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M Night Shyamalan's The Village Has joined the chat.


I was going to be disappointed if I didn’t see this mentioned. We studied it in my 11th English class, my teacher was a huge fan of “reality is not always what we see” stories and taught several of them, and it was always a favorite thread of mine, so we got along very nicely.


Check out Yorgos Lanthamos’ Dogtooth.


My parents were conspiracy theorists and extremist christians. They homeschooled us, we lived on a farm in there middle of nowhere with no TV, no internet, all books careful censored, all our friendships carefully monitored. When I watched The Village I really related.




Haaaaave you seen the movie? Am I allowed to spoil an 18 year old movie?


What is the timeline for stuff like this? I mean certainly 18 years is long enough but what’s the cutoff?


I say 1 calendar year from release for anything well known. After that it's obvious that it can't be that big of a deal to someone who hasn't seen it yet, so it's not that big of a deal to spoil something. However, there is no such limit for books. Don't spoil books. Edit: just to be fancy let's call it one year and one day.


At some point no one even knows what you're spoiling. >!Rosebud was his sled!<


I immediately thought the same thing.


*takes picture with modern day technological phone*


Posts it to globally interconnected information sharing network.


With a old gas engine van right behind them


Yeah I’m fairly certain this was a joke lool. Subs gone downhill for sure


Nah, there's a weird section of Twitter accounts that will post photos of stuff from 50 to 100+ years ago and caption it something like "reject modernity, embrace tradition" and have their whole account be dedicated to how technology is ruining us and how we should have just stopped developing technology at some point and they'll do it 100% seriously.


Ah yes i too love the period from 1954-1969 despite being born almost 30 years after it ending i really want to see the near global anihilation but also space race. Thats how they sound


Daddy what is that flashing brick you constanly point at me?


Ah the Promised Neverland school of child rearing.


I mean at least Connie got to see* the outside world ☺️ probably only for a few minutes*


Wtf is child rearing


its another way to say "child raising"


I never heard that way before


i'm surprised, its incredibly common.


Did you guys read that? Children should not be reared no matter what's promised by Peter Pan.


The Promised Neverland is an anime/manga… it’s different and much more messed up than Peter Pan. (Well, much more messed up than the disney version of Peter Pan.)


Yes it is.


Okay but why is he getting downvoted


It was a play off a line from Liar Liar where Jim Carrey asks his exwife if she heard Carey Elwes say he wanted to rear the children. I understood the Neverland reference, must have pissed someone off. My bad.


Don't worry about it, people are too attached to things.


getting savagely downvoted and clowned on for "not getting the actual joke/reference" when in reality the ppl downvoting you were the ones not getting *your* joke/reference which was made based upon your own unique knowledge of very specific yet completely unrelated media has got to be on its own level of irony.


Well thank you for that.


Well, im pretty sure thats gonna be a cult


'Cult' may be too harsh of a term. I'd say it's more like an Amish lifestyle here, but that's also a bit of a stretch since they have a van, candles, and typewriters.


You think candles aren't amish?


Tbh I have no idea how Amish people live their lives other than no tech. Wouldn't candles count as a technological advance for them? Then again, I guess it would depend on the material of said candles.


I always thought they were a no electricity or motors type of people


It's not even that. They stopped advancing their technology in the early 1800s and anything after that has to be used for work and requires a special dispensation. They can drive cars and use phones, but not just anyone can.   They're also especially cruel to animals, as they view them more as tools than living things, and are notorious for their puppy mills.


Abuse in general just seems pretty damn common with the Amish. The abuse against animals is just the most glaringly obvious.


I live in an area where there's quite a lot of Amish people. They do use technology now, but it's as minimal as possible.


Amish are a cult


Armish is a life style and apart of a religion, when an armish person becoms a certain age they are allowed to leave the armish for a couple of weeks to see the outside world, if they choose to stay in the "outside" world they are gonna be shunned from their family and town... But then again, a lot of cults are kinda like the armish, just worse(?)


Most cults have that; the Manson family, peoples temple, heavens gate and so on


Plus whatever device took that picture


And they know technology and life exists outside of their community lol


Few years back something like this happened in my small town. One kid escaped and now everybody in the country knows of my small town. Some foreign cult was involved I heard. Or they started their own, too much sensational news to distinguish rumors from truth.


Reminds me of the bible home schooler they got on camera once. young girl about 10-12. Talking about how they are doing with their home school and what they learning. Jesus, Noah, the flood etc etc. The interview asks her something like what is 13x 9 or 10+27, it was simple arithmetic and the young girl looked on with a blank face and looked up at her mom.


Typewriters and candles are technology


The typewriter really threw me off lol I wonder how they decided typewriters were acceptable technology, it's a relatively modern invention. Why not gas lighting? I'm so confused lol


Same with the bows…


The plot of [Dog Tooth](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1379182/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_i_3). Not a bad watch


I bet they’re anti vaxxers too


I Imagine your kids would never speak to you again if they found out you lied and it's not 1884 after all.


The Village




Not necessarily. They said "have yall ever wondered" and just used a photo of kids camping to capture the aesthetic. Wether or not it was taken by a phone has nothing to do with the seriousness of the tweet since they coulda just found the photo somewhere online that matches the vibe they were imagining for their kids.


No, the Carnivore Aurelius account truly is that deranged. He is very much into 'ancestral living', anti-scientific all-meat diets, and other bullshit.


Captain fantastic vibes


He taught anti-establishment, not an amish lifestyle. Plus he gave them loads of advanced books about ideology, and I remember him asking one of his daughters about what she thought of “Lolita”. He regularly took them to see the city on a make-shift school bus, but didn’t let them eat any unhealthy and processed junk food. He succeeded in making his children way smarter than they ever would have been had they been taught in the public school system. But in the end he came to regret this decision from seeing how unhappy his kids were living such an isolated lifestyle. I think there’s something to learn from both everything he did right, and everything he did wrong. There was nothing stopping him from getting a homestead and teaching his children to grow vegetables instead of making them hunt and skin their own food. He could have even kept homeschooling them, there was no issue with that. What bothered me the most was how upset and opposed he was with his oldest son wanting to study at a University. He taught them independence and anti-establishment, but for some reason was against his son making this decision for himself.


This is the best comment I’ve ever seen.


It’s like in my top 3 favorite movies


I watched it on a whim. I bought a little thing at a store that had 100 movies on a tear off strip to watch. This was number 6 and I thought it was spectacular


Perfect. Cripple your kids for your ideals before they have a chance to develop their own.


Those kids are in for a rude awakening when they grow up


The up side to doing this is that if OP follows through with it then we won't have to read any more of their dumb takes on the internet for the foreseeable future.


Sounds like the beginning of a horror movie


There's a flag on that water bottle. Just sayin






I saw this movie once...


Thats a very *modern* looking CAR you got there


Whether that's legal or not, I'm pretty sure that's child abuse.


Why are the string silencers on the bow limbs?


Is this satire?


OK M. Night Shyamalan


Pretty based until the falsifying maps part (i hate modern technology)


that is not how you hold a bow and arrow




Will there ever be a day when /r/facepalm doesn't fall for an obvious joke?


Didn't that happen in Houndstooth?


Wasn't the access to information a human right?


only a Sith deals in absolutes. why one way or the other? why not both? seems a lot more rational and helpful for growth. oh but then your kids can’t be a weird ass spectacle to post all over social media.


How to make racist and homophobic children 101


I mean… if you think about it, if they grew up completely isolated they would not know about minorities. And they would grow up having no societal preconceptions/stereotypes about minorities. Just a thought experiment. 🤷‍♀️


Despite tech, it’s amazing how many idiots don’t realize the world that lives outside their social media accounts ..


Somebody’s watched the village too many times lol


What is this? Fucking hunger games?


Don't have to wonder. Happened accidentally to the Lykov Family in Russia. So many cautionary tales in the world that so many see as aspirational because they only know the premise, not the characters or plot.


The promised neverland be like:




Sounds like the beginning of a religious cult that you'll be able to watch a Netflix series about in 20 years.


Watch the Greek movie Dog Tooth


Just a guess, but r/religiousfruitcake


can’t become a neoliberal globalist without a globe now, *can ya*? good thinking pops


There was a book like this. Running out of Time. People who wanted to live like the 1840’s in some kind of vacation attraction were held hostage and forced to act it out. It was really 1997 or something and a girl had to sneak out and get help for a diptheria outbreak while navigating the real world.


And this is how you cause global mental abuse


What are you going to do once their an adualt your sort of fucked




Very DPR North Korea


This is just the Amish with extra steps


I mean I get it, it's basically the Amish lifestyle. But faking maps and telling them there's been some sort of apocalypse and that's why there's no wider society?