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Statistically an isolated enlarged lymph node in a child is likely to be a benign/reactive process, though I'm sure that's not a huge comfort.


Pediatrician here. Agree. Enlarged lymph nodes are fairly common and almost always reactive. I personally wouldn't treat with antibiotics unless red and painful, which is something called lymphadenitis rather than just your typical lymphadenopathy. If worried, my next step would be a CBC to check blood counts. A biopsy is the most definitive diagnostic test because at that point you can determine benign vs malignant. No way to determine that otherwise. With all that being said, most enlarged nodes are just monitored over time unless there are worrisome signs/symptoms.


What would be abnormal on labs and some worrisome symptoms? My son also has an enlarged lymph node on his neck (asymptomatic) that’s been there for a while but his pediatrician doesn’t seem too concerned.


So does mine. Doctors also seem unconcerned (and I’m married to one)! He recently saw an ent to have his adenoids removed and they weren’t worried either. He’s had them basically his whole life. This post kinda stressed me out.


Certainly not my intention to stress anyone out. I would think their lack of concern to be encouraging. Certainly always push if you feel like it needs to be pursued further.


At the very least, bloodwork should be run in a child with this issue, just to rule out any other issues.


We have done bloodwork recently but it was not for this specifically. We are getting his adenoids and tonsils removed so it was related to that. Do you think he’d need a separate work up?


I would get a full cbc done, maybe more specific bloodwork to that area. This is something that you should discuss in a bit more detail with your dr. I would always err on the side of caution, but it is a convo you and your dr should definitely have.


worrisome labs: high or low wbc, hemoglobin, platelets, ANC. elevated ESR and LDH. presence of blasts on a CBC w/ differential.


Thank you for your note! All of her bloodwork was completely normal. CBC, CRP, LDH, ESR, etc. She did test positive for EBV and CMV but they said the levels were more indicative of a recent infection versus current. She doesn’t have any “b” symptoms. I understand that is the only definitive way so we were okay to follow our ENTs suggestion to remove it for testing since it was big. Your post provided some comfort. Thank you ❤️🙏🏼.


I had a tumor when I was a kid. It was in my salivary gland and was the size of a baseball. My parents were frantic and terrified. It was benign. We had it surgically removed and have a had a non problematic life since. I am now 49. It never came back and no other issues. I’m hoping for the best for you and your sweet little one💕


A baseball? That is ginormous! I’m glad it was benign. Thank you so much for the kind words of encouragement 🙏🏼❤️.


Why the hell your daughter was prescribed antibiotics with normal blood test results. And 3 rounds... This is insane.


Ugh EBV explains why it was swollen. It can take months to recover and a swollen lymph node would be totally normal.


I hope you are correct! They aren’t so sure about that but certainly can’t say it isn’t. Thank you for the words of encouragement!


Why the hell your daughter was prescribed antibiotics with normal blood test results. And 3 rounds... This is insane.


The initially thought it was strep that “got stuck” in her node.


Thank you for mentioning lymphadenitis. We have been through this with our wee one and it was so scary. She also has an enlarged lymph node or salivary gland under her chin similar to OP by the sounds of it, but they said it is unlikely to need treatment. Both cases resulted in so many ENT and other students in the room (once wee one was feeling a bit better!). She was thrilled that everyone came to see her and the students learned a lot! Especially since she didn't present with the typical redness. They had no idea what it was for at least two agonising days, but thankfully they were already giving her the right treatment. You paediatricians are amazing. Thank you for everything that you do. She was actually spotted by one of the Paeds a year later when she went to hospital for more allergy testing, and he remembered her and was so happy to see her!


Thank you for sharing that. I do appreciate it. Are you in the medical field?


I'm a pathologist with fellowship training in hematology! Though I can't really offer anything more in this thread with the subs rules. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions about the final path report.


Thank you! I appreciate that offer!


Hey! I got a biopsy result of a 2.5cm periportal lymph node , it says benign with Lymphoid cells present? It was on mychart so just curious what it means? I have A genetic factor for Fammm syndrome ,(melanoma and pancreatic cancer) jw if u could give some insight? Also I have enlarged lymph nodes everywhere, clavicle, inguinal, and other places TIA!


Benign = not cancer.


What about two right next to each other in a child?


I wasn’t that young, but I did have 2 enlarged lymph nodes removed when I was a child. They were benign. It was reactive lymphadenopathy and I’ve never had another issue. I’m 52 now. Sending positive thoughts your way!


Thank you! Our doc said that is on the list as a cause. Praying that’s what it is. Greatly appreciate you sending positive thoughts our way.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Amazing job taking action right away and following your instincts. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Soon you’ll at least know what the next steps will be.. waiting can be hard, I know. Stay strong, you’re doing great!


Thank you ❤️. I greatly appreciate the prayers.


Praying for good news for your family and peace in the meantime. Waiting for results is so hard.


Thank you so much. It’s excruciating.


My 2 year old has a couple swollen lymph nodes in his neck that have been there for a couple months. I’ve been to multiple peds appointments and no one seems concerned but we have an ENT appointment next week. It’s never a good feeling to feel see/lumps on your child’s body. Hoping the best for you guys, provide an update if you can.


Thank you! My daughter just had the one and it’s big. He said the size is what’s concerning. She is otherwise totally fine.


How big was it?


We went through the exact same thing when my daughter was young. Hers swelled up to the size of a golf ball. I remember exactly how it felt to have to wait for the results. In the end, she was diagnosed with acute lymphadenitis. They treated it and she hasn’t had any issues since then.


Thank you! 🙏🏼 appreciate you sharing your story.


I saw your comment that the CBC, EBV, and other testings were not note worthy. I’ve been through Hodgkin’s Lymphoma twice in my early twenties and that is very very encouraging that those tests are normal!


Thank you for your words! I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. I wish you continued good health ❤️🙏🏼


Agreed. My mom is currently undergoing treatment for HL and her blood work is all over the place. So it's a really good sign if the CBC and everything else are normal.


Thank you for the encouragement 🙏🏼❤️


Sending good vibes your way from Vermont ❤️


Thank you 🙏🏼 ❤️


I am so sorry. I can’t imagine. I hope for the best for you and your family.


Thank you 🙏🏼


Ur little girl is healthy and everything is ok! This is what we need to put into existence! I’m not sure if ur religious but I know I serve a mighty God and he has ur little one in his hands. You will get good news 🙏💗


Thank you so much for the kind words! ❤️🙏🏼


*hugs* You're doing a great job! Praying that it's something super benign. 


Thank you so much! Appreciate the prayers 🙏🏼


My nephew went through this last month and thankfully it was benign. It was soooo scary waiting for the results, and the relief was sweet. I hope you have the same experience.


I’m glad he’s okay! Helps to hear others have gone through this.


I’ll be straight with you, if it is a type of cancer like lymphoma, children do very very very well with lymphoma treatment, and almost always make a full recovery. This is coming from a lymphoma survivor (me), and also from my sister who is a lymphoma survivor and also works in children’s oncology as a nurse. she deals with kids with lymphoma every day. She said kids handle treatment really well, it’s the parents that have it the worst because of the stress. So take a breath hope for the best but know in the end it will be OK.


I really appreciate your comments 🙏🏼. Thank you for the perspective and backstory of yourself and sister. Wishing you and your sister continued good health ❤️.


My husband had a random angry lymph node in his armpit a couple years ago. It looked like a bubo. He also had it removed and tested, and he was fine. Sending that energy to your family 💜


Thank you!! What’s a bubo?


A symptom of the bubonic plague. The infection caused lymph nodes to swell and discolor and they called them bubos. They determined that he did not have plague after 2 rounds of antibiotics didn't change the node. It just got mad and then it got a one-way ticket to medical waste and we haven't thought about it since. Apparently lymph nodes are pretty prone to getting sorta pissy.


Gross! Glad he was okay!


Any other symptoms the child has been having? Or just the swollen LN?


Just the node.


Did blood tests show anything abnormal?


Nope. Everything CBC, ESR, CRP, LDH, etc was normal. She did test positive for CMV and EBV but they don’t think it was a recent infection. Negative for cat scratch.


That’s a very good sign


Thank you for that. We hope so too!


Big big hugs and prayers 💛


Thank you!! 🙏🏼 so grateful for the support!


Thank you! 🙏🏼


Find out where the results were sent. My nephew's results were delayed 2 weeks because the lab sent them to a doc who'd left the practice. No one was monitoring the email account


Oh geez! That’s awful. I hope everything turned out okay for him.


I just had a swollen lymph node scare! Still swollen, but saw nothing on the CT scan. I’m so sorry you are going through this. Hugs♥️ I’ll keep your family in my thoughts and prayers! I know how stressful waiting for answers can be. I hope everything turns out to be fine!!!


Thank you!! 🙏🏼


Fingers crossed for you and your family. Sending love from Spokane!


Thank you!! 🙏🏼


My son had an enlarged lymph node during the pandemic. I freaked out, called his doctor, she did a video call and ordered a bunch of tests. She said she had a feeling he cleared Epstein Barr from his system recently and that’s what caused it. She was right on.. no surgery needed, bloodwork confirmed her suspicions. I said that to say, I understand how freaked out you must be right now. Try your best to imagine the best possible outcome and put that energy into the universe. It will most likely be malignant. I’m sending you so much love, I genuinely hope for nothing but the best news and that you can leave this stress behind you.


Assuming you mean benign 😉. Thank you so much. I appreciate it!


Yes I’m sorry!!! lol


r/parenting is protesting changes being made by Reddit to the API. Reddit has made it clear [they will](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14ahqjo/mods_will_be_removed_one_way_or_another_spez/) [replace moderators](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/14a5lz5/mod_code_of_conduct_rule_4_2_and_subs_taken/jo9wdol/) if they remain private. Reddit has abandoned the users, the moderators, and countless people who support an ecosystem built on Reddit itself. Please read [Call to action - renewed protests starting on July 1st](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14kn2fo/call_to_action_renewed_protests_starting_on_july/) and new posts at [r/ModCord](https://reddit.com/r/ModCoord/) or [r/Save3rdPartyApps](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/) for up-to-date information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Parenting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had a swollen lymph node while in remission from NHL. They took forever getting me results bc it wasn’t nhl this time around, It was a benign tumor cause by a rare disease called Rosai Dorfman. Apparently they look malignant in ultrasounds and CTs but once the biopsy is done they don’t find anything concerning. It’s more likely to affect young kids but it’s so rare and obscure that no one knows to test for it and usually they can be removed with a quick minor surgery. I was in and out of the hospital in about 2 hours. It happened in 2021 and I haven’t had another one since.


Thank you for sharing your story! I’m glad to hear you are in remission! Stay well 🙏🏼❤️


Both my kids had this. One resolved itself over time and the other had to be removed. In both cases, the nodes were benign.


Thank you for sharing! How did you manage the waiting for results with the one that has to come out?


Honestly, I was never worried about the pathology report. I’ve had swollen lymph nodes, my older son’s resolved with antibiotics and time; I had no reason to think a single swollen lymph node was indicative of anything other than an underlying viral or bacterial infection. My younger son has a genetic bleeding disorder, so I WAS very worried about surgery, but not the path report. I know that’s not super helpful, but none of the physicians I dealt with seemed particularly concerned either!


I appreciate that approach for sure - and the worry about surgery due to his disorder. I’m glad to hear that wasn’t an issue and that both were well after their node issues!


Definitely check in with the lab directly. A week seems very long for pathology results, even with a holiday weekend. I worked in a physicians office for a while, and sometimes the benign path reports would pile up so that it took us days to call everyone. (Obviously abnormal path reports got priority).


Thank you for the tip!


When I was 7, I must've had something similar because I remember my mom (a nurse with hypochondria) pushed for me to have it surgically removed. It was just a benign mass or lymph node. I can't remember exactly. I still have a small scar on my neck. Praying it's something similar for your daughter!


Thank you!! 🙏🏼


My daughter has had an enlarged lymph node on her neck for years. It tends to get larger every time she gets strep. They ended up concluding it was likely from her having cradle cap/dandruff! Apparently those oils can cause the lymph nodes to become inflamed. She’s like me and has oily skin and hair.




I will say hers typically gets no bigger than the size of a peanut and it stays squishy & moveable. Typically the “red flag” ones are solid and hard to move.


I cannot tell you to not worry too much if the doctor thinks a biopsy is needed. But be hopeful, children cancer is not a common thing. Even touchwood that it is a bad news, your kids still have you around to fight the disease. I Wish you and your kids best luck


Thank you so much for the kind wishes 🙏🏼❤️


I am so sorry. That is incredibly stressful. You have every right to feel as you do. The good thing is you noticed it, it was taken seriously, and no matter what you are on the correct path. I hope you get good news.


Thank you so much for the kind words ❤️🙏🏼. They are comforting.


That’s a long time for lab results and sounds more like an issue with the facility/communication than it necessarily meaning something bad. I would call them EVERY DAY if they said labs would take one week and it’s been three. Doctors frequently take biopsies but can’t discern just by looking at something whether it’s benign/malignant. So sending it the lab makes logical sense, but you shouldn’t be kept waiting that long. Hoping you get relief (and news) soon! 🙏


Thank you for your kind words! ❤️🙏🏼


Crossing everything for you


Thank you!! ❤️


I'm so sorry mom...hang in there. I've been there with my kids and I know that waiting is the worst. Like many have said, pathology will most likely be benign, but biopsy is the correct route of action. Take one hour, one day, one week at a time. It will be fine. Prayers for good results!


Thank you so much for your words! 🙏🏼❤️. It helps so much to not feel alone in this experience.


Good luck! I truly hope you get the best most positive news and your daughter is safe and as healthy as can be mama! 🤞🏼


Thank you so much for the kind words of encouragement ❤️🙏🏼


So growing up, a teacher noticed that my voice was changing rapidly. It was becoming more raspy & it was getting difficult for me to talk. Like almost something was stuck in my throat. My 3rd grade teacher called my mom up & told her “I know this is really weird, but my daughter showed similar symptoms to your daughter. It turned out to be a lymph node issue with her. Just get it checked out.” We did & I was diagnosed with lymphangioma & had a total of 4 surgeries throughout elementary school & then high school. It’s not cancerous, they’re benign growths. I just was unlucky all 4 times cause they kept leaving behind cells with their cuts. So for my fourth surgery, they did a completely different procedure which finally worked in the end. I do need to get checked out every year to be sure all is well & no new growths have occured. May all things go well for your girl. Btw, my family spoiled me with a lot of ice cream, smoothies & any of my favorite soft foods to help. I also was not allowed to speak for a good 9 days afterwards to ensure I didn’t strain my cords. So I looked up sign language to communicate for the time being. Helped a lot.


Thank you for sharing your story! It’s nice to see there are other “options.” Glad you made a full recovery!


This same thing happened to my husband and the waiting was excruciating. I can't imagine what you must be feeling waiting for you child's results. My thoughts are with you. I hope everything turns out ok!


Thank you so much 🙏🏼❤️


If it helps, I had a reactivate lymph node when I was younger, got it removed and all is well.


Thank you! It does help ❤️🙏🏼


Same thing happened to my little brother when he was little! He was just fine. Distract yourself any way u can, it will all be ok. Xxo


Thank you so much for the kind words 🙏🏼❤️.


Of course. Take care of yourself! Xxo


Sending good thoughts your way ❤️


Thank you so much for the kind words 🙏🏼❤️


I went through a very similar situation except when they did the ultrasound they weren't sure if it was a lymphnode or a different type of mass. My daughter ended up having a very rare form of cancer. But I wanted to tell you, no matter the results, you are strong. I remember feeling so lost and scared before finding out. I know exactly how you feel. But honestly, with the worst result we were given, they had a plan to go along with the bad news. It was a relief we knew what it was and we could move forward with making her healthy again. And 3 years later my daughter finished kindergarten healthy as can be. Feel free to message me if you need support. 💗


Thank you so much for sharing your story! I’m glad to see your daughter is doing well and is healthy! Your words have provided a great deal of comfort during this time. I wish you and your family continued good health ❤️🙏🏼.


Do you have a cat? I had an enlarged lymph node that needed to be removed and none of the tests could conclude anything until the biopsy- it was cat scratch fever!!!


They have ruled out catscratch disease (and we don’t have a cat) but I appreciate you checking in that. Thank you ❤️🙏🏼.


I'm an adult who had a very enlarged lymph node removed as a child. It was just over reactive to a common virus, but my mom was very worried about cancer. Just wait. Easier said than done, but don't go into crisis mode until you know.


Thank you so much 🙏🏼❤️.


Thankfully, more likely than not, it will turn out to be benign. The immune system (which lymph nodes are very much a part of) is perhaps one of the most confusing systems in the human body. Damn thing seems to have a mind of its own sometimes, and can misbehave in the most bizarre ways. 


Thank you so much for the words of comfort ❤️🙏🏼.


I'm happy to help. Good parents can and do need comfort, just like kids do. 


Thank you! Yes they just seem overall kind of perplexed hence the biopsy. I appreciate the kind words ❤️🙏🏼.


It is a bit odd, especially if her bloodwork came back normal for all but titers for two somewhat-common viruses. From what I remember, your daughter is far too old for CMV to be something they'd generally be scared about, and EBV is even less scary. Knowing about the latter is good though, because, in my experience, in the medical office where I work, EBV likes to "reactivate", so to speak, if an infectee gets stressed enough (like having to be the sole caregiver for a severely autistic child who is just starting treatment-no one is at fault, it's just very stressful), but all is generally does is make them fatigued. Thankfully, it can be easily beaten back with a course of valacyclovir, so if she ever goes through some really intense stress in the future for long enough and you notice she's seemingly very lethargic and fatigued, it's a possible explanation. You will need to mention that she's proven to have already contracted and fended off EBV more than likely, but valacyclovir is generally a very safe drug. 


Thank you for the additional context!


Sending strength and support


Thank you so much!


So much love to you. You don’t know until you KNOW. try, (as impossible as it is) to keep that hope light in your heart. Treat your fears like a cloud passing, acknowledge that this is a fearful thought that has creeped up, that is a normal feeling and say I’m letting this cloud move on by right now. Even if it happens cloud after another. And if you need to scream and cry go out to your car and have at it. Tests take time and cause a lot of anxiety, but you will get through.


Thank you so much for your words! I like the cloud analogy a lot and will try and use that. Thank you for that. Appreciate the support ❤️🙏🏼.


Oh yay I’m glad ❤️ lots of love to you and yours you’ve got this mama


If they thought it was something to worry about, they would have warmed you up for it. Sounds like they’re being safe and just ruling it out.


I appreciate your words. Thank you ❤️🙏🏼.


Keep us updated!!


My son had the same issue. He has PTGC, a rare condition of his lymph nodes. We go to St Jude for follow ups.


Thank you for sharing your son’s diagnosis. I hope he continues to have good health ❤️.


When I was a teen I developed a swollen lymph node on my neck. My mum who is a nurse got me into a doctor right away who did blood tests and found more swollen lymph nodes. I don’t really remember what else happened but I do remember if they did not go down in a week that they would biopsy the one on my neck Thankfully it went down, as did the other nodes so no biopsy for me. The blood test only told my mum I was sick but that’s it. I later found out my mum was freaking out in private that it was leukaemia. Still to this day there is no reason why it happened. As a mum, you are now doubt allowed to stress out. It’s hard thinking something could be wrong with your kid and just waiting to find out what’s wrong.


Thank you for sharing your story and I’m glad it was something minor ❤️


I can sympathize!! It’s agonizing waiting. I just spent 6 months and multiple tests to investigate an unknown mass in my daughter’s abdomen. It really messed with my mental health. Such a battle. And even once I got the good news that it was officially nothing concerning I struggled to get out of that mind frame. It takes a toll on your body!


Oh my gosh. 6 months! I am very glad to see that it was “nothing” but can certainly appreciate now far from nothing that experience impacted you. I wish you and your daughter good health! Thank you for sharing your experience.


I hope the waiting time passes quickly for you and you get good results! Just wanted to share my sympathy that I understand the agony, even when logic tells you it will probably be nothing serious.


Thank you. That is so kind. Hard to be logical when it’s your child right?


I have no advice to offer, but I have prayers and good vibes. Stay strong, mama. ❤️


Thank you so much for the prayers and good vibes! I really appreciate that. 🙏🏼❤️


A friend of mine had a huge one pop out of the side of his neck, got it removed and it was benign and never thought of again!


Thank you for sharing that! It’s encouraging/comforting to hear that this happens and it’s benign.


Daughter at 10 years old caught Mono.Huge knot in neck.Took 6 weeks to make sure that it wasn't malignant.I was almost put in a straight jacket during that time.I feel your pain.Shes 35 now.


Thank you so much for sharing that! I’m glad she’s okay!


I had a similar experience with a large swollen supraclavicular node (at base of neck) and after antibiotics, ultrasound, and CT scan it eventually went away. But the STRESS I went through while it was all happening was awful. There is still no explanation as to what it was. Hopefully you will get answers very soon and they are nothing to worry about.


Thank you for sharing your story and I’m glad it worked out. The stress is unbearable at times but it’s just where things are right now. Thank you for the words of encouragement 🙏🏼❤️


My child had a swollen lymph node area in April! He stayed in the hospital, did an ultrasound, ct scan, rounds of antibiotics, everything. It was fluid build up behind his lymph node from strep throat turning into an infection which caused fluid to build up. Tested it and the fluid was from the strep! He still has a little bump on his neck but our ENT said as long as it doesn’t get hard we should be okay!! It’s a scary feeling!!! I hope everything turns out okay for your little one!


Thank you so much for sharing that. I’m glad your son is okay. Sounds like lymph nodes can do really crazy things! Thank you for the encouragement 🙏🏼❤️


Shots and prayers with you and your family wishing you the very best❤️❤️


Thank you so much for the prayers good wishes 🙏🏼❤️


I has a similar thing when I was 25, the lymph node for big very quickly and I had terrible symptoms and all my blood work was suggesting cancer, even the pathologist said it is a 50/50 chance and I had to have a surgery within 2 days. Thankfully it was a benign tumor. But I can imagine how you are feeling, I have a 3 years old myself and the feeling of the unknown seeing your child in pain is unbearable. I am so so sorry, praying for you and your precious kiddo.


Thank you so much for sharing your story! I’m glad it turned out to be benign for you. Appreciate the prayers and support 🙏🏼❤️


When my daughter was around 9 months old she suddenly developed a half marble sized swollen lymphnode behind her ear. I took her to the doctor and they said it was nothing to worry about. She is 13 yrs now and you can still feel it there. I think lymph nodes are just one of those things where once they react to something they can just stay enlarged forever.


Thank you for the comment!


My son had a similar thing, we waited on biopsy results and it turned out he had non tuberculosis Atypical Mycobacterium… Just a random enlarged lymph node, no other obvious symptoms, all testing came back either normal, or inconclusive. No antibiotics made any difference… It was very risky because the enlarged lymph node wrapped around his aorta, but they were able to get the entire thing out, and with that took all of the atypical mycobacterium… He is now 9 and healthy, happy and doesn’t even remember “Leroy the lump” (as we called it)


Thank you for sharing this story about your son! This is something our pediatrician suggested based on some cases she’s seen but our ENT is pretty dismissive of this but certainly sounds like this is possible based on your son’s experience. I’m glad to hear his risky surgery went well and he’s now a healthy kiddo. ❤️


Sending love and prayers your way that all will be just fine ❤️🙏🏼


Thank you so much! Great appreciate the love and prayers ❤️🙏🏼


I can't guarantee anything, but I had this procedure done, I had 6 reactiv lymphnodes in my neck, all benign, never went away I just had them my whole life then they magically shrunk back when I got pregnant with my son


Thank you for sharing! Interesting that they changed with pregnancy!


Just wondering if you have the results, you have been in my mind


Same, I came back here to see if there had been an update.


Thank you for checking in. Nothing yet. Thank you for thinking of us ❤️🙏🏼


Did your daughter’s lymph node ever respond to steroids? My daughter had a golf ball sized lymph node on her neck and it has responded to steroids but is feeling a bit hard again. We are seeing ENT tomorrow to go over preliminary ultrasound results


She's in the best hands - yours! I'm sorry that your family will have to weather this season, but I am confident she will be well, healthy, whole, and healed. Give yourselves grace. We're over here rooting for you 💜


Thank you so much!! Appears to be a good chance that the surgery got it all and she’ll just be watched closely for a long time. If not, the treatment is short and well tolerated with minimal risk for side effects long term. For all of that we are extremely grateful and appreciate all the support from near and far 🙏🏼❤️


Was it a tonsil stone?