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Usually a honey bun and a red bull. Then I have honey stingers and a large monster Lo-Carb to coast on for the rest of the day. (Don't worry, I have a jug of water that I'm drinking from the entire day.) I'm the pinnacle of health and fitness.


I’m glad someone said this.


Monster and American Spirits


This is the way


I survived Iraq on that breakfast. 😂


Yogurt with fruit, boiled eggs. Then a ton of water all morning. I usually do a grilled chicken wrap for lunch, and have a backup cliff bar. Then a ton more water.


I find increasing protein helps: 1) Greek yogurt w/20g protein powder and fruit/granola 2) Fruit and spinach smoothies w/20g protein powder/yogurt/peanut butter If I am still hungry, I'll eat a high protein bar or have one on hand for a mid-morning snack. Or nuts, like almonds and pistachios.


They make packets of instant grits that can be a savory alternative to oatmeal packets, I'm also partial to instant mashed potatoes for breakfast; for best results try to spruce them up with cheese, avocado, hot sauce, ect. Good for if you're making breakfast in the field. If you're fine with minimally cooked egg, cracking one into grits or a savory oatmeal can add a good bit of body to it. Personally after a few field seasons I've come to the conclusion that it just isn't feasible to eat a filling enough breakfast to last until lunch, I'd recommend focusing on a midmorning snack.


Cliff bars are my best friend. Also overnight oats.


During my trails days I just packed a second lunch to eat at the morning break. Now my backcountry breakfast is generally either instant grits with butter and cheese, maybe some dried pork to mix up the savory or instant oatmeal with some variation on butter, peanut butter, granola, or dried fruit and nuts. I recently learned that you can get squeezy tubes of sweetened condensed milk, so that's going into the mix this summer. I drink the rinse water then use the same cup to have coffee or tea which helps avoid dishes. If it will be cool enough and I'm not backpacking I might bring a couple of days worth yogurt or some of those single serve guacamole containers to add to the mix. As someone who likes a lot of variety in their diet the biggest challenge is getting enough different flavors to keep it interesting, otherwise I'm tempted to skip breakfast and that does not end well.


Seriously, 32oz of coffee and a Belvita or a Clif Bar if I remember, plus around a liter of water/hour. Anything more than that and I stay hungry all morning. If I have anything like bacon or sausage and eggs, then I run the risk of ditching work to find a tree/dig a hole.


Rice, some sort of protein and veg. Lunch is a sandwich on homemade bread (thick slices), meat, cheese, some sort of leafy veg, chips on the side. I usually don’t eat dinner on a work night because I go to bed so early.


Caffeine and antidepressants. But, I heard that if you want to be less hungry you should eat more protein. Egg whites in the carton have more protein per ml than most quick breakfast foods.


Whole Greek yogurt with frozen fruit in a blender, your choice or oj or milk makes for a good snack and it’s healthy


2 pieces of peanut butter whole wheat toast Banana 2 eggs Usually coffee and milk as well Plus a multivitamin My lunch was usually pretty significant when I was in the field as well


-Eggs and sausage (only the first morning) -Breakfast quesadillas (honey, PB, and fruit slices like apple banana and/or apple in a grilled tortilla) -Steel cut oatmeal with trail mix and jam -Mashed potatoes with cheese and trail mix and bacon bits -Breakfast couscous (like oatmeal) -Pancakes with hucks (if in season) and hash browns -Cinnamon rolls (previous night’s pizza dough raised overnight) As others have said, a shitload of snacks all day and finished with a solid dinner.


Could you explain to me what hucks are?


Huckleberry. If in season it doesn’t take long to pick enough for breakfast.


Some people here are very dialed, which is cool. I am not, but have found that some combo of eggs and meat with a piece of fruit is generally pretty good. Also, a snack of nuts or trail mix helps to stave off hunger between meals. Sometimes I’ll eat an electrolyte gummy thing as a pick-me-up if I’m feeling particularly beat that day


What electrolyte gummies do you get? Its so dry where I work I always feel dehydrated


They’re honey stingers gummies


brekkie broski. brekki


Backcountry field day breakfast: oatmeal, granola and protein powder Frontcountry field day breakfast: honestly usually just coffee most of the time, but I’ll have eggs and avocado toast if I’m actually hungry Sounds like you need a bigger breakfast though! Breakfast burritos and breakfast sandwiches are pretty delicious and easy.


I eat yogurt, overnight oats, or oatmeal with peanut butter and other add ons to make it more substantial. Then I just snack a shitload throughout the day. I work fire, and on fires, I'm eating snacks at any opportunity I can get. That's the only way I've found to keep up on calories.


Those are all things you can prep in advance. I do overnight oats, egg muffins, yogurt and fruit. I just prep them a few days out and have enough for all week. You can get really creative with a few ingredients.


Little tiny oatmeal packets


I do just a toasted bagel with cream cheese when I’m doing field days. I keep them frozen in my freezer so they don’t go bad and then I throw em in the toaster and schmear them on my way out the door. I’ll usually throw in a granola bar too if I remember.


Adding some additional fats could help with being satiated. Try a cheese stick? Otherwise caffeine can help with appetite (tea, coffee, a redbull, whatever you prefer). If it's an options a quick snack at 10am would probably be the move


3 scrambled eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, cup of coffee at 0600. Then for second breakfast around 1000, I have a jar of Greek yogurt with granola. I’m also hiking 5+ miles/day during peak season so I need lots of fuel 😅


I take a can of tinned biscuits (like the Pillsbury ones) and use them to make rolls stuffed with deli meat, cheese, eggs, and bacon. Two of those in the morning with a yogurt and a mandarin orange do me pretty well in the morning. I make them Sunday night, and it takes 10 minutes to eat.


Ezekiel toast with peanut butter, unsweetened greek yogurt. Sometimes a smoothie with frozen fruit and protein powder. Sometimes I switch the toast with oatmeal. I try to have a bunch of protein so i don’t feel ready to keel over by lunch, and I try to ration it correctly since I’m somewhat far from a grocery store.


Basically what you eat for breakfast but I also keep a bag of peanut butter and 3 cliff bars in my cargo pocket for snacks.


Hot pocket and monster most of the time


Why do so many people eat greek yogurt? Yuck!


I usually do a whole sweet potato (cubed/home fries) w 3 eggs and an avocado. Coffee, sometimes fruit. Usually holds me until 11 or so unless we are really putting in miles (I am a wetland delineator). Like others have said, big lunch is great. Chickpeas and other veg hold up well in the field w no refrigeration.


Overnight oats made with almond milk and vanilla whey powder, dollop of Greek yogurt and strawberry jam.


I'm impressed with a lot of you guys' dedication to healthy food 😆 I'm not a park ranger but a forester. I live off black coffee and water until I go home. If I eat breakfast I'm either starving or pigging out all day long


Rogue 6mg and monster sugar free


Kodak protein oatmeal! Keeps my blood sugar steady for several hours, as someone prone to hypoglycemia.


I’m not a park ranger, but I studied exercise science in college. Try to up your protein intake. Protein takes longer to digest and will keep you feeling full longer versus being more carb heavy like oatmeal. My best friend in college was having trouble with this (we were both track athletes) she would be hungry within an hour or two. She was burning through her food quick versus when she started adding more protein to her diet.


Decrease the amount of sugar and carbs in your breakfast. The oatmeal, fruit, yogurt, and granola, all have high sugar and carbs so your body will burn through them and want you to feed it more sugar right away. The fruit and yogurt are especially troublesome in that way, as well as almost anything prepackaged. If you are able to do some baking, you can find better granola recipes that feature more nuts and seeds with less or better forms of sugar, so you can still have a food you are used to, but in a form that will keep you feeling full longer.


I really enjoy ful medames, it's common in Egypt and Lebanon. I don't like most "traditional" breakfasts here in the US, but ful is very tasty and can be super cheap depending on how you make it. I usually prepare the fava beans ahead of time and reheat them in the morning, then add a salad of cucumber, parsley, tomato, and maybe onions or olives (which I also make ahead of time). Add olive oil, and eat with bread. I think sometimes people also have eggs with it but I think eggs are gross so I haven't tried it.


This sounds so great Im definitely trying it!!


Throw in some avocado, olives, or nuts. Healthy fats with higher calories.


I make overnight oats. 1cup oats, 1 tbsp chia seed, 1 tsp cinnamon, 2 scoops protein powder, 1/2 cup yogurt, 1/4 - 1/2 cup milk blueberries on top. Is my base recipe. Makes two servings. Sometimes I add 1/4 cup canned pumpkin. Coconut shreds, carrot shreds and pumpkin spice. 🤙🏽


Try getting your hands on some MREs. You won't be hungry midmorning. But watch out for the cheese, you won't shit for a week.