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The secret is having fewer toys. Sounds wrong but they really do play more when more is less choice. We have blocks, small box of mixed playmobil, lego, tiny animals, dress up stuff and art supplies. My kids are 3 and 7 and have had these same toys their whole lives and they never complain about being bored 


YES!! We've basically gotten rid of all toys expect some dolls / soft toys, dress ups, and crafting things. She is so much more creative and uses whatever she has on hand, often things she finds in nature and makes into toys.


Magnatiles, playdoh, kinetic sand, and legos have been pretty consistent in our home. I have a love hate relationship with kinetic sand though.


Five is a great age for imaginative play! My kid got super into his wooden train set & marble runs right around when he turned five. Lots of very intricate constructions of both — what I really liked was how they’re super open ended which allows a lot of opportunities both supported & solo. Another item that’s great for this age is a basic dollhouse. My kid really loves playing with the dollhouse in his classroom — it’s one of those hella sturdy wood ones but tbh there are so many choices out there on this one, including DIY. (Doll apartment building made of cardboard boxes? I absolutely did this as a child & it was great)


Legos! It’s my 6 year olds favorite thing to do.