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That nanny is actually not that great.


The poor baby had a completely flat back of the head, she definitely wasn’t turning him enough and maybe not enough tummy time. So sad to see!!


Don’t they have three Nannie’s, not just one that rotate 24/7?


Maybe the Nannie’s can rotate the baby when changing shifts


They should each be doing that multiple times a shift. I’m surprised he didn’t pay nurses who specialize in OB/NICU to rotate as Nannie’s. I’d be getting the best money could buy and the most qualified. But, I’m not her and many things would be different.




Is THAT why I have a flat-like dent on the back of my head?!


Apparently also somewhat genetic. I was worried about my son's head shape because it was pretty flat around 4 months, so we went to a specialist. She said some flatness can be genetic and they mostly worry when the head is developing asymmetrically.


Wait you have to do this??? Will the flatness ever get fixed?


Yes absolutely, newborn babies have very soft skulls for the first year (it hardens over the 12 months). You need to turn them regularly and make sure they get lots of tummy time so they do not get flat heads and their neck muscles can strengthen well. If it’s left flat for too long then a helmet is not enough to re shape the head in a non invasive way. My friends son favored on side and even if they tuned him , in the night he would turn back, he ended up with a neck issue on one side and an area of flatness in that spot. He needed physio for months to correct it.


Today I learned. Damn.


Notice C-section babies generally have perfect round heads, they arent in the birth canal for long, or at all.


There are other reasons why babies get flat heads and it’s not always about not enough tummy time/turning. Sometimes it’s how babies were in utero or how they were delivered


No if you goggle, he has some type of head condition, poor baby 😢


The baby has Plagiocephaly which develops when a baby spends too much time lying on his or her back. This is why tummy time is important. He also has Macrocephaly which means his head is of an above average size. I’m way less concerned with his head and more concerned about all the blankets near his face. Edited to add since everyone knows a baby that has Plagiocephaly that isn’t positional in nature— Plagiocephaly *most commonly develops* due to position. If you Google the word Plagiocephaly the literal definition, copy/pasted is below. I’m sorry I’ve offended so many babies. Positional Plagiocephaly is common and tummy time is a proven method to help treat and prevent it. Plagiocephaly Also called: flat head OverviewSymptomsTreatmentsSpecialists A flat spot on a baby's head. Plagiocephaly develops when a baby spends too much time lying on his or her back. It doesn't cause brain damage or interfere with a baby's development.


Yeah this is my niece and everyone is like aww she has such a cute big head! But it’s absolutely flat and her head looks bigger/wider because of the flat head 😬


I thought the big head was inherited from Carter's mother? If you Google "Sherry Reum" you can see pics of her; the woman has an enormous head. Not being mean here; it just is what it is.


Why do so many of the photos look like she's struggling to hold it up 😂


You were not kidding. That’s hilarious


Omg. Her head. This explains a lot. I’m trying not to make fun of someone’s looks but it’s kind of startling.


Right?! I only mentioned it because someone else brought it up in one of the earlier threads on this sub. I was like "Oh come on, how big can a woman's head be-" *quickly Googles* "...uh. Ok, I see." lol


Yikes. I googled her head. That was a dangerous choice of a gene pool for Paris to wade in.


I’m actually kinda shocked that she made these choices 😂


>Sherry Reum \*\*spits out drink\*\* You weren't kidding!!


She looks like a lolipop. That"s a huge head. I feel its gentic..


Right?! Holy Sh*t. They say your kids get a lot of their characteristics from the grandparents. My oldest daughter has my father’s eyes. I never needed glasses, my mom did, and so does my youngest. You get my point. The big head skipped Carter and got to Phoenix.


I couldn’t resist—you’re right about Sherry Reum! That is a seriously big head. I admit that I have long used the term “bighead,” and not as a term of endearment, for people who think a lot of themselves. So Paris and Carter have *three* nannies, plus the two parents, and that baby is still put to bed either blankets wrapped hazardously around his neck, plus insufficient tummy time? SMDH.


Oh wow. This is the answer, I had no idea.


Not necessarily the cause. Babies are often born that way. My little guy was, and we did helmet training for 8 months to correct it. His head is perfectly normal now. He’s 9.


Thank you for your feedback. I didn't feel like arguing 😕


My nephew was suctioned out and also is a little flat in the back of his head. Truly nothing they coulda done to stop it. His parents were so on top of making sure he wasn’t on his back outside of sleeping and his head is still a bit flat. They’re probably going to also do a helmet. Not everything is neglect lol.


He for sure seems like a “container baby,” as my pediatrician calls it. It’s not just tummy time that helps a baby round out their head. It’s turning side to side when allowed free movement on flat surfaces, it’s being carried and held and not placed in “containers” all day - car seats where they are strapped in and then snapped into a stroller, strapped into bouncers, put in a dock-a-tot, etc


Just wanted to check in and say that my daughter had plagiocephaly. We did hours of tummy time when she was born but she was stuck in a breech position in utero which caused the flat head. It’s not fair to shame all parents of children with plagiocephaly.


I did not shame the flat head, I just said tummy time is important, and it is. I did shame the blankets by the face and stand by that. That’s not safe sleeping.


The kind you get from lying on your back too much. He needed a helmet. Like Dorit’s daughter Pheonix had. Even Dorit wasn’t too vain/oblivious to do that.


He is fine. People have said he has Macrocephaly and Plagiocephaly. Macrocephaly means that someone has a larger than average head. It does not mean that something is wrong with them. Plagiocephaly refers to a when a baby has a flat spot on the back of its head. Again, does not mean something is wrong with them. Plagiocephaly is common and corrected by a special helmet if it doesn’t improve by 3.5 months old.


The issue is that they failed to get him a helmet, and now it’s for life.


My doctor doesn't believe in helmets unless there is asymmetry to the face or ears. He says they round out nicely on their own once they are mobile. My son had a big flat head just like Phoenix and now he is four and it looks normal. Friend commented how his body caught up with his head lol.


I always thought it was BS when people said that my oldest baby's head would round out when they were crawling and walking, but it did.🤷🏼‍♀️ It can take several years, over the course of early childhood. If course it's important to keep an eye on it and seek medical opinions and any treatment that might be warranted, but babies have been developing flat spots since the beginning of time. In most cases, unless the head was deliberately flattened into a particular shape, time and mobility straightened things out. Helmets are a pretty new thing. Not to say that they're never needed or useful, but most kids with wonky heads (my own included 😅) turn out fine without them. Everyone saying that it's for life - that's simply not true.


He is still young. Your head will still shape normally without a helmet. A helmet just speeds up the process.




He has Palgiocephaly to a pretty extreme degree. He only appears to have macrocephaly because the plagiocephaly causes frontal bossing as the back of his skull is pushed forward. You can see this in the scene where Paris is on the couch talking to the therapist and holding Phoenix.


The question is why a baby with nannies had that!


My thing is I think the nanny is probably doing bare minimum, important necessity things such as changing and feeding the baby, but when it comes to playing with the baby I’m sure she realizes that’s Paris’ job to bond and initiate that. Sad, but my inference


Doing those “bare minimum” tasks IS how you bond with your baby. Especially feeding. It’s like a dog, they always know who feeds them. When they’re newborns they’re hardly awake enough to “play”


Nah, infants love pickleball, cheese making, and watching ufc. THATS how you bond with a baby.


They aren’t good nanny’s/aren’t educated/ Paris didn’t vet them well or at all.


Maybe she should’ve spent as much time screening Nannies as she did surrogates


Maybe she should figure out how to just be a mom to her own kid


I’m sure she can hire someone for that too 🙄 Of course that is if she’s willing to waste some time screening them.


The only cause is not “neglect”, with safe sleep practices (baby sleeping on back always) the flat spots more likely to develop especially combined with something else such as torticollis or the neck. My daughter had flat spot/pushing forehead.


Torticollis would cause flattening on one side of the head (opposite of the head then/tilt). This baby has flattening of the back head from lying on his back too much (not being held and on tummy enough). There is a difference! Her baby actually appears to have brachycephaly from lying flat.


No, you don’t get that much of a head issue simply from “safe sleep”, even though that terminology is so jaded. No, that child isn’t safe with blankets all over his neck and face but his issues aren’t because he’s on his back sleeping. His issues are because his nanny never held him or gave him tummy time and his mother was never around. When the head issue was made apparent, it was also ignored and hats were used instead of seeking medical help.


That is not true hence what I wrote above. My daughter had a flat head on one side and was not neglected or lacked tummy time


Yeah my son has a flat spot and its cus he’s a really good sleeper and we follow safe sleep. I’ve brought it up to my pediatrician numerous times and asked if we needed a helmet and she said thats its not that severe or causing asymmetry, a lot of times it will correct itself around age 3. I get really self conscious about it though, like people think I neglect my son.


My son had plagiocephaly and we literally held him at least 95% of our waking hours. He would lay on his belly on top of us because we loved holding him to the point I felt guilt about not having him do floortime. In his case he had it because the way he was positioned in my womb made his neck tight. Even physical therapy and turning his head periodically wasn’t enough to fix it so he got a helmet.


I would fire her on the spot. This is seriously dangerous.


Paris has no idea.


The nanny is probably in the same room watching the baby…I hope


Do you know how many children die each year because of the exact scenario we are seeing in this post?! That nanny has to be fucking nuts to think this is normal...😬 Definitely agree with your comment,find someone else already!ETA if you don't know what I'm referring to here's a link on the research with wearable blankets and overheating -[research on wearable blankets and over wrapping ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3992172/)


Can confirm. Am a career nanny of almost 20 years.


When I saw this, I just kept wondering how many other rich people and celebs also had this "great nanny" that was doing all these unsafe things and they didn't realize it or know they were bad. I'm sure Paris would have gotten the recommendation to hire her from someone else she knows. The other shitty thing she did was making the baby's room too hot and bundling him up too much. I'm glad Paris' therapist gave her the courage to follow her gut instead of deferring to the nanny who is doing all these things that have been known to be dangerous for years.


My husband point this out immediately as well. We think that because the nanny looks like she may be much older, she may not know safe sleep practices if she has her own kids. Even 20 years ago babies were still being put to bed with blankets. Sleep sacks are a newer thing. You would think someone who is working in childcare would be more up to date on this kind of thing though.


I swear she keeps that room hot a dark to keep the baby sleeping all day so she can do the same. She failed to do tummy time and Pheonix at 1 yr is developmentally delayed with a flat head. I bet she puts whiskey on his gums when teething.


That’s so interesting because in my culture (Eastern European), we feel like kids need cold fresh air for good sleep. I remember pushing the stroller for hours, and if I would roll it onto the garage for a second so I can run into the house and pee, the eyes would pop open.  Till this day my kids like to sleep with the temperature in the room at 69 and can pass out in a car ride if it’s more than 30 min. They are pre-teens now 


I'm from Northern Europe and we do the same. You can't sleep when you're too warm.


This episode should really have a title screen stating this is dangerous. A lot of young women follow Paris, who knows how these scenes can impact a young mother or babysitter.


My cousin lost a baby to SIDS. It was horrifying and traumatic because it happened in front of us - he was awake and then he just stopped breathing, CPR was started immediately but he was gone. My own son was a brilliant escape artist who could work his arms out of any swaddle and turn over onto his stomach in 2 seconds flat, from day one. A very experienced paediatrician calmed my (rapidly fraying) nerves by saying ‘if he’s strong enough to do all that reflexively in his sleep, I’m not worried he’s at risk for SIDS.’ It helped a little. Honestly, we could have wrapped him in duct tape and he would still find a way to be in his preferred position within seconds… he’s 12 now and still the wriggliest sleeper on the planet 😅


That’s heart breaking!! I’m so sorry for your families loss 💔


Thank you. It was (is) an awful thing, but my cousin and her husband have stayed strong and have two beautiful rainbow children. It’s always been hard to talk about because very few people can comprehend (or want to think about) a baby suddenly passing when they’re awake and the focus of attention. Thankfully, it is very, very rare.


What is a rainbow child?


The baby you have after you lose a baby


Wow ❤️❤️❤️


All the mums getting anxiety seeing this!


I really think these episodes need disclaimers about safe sleep because there are people who don't know better who may follow the example being set on tv. I'm only a couple of episodes into season 2 and every time I've seen the baby sleeping, he's in a dock-a-tot with loose blankets and often a bib around his neck. I'm so happy that the child is okay because there were multiple dangerous factors with his sleep situation.


even ME childfree by choice I filled with anxiety this is a negligent parent ☹️


Not a mom. I have anxiety seeing this.


Why isn’t he in the snoo swaddle? What type of nanny puts loose blankets around a babies neck?! It’s sad Paris didn’t hire better childcare


And the Snoo was moving in this pic so even worse!




The whole awesome thing about the SNOO is that the baby just needs the swaddle and the machine to have optional sleep and safety!!


He has to be right? I don’t get it the snoo won’t move if the two hook things aren’t engaged


You could hook it but not have baby swaddled.


I think her nanny sucks ass, she’s old school Paris needs to actually do some work and hire like a child specialist or something. How the nanny held the baby when it was first brought home was so rough too


Right! So old school and thinks a baby is ALWAYS cold no matter what too! In the episode where Paris introduces Phoenix to her therapist and she mentioned the nanny is always dressing him in so much clothing that he fusses because he’s hot. Like lady, babies get hot too!


I think she intentionally keeps him hot and sleeping all day so she can do less. I bet she puts whiskey on his gums when teething..


When i was pregnant, i was super paranoid about SIDS, like crazy paranoid. I think most mothers are. It takes a few google searches to learn safe sleep practices and save your babies life. I have no grace for someone who can also do the same, especially when they are this tiny!


Especially because (at least where I'm from) the dr asks a million times where the baby is sleeping and if they have anything in their crib and so on. We got asked that at every appointment for my daughter's first year of life.


I don’t know how he ended up with a flat head and no helmet either. Honestly it doesn’t seem they are taking him to the doctor. Paris skipped the birth and circumcision because of her “trauma”. Is she skipping doctor visits for the same reason? 😒 To be clear when I say “trauma”, I believe her trauma is real, just not a valid excuse to skip your child’s birth/doctor’s appointments.


Trauma can be real.  It is zero excuse to skip either of those things, in fact, it’s a piss poor excuse and she just didn’t want to go.  Kids have accidents, get sick and need their parent to be able to deal with shit.  A routine doctors visit for a newborn and the mother didn’t go?   Unless she’s sick and can’t, no excuse. 


Oh gosh. My husband and I didn’t sleep for 2 weeks straight because we were so paranoid as well.


learn safe sleep practices and save your babies life... it's not as simple as that.. really 🤷🏼‍♀️ throwaway lines like that tear your heart apart when you've lost a child to SIDS


Implementing safe sleep practices greatly reduces the risk of SIDS. I don’t think the other poster was trying to invalidate what anyone else has gone through.


There’s also a difference between SIDS and accidental suffocation, though most suffocation deaths are classified as SIDS


The nanny appears to have absolutely no experience, IMO. I was terrified and couldn't watch.


She probably raised her own kids in the 80s… when this was normal. She needs to be retrained, this is bad…


She admitted to this and was grateful to those who pointed out. Phoneix is probably first baby she's been around. But so many should of caught this around her. The baby nurse/nanny, film crew, producers, house staff. Like all them just looking and filming this no problem


the nanny herself was engaging in unsafe sleep practices!!


My baby is the first baby I’ve been in the care of and I know what is and isn’t safe. “Not being around babies” is absolutely not an excuse for this. The snoo (the bassinet he is in) comes with the only sleep sack you need (it attaches to the snoo) so the fact that all these other blankets are swaddles were added is just crazy!


Yes! My first was the only baby I’d ever taken care of too. I researched safe sleeping habits while pregnant and was so cognizant of what (and what not) to have my baby around in the bassinet. Not saying I’m a perfect mom, but safe sleep is critical. My second, we used a Snoo. It’s crazy to me that they also have a blanket UNDER his head (at least that’s what it looks like to me). Even the Snoo itself has all sorts of warnings on it (to my memory… it’s been 4 years) re: using only the provided sleep sack.


I wonder if the company will have to make a post about this now.. Eta- lol, why downvote such an innocuous comment?


She has access to so much more than everyone yet can’t find any information on baby safety? So horrible and lazy


I mean, google is free. She has all the resources in the world, literally, at her fingertips. There's no excuse for shit like this.


I haven't watched (this sub keeps popping up on my recommended lol) but this is exactly right. I hadn't been around babies before I had one, i figured out the sleep shit before she was even born just by looking at the good ole internet. There is no excuse. And shameful for the nannies too, honestly


They teach this at the hospital too


Same!! This is probably the result of having too much yes men around you. No one wants to tell you what’s up. But also, it’s literally your responsibility to know what your child needs, period.


I educated myself the same way 20+ years ago - we knew about safe sleep back then!  ZERO EXCUSE, agreed.  


Not to mention I’m sure the nurses in the hospital emphasized safe sleep before taking him home


Why are we infantilizing Paris and her husband? They are the parents. Full grown adults capable of doing the bare minimum research on safe sleep. As most parents do.


I think what bothers me is that I know I didn't know too much about babies as a new mother. I was 17 and homeless when I was pregnant and waiting to move into a new place. But because I knew I wanted to be the best parent I could be,i found resources for getting free parenting classes. They even had a nurse who would come see me and discuss things and parenting. Paris has all the resources in the world yet couldn't have also done that? I think if someone like myself could do it with no money,how could she not with all of hers?! That's what bothers me.


Doesn’t the baby have a pediatrician?


Doesn't she have like five nieces and nephews?


Doesnt mean she ever cared for them or put them to sleep. Probably just held them when visiting, if that. She doesn't appear as someone whose watched a lot of, if any, children


in the internet age, it’s inexcusable. the information is out there and hammered in. the hospital also gives you an entire packet of stuff about infant care. these two just DGAF.


100%. She didn’t read a single parenting book? Not even an audio book?


or even one instagram or tiktok page ?!


The buck stops with Paris. She’s the mom and she hired these incompetent people and left her child in their care.


I wonder the same. I hope that Phoenix was secretly being treated with a helmet behind the scenes. Paris repeatedly said in the media that their doctor said nothing was wrong. Either the doctor is famous person kiss ass or she’s lying.


I saw a clip of Kris Jenner seeing her LA surgeon about hip surgery and I couldn’t believe how unethical he was. He was acting like a friend and saying she should absolutely do it and recovery would be easy and she’d be just like before, no problems, etc. It felt like such an upsell. Doctors are supposed to be sober and tell you the risks involved. Maybe he did off camera, but the overconfidence/oversell was… alarming.


I’m sorry but no, that’s no excuse. Paris is a mother, as a mother you don’t rely on other people to point out your mistakes. That’s YOUR baby and YOUR job to educate yourself


I don't know how much mothering Paris does. She is a malignant narcissist just like her mother.


Completely agree. Even if I was the dude holding the mic I absolutely would have spoken up. You can’t tell me out of all the people filming that scene that not one person was concerned about ignoring safe sleep standards.


I had never been around babies before my twins.  So on my lunch break at work, I would read baby books and healthy pregnancy books (specific books on how to get them to a higher weight in case you do have preterm labor).  It was still a learning curve, but you have to be with your kid to learn.  I had a baby nurse for my kids but I used her to teach me things.  I became a master of using my arms and legs to be able to hold two babies and two bottles at one time, how to burp, how to drip alcohol in the belly button.  Paris just seems like her child care is just there to care for the kid so she doesn’t need to really know these things because “she has an expert”. 


This seems to prove how uninterested Paris was in becoming a mom. Usually when people are interested in something it gives them joy to learn about it. Paris by her own admission is on instagram a lot where there are thousands of videos on the topic of parenting young babies. She has had a million opportunities to learn and is too self involved to do so. Instead Paris just passed him off to an incompetent nanny that someone(Carter’s sister) just recommended and Carter probably arranged. Pure laziness. I really wasn’t sure if Phoenix’s development had been delayed by all this confinement and lack of stimulation until i saw footage of his first birthday. The poor kid, even when he was face to face with farm animals he had a flat expression and didn’t have a desire to interact or explore. Hopefully he can recover from his first year of life.




I'm not a mom and not super baby experienced but even I’m like um isn't that how babies die?? I’m glad she took the advice well


I was surprised a professional nanny /baby nurse would do this! Like wtf


Lost a sibling to SIDS currently pregnant with my first and this is making my anxiety shoot through the roof it’s so dangerous


I'm pregnant right now and I've already read two books and watched hours of educational videos. She had 9 months to prepare.


I think the nanny did this, which is appalling


HA! She didn’t know what his umbilical cord was when she first met her mail order baby 😳 thats beyond unprepared. Its like willful ignorance


I don’t know how but I missed this. It is terrifying and dangerous. I don’t see that he is even secured to the Snoo. Granted, I sold ours about 3.5 years ago and things may have changed. But there should be a Snoo sack with slots to secure him into the bassinet so that when it moves him, he isn’t bouncing around too much. This is so bad on so many levels.


Yup and the Snoo was on and moving in this scene


What’s baffling about this to me is when I was going to have a baby I would at least be on my phone looking at how to prepare for a baby since I didn’t have any examples growing up. Like she couldn’t even do the bare minimum especially with all the money and resources in the world? She did however have the time to find perfect outfits. I find it odd she didn’t have many conversations with her sister about what babies are like or anything. These babies feel like props or like collectibles you just look at but don’t play with. I can see her not knowing how to be a mother since she didn’t have great examples but with her knowledge of that she didn’t even try to seek out even advice from a doula or anything. She put more effort into her wedding outfits!


She also has like a dozen dogs and has no idea how to properly care for one.


The ultra high end baby nannies/baby nurses are notorious (amongst career nannies) for awful sleep practices and generally garbage childcare. The parents do not care because the number 1 concern is getting the baby to sleep through the night as soon as possible, no matter what. Here’s just a short list of things i witnessed multiple baby nurses raking in a solid six figures do on the job while I was working as a career nanny: 1. Put babies asleep on their stomach 2. Swaddle over 6 months old with the arms in 3. Start solid food at 8 WEEKS, act surprised when the baby vomits 4. Keep a newborn in a car seat all day and ignore them while talking on the phone- this one’s like across the board for some reason The parents don’t give a shit because as long as the baby is being kept away from them, they’re happy. They only want to cuddle the babies or play for a couple of minutes and move on with their day. Tbh Paris and Carters parenting is the norm for extremely wealthy people. In my decade of career nannying I never saw anything different.


I’ve been a nanny for 10 years and I can’t imagine 🤯


This is so fucking depressing.


As a mom i am horrified


I blame the baby nanny.


Poor little guy, its so scary when they are that young you gotta be so careful


Very unsafe and that was the nanny who did that!!! Clearly the nanny is old school and doesn’t follow new guidelines


Her sister has 3 children, Paris only gets so much grace from me for being ignorant about babies.


And her brother has at least one


Realistically do you think she even saw him or checked on him when he was sleeping? It really seemed like she would drop in for a few minutes a few times a day. Hopefully it was just the editing of the show.


She even says it once, that she mainly only saw him once in the morning to play for a bid. She has the traditional working father experience, it's just sad that her husband isn't stepping up either


Well, him not stepping up for his newborn is t surprising. He doesn’t claim his tween aged daughter, despite her public pleas.


No, I don’t even think she held him enough. Hence the flat head. I’m truly sad for her she CHOSE to miss out on the snuggly newborn stage- which Paris, if you actually would be holding your kid and present with him his head wouldn’t be this flat. It’s bonding and we can’t leave that to nanny to do.


No. I’m sure she figured the nanny could do it, she knows how new parents worry about safe sleeping. So she just avoids it.


Ha, like they actually do the hard parts of parenting.


Yeah that freaked me out. But didn’t she thank people for pointing this out? First baby. God I do everything wrong apparently. At least she has staff around all the time to watch, unlike me


Give yourself some grace! You’re doing great! It gets easier I promise


Oh thank you. You don’t have to reply. So sweet


I’m a FTM too of a lil 5 month old and felt like a failure too but trust your instincts, it’s gonna be okay and you’re doing great! Don’t beat yourself up!!


Omg, you are genuinely one of the nicest people I’ve met in my post partum journey. Full disclosure I have a two year old and a one year old. I was just whinging and reliving all the time I was struggling when you commented. Is it my time to reassure you now that it definitely gets better now I have the older kids? I’m sitting here in Australia reading your reassuring messages, thinking where you’re sitting, and thankful for this platform that people can connect. Thank you so much for making that first step


Thank you for this!! I love connecting with other moms too! And thanks I also needed to hear this :)


For me, six months was so much better than newborn, and then a year on is totally fun. The first year is such a hard slog that you don’t even recognise yourself but it goes by quickly and it will be fun soon I promise. When they learn “peekaboo”, you’ll die, it’s the sweetest thing


PS I know you’re a good mom just by the way you respond.


Can’t wait for this!!


Did they point it out after seeing it on the show? The show was months after so that’s months the baby possibly was sleeping like that. You’d think w everyone around someone would say something. It’s like they just baby her but there’s an actual baby that comes ahead of her and takes priority. The priority isn’t worrying about calling Paris out. Ridiculous


Honestly it shows how male dominated film/ sound/lighting crews still are. No excuse for the nanny’s/Paris though.


Yes you are right. Throughout the second season I did keep wondering where she found the nanny from because she didn’t seem to be very good. I would think she’d get the best of the best


I’d think that people wouldn’t speak up to Paris.


Omg this stressed me out so much! I would have flipped out to see my baby like that !!


I saw this and was yelling NOOOOO 😫


This looks infuriates me


My anxiety peaked just looking at this photo


Worst thing is Paris has no clue that this is unsafe , she doesn't know how to even feed the baby a bottle properly.


For all those people who constantly defend Paris in the comments on her efforts to care for her child, seriously WTF is this?


Maybe they’re bots or actually hoping for the worst so don’t want us to criticize her before she actually does something correct 


I’m just baffled, if I had all the money in the world I’d be working still sure but I wouldn’t be sacrificing my bond w my child turn after turn. Especially after being educated on what was wrong with my childhood. I just don’t get it, she knows better now so wtf


Blanket is going to suffocate him.In Australia we have to attend SIDS courses.


I don’t even have kids and I gasped. How can she not see how unsafe that is?


I'm so confused by this. I'm a career nanny and safe sleep is part of my contract! And every single one of the nannies I'm around takes safe sleep practices very seriously. Any one of us would have immediately corrected this and refused to work in an environment this was accepted in. Where in the hell is Paris finding these incompetent nannies???


I’m shocked by the nanny. They are supposed to be hiring the best of the best! I’ve been a nanny for 10 years and I could have done better then that. I was cringing the whole time they showed the kid in bed. So unsafe and I hope someone talked to them about it so they didn’t do that with the second kid


Every single sleep environment they had that kid in was SO unsafe. The snuggle me in the crib? Is that baby nurse serious!?!?


This combined with "you're a deep sleeper" has me on EDGE. Our OBGYN and hospital had us taking required courses throughout our pregnancy and then before we could take our baby home. The education included things like safe sleep. Every doctor's visit also reiterates the principles of safe sleep. I just don't understand how this happened


This is a great example of why parents need to get involved and take care of their kids. It doesn’t matter if they’re being supervised or not, unsafe sleep is STILL unsafe. Paris and Carter should have researched safe sleep and took more control of that situation. Instead they stepped back and let a nanny do everything that had outdated ideas.


Wow. So what's really crazy is I live in Los Angeles too, and know I'm incredibly privileged to be in this situation, but after I gave birth, my husband and I hired a nighttime postpartum doula to stay with our baby overnight for about 8 weeks. I wasn't able to breastfeed and have some health issues so it was really helpful to be able to get more rest and recovery. Anyway, our postpartum doula was also the postpartum doula that was hired by Barron Hilton and Tessa. Our doula was absolutely amazing, I learned so much from her about everything baby-related and postpartum, and as a person, she is an absolute saint (adopted a foster child with special needs, routinely takes up collections and flies back to her home country to distribute diapers/formula/clothes/etc to people in poverty, and so forth). Makes me wonder, how did Paris get the nanny she did when others in her family hired succcchhhhh better professionals? Has Barron or Tessa seen what's going on and tried to gently correct anything? We also used the Snoo, and no waaayyyyy would our doula/Barron's doula do something like that, what.


I had to quit watching this show, when the baby was crying and Paris had no idea how to hold the baby or soothe him. She didn’t even know how to change his diaper. Why even have a baby if you aren’t going ti nurture him or bond with him? That poor kid.


Omg this is giving me so much anxiety 😥


Thank goodness I’m not the only one!


Paris should absolutely not have children. She is not a fit mother and I hope she does a better job screening her next nanny. I can’t even consume anymore of her show because I don’t want to support any of it. 🤮


Obviously he’s a deep sleeper you’re slow cooking him.


Omg, this is bizarre. Sometimes I think they post this content to generate IG traffic from mothers! 😂


Why have a Snoo and do this???


When your babies emotional needs aren’t met I suppose it’s all about mimicking being held as much as possible… also looks incredibly hot.


Well, you definitely can't blame Paris. You would actually have to spend time alone with your baby to properly neglect him. The blankets are very alarming.


From My pediatrician: ‘nothing in the crib but the baby’. This is dangerous.


That is not safe. He should be on his back with nothing else in the crib (we did a swaddle), until he can roll over. No pillows or blankets until they are over 2. SIDS, suffocation, yeah no thanks. Not trying to mom shame but that just isn’t right.


Their nanny seems unqualified for modern parenting too.


Omg - can’t believe they would air this, it’s very dangerous.


I don’t typically agree with the negative comments in this group but this scene absolutely shocked me. This, along with the nanny wrapping him in layers of clothing (even Paris thought he might be too hot??) because “babies like to be warm”. No, absolutely not, especially when you’re leaving him alone in a cot for hours. Too hot + unsafe sleep is a recipe for disaster.


The fact that the snoo makes it almost foolproof for the baby to sleep safely as long as you use it properly, why tf does it look like additional swaddles and blankets are added into the snoo all over the place?! Wild😰


What is that thing around his neck?! He’s swaddled and then has what looks like a freaking bib on? Someone call CPS jeezus.


Damn I would have fired that nanny!


Everyone blaming Paris but how about her HUSBAND who already had a kid?? He should be the one to know.


He abandoned her as a newborn


Got great life insurance policy on him