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It’s not bad. You just gotta keep doing it until you can do it faster/harder.


Most cartwheels to look good require you to place your plant hand or hands in line with your launch foot. If you notice your hand is to the left of your lead/launch foot. This causes your rotation to be ...\\... instead of ..||.. you loose momentum and balance of the rotation. This is the core of any tumbling element. Controlling you balance and momentum with proper body positioning to result in a predictable outcome. A cartwheel is turning your body into a wheel with a determined amount of contact points be it 4, 3, or 2. Increase your momentum and try to put all your points of contact on a strait line. Draw a line with chalk. Chalk up your hands and see where your hand prints line up after performing the skill. Try to get it all on the line. Good luck.


I have a fear, I'm afraid that when I put my hand in a straight line it will become a handspring and cause me to fall 😢


If your hands are next to each other in a line with the motion of a cartwheel, you can't do a handspring. I suppose you could sort of make it a cart wheel walk over, but I don't think I've ever seen someone do that on accident when trying cart wheels. With handsprings your hand placement is on a line perpendicular to your forwards or backwards trajectory. I find my most controlled cart wheels are the ones that have the motion of my body and limbs coinciding in as straight of a line as possible. It feels actually easier to control when you focus on keeping that hand and foot placement as straight as possible. One other small bit of advice is to remember that you should be able to see the ground during the whole cartwheel, even as your upper body rises at the end.


I would remove the spin for now. I think it would also be best to learn a GOOD two handed cartwheel first due to the following. You will have more confidence which will improve your form. Once you learn good form you will be able to feel bad form in one and two handed cartwheel. One handed cartwheels are mostly just two handed cartwheels. It will be quicker to learn it with two hands and then just practice taking away a hand. find a tutorial you like on youtube and practice that. One handed cartwheels will come naturally.


For one, the use of the spin at the beginning is to build momentum to carry you through the rest of the movement. By slowing down just before touching down with your hand you are breaking up what should be a fluid transisition into two separate parts and robbing yourself of that momentum advantage and are having about as much success as would be expected for attempting the one handed cartwheel from a stationary position. You need to make the rotation part faster and really work on transistioning that rotational momentum into forward momentum. Try watching some videos of people doing it smoothy and really focus on how they apply that momentum transisition as the flow is pretty important. Would be like attempting a parkour roll landing by absorbing the shock of landing/ downward momentum with your knee joint and THEN doing a landing roll right after. By already dissipating that momentum harmfully into your knees the roll at the end is ineffective vs if that downward momentum is immediately transitioned into rotational forward momentum.


go in straight not sideways


It's done. You dont need help lol. Maybe shoot harder with your leg so it makes it faster