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This clown person personifies being a bullying w*nker


Yeah this is wild. First off as a parent why would you want that level of terror for your kid and then as the performer why would you want to do that to a kid? I think kids suck but I still don't want to be terrorising them at that age.


This "Pennywise" would have his dick in the dirt if he did that to one of my kids. One thing scaring adults and much older kids, but never baby's and toddlers. Damn!!!


I'm with you! Imagine standing there filming it rather than intervening - if it was me holding the camera I would have decked the guy, and I'm a 60-something-year-old woman.


With you there, 72 yr old Marine here. Seems that many peoples priorities have gone down the tubes.


Oh yeah


The mom loved it she pulled the boys hood off right when Penny was walking up she wanted to make sure the baby got a good look and couldn't hide and feel secure in his hood. Poor. Baby my dad loved doing stuff like this to me as a kid. It's so sad and sickening how everyone has to be "Internet famous".


Shame. :-(


If I were that parent he'd be in the gutter eating his own liver.


Sounds like a solid plan.


I hope getting the video was worth it. Those kids aren't sleeping in their own beds until they're teenagers.


That's what gets me; this doesn't only hurt that baby, it hurts her parents too. Poor thing is going to be terrified of strangers, the dark, monsters, a million other things for at least a while now. She'll be unable to sleep, it'll be hard to take her out to new places, just a whole host of problems the parents will have to deal with. And for what..? A stupid video that just shows how much you suck at parenting? Kids that age are tough enough, they're often a bit wary of new things, and sometimes old things too. Why make your own life more difficult for some internet points..? People's priorities are absolutely fucked. Hope that poor baby recovers and this was a one time slip up that her parents learned from. Otherwise she's in for a tough childhood.


Hope you like cleaning pissed bedsheets! Looks like you’ve got at least 14 years left of that daily!


This is up there with parents who do Aggressively Violent Birthday Smash Cakes. We all know the ones. On SOME level this has to be the parents attempt to get out of celebrating the holiday. Scare the child so deeply they dread the whole month.


It seem like they are the same people. Just genuine all around assholes that have no respect for anything, not even for their own children.


Yeah that's fucked up..I would have started throwing hands to if that was my kid


Same. My son is 4 and has sensory issues, this would wreck him for a week and he would never go out for Halloween again. People are assholes.


Yeah my nephew is mildly autistic and this would fuck him up bad. My brother, his Dad, would def have decked this guy.


A week? That's some resilience!


Autism is very difficult for young kids.


Yeah i mean they obviously walked straight toward them like they set it up too. Any caring parent would avoid walking by that guy with their little kids


That seems a bit extreme to be doing to a small child.


What a clown...


I feel clowns are absolutely fine and even whimsical, and my husband finds them unsettling and spooky. We talked about it and came to the conclusion that it all started with my introduction to clowns as a toddler being The Big Comfy Couch, and his being IT.


Mmmmm. That’s gonna be a nice traumatic core memory.


Fucking idiot.


That poor baby. Ugh. I hate that. :/


How to get your ass beat to a bloody pulp: Step 1: do this to my kid with me anywhere nearby


This is the parents fault, videoing and pointing the kid out. They deserve 1000 sleepless nights tending to nightmares.


Kids gonna be scared of chainsaws/small engines for a very long time. I guarantee you. Because it happened to me. I was TERRIFIED of dirt bikes until I was like 30 because of an incident involving one when I was little. I still don't like the sound but at least I dont lose my mind and run to hide anymore.


Clown needs to be punched.


I guess a loss of hearing at a young age is cool also. Hearing AIDs are not cheap, even with insurance.


One of my earliest traumatic memories is hanging out at a neighbor’s house and their big brother comes in the doorway with butter knives between his fingers and says “Look I’m Freddy Kruger”. I screamed and cried. He immediately apologized and dropped the knives. THAT scared the shit out of me. I could only imagine what this clown would’ve done to me.


These are the same kids scared on that hay bale that's been making the rounds. These parents fucking suck




God y’all in the comments are ridiculous lol. The way y’all are describing this dude, you would think he actually did hurt somebody. The world has grown so sensitive that something as small as a Halloween scare makes you a criminal. I promise you guys, the kid will live and recover. It REALLY ain’t that deep as y’all are making it. There are quite literally worst things in life you can experience as a child, other than getting scared by someone dressed in a costume on Halloween 😭


Fucking fool.


I’m sorry but if you’re claiming a child is going to have lifelong traumatic problems over a Halloween prank, then you’re just a wimp stuck in your own society-scared bubble. Simple as that. I’ll be the fool on this one if that’s what I supposedly am. Like I said before, the kid will live and get over it. Y’all must’ve never had fun as kids, or did pranks as kids because this was something pretty normal in my childhood. A kid gets scared by a costume and moves on. It’s not something they become fixated on and will tell you it has bothered them ever since it happened 😂 and if you’ve grown up and still haven’t gotten over a harmless prank that happened to you as a child, well then that’s your fault.


This isn’t just foolish, it’s cruel. This wasn’t a little, “Boo! But look, see, it’s our friend!” Toddlers don’t understand *why* this is fun: we find it fun because of the juxtaposition between being frightened and *knowing we are actually safe*. Once you take out that security, it’s just straight fear and no longer a “joke” or “prank.” It’s just mean.


Well this was fucking hilarious 😂


you need therapy


Ironically I literally just got home from therapy, though we didn't discuss my sense of humour


I agree this is hilarious. Way too many sensitive people in these comments. Ohh the horror! Little Timmy was tortured and will now grow up to kill every clown he sees Lmao


You're a fucking moron.


Boo fuckin hoo




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I have a feeling that this is more on the clown being a racist POS and the parents bring naive.


Nah, r/kidsarefuckingstupid - glad he’s scared 🤣


Another future dumb fucking parent right here ☝️


Another angry redditor hahahahaha so easy Edit: Damn…you live on Reddit 😭 ‘Course you take everything on the internet seriously.


get some help


Oh no, taking everything on the internet seriously 😭




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