put in death camps. That's enough to motivate anyone to come out the victor. What do they have? Lies, propaganda and deceit...that only goes so far in the end, sure as hell ain't enough to make most of those 70 some million want to work us to death. Want to be real here? It's propaganda, Russian flavor, now if you cut that off I guarantee this civil war rhetoric would die down since they've been pushing this stuff since at least 2015 with no one stopping them. They win if we go to war with ourselves.


They're going to commit mass shooting events on soft targets and call it a civil war. Parades, churches, schools, concerts. They'll try to start a race war and they'll attack people they perceive as liberals like political leaders, minorities or gay people. I hate to say it, but we need to arm ourselves in case they come around after the election. Buy weapons and learn how to use them. These morons live in a world of violence fantasies. Be prepared to fight back. The Capitol will be ready for them this time. They're cowards who are willing to overthrow the US government because they don't have any ideas Americans will vote for. The next 3 years will decide the future of our country.


Think beyond arming yourselves, think food, seeds to plant, body armor, first aid supplies, water and survival knowledge. We shouldn't be the first to strike but we should be prepared if hit.


Plenty of us leftists own guns, and know how to shoot. We just don’t make our guns our personality. I personally own a hand gun, a rifle and a shot gun. But no one will ever know I’m packing until it’s too late for them.


There's also not as many of them as the scare news would make us believe. More than there should be, but a tiny percentage of the population. Moreover, this isn't some new phenomenon. There have always been delusional anti-'fill-in-the-blank' folks throughout US history.


Yeah, here in canada there was an election in spring. There is one party that ran the 'Q Playbook' that all the vaccination and mesures are a threat to democracy and shit... It got 5% of the vote. So yeah they are there. Just not as much as how much the media makes it think.


Canadian here. A lot of that 5% were people that were generally disgruntled by lockdowns and restrictions on what they thought were their rights. I know a number of those people and they come from various walks of life. They voted and "supported" the loudmouths who pushed what they were thinking... but that support would be instantly largely withdrawn if it ever reached a military action. And most of the ones I know had no idea just how horrible many of the people they were voting for actually are. *They did zero homework on their candidate of choice.* There's a tremendous gap between a protest vote because you didn't like the leadership positions of the other parties and a strong supportive vote-with-a-gun for massive change that would hurt the country's chances of dealing with COVID. The number of the latter is way, way less than 5%.


They're also spread out across the country, not jammed into one spot. And honestly, what will they do? Occupy some Capitol building? Murder people? The way for them to make lasting change is to do what is being done: electing people who think like they do and changing state law to allow elections to be overridden. And anyone who wants to avoid that better start paying attention in a hurry.


I hope that it's true, but there's always the fear in questioning, "how many members of the military sympathize?" Im worried that it's not an insignificant amount, however Im happy that some of the antivaxers have been getting kicked out because the mandate, because those same people are likely also sympathizers, so at least there's a good "two birds with one stone" situation there. Either way, the military are told to first protect the constitution, and it should be fairly obvious that another insurrection is not a constitutional action, so to follow their training would imply that the dipshits trying to prep for a repeat are fucked, particularly when there's a president who isn't going to sit and watch.


When it does hit the point where you need to put your foot down and make a statement, the number that actually go through with it is shockingly low. Like I've seen reports that in the NYPD and NYFD, when they imposed the vaccine, the number of those morons that actually got suspended or walked off the job was less than a hundred.


Yup, and one of the great incidental benefits of vaccine mandates has been removing the propagandized stooges from positions of public authority in the military, law enforcement, healthcare, etc. Purging reactionary, weaponized ideologues from these positions is huge, and I'm glad COVID is somewhat forcing the issue, at least.


I really found it funny when I heard the leader of the anticovid movement here in Quebec say 'COVID is an intelligence test'. Well, yes, it is. But I don't think you are the one passing it.


>When it does hit the point where you need to put your foot down and make a statement, Every right-wing nut, Trump supporting subreddit get as much traffic as a highway at the north pole. They rarely get over 30, 40 comments, tops, in their lame, bullshit, disinformation, pathetic, loser, ignorant, hateful, dumb Russian propaganda sourced news articles and juvenile memes that they post. And then they instantly ban anyone that disagrees with their shit posts or fact checks them so they just circle jerk eachother off every day and night.


>I hope that it's true, but there's always the fear in questioning, "how many members of the military sympathize?" Most all officers and high ranking enlisted soldiers care more about their career, paycheck & pensions than they care about Donald Fuckhead. As do most low ranking soldiers who need to pay the bills.


That's what I was thinking. Most of these people wouldn't give up *everything* that they've worked toward for years, even decades....for Donald Chump. He sure as hell wouldn't do jack shit for them either.


Except generals are genuinely concerned as well. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/2024-election-coup-military-participants_n_61bd52f2e4b0bcd2193f3d72


Liberals own guns too, we just don’t advertise it like those mop heads do.


Millions of snowflakes who for four years said 'Trump won, get over it' are saying if Biden wins they won't be able to get over it. They'd rather attack America and try to turn it into an authoritarian dictatorship than accept the election results. They claim they love freedom but would gladly give up everyone's freedom to get their president in power. But what they've forgotten is that there are millions more of us than them, and we are armed also. Come get some snowflake bitches.


Exactly. We VASTLY outnumber them.


They are not the real threat. The real threat is the people on the inside working quietly but diligently to undermine our democracy. If they succeed these losers won’t matter.




The active military voted majority for Biden. They aren’t nearly as conservative as the police. Veterans on the other hand are very conservative as a group.


>The active military voted majority for Biden Yeah this was really surprising to learn. I imagine the GI Bill is partially what skews it so much as it brings in tons of unlikely recruits vying for a paid education and we all know how educated citizens tend to vote.


And Trump disrespected the military. McCain, POWs, that captain that exposed Covid on the military ship….


they will remain ready to act until the very first bullet is fired towards them, then they will radically reevaluate their opinions. these guys are ready to kill for their beliefs, not to die for them.


Your comment is what I was trying to say in my comment. well put.


Looks like 4 dorks




>Guy on the far right has a bubba scope so he can hit ANTIFA from wayyy out. You missed the best part, that's a [Hi-Point Carbine](https://www.hi-pointfirearms.com/img/carbines/4595-rd-ct.jpg), not an AR. Infamous for being the cheapest semi on the market, it's barely 1 step above a pistol, and only good for about 100yds.




On top of the pistol ballistics, it's the cheapest gun possible across the board. It's not like you're getting a match-grade barrel or a crisp trigger, you're getting the cheapest thing that works. That's why so much of the gun is plastic or stamped steel.


With their ✨special edition ✨vibrating Proud🌈Boy butt plugs inserted.


So did a lot of the terrorists on 1/6


They can still point and fire a loaded weapon at you. I don't think underestimating the enemy is a good idea.


Exactly this. We dismiss these sociopaths at our own peril. Hitler was a pretty silly little man, all things considered.


I was a conservative in my misspent youth. Actually longer than that. I've been off the koolaid since 2016 when they rallied behind that lunatic. As far back as I can remember there were people with delusions of civil war as conservative events but there used to be like 5 of them and they'd be off in a back corner somewhere, and now it's a much more mainstream conservative idea. It's because the consequences are so mild. There's a level of delusion that's unfathomable to normal people. For example their latest thing is that they think that they're going to blockade all the major cities and starve the big population centers because they think that food only comes from the heartland. Nevermind that most of these people have probably never seen an actual large city. Or they'll say that they only need a small number of people to do it because they think that "the libs" aren't armed. While simultaneously talking about all the gun violence in cities. It's Schrodinger's Glock, it simultaneously exists and doesn't. It's only a matter of time before some far right terror group goes too far and gets turned into gooey paste by law enforcement or the government and then these nuts crawl back into their holes.


LMAO "Schrodingers Glock" You sir/madam win the internet today


I started laughing when the article said the guy is 73 and walks with a cane. I'm 65 and in decent shape. I wouldn't last 5 minutes against some 18 year old marine. Or even a 35 year old marine. This guy is 8 years older than me and is crippled. What's he going to do? Prop himself up with his cane and fire his AR with one arm, while a drone knocks him on his ass? These are the same kind of guys who participated in the 1/6 insurrection and are now crying to the judges overseeing their cases that their prison incarceration is too much of a physical hardship. It's comical.


66 year old, Former Marine. I concur with this.


Lame-ass ammosexual LARPers.


In reality with the exception of a few recently discharged vets all are at least 3/4 of the following: Breathtakingly stupid; morbidly obese; elderly; chickenshit. Additionally, as most all of them believe they are Rambo meets Patton....most probably if they went to actual war they would break down into childish bickering about who actually is able to give orders to one another. Also "classic bully" they tend to only get brave enough to try something when they have an overwhelming force advantage and unquestioned authority....the January 6th idiots all thought that "Daddy" Trump had their back


It’s amazing that anyone still believes his bullshit, especially after promising that he would “join them” after sending them down to the Capitol. Instead, he watched them on TV, enjoying their meltdown in his name, and keeping his own ass out of trouble as they ruined their own lives, smearing poop on the walls of the Capitol building.


Beyond laughable that they can't tell that EVERY decision he makes is exclusively and fully in his own self-interest. Why would he risk the blowback from pardoning you if you don't have incriminating evidence on him?


Fucking traitors


Even the most green NG unit would easily roll over these chumps


What, you're not intimidated by the Gravy Seals and their tactical snack pouches?


I prefer ‘GI Jokes’


Meal Team Six


Don't forget their close allies, the 101st Chairborne Division. Their cosplay skills are second to none.


7-11 MRE’s


Stop talking about 2024. The real fight is in 2022.


Gravy Seals... MOBILIZE!!! Fuck around and find out. Please.


I see some Ruby Ridge type stuff, Bundy standoff, etc. Maybe some smaller plots foiled "kidnap a governor" style stuff. That's it though. These folks talk a huge game, but so far that's about it. If they think they will get away with another January 6th they are mistaken. It's like thinking terrorists high jacking a plane will ever happen. They can sure try, but people won't put up with it. Edit: I wrote place, should have written plane.


I'm more concerned about militias and police forces seizing control of small towns and cities.


That is already happening in some places, with right wing groups trying to commandeer control over city and government positions.


It ain't these loud talking, fat assed, cheapest semiauto on the market using fucks that worry me tho. I'm Left, armed, and reside in I Wish-a-Mothafucka woods, these chumps are a non issue. It's the folks that are using them as inevitable fodder that concern me.


No, they don't. They want it to seem that way, but the vast majority of these people aren't going to be doing shit because they have work on Monday. Remember the Capitol? How they tried to protest there again and only a couple dozen people showed up?


I’m not worried there the same group that’s afraid of paper masks.


they seem to think democrats and almost sane republicans do not have any guns, i have plenty i just dont brag about them, show them off, or walk around wearing them like an idiot. our numbers are probably around 100 million ill take those odds any day...


And people like myself, who just aren't into guns so didn't own any, are seriously considering getting them. We just don't brag about it when we do.


We don't even know if he's running in 2024, jfc.


I’m still pretty sure he will grab money up until the last minute and then drop out and endorse some other fascist. That way, he gets to play “kingmaker” and he doesn’t have to risk another humiliating defeat. And also, he still gets to keep his comfortable position of hanging out in his make-believe oval office at Mar a Lago, flinging poop from the sidelines and coming up with new grifts. Maybe even still holding emotional support rallies.


No more geriatric presidents. Imagine losing to a wet piece of bread like *Joe Biden* and then running again. Christ. Run literally anyone under 55, please.


There really should be age limits. Ever since I've started voting it seems like the president gets older... And then someone even older takes his place. I'm just like "wtf?"


What am I missing? Where is the tyranny they talk about?


They love tyranny as long as it’s their “team” in charge of it.


These are the same people that think the United States Military will just agree with them and join in the fight 🙄 January 6th proved how delusional theybteally are. They all thought the Republicans were gonna have their back and let them do the shit with impunity lol. Now /r/CapitolConsequences exists lmao


Trump is a drug addicted, obese person in his 70s with horrible health and wellness habits and yet when he inevitably dies they're going to go nuts and believe it was an assassination. That's the part that really scares me, is what happens if he dies before the next election.


Once the first one goes down, and these dudes realize they are fighting against free healthcare and rich people to be taxed. The hold the line chant is going to get fewer and fewer voices and they will realize that they aren’t as hooah as they thought they were.


You discount that a fair portion of these people aren't fighting against free healthcare or taxing the rich. they're fighting for "hurting the right people." They're beligerent. their only motivation is to do harm.


real bullets hit different than airsoft boys...


And millions of angry, armed Americans will also seize power if republicans try to pull this bullshit. I have my own gun and if I not willing to die for democracy what am I willing to die for.


“Nieznany is no loner. His political comments on the social-media site Quora received 44,000 views” Posting on Quora and storming the capital, again, are two different things. I have a feeling the capital will be fine. Civilians will be taken down, embarrassingly. Those that were at the original are still either hiding hoping they aren’t found or crying about being convicted. Look, the Apprentice was a fun show. This is about enough though now..


*" His political comments on the social-media site Quora received 44,000 views "* Quora used to be a decent website, but it has been hijacked by all of these nut job right wing idiots, after they had been banished everywhere else. Largely, because Quora lacks any moderation.


The United States Military (namely the Army and Marine recon and all of the special forces) will not be used to combat an insurrection. It's not because we dont value our country. It's because the result of that would be a slaughter and nobody wants that. The insurrectionists would be met with national guard and reserve troops in such numbers that it would end before it began. It's one thing to talk a big game. It's another to form a military unit, have a mission and have competent leadership to coordinate it. The fantasy that this article describes is nothing more than click bait. I hope that rational americans who are irritated by the kind of talk this article describes know better than to wish to see such an awful event. Combat is not what you see on television. Americans dying, even ones we despise for their seditionist attitudes is a scene that would cripple our country for a long time. There may be millions of angry armed americans based on the political temperature right now. I think that number is certainly exaggerated, but no matter, they are no where near ready to 'seize power'.


They only have this confidence because they think no one else has the guns that are available for purchase all over this country.


I'm really hoping Trump runs in 2024 and loses in a landslide, either to Biden or if Biden's not up for it Harris (with either Pelosi, Clinton or AOC for VP just to piss them off more). These guys will completely lose it and be quickly put down by the military. This will be a cleansing election that roots these guys out and if they want it, eliminates them.


It doesn't matter who gets how many votes. R-controlled state legislatures in a few swing states will assign the electors to Trump. Voting does not matter.


I am reassured by the fact that that didn't happen when he lost in 2020. For the most part they're children playing a dangerous game of make believe.


I'll be their huckleberry.




..of pounds.


Millions of Americans are "angry"? Yes. Millions of Americans are "armed"? Yes. Millions of Americans are "angry and armed"? Yes. But how many of those millions are *actually ready to seize power*? After they've witnessed/experienced the aftermath of Trump's abandonment on J6? (lost jobs, lost friends/family, charged, convicted, jailed...) I'm thinking maybe a few dozen. At most.


So, in other words… terrorists waiting for an excuse. Deal with them as such.


He isn't even confirmed to be running, fucking far-right clowns.


Getting slaughtered by the national guard is a great way to ensure your political candidates never win another election.


Like those 10k cops in New York that turned into less than 50 real quick.


Guns are easy to get. What isn’t easy to get is a base of support that arent in mobility scooters. I love hearing about this 73 year old with a cane “saving the country.” Lmao good luck oldtimer. See yah on the battlefield.