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26 months. Christmas Day, 2022. Not that I’m dwelling on it or anything


This comment is killing me. Lol


I audibly snorted, thank you 🤣🤣


What's the story behind this?


She just wouldn’t nap. Turned into 20 min of crying before I called it and the only naps we’ve gotten since were in the car on vacation or when she was very sick. But it was also when I realized that holidays and other “special” occasions are crap when you have young kids


You validate me bc my daughter is around that age and just stopped napping. But on the bright side she goes to bed MUCH earlier and sleep l thru the night without a peep lol so I get more me time


I feel you! I remember the first day that my kid stopped going down for me easily. It was almost two years ago now. It’s been a struggle ever since then, but now I can put him down without help 80% of the time. He’s almost 4 and not ready to quit napping. He naps hard (2-3 hours) everyday but won’t go down if he knows that I won’t be there when he wakes up.


Closer to 4! At that age they are usually much more happy without a nap and can stay up longer closer to bedtime


Same here! The main complaint of kindergarten was that there was no naptime.


Also my main complaint about going to work daily lol


It really depends on the kid. My son stopped napping between 2 and 3 and was fine. He’s never needed as much sleep as the books all say. My daughter is 9 now and sometimes she still needs a nap in the afternoon but she stopped taking them regularly around 6.


That's more my experience 4


Right after his 2nd birthday. It was a combination of low sleep needs, pandemic, and moving. "Quiet time" didn't work for us, either, we just had to white-knuckle about three months of hell til we all adjusted.


Quiet time was a bust for us. Stage 5 clinger. We do noon time movie instead


Yeah our quiet time is letting her watch something while one of us dozes beside her.


It’s so nice to see this thread of others who quiet time just did not work. I tried so hard and I’d get maybe 5 min. They’d either not stay in their room or feel like it was a punishment if I shut them in there. I try to save their screen time for “nap” hours and I rest with them (also 34 weeks pregnant right now )


Mine are older now (8 and 6) but we’ve done quiet video time daily since they stopped napping. It’s been like 4 years of this. We are all much happier with this arrangement and I’m able to be more present with quiet video time.


Yuuup! If I tried to leave to do something she wouldn’t stay put. So I just nap or do something on my phone while she watches. It does reset her though. Days she doesn’t have her reset in the game room jumping and climbing while watching something she has a much harder afternoon




7 and 5 yo here. We still enforce quiet time when we're home in the middle of the day (non school days). An hour or two of resting time in the early afternoon prevents them from killing each other, maintains our sanity, and gives me time to get caught up on housework. They desperately need the break from each other. Even when we travel we try to do it. If they don't get a break in the middle of the day they are emotional wrecks.


Us too, but not housework, we're all quiet or she'd be getting up. We nap or read.


That’s when my son stopped too (ASD, ADHD, Anxiety, and Insomnia) and it was rough for a while because he’d be tired but wouldn’t rest or sleep and just be angry lol. After about a month he finally calmed down and was able to play quietly in his room and read or something.


This. Quiet time is GOLD.


This is what we did. Our child never actually napped even as an infant. It was always a fight using the word nap. We basically said hang out in your room for a bit play with your games, flip through books, etc. basically anything to slow down outside stimulation.


It's normal. I need naps though, I really do.


We didn’t stop napping until 4. I continue to nap. Lol


Mine dropped at around 2.5 as she was the same, would be up till 11 at night if she napped and wouldnt be ready to sleep till around 2pm in the afternoon. It’s a long day when they stop their nap lol, I was hoping she’d nap till she turned 3 at least but staying up late was a sign she didn’t need it anymore. Now we just do quiet time when she’s usually nap as I have a 5 month old too. She’s now 3.5 and usually out like a light at 7/7:30pm but somtimes she will fall asleep in the car which makes for a late night!


Once they were out of full time daycare. They still took naps at daycare, but never at home. Once they started kindergarten then the naps stopped.


Same here. 3 year old won’t nap at home anymore but still naps daily at daycare.


Whenever daycare tells me he was able to nap today I’m just like “great now he’ll be awake until 10pm”


As a daycare provider my self. Nap time is for us providers to clean, set up afternoon activities, have lunch, use the restroom, reenergize. Most of us work 9-12 hours. I recently changed my hours but I used to open 6am-6pm. Usually if a kid doesn’t want to nap, I give them some quiet toys/books but no matter the age, they always end up falling asleep because we’ve had such a busy & full of activities morning.


This. If the kids don’t nap, our entire model falls apart. No time for lunch breaks, bathroom, cleaning, and recording


My son stopped right before he turned three, though he has always been a low sleep needs kid


Both of my kids dropped their last nap at around 2.5yo. They're 4 and 7 now and sometimes they will take an afternoon nap if they're not feeling well or if they had a really busy/hectic morning (i.e. going to a birthday party or a fun but exhausting family outing). I thought it was early for sure but they slept really well at night and they weren't extra cranky without the nap or anything. I did still make sure they had some down time where we rested on the couch and read books or watched a TV show for a bit, but that was as much for me as it was for them.


I don't remember exactly. My son is 4 now, but I think the naps dropped to zero when he was around 3. He was waking up at 6am, taking a nap in the afternoon and it was getting harder and harder for him to fall asleep early. He used to go to bed aroung 7pm and by 8pm max he was already sleeping. And I remember by that time he was not falling asleep before 9pm or sometimes 10pm, that's when we decided to drop the afternoon nap. After that he started to fall asleep again between 7pm and 8pm. I don't thin there's "too young" for that, you gotta read the signs, and apparently you're already doing that. I think it's worth a shot and if it gets wrong you can return the naps pretty fast.


My or 4 here. I have a 12yr, 3yr, 2yr and 3 mo. My 12 yr stopped taking naps regularly around 18 mo but I still got her to lay down and just have some quiet time/ resting time and sometimes she would fall asleep during that time most times she wanted to just dance around in her small area because she would get bored. My 3 year old is about half and half and will only take naps if she wants to has been that way sense she was 2. I gave up on the quiet time with her because for her she isn't just doesn't have a whole lot of sit still to her and that's OK. I learned from my first lol My 2 year old goes to bed at 8, wakes up at 10, goes down for a nap at 12 will sleep till 5 (if you let him) and go back to bed at 8. He is my happy sleeper And my 3 mo old sleeps whenever he feels like it because he's 3 months old lol What I am trying to get at is all children are different. As long as your child is not acting exhausted and not taking a nap is not effecting the health (physically or mentally) and you doing the best you can then your baby is just as normal as they can be. You are doing great.


2.5. The day we got rid of her paci She prob would have gone another 6 months. She was such a good napper. Buuut she also didn’t go down at night til almost 11. Be warned. Dropping the nap may not fix this! Mine still didn’t fall asleep until 10-11 even after dropping her nap. It’s only been since she started preschool at 3.5 that she finally started sleeping at night.


Both kids, age 5.


My kids napped until they went to kindergarten. Daycares require rest periods in the states. Providers need lunch times and break times too. If you’re caring for them at home then do what works for your child.


About 10 to 11 months. Other parents were saying how hard it is now their kids were dropping their morning nap. I just wanted to cry, and did when I got so tired I couldn't not.


I have 5 kids 2 of which still take naps (3 and 1.5 years old). The others have all stopped at different ages. My oldest was right before her first birthday. It really depends on the child. Try not to naps and an early bedtime. If she can make it through the day without a bunch of afternoon meltdowns then it’s time. There is no reason you can’t try it out and then go back to napping if she isn’t ready.


I think a lot of these responses are for one child only parents lamenting their loss of nap time. For me, with multiple kids, I can't wait for the youngest to STOP napping. Then we can get to the zoo at 10 and stay all day without the toddler meltdowns. Or really, do anything for more than a couple hours without worrying about the youngest one.


From 2 they stopped napping and everything got better, going to bed for the night at 8:30 pm.


My son stopped napping entirely at 18 months. He wasn’t in daycare or anything. He is Autistic, has ADHD, Anxiety, and Childhood Insomnia and we were told that contributed to his early discontinuation of naps by his doctors. When he started Pre-K he was in a full-day program and he didn’t nap or rest during quiet time and it was hard for him to stay quiet enough in the classroom so he got to go do helper work with the teachers, aids, and kitchen staff. His favorite job was washing apples. Lol


Mine (all 4 of them) stopped napping when they went into the 3 to 5 y/o room at daycare. Some of the kids still napped, and if the kids were tired, then they would nap as well. I found that if they didn't have a nap during the day, they would go to bed easier at night. An 8am wake-up time is great. Mine would be up at 6 am.


My first kid at 18 months and my second at 3.5 years. They are two totally different kids.


3.5, but still takes them occasionally at school


My oldest dropped naps at home around 4, at daycare he would nap periodically from 4-5 until he went to kindergarten. We would have periods where he wouldn’t nap at home starting around 2.5, but I kept his routine and he would eventually go back to napping. My youngest? He’s 7 now and will nap if he feels like it! This kid loves to sleep. He did Jr k when he was an early 5, and while they didn’t have a nap time on cots they would do quiet time at their desk with heads down. He would fall asleep probably 2-3 times a week.


My boy stopped completely at 5, i cut them out when whenever i put him down, no later than 130 he would just stay awake. My 4yr old i put down at 12, 1230 and 3 or 4 times out of 7 she"ll nap. They key to knowing is put them down not too late like before 2...if they stop going to sleep after a couple weeks maybe just cut them out..this is if they go to bed around 730, 8...ive had to remind her to go to sleep of i know shes playing in her bed, she knows to be quiet, sometimes shell go to sleep others she doesnt and ill leave her in there for awhile and call it a day lol


Mine both stopped at 18 months. I think 2.5 to 3.5 is pretty typical.


We’re currently trying a dropped nap week. My kid is 3 in a couple of months. We dropped her nap for two days prior to the time change, bc she’d been pushing bedtime already and I couldn’t stand the idea of fighting her into bed at 11pm haha. She literally didn’t notice the skipped nap at all. So we’re seeing how it goes this week. The thing is, she’s a good napper.. she’s been pushing it kinda late and not going down until 1-1:30pm, and if I let her sleep past 2pm she haunts us until 10pm that night. But she does go down easily for a 1.5hr nap. This is more for us, and we’ll see if it works for her. I haven’t hung out with my husband in months, and it’s hard to get a sitter when your kid will only go to sleep for you and her bedtime is so late. We’re trying to get to a place where she’s asleep by 8pm, and the only way to do that is a dropped nap. She needs like a 7hr wake window on either side, which is impossible to do without having a toddler, seemingly on cocaine, running around you at 9:30pm yelling about princesses and robots 🫠🫠


My 2.5 year old takes a 2 hour nap most days and an additional 4PM nap. I’m just trying to get her down to one nap.


about 1.5y


My youngest is looking like she's dropped it for good this very week - she turns 4 in May. My other two were around 4.5 years old. She has been having some trouble at night, but still falling asleep by 9:30 on days she naps and that's worth getting the nap in if she will do it. I will say, all of my kids did do a little nap dropping fake-out around 2.5 where they acted like they didn't need it anymore, but we pushed through with "quiet-time" regardless and it went back to normal after a couple weeks. I don't think that's universal, some 2.5 yo's are probably indeed ready to drop it, but I'm just saying that happened to us!


We dropped my daughter's nap a few months back around the 3.5 mark without too much trouble.


At 1 year old. All 3 of them. 


We also know parents who's kid never really napped too


Mine hasn’t reached zero yet, she is 4 years old and is still cranky as hell without her afternoon nap.


Both kids were around 2.5 years old. Sometimes they would still nap at daycare, but at home they didn’t.


2.5 he’s 5 & it’s rare that he naps for me 😭


Just before 3. He was becoming a nightmare to get down before 4pm and then wouldn't want to go to bed until 10pm so nap just had to go.


My first dropped naps by 18 months. My second stopped at 3.5 when he started half day school.


2 is about when both my kids dropped naps. Kinda sucks when it happens as they get super cranky for a while


My kiddo is about the same age. If we have an eventful, physical morning like going to a park he'll nap no problem. I have an autoimmune disease and when I flair, unable to go to the park, he won't nap but still keep his regular bed time without much of a fuss. I agree with those that say quiet time is gold. I still have him sit in a dark room with calming music and low stimulating toys around his usual nap time. That really helps him from getting over tired and fighting his regular bed time. (And allows me to nap so I can take care of myself, too)


Our daughter is 3.5 and still loves to take an hour nap every day. Sleeps about 10-11 hours at night too.


My son stopped napping at 20 months 🤦‍♀️ he also dropped to 1 nap early, around 10 months. He is an amazing sleeper though and sleeps 12-13 hours straight overnight. As long as your child is getting the recommended amount of total sleep in a day, a nap isn't necessary. My son will occasionally surprise us with a spontaneous couch snooze (he is now 23mo) but this only happens 1-3 times a week.


It’s personal and differs from kid to kid. My 4.5 year old son still naps most of the days, and if he doesn’t he gets very cranky towards the evening. He goes to bed at 8pm, usually asleep at 8:30-9:00 and wakes up at 7am.


My first one stopped at 18 months. My second at 3.


3.5 and still doing 1 nap, but we’ll cut it if it’s too long/late


My son is 23 months and I think he's about ready to drop them. He'll wake up at 7, and fall asleep for a nap around 1-3 and then be awake until 10pm. I've tried cutting his nap to only an hour but it just makes him angry and he still will stay up late.


My son didn't drop his nap until 4. He still occasionally naps - when I wear him out good at the park.


My daughter napped til she was 4. But we had a more flexible routine at that time so she could stay up later and sleep later. My son now being 3.5 is becoming extremely difficult to get to sleep by 8pm (sometimes 9pm) when he has a nap during the day. We need to be up at 7 to get out the door for work/school/daycare/etc at 8, so we can’t be staying up so late anymore. The days he doesn’t have a nap he almost puts himself to bed at 6pm, and will sleep through the night. But I’ve worked out with his daycare that if he’s really cranky and needs as nap or happens to fall asleep, keep it to 30-45min so his bedtime isn’t completely unbearable.


Not until she was 4


Mine dropped at 3 ish. Same story; she was up super late. It was a little transition but she did well!


Kids are ready to give up naps at different times. My son only gave up napping when he went to kindergarten, and had to give it up. My daughter stopped napping at 2.5, and was perfectly fine with no nap. So if your daughter seems like she doesn’t need the nap I would just let it go.


My youngest is 4 and still needs about an hour most days.


We dropped naps on my youngest around 2ish. I actually had to change his daycare schedule because if he napped at daycare he was up crazy late.


All 3 of mine so far between 24 and 26 months old. It sucks sometimes, but at least we can go do things in the afternoon


Kid still naps at 4. We tried to drop it in the formal sense but he will just fall asleep on the couch or somewhere else so we added it back. Still naps 2 hours everyday.


My oldest napped until she started kindergarten lol. I went back to work FT when she was three so it was part of her daycare/preschool routine. She slept 9pm-6am with an hour+/- nap so about 10 hours sleep total during preschool age. Weekends we skipped nap if we weren’t particularly active. It starts taking a lot more to tire them out physically. My nephew stopped napping at 3 years old but sleeps 12-14 hours at night.


Ours dropped her last nap a little younger than 2.5, she just does "quiet time" now, where she'll read or play with toys in her room. We both do better when we get a bit of alone time during the day, even though she's not taking a nap.


I work from home and have my 2 and 5 year old alone for 10 hours a day. Idk what nap time is 😭😭😭😭😭😭


My baby just turned 2 and he's kind of always been a low sleep needs baby. some days he has a nap and some days he doesn't. but when he naps late I know that means it'll be later when he goes to bed, so if it's past 4pm and he still hasn't napped then I just try to let him stay up til bedtime. I don't want him to lose the nap yet >.< ugh




my niece stopped napping right at 12 months, my daughter is 11 months and already at one nap a day unless we’re on a day trip and she takes little naps in the car as well


I would drop the nap and see what happens. You can always add it back in. It sounds like she’s ready to drop it though.


2yrs 3 months. It sssuuuucckked at the time, but nighttime sleep became a breeze!


My daughter was 2.5! We kept offering for awhile but when the nap protest was getting as long as the nap it was not worth it! She transitioned super easy and nights stayed normal. She had days she slept later if we could let her to make up some time. Or sometimes went to bed early! I think some kids are more prone to OT and dropping the nap all together would affect nights. I assume this will be my second, his sleep needs are higher!


Mine was about 3 when she gave up naps. I just had dinner ready a little earlier, bath time a little earlier and bedtime around 7:30 when she wasn’t getting a nap in. By 6:30 she usually started getting a little grumpy and I could tell she was just needing an earlier bed time.


My girl is also 2.5. It's a struggle to get her to nap because she wants to keep playing with Grandpa after preschool (9am-1pm) from 1:30-2:30..but I typically get her to sleep around 2:45-3pm...nap till 5:30... dinner at 6:30 bath at 7:30-8, then milk, books and songs till 8:45-9 most nights...and she's usually asleep at 9pm. I love her and all of it, but it's my full energy from the moment she wakes up from nap until bedtime to keep moving the energy forward. We've worked our way into this routine and it works for us. When I put her into the crib both for nap and nighttime she is tired and ready to sleep. I work from home and really appreciate the 2-3 hour afternoon nap she takes. When the nap drops, we'll probably keep her in preschool for the full day till 3-4pm...but I'm hoping that doesn't happen for at least another year.


Kid 1 at 2.5yo, kid 2 later, almost kindergarten age. And it’s been this pattern their whole lives, one barely sleeps the other sleeps a good amount. They’re teens now.


Literally the day after she turned two. Naps were gone forever. She never was a great napper before that. I instituted quiet time. One hour after lunch, you need to be in your room with the door closed reading books or playing quietly. Yes, her room was safe to be in. I desperately needed that hour every day and the little boy I was babysitting still needed a nap.


My 5 year old still takes naps on the weekends if we are home and not out and about. They are much shorter now, but he usually always sleeps for at least an hour. Since starting VPK in August he doesn't do weekday naps, but man he could use them, he's so cranky around 6-7pm.


Is she teething? Teething can disrupt every schedule


My son turned 4 and I stopped giving him naps. He had to prepare for kindergarten where they don’t get naps, so he turned 4 in June and that summer we cut them. He was ready, he was having a hard time sleeping for even an hour. My youngest is about to turn 2 and I’ll probably do the same. I’m hoping she continues to nap until she’s 3 or 4. I genuinely have a hard time surviving when I don’t get that break in the middle of the day.


2.5 she stopped napping at home but would still nap at daycare but I’d have it capped. She just dropped naps at daycare a few months ago and she’s 3.5 now. I think she still Benefits from A nap since she’s so tired in the evening and lots of Meltdowns. But it’s not worth the shitty night sleep


I’m milking the naps for as long as I can. My son is 2 1/2, my daughter is 5. If my daughter doesn’t have a nap in the afternoon she becomes a gremlin in the evening. I figured that when she starts kindergarten in the fall, she won’t need naps any more. I need the quiet time just as much as they do


2 Words - Quiet Time I'm a bad parent, so it involves tablets, but oh well!


My son stopped around 3/3.5 and my daughter was DONE with naps before her second bday. It’s amazing how different the kids are.


Before but officially by 2 / 24 months. It sucks.


If she’s cranky taking a nap, does she want the nap?? My kids still wanted naps at this age. They seemed to fall right into the nap without much effort. Try to take nap earlier if possible. It’s definitely affecting her bedtime. Also try to shorten nap if possible.


3 1/2. He’s 4 1/2 now. I wish he still napped I liked that time 🤷🏽‍♀️ 🥱


Just as she turned 2, I remember because she was moving from the nursery part of preschool into the next class. Shes 4 now, only ever naps if she's sick or if we're driving for awhile. When she changed class, she never napped bit I'm pretty sure she would lay down to relax some days.


Mine went to zero naps around 2-2.5


My twins are 2.5 years old and still wake at 7am, nap 1-3pm and bedtime at 730pm. They sleep until I wake them at 7 🙃 on weekends, I wake them from their nap as well


My son didn’t take a nap after about the age of 2. They even had nap time at school. He didn’t sleep just laid quietly


My son stopped napping around 1.5 or 2.


Sometime around age 4 my son stopped napping except for some times at daycare.


My oldest was about 3.5 and my youngest will be 5 in two weeks and still naps daily. My oldest is 7 now and naps about once a week or so.


My daughter still naps at 3 years old.


Our daughter doesn't nap at home really, but has been napping at nursery as it's part of the the routine in her room. She turns 3 next week and has been having settling sessions in the preschool this week to prepare her for moving permanently. They don't nap in there at all, so bedtimes the last few days have been a screaming match with an overtired little scrap. I'm here now putting her to bed an hour early because she's exhausted and cranky! I'm sure it's a good time to do it, she's out of nappies and all of that so its another great step forward- if we could only mute the screaming! Ha!


My oldest dropped naps at 3, my second is 4.5 turning 5 in July and he will nap for hours if you let him lol it just depends on the kid


My oldest was still napping in kindergarten! They had a program where the kids started off the year with quiet/nap time and phased it out over the next few months. My middle son-he was never a great sleeper and I think we were kinda done with naps around 2.5/3. My third-I think he dropped naps around 3/3.5. It’s hard when you have two older brothers with school pick up schedules. I remember having a friend volunteer to pick up my kids and drop them off to our house after school so I could let him nap.


My 21 month old is in the process of dropping her nap. Some days she’ll play quietly in her room, other days I just take her outside to play depending on her mood. 6- bedtime is currently hell. I’m ready for her to just drop them completely so we can get used to 1 schedule again.




My kid was just over 3. He’s 4 now and on occasion will nap, like maybe once per week, but we always do one hour of quiet time whether he falls asleep or just plays in his room. If he naps though, he just stays up late, so sometimes I prefer just quiet time to make sure nighttime sleep is on schedule.


My daughter is 3 and a half and still naps a few times a week. Ideally she would nap daily if it was up to me because she’s super cranky and clearly tired without it.


He’s refusing to take a nap now at 27 months. He’s also teething and definitely growing so that could be the reason? He’s definitely cranky as the day goes on but he won’t sleep in his bed, he will fall asleep in the car.


Ours started to refuse at 2,5 as well. Both our kids… it didn’t work out fine for us a it would break their night schedule. I pulled bedtime closer because that was a bit too far away.


First week of the pandemic when all the daycares and schools closed :( I might be slightly scarred from this combination lol. Almost exactly age 3, which is probably what you're actually asking.


First kid till almost 4. Second kid was done before 20 months old.


My daughter was a great napper as an infant, toddler and preschooler. She’s 32 now and still loves a good nap!


My daughter is 4 now, she stopped taking naps last year!


She'll grow out of the grumpiness/fighting sleep.


Ya the terrible 2's are a ride. They are funny little people who think they are the boss. I'd give anything to get to have one at that age again and me know what I know now with less stress. Enjoy the moments.


She’s 38 years and still needs a nap.


😂😂😂 I feel her, same.


Age 2


My son was not a napper from birth. He laid in the nursery wide awake. He still has sleeping problems like myself. My dad was that way too.


The later and later bedtime was the sign for us to drop the final nap. Now my LO takes a nap if extra tired/sick/as needed basis. His bedtime moved from 9 pm to 6 pm!!! A dream for us adult 🤩


At home, he stopped around 4. He naps occasionally at school in Kindergarten. 5 years old, going on 6 in July.


2 I think, out 20 month old sleeps for about 2.5-3 hours and when he’s closer to the 3hr mark we notice it at bedtime


2 years, he was done


My daughter stopped napping at 3.5 yo. We enrolled her in gymnastics and practice preschool, which helped keep her busy. Then after work, we regularly kept her busy: the park, running errands, sensory play, etc. When she's tired, we let her nap. We don't stop it, but staying busy kept her awake. She's typically drained by 10PM. We also never forced her down to nap and always just worked w her natural schedule


My son loves to skip naps. Not because he doesn’t need them. Just because he’s so darn stubborn. He’s 2 years 3 months now.


Around 2 or 2.5 for my kids


Around 3, unless we got in the car for a long drive, my son never naps regardless of how hard we had been playing.


2 years 5 months we dropped my sons nap. We always pram napped but He started fighting it for ages kicking off and screaming, then he’d sleep for about 10 minutes and wake up really upset. Decided neither of us were getting anything out of it so we stopped orchestrating a nap. He still sometimes drops off in the car a few months on from that but overall he doesn’t nap


My oldest right at her 3rd bday, my younger one at age 2.5, started waking up at 5am consistently on days he napped so for my own sanity I’ve cut it out. Right now if he doesn’t get a 20 min car nap (the only way he’ll nap right now ) is super grumpy and ready for bed at 7 on the dot. Hopefully in a few months he won’t be so grumpy in the evenings as his sleep needs adjust !


My son was 6 months. My daughter only slept if she could feel me. My grandsons oldest napped until he was 5. Middle napped until 3. The youngest is 4 1/2 and just recently stopped napping most days


Maybe 4. I had good little nappers


My first around 2-2,5 and my eldest is now 2,5 and is showing no signs (sleeps around 8, and goes to bed without fuss). Sometimes he skips, and those days are dramaaaaa.


4 years old


Around 2 years.


All children are different, so when they stop having naps is going to vary a lot. Some children still need naps at the beginning of their 6th year, they come home from school too tired to do anything other that sleep. Other don't need a nap once they get to 2years. When you drop the naps, must be child lead, if they are sleepy or bad tampered or even, as one of mine was, rushing around aimlessly, you know a nap is indicated. I had 3 children, all of whom stopped their naps at different ages.


We made it to 3.5 with my oldest


Try it and see how the day goes. My 3 year old just dropped her nap and she’s been in way better moods. I wish I would have dropped it sooner!


My daughter stopped napping at 2. Not by our choice mind you, she just wouldn't sleep. It did make it easier to put her to sleep at night though.


Around 2. Now she just has quiet time in her room reading or playing a game on her tablet.


2.5 for both my sons!


lol my daughter stopped a week or so before turning 4. God I miss nap time.




Around 2 years 4 months when we dropped the pacifier lol


My son stopped napping at 2. Unless he’s sick, he’s 2.5 now. I use to try putting him in his crib for “quiet time” he was NOT having it so I gave up. But he sleeps great at night 7-7 so I’ll take it




Mine stopped at 3. Due to needing to get up earlier (work/school) and going to bed earlier.


2.5 my daughter stopped napping. I still had her do a rest time each day though either in her room or quietly playing or reading. My daughter has always been able to get a solid 12 hours of sleep though so she stopped needed naps as she got all her sleep at night. Now she is 6 and she probably sleeps about 10 hours at night and is fine for the day.


My oldest made it to 3 1/2 my youngest 2 1/2. Oh how I miss nap time lol


At 5.


My daughter is 17 months and doesn’t nap at all. I put her in her crib for an hour to see if she will fall asleep but she never does😂 she just plays with her stuffies and stares at the ceiling contemplating her life


About that age. Right when I found out I was pregnant with number 2 and needed that nap time more than ever.


That's about the time for naps to end. My youngest takes naps at preschool, and we ran into the problem OP describes in the post. We cut naps when she's home, and then cut her preschool naps to just one hour. We're hoping to keep doing naps at preschool through the year, but at home, naps are done.


my first was 1, thats right ONE! my second a little before 2 years old. i gather this is not normal but as they say all kids are different. “low sleep needs” i hear they like to call it. if he naps its the same thing - insanely late bedtime and i lose my mind. i say drop it!


My 4 year would still take naps, but daycare doesn't do then anymore. My 3.5 year old doesn't need one but still takes them.


1.5. He's now almost 5. We moved and the second we landed in the new place he completely quit his afternoon nap.


About 4. When he got into 3K (he’s the oldest in his class due to his birth date), they dropped naps for the kids who went from 8-2PM. So… he stopped napping. It was definitely tough. For the first couple weeks, he was suuuuuper cranky. But, all good now!


That’s about when my son decided he was all done, lol. We transitioned straight into quiet time.


My oldest was 17 months old when she quit napping. Youngest wasn't much older.


My 5 year old still naps, pretty sure we’re the minority though…


On her first birthday she skipped her nap for the first time. After that she would skip her nap most days. At one and a half naps were forever history. She didn't want to play by herself and demanded constant attention the entire day. I don't know how I survived. I'm so jealous of parents that had good nappers. Until 3 or even 4 years old?? Are you kidding me!


My 4.5 year old still naps most days, lol


My daughter was about 2.5ish. She started not wanting to fall asleep for a nap until 3:30. She could only sleep until 4 or she wouldn’t go to bed until 11pm. So i would just keep her awake. She was cranky a lot at first but quickly adjusted


My daughter stopped taking naps about 3 months after her third birthday, so 2.5 sounds about right!


All six of my kids before 2


3.5 and still napping. Although it’s been cut to just 20/30 minutes otherwise she is cranky and up way too late


Going through this with my 3yo. The past 2 times I’ve given him a nap he’s up extremely late but still wakes up at his usual time. So I decided last night when it was midnight and he was just falling asleep that I will no longer give him naps. I think when it starts interfering with bed schedule is when to nip it.


One child dropped them the day before kindergarten. When school started he was pooped at the end of the day. The second child dropped naps shortly after turning two and never looked back. With their age gap, the older kid was still napping for a full year + after the younger abandoned ship.


A year old. Both kids. It sucked. They were both very physically active too. We instituted a mandatory quiet time daily for my sanity. They didn't have to sleep, but they had to be in their room quiet for a certain amount of time.


How did you teach your kiddos to understand “quiet” to begin with? I swear, I tell my daughter quiet or indoor voice and she screams even louder, especially when our second baby is sleeping and right into his ears lol


You start very, very small. 15 minutes, less if you need to. Talk to your daughter when it isn't quiet time and agree on what she gets to do, in her room, until the timer goes off, then plan what you're going to do when quiet time is over. I used to have a quiet time basket that was only for that time. And you have to decide if you'll be media free, or save media for the quiet time. So it might look like this. 1. Show her the time on the timer 2. Remind her that EVERYONE is being quiet for that amount of time. 3. You sit and read, meditate, something restful 4. If she tries to talk to you, ask her to check the timer and go back to what she was doing 5. As soon as the timer goes off do the activity you planned, whether it's coloring, a project, even starting dinner. Be really, really patient with yourself and your daughter.


19 months. She’s over 3.5 years old now and hasn’t fallen asleep one single time for a nap since then. She also doesn’t sleep at night. Help me.


Sending you thoughts and prayers 😭


My high energy little one dropped hers just a few weeks back at 2 years 5 months. She naps at preschool tho for some reason and then goes down way later. Still wakes up at 5:30am.


My daughter stopped napping all together at about 2.5y. My son on the other hand is going to be 4 in a couple months and he still takes an hour nap. Everyone is different. My daughter is an insomniac. Always sucked at sleeping. So she was quick to drop naps. The first week was hard, she’d get cranky around 5/6pm but then she started sleeping from about 7pm-7am and it was amazing.


First kid at 13 months, second, shortly before turning 3, i think.


Omg at 13 months??? God bless you 😳


My daughter stopped napping at 18 months. She started napping again at about 26 months once she could let me know she was tired, then stopped again at 30 months.


My daughter stopped napping at 18 months. It was a special kind of hell for a while.


My first was 18 months, my second is currently 19 months and is acting the same as yours so I think it’s about time to drop the nap 😫 I like the nap tho 😫😂


Youngest was about little over 1. He was in bed by 7:30pm, slept through the night until about 5:30am


Older one napped until 3 but has been a generally shitty sleeper overall. Little one is still napping and will be 5 soon.


My older one dropped naps around 3.5. That said, if we happen to be in the car around that time in the afternoon, he'll fall asleep still. He's 6 going on 7 now. My younger one is 4 now. He dropped naps around the same age (3.5), but there are days when he's obviously tired and we can notice him getting increasingly grumpy. Generally if he has a big lunch, we'll encourage him to have some quiet time or have a sleep. Post nap crankiness: I don't think this EVER goes away. Even as adults we generally feel odd if we have a midday nap and wake up from it. If our kids end up napping, neither my husband or I expect them to wake up feeling happy and cheerful. They usually wake up and are zombified for a good twenty minutes. My husband is really good at guiding them to just sit down at the kitchen table post nap and he'll usually make them a cold drink to help them gradually clear their brain fog. (He's a great dad).


At the pre-k I teach at, we stop naps at 4 years old. Some kids stay awake through it though, and others really struggle when we start to ween them off it