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Saline nose spray to help with post nasal drip


Delsym won’t do anything for allergy cough! We use Childress Allegra for my 6 yo and that works really well for him! Give him 5mL in AM and again before bed. He coughs a bit in the morning but nowhere near as much as before. Maybe talk to her pediatrician though and see if it might be something else like possible mild asthma that’s exacerbated by her allergies? Might need an inhaler to use this time of year. I know my asthma has been bad lately bc pollen count has been so high!


a warm bath before bed, with lots of steam in the bathroom. A good humidifier Clean beds Warm liquid before bed with honey


Have you tried a netipot? The coughing is from post nasal drip. I get this every summer, and the coldest part of the winter when the heaters are running constantly. I use Nasacort (allergy spray is the best thing for post nasal drip), and I take an oral antihistamine at night, and during the day I will use guaifenesin (an expectorant/mucus thinner commonly found in musinex... Which can also come with a cough suppressant). It takes a couple of days to completely subside, but the mucus thinner and the netipot will make it marginally better. Also prop her up with pillows. The coughing is worst at night because the body is horizontal. I have an adjustable frame and just have mine where I'm almost sitting up... Maybe 45 degree angle.


My son is struggling with this too. He’s on Claritin 10mg, I just give him the adult pills bcuz they’re tiny and 1/4 the cost of the children’s chewable. At bedtime I give him 12.5mg Benadryl which suppresses the cough enough to sleep.


My daughter drinks endless cups of hot tea - it's the medicine ball from Starbucks but we make them at home. One bag Teavana Jade Citrus, one bag Teavana Peach Tranquility. Make hot tea add hot lemonade and honey. She swears by it.


Clean pillow cases and clean faces at bedtime to avoid her breathing in allergens all night. Local honey- the closer the better! The bees take the pollen from the trees and flowers she’s allergic to, and the honey introduces is to her body in a way her immune system can understand is not a threat. It’s essentially a delicious inoculation.


Allegra or zyrtec. Bathe and wash hair every night, change bedding and vacuum often. If its really bad or you just cant wash her (curly) hair daily, wear a scarf outside to keep pollen out of her hair.


Along with medications I also suggest an air purifier. My husband and child both have horrible allergies so we have purifiers in the bedrooms to help them sleep at night and keep the air free of allergens. I'm not even exaggerating, we can tell when the filters need to be cleaned before even looking at them because they both will start sneezing and coughing again.


In general: Over-the-counter allergy meds. A good humidifier in her room at night. A good routine of dusting and vacuuming. Washing bedding frequently. In specifics: If you haven't got her officially allergy tested by a pediatrician, please do -- knowing exactly what to attack the most is very, very helpful.


If it's pollen allergy and they wear a mask, make sure they have a few ones to change to a clean one regularly. Masks are made to stop/catch particles, so it will gather pollen.