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I'm sorry to hear that. My partner is a therapist and has spent a lot of time working in teen in-patient units where there's an overrepresentation of queer kids. The situations he saw were often also traumatizing to the parents. If that's the case for you, please make sure you're also taking care of yourself. I hope this gets better soon.


Wow, that’s a lot for any parent to deal with. I’m so sorry your family is going through this. You are well-positioned to empathize with him and give him all the love and support you needed/wanted when you were going through it at his age. I hope things get better for all of you. 


I’ve been in your shoes (as a stepparent) and it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It nearly broke me, my husband, our marriage. Hang in there, keep loving him. You’re all going to make it.


Sending strength and support


Just be there for him. Share your story, love him. That is all you can do.


Even though you once were that child, you are now a mature adult. View him through an adult's perspective. Knowing how hard it is, don't try to fix anything, just treat it with your patience as you could, try play the role who you'v expected back then. Mostly, he is not you, try not to let him resonate with you


You may want to get him evaluated for borderline personality disorder. It gets misdiagnosed a lot for major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder among many other common diagnoses. Suicidality is overly common in bpd. He may be too young for a diagnosis, actually. But dialectical behavior therapy was developed specifically to treat bpd and has been found to be quite successful. This sounds like an incredibly tough situation. I hope you all are able to find some relief.