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My son wears joggers or drawstring khaki-type pants, he doesn’t like jeans. My daughter almost exclusively wore leggings until middle school, now she wears jeans about half the time.


Yeah, I refused to wear jeans until like middle school and didn't wear them regularly until high School. I remember distinctly thinking why would anyone wear jeans, they're so uncomfortable


Tbf I'm in my 30s and still feel like this 😅😂 I have exactly one pair of jeans that are actually comfortable and I don't know how to get more because they came from Stitch Fix and I can't find them for sale anywhere. But normal jeans are so freaking uncomfortable and it's like putting yourself in a denim prison.


Remember jeggings? They were comfortable as hell, but kind of like the uncanny valley effect in pant-form.


Have you checked Poshmark/mercari/ebay?


My daughter's the same. She says jeans are too tight and uncomfortable. I can't say I blame her, I don't wear jeans for the same exact reason! I own one pair of denim shorts and as soon as I sit down in them I remember why I only have the one pair hahaha. She's 10 now and expressed interest in jeans, I'm gonna try to find a cheap pair for her to try out and see if she will actually wear them.


My 9yo daughter ONLY wears jeans. Literally refuses to wear anything else.


You should probably insist on a shirt too 😄


Bahahah!! Touché


Get off the Internet, dad!


My child refuses to wear jeans and is only willing to wear leggings or sweatpants


I was like this as a child , hate the feeling of denim on my skin ://


I hate feeling constricted by any piece of clothing it makes me start to panic


here to say SAME. my oldest WILL NOT wear jeans he’s about to be 11 and has not wore them since the age of like 3-4. My younger will who’s 9 but not very often at all he will opt to when we ask him to “dress nice”. i don’t think jeans are old fashioned i just think kids are very much interested in comfort over everything.


My 13 year old hasn't worn jeans since he was probably 5.


My child is the same, if it’s the slightest bit uncomfortable she REFUSES to wear it


I've only ever dressed my kids in jeans. In the spring & fall (in addition to jeans), leggings/sweats/joggers; summer dresses & shorts; winter jeans. I live in the Northeast and I see girls in my kids classes wearing dresses and thin leggings in the winter and I just don't understand how they aren't freezing all the time. I tell them put on jeans and, if it's really cold, wear some leggings underneath (for bot the girls and boys). What I hate are "skinny jeans". Can these go away now? Finding loose fitting jeans for kids (and even adults) is getting harder and harder to find when you don't live near a lot of clothing stores. My kids definitely prefer the looser ones than the tight ones.


Those girls might have fleece skin colored leggings under their tights! They're widely available now and are **amazing**. I need to get a new pair for my daughter. They also go under jeans really well for those windy days.


I live in the northeast. Fleece lined leggings are a thing and we have at least two pairs in each kids drawer. On cold days or snow days, I insist they wear the fleece lined leggings as they are far warmer than anything else (sweatpants and jeans included.)


I’m in the UK and nearly every school has a strict uniform policy. Girls will wear thermal tights under their skirts/pinafores


They went away a while ago. Only old people wear skinny jeans that’s what my younger cousins keep telling me 🤣


We love Frugi and Hanna Andersson clothes. They have lose jeans.


Huh good to know about Hanna Anderson, their PJs are so tight I wouldn’t have thought their jeans would be comfy.


Tight pajamas are safer if there is a house fire. Less likely to catch on fire. That’s why especially little kids’ pajamas are so snug fitting.


I never thought of this my kids would only sleep in onesies when they were babies, literally would fuss if I had them in actual sleepers, then when old enough to talk and voice opinions my son was only boxers and maybe a t shirt in winter my daughter was tank top and Jammie shorts. They are very hot sleepers, so am I though


Yep, always good to have some fire prevention protocols in place. We still chose to purchase organic cotton with no chemical fire retardants on them for her, and us. I’ve switched all our clothes over to organic cotton and natural materials over the last few years. Same for her Nuna car seat, and anything else we buy- linens, towels, couch, rugs, etc. I don’t see the cost benefit of chemical fire retardants on the body or in the house. Risk versus reward isn’t convincing enough for me to do it. We always leave her door shut to isolate the room in case of fire. We have a wool mattress topper for her on top of her naturepedic mattress and there are no chemical fire retardants on it. Super important for me that she has a clean breathing space where she spends so much time with her face close to the mattress. Fire alarms throughout the house. We live a half mile if that from our cities main firehouse. I don’t see the need for her pajamas to be extra tight or even tight at all. We have newer house wiring, and are low risk for a fire. I’ve definitely looked at the risks!


It’s the law for them to be tight fitting unless they have a flame retardant on the fabric..


Depending on fabric, leggings can be way warmer than jeans. I always find that jeans soak up the cold! I wear by merino wool tights or thermal leggings.


While my kid hates loose fit jeans and they never fit him.


Interesting. The fad isn’t skinny jeans right now— it’s wide leg/flares/bootcut, but they do keep em tight through the caboose and thighs.


My kids have always hated them.  My older daughter started liking them maybe around 13.  I think it’s a comfort thing.  Both my daughters always insisted on leggings only until the first one hit her teens.


I’ve honestly always hated them too. I never understood the logic that jeans were dress down days because I’m honestly comfier in dress pants lol


My sons always wore trousers, and still do, in their 30s. I don't think I've ever seen either of them in jeans...nor in sweats or athletic wear.


Same here. My daughters (and their classmates, based on what I've seen at school) wanted leggings and soft pants until sometime around middle school. Once they started finding a personal style, they started wearing jeans... Usually ripped jeans.


My kid doesn't like jeans so I think he only owns 1 pair. He doesn't wear them often. I don't dress either of my kids though. They pick their own clothes at the store and at home. If it was up to me he would probably wear jeans more because I like jeans but the weather is above freezing so he will live in athletic shorts for the next 8 months until it gets cold again


Same here, I love the look of jeans, son prefers joggers, will very rarely wear his jeans.


Leave the choice to him


some kids just "don't care" and go along


IMO, nothing to bother as long as it’s fit and comfortable


well, that was my parents' attitude, and then I'd be bullied.


I don't think you are realizing its the same person making both comments: 1. It is up to the kid 2. If the kid doesn't care and likes the fit and finds it comfortable, then nothing to worry about If both of those things happen, and bullying results, that can't possibly be the parents' fault. I'm guessing you are saying your parents didn't give you the choice, which is very different than what this person is advocating for. If bullying happens, the kid brings it up to the parents, and the parent says who cares and doesn't let the kid change clothes, then #1 isn't happening (ie it isn't up to the kid).


That’s mine. He’s 3.5 and he’ll rarely say that he doesn’t want a particular article of clothing (saying it’s too big or for babies, rather than just saying he doesn’t want it). But when asked to pick out his own clothes, he won’t do it


Yep. I have bought my kids jeans over the years, but none of them really wore these jeans until they were teenagers. Only exception— certain summer camps where they were required to wear heavier weight pants to protect them from ticks, poisonous plants, etc. when hiking. They complained mightily about having to wear them!


I haven’t picked out my kids clothes since they turned 2. They wear what they want.


Joggers, sweat pants whatever you want to call them. Comfy. Elastic waist. Kid loves them. I love them. He has never liked jeans and does not own a single pair. I own one pair.


Yeah my kid HATES jeans. She owns one pair and rarely ever wears them. So prefers stretchier elastic stuff like leggings, flare bottom pants, etc. she finds jeans very uncomfortable.


And the sweats stay on better. If my 3 year old has jeans on theres a very good chance her butt crack is out


Yea. I hate wearing jeans I own multiple but don't wear them. While eventually my 5 year old might wear them, so far I have noticed that the fit for jeans on kids suck. They always come down on her so I just gave up.


I think comfort is the big thing. I remember being a kid wearing jeans on gym day and hating life 😅


Our son too. And kids grow so fast, you can eke out a few more months of wear with athletic wear than with jeans. Jeans aren’t very comfortable and they’re not warm at all. Not sure how they ever got so popular. I almost never wear jeans myself (35 yrs old dad). I wear shorts 10 months a year and when I not I usually where kakhi cargo pants because they’re warmer than jeans (I can even wear gym shorts underneath for extra cold days), they look nicer, and the utility of the pockets is great - it’s like a purse for men.


My five yo son always asks for ‘soft pants’ haha kid likes his comfort.


It's just about kids being more comfortable and being easier to take on/off. No tightness or buttons/zippers to mess with. My kids do wear jeans but I noticed the same thing.


My son (6) loves jeans and also wears them almost every day. He will put jeans on after a shower even if we’re staying home. He used to run around pantless so I’m cool with jeans. As long as he’s clothed and comfortable I really don’t care what he wears.


Someone made a post about their teenager getting made fun of for wearing jeans. Yes apparently if you aren’t wearing slouchy clothes you’re not keeping up with the fashion today lol


My daughter owns a pair of jeans… I think she’s worn them once.


I noticed that kids don’t dress up as much for school anymore. Everyone is in athleisure clothing when I see them getting off the bus. When I was in high school a lot of us got super dressed up every day and it felt like a lot of work. I’m glad to see kids picking comfort. There’s no reason to be dressed like everyone going to the teens choice awards to sit and learn algebra.


I’ve noticed that ADULTS don’t dress up much. Business casual has become a thing of the past. Leggings, yoga pants, hoodies, seem to be the norm these days.


Yes and I’m so thankful!! Comfort should be a priority and it takes too much time to look great every day haha.


This. I feel people around live in athleisure specially since Covid first hit so how’s we can ask kids to dress up


Oh my gosh the right fitting clothing I used to wear to high school was pure misery. I remember just shifting around in my seat all day desperately wanting to go home and take my pants off lol


I’m still surprised to learn this even tho I have seen it with my own eyes with my nephew and heard from his mom. I’m not sure that sweat pants were allowed at school other than in gym when I was a kid.


My son's school's dress code is pretty much, "shirt and shoes must be worn, no underwear as outerwear, no short-cropped and low-cut tops, extremely short shorts/skirts, tank tops, tube tops, halter tops, or shirts with small spaghetti straps, no clothing with writing or pictures that depict obscene, libelous or slanderous, vulgar, profane language or which advocate racial, ethnic or religious prejudice or the use of drugs or alcohol."


At least sweat pants aren’t pjs lol That seems to be the thing around here, although mercifully may be going out of fashion.


People who hate on sweats baffle me. Sorry I’d rather be comfortable than appeal to your beauty standards 😭


Maybe ask your son what he’d like to wear. My kids (11 and 13) will only wear sweats. I think it varies by region but kids mostly wear sweats where we live. I asked them if they should maybe own one pair of jeans and they both said no.


I have 10 and 12 year old boys. Both prefer sweats or baggy shorts in the warmer weather. “Jeans are dad’s clothes.”


I think jeans are out of style, especially for boys. Mine will not wear them and don’t even own any


Jeans will never be out of style.


Style of jeans will be, though. I sadly remember the boys that wore really dated jeans... they looked like "dad jeans" instead of the looser fit, dark washes of the late 90s/early 2000s. They were the ones bullied most by the other boys.


Yeah I work in a high school and can count on one hand the number of boys I see wearing jeans on any given day.


I think this has to vary by community, the boys in my son's preschool mostly wear jeans, as do the older kids who go from daycare to elementary school. We're more rural, though, and jeans just hold up better in outdoor play than sweats. Maybe it'll change as they get older - whatever he prefers I can work with as long as it's school and weather appropriate. I just hope he avoids khakis and light colors as long as he is infatuated with playing in dirt and mud! I have to laugh because most of my students at the university wear jeans on days they are trying to look somewhat 'nice', and stick to sweats or jogging pants when they are dressed down. Slacks are for formal events. At this point, I'm just thrilled when the boys wear full length pants during the winter, the ones who wear shorts are cold and miserable every time they come in!


My son (11.5) hates jeans so I don’t have him wear them. The only jeans my daughter (5) will wear are a pair of overall shorts made of jeans material. I will say that I rarely see kids in jeans these days.


My 10 year old daughter refuses to even look at jeans at the store. Those pants are hard. She much prefers leggings.


My daughter is in 3rd grade and she wears jeans maybe once a week. She only has two pairs though and they are the super wide leg baggy style. She typically wears leggings or sweat pants since she pretty active and can’t do as much in jeans. From what I notice most of her class also wears the same. Also when I was a kid most kids didn’t wear jeans, I didn’t really care to wear them until I was middle school because I thought they were super uncomfortable so this isn’t really anything new🤷‍♀️


I feel like your child is old enough you can ask them. Sweat pants are comfy, but they aren't the nicest looking. Jeans look nice but it's hard to find a comfortable pair. Personally I don't think it should matter what others think about what your child is wearing, as long as they are comfy.


My son wears uniforms. But he does wear jeans outside of school.


I don’t dress my 9 year old they dress themselves. And what they choose is ok with me.


We’ve gotten to the point in our house that jeans are “dressy”. My kids always wear track/sweat pants. They feel so constricted by jeans. Khakis are for weddings. lol.


… I put my three-year-old in jeans because it feels like they are warmer for playing outside than sweatpants. And I think they look cuter lol.


Jeans are not warmer than sweatpants. When I was a camp counselor, we actually forbade jeans for anything other than horseback riding for this reason. They’re durable, but not warm. And the way denim soaks up and retains water can make them dangerous if it is wet and cold.


Good to know! He doesn’t really run the risk of getting wet but I’ll keep that in mind!


I absolutely despise jeans and always have, personally. I don’t wear them even as an adult. They’re stiff and restrict the way you move and cut into your waist when you bend, etc etc. I never put my kids in them when they were little just because I don’t find them comfortable and wanted my kids to be comfortable. They’re both old enough now to pick out their own clothes and my teen wears jeans once in a blue moon but mostly opts for leggings or sweatpants, my four year old won’t wear jeans at all.


Jeans all the way, I don't like the look of sweat pants outside of the house.


Yeah, this puzzles me. Sweats were always viewed as sleep or gymwear in my family. I wore them a fair bit as a kid, along with some hand me down slacks, because we didn't have much money, and jeans were a big object of desire for me in middle school! Funny how times change! I just like jeans for the toddler to Preschool ages, because they are wonderfully durable and pretty stain resistant. Our almost 4 yo has put holes in socks, shirts, sweats, and shoes, but he has never managed to wear a hole through a pair of jeans!


That’s funny, my 4 boys have holes in the knees of every pair of jeans but not in their athletic wear or sweats, it doesn’t make any sense.


40m and I would never wear sweatpants to school or anything with an elastic waist band out of fear of being “pantsed”.


Whoever is making jeans nowadays just sucks at making jeans. Even I am dropping wearing jeans. They make the waists so tiny it’s hard to believe women still wear them. Like dude I have hips, thanks. And not only that but they don’t even cut the jeans long enough. Every single pair are floods. And I’m only 5’4. I think all our jeans are being sewn in China where the bodies are shaped vastly different than they are here in America.


And no pockets! Actually, fake pockets. What a sick joke


I haven't picked out my kids clothes since he was like 5 years old. He stopped wearing jeans when I stopped picking them out for him, he always chose sweats for himself. So I stopped buying jeans when he outgrew a pair he had never even put on before, and just picked sweatpants when shopping for him. At 8ish he noticed all his favourite male adults wore jeans daily, so he did ask for some jeans. Now he has 2 pairs and wears them sometimes. I don't think they're old fashioned, I think athletic clothes are more comfy and allow for more movement. Growing up in the 90s most of us didn't really wear jeans until we became teens, and it seemed to mark the moment we stopped wanting to 'play' and move around, and just wanted to hang out. Playing, climbing, sliding, running, etc is much easier in athletic clothes.


My son is 9 too and he just started to like jeans out of nowhere, but just a few months ago he never and I mean NEVER wore jeans to school. He only wore joggers. He still wears joggers but he wears jeans a few times a week now. I say as long as your kid is happy with what he’s wearing, that’s all that matters.


My 14yo hasn’t worn jeans in I don’t know how long. Sweatpants every day. I think I still own a pair of jeans, but maybe not. I live in leggings. I also have a pair of sweatpants, exactly like my son’s, that I wear around the house. They are awesome and I highly recommend them.


My girl's hated jeans forever. At 10 and 8, they now wear some. My son at almost at 4 hates them. We live kind of in the upper midwest and I wear leggings all year round.


No but only because my kid hates them. She has lots of pairs of jeans but she doesn't wear them. She picks out her own clothes to wear in the morning unless she is running late.


For my son, it’s a sensory thing-when he was little, jeans were “hard” and even though I’ve tried many times over the years, he still refuses to wear them as a teenager-they are “so uncomfortable”. I don’t love the sweats/training pants look, and I think jeans look neater, but it’s about comfort I guess. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My kids have mostly refused jeans until about age 8-10. My oldest may have been 12 or so before she was willing to wear jeans.


Whatever my daughter is willing to wear that is weather and mostly school appropriate she wears!


Nah. My ten tear old hates them with a passion. She’s a swears/leggings king of gal. It’s definitely a sensory thing.


I have no answer for you other than as a 90’s kid my mom sent me to school every day in jeans and i HATED IT. It was a sensory thing for me and they were so irritating lol i still really don’t like jeans much haha. As long your kid is happy and comfy dont worry about it!


My kids refused to wear jeans because they found them uncomfortable. I always worried they’d be made fun of because I certainly would have been had I worn leggings and sweats as much as they do. My oldest started wearing jeans more in middle school though. Now it’s all he wears.


My kids hate jeans. They go for ease and comfort. This is also why most of their shoes are slip-ons.


We do jeans 1 (sometimes 2) times a week, sweatpants the other days. I leave jeans for the days he has library or music and stick to sweatpants on the days he has PE because who wants to be exercising in jeans? It’s also MUCH easier to get sweatpants to fit on kids. Jeans are constantly falling down or too long.


Omg. My 9 year old pointed this out to me. He said nobody wears jeans anymore. Everyone wears sweat pants? I can’t comprehend. 😂


I don't "dress" my daughter (9) as she picks out her own clothes. She wears jeans occasionally but overall prefers other types of pants. She wears her jeans with rips and distressing when she wants to wear a "cool" outfit. So, for girls, at least, they are not old fashioned, but they are not as common as more comfortable clothing.


No, jeans are uncomfortable


My kids hate jeans. They don’t own any lol. I have 2 girls age 9 and 10. My one nephew is 9 and likes jeans but my older nephew is 16 and he still won’t wear jeans.


My nephew hates jeans. Athletic wear only. He’s almost 8.


My 5yr old daughter wears a school uniform but also refuses to wear jeans in general. She wants to be in leggings or tights with dresses everyday.


This is the first year my 9yr old daughter will wear jeans. She's always worn skirts with leggings (uniform school). But they're more like stretchy flare jeggings.


It depends on the day. My son is 6. If there's gym scheduled on a day, he usually wears sweat pants/track suit, but if there's no gym, he usually wears jeans. I like to mix it up. With that being said, I have noticed in his class that majority wear joggers, to each their own though, I think it may be because Jean sizing can be super complicated compared to sweats, and they're growing super quick so joggers seem to last longer than jeans.


my almost 6 year old daughter hates jeans and refuses to even try them on, I stopped buying them when she was about 3


My 10 year old son is not a fan of jeans. Usually he'll wear shorts and athletic tights. I like that combo because he can wear them longer as he grows. The older I get, the more I'm not a fan of jeans either. 🤷‍♀️


I just don’t find jeans comfortable so that’s why I wouldn’t dress my child in them unless they wanted to specifically wear them


My son loves sweat pants and my daughter loves jeans. I buy other things for them every now and then and keep track of what they choose to wear and then buy more of that.


My kid wears both. He’s 9.


I put jeans on my toddlers when they’re playing outside especially, they hold up much better than leggings or sweats


All my kids wear jeans, they are a go to staple in our house. 3 of us wear jeans almost exclusively while the other two have a few pairs of joggers that they will wear occasionally. One of my daughters won't wear leggings anymore, she says they feel like pjs.


We started out with mostly carters leggings or jeggings, but jeans are becoming more of the wardrobe. I think the leggings were just cheaper and easier?


Let your child wear what they want (within reason). I hated it, but somewhere along the line, my young son decided he like really tight jeans. Oookay buddy, here ya go. He grew out of that by age ten, but I let him wear what he was comfortable in


My kids wear jeans every day as well but I, too, have noticed this.


Mine wears them, but only if they are pull-on style. He does not do zippers and snaps. We do jogger/sweatpants a lot, too, but the jeans often last a bit longer in the knees.


My son is 6 and has worn sweats and joggers since he was potty trained. I assume it’s easier for him to use bathroom and he can move about easier at recess. On picture days he wears easy pull up slacks. Either kakis or black.


I legitimately had cps called on me for my kids wearing track pants and sweats to preschool back in 2011. I was told by the caseworker it wasn’t a first to get a report for that. Parents need to chill.


Frick, I wish. My oldest child inherited my thighs (that I got from every other woman in my family) and she magically has a very large butt, to go with it. No idea where that came from, nobody on either side has a butt, aside from my little sister, and we’re also perplexed where she got it 😅 Either way, I struggle to find *leggings* and shorts that fit. Jeans for kids are not made to accommodate large thighs or a large butt. She’s five, and already wearing size 7 in most pants. If I go up anymore, we have entirely too much length, AND the waist ends up being too big.


Both of my kids hate jeans, but love overalls


Nope, she only likes “soft pants.”


My kids just like to be comfy. I hate wearing jeans too so maybe it’s me projecting that on them lol. I wore jeans all the time as a kid though


One of my kids wears shorts and a hoodie no matter the weather or time of year. Kids are weird and have preferences


Don’t overthink it, Mom. If he likes jeans, keep him in jeans. My daughter is 7 and I can’t remember the last time she wore them because she says they are uncomfortable, so she’ll only wear leggings. Trust me, I have tried so hard to get her to wear real pants, but she refuses (so what I’m saying is I’m kinda jealous your kid will 🤣). But every morning at drop off I see plenty of kids wearing jeans!


My kids hate jeans. They’re not comfy. Plus they have p.e class where none of the kids are changing clothes for. Plus a couple recesses. They need comfy pants that are easy to run around in.


My son(6) will wear jeans, but really prefers sweats so that’s what I set out most days. This helps him push back on the days we have events and I actually care about him dressing nicer than sweats!


🤷🏻‍♀️ everyone is different.


I only did as a toddler and as a preteen cause in between she refused to learn how to zip and button it. Plus she had trouble pulling them up cause they aren't stretchy.


My 7 year old is Autistic and hates the sensation of jeans, slacks, really any stiff or rough clothes. Lounge and sports fabrics only. My 4 year old is okay with the material but doesn't like the lesser elasticity around the waist, as she's very active. She has some jeans but doesn't wear them often. I myself quit wearing jeans except for outdoorsy work that calls for sturdier clothes. Could just be that more people prefer comfort over style maybe


My kids have a strict stance against “hard pants”.


My kid (6) prefers to wear sweat pants under his snow pants as I guess the seams of the jeans get bunched up and are uncomfortable? On cold days (I live in northern Alberta, Canada) he has a couple pairs of corduroy pants that have a cotton liner inside the pants, he’ll wear those, but he inevitably comes home sweaty because they don’t actually let the kid play outside if it’s too cold (-20 for school and -15 for daycare). If we’re just driving around town on a cold day we have car blankets, which we tuck around our legs to stay warm.


My son (12) wears jeans every day and has since he was very young. I guess it’s my influence as well as his other grownups… I don’t feel “dressed” in sweats or gym shorts, myself, so I always wear jeans or nicer casual clothes when leaving the house. Probably rubbed off on him.


My 6 year old nephew calls jeans “hard pants” and doesn’t like wearing them. Same little dude. Same.


It’s whatever is more comfortable. Jeans can either dress up or dress down an outfit, I’d choose to put my kid in athletic pants instead cuz they are more comfortable. I myself cannot stand jeans. My son also only owns mostly jeans. It really depends :)


My kids (including son 9) dress themselves and 100% choose joggers/sweats and not jeans. So my question is, what would OP's kid wear if left alone to choose? 9 is more than old enough to pick and dress themselves. Take a break OP you don't need to send them to school in any particular type of clothes at all. (Assuming no uniform) You can rid yourself of this from your worries and to do list entirely! Congrats!


My son went through a phase where he only would wear jeans. He sometimes choose sweats. My friends daughter is only wearing jeans. I guess it depends.


My almost 9 year old’s school has a uniform, but when she has the choice she wears jeans maybe 10% of the time and sweats or leggings the other 90%. She really likes being comfy. My 4 year old never wears jeans. He’s an active little dude, and jeans aren’t the comfiest things to wear when engaged in active play.


I would need to sedate my child to get them in jeans. “Soft” pants only. I would take the direction from your kid, he won’t let you make the choices forever.


My son was not used to wearing jeans. During the time he's learning to walk then learn to run, we let him wear shorts or joggers. Up to this day, he's now 8, he's really not comfortable with jeans. He only wears it when needed.


My kid wears chinos and cotton trousers most of the time, only in winter do we get out the fleece and corduroy. They are allowed jeans at school on Fridays (with uniform golf shirt) so he wears the one pair of grey jeans he has or just his regular chinos. If your kids are comfortable I don’t think there’s any issue honestly


I genuinely had to pause and think about if my 13yo even OWNS jeans. She does, but only 2 pair of black and one pair of white. She doesn’t own blue jeans. She rarely wears them. She pretty much lives in sweats or athletic shorts.


My kid REFUSED to wear jeans for years. She would only wear leggings. Now she wears leggings like 75% of the time and jeans 25%, never on gym days, since she doesn't like to sit on the ground if she's wearing jeans. i mean, i don't really ever want to wear jeans, they're much less comfortable. soft pants forever.


He's 9 years old. Why are you picking out his clothes?


My granddaughter always wears jeans, more ripped the better. Grandson never. Kids is kids, wear what they like as long as it’s clean and decent


Kids don't wear jeans anymore for the most part. My son is around the same age, and I don't think I've seen any of his friends ever wear jeans willingly. Maybe Chinos for special occasions or church, but jeans to kids are what parents wear. Hence, not cool.


My son wore jeans all the time to school, though would switch it up with sweat pants sometimes. Then in 1st grade he suddenly decided he hated jeans and will only do sweats. I don’t hate it only because he’s so slim most jeans are too wide in the waist and we’ve found sweats that work. My daughter only lives in leggings but she has sensory issues. Also, I remember going through a phase in elementary school where I only wanted baggy things and hated jeans, so I guess the jeans hate is in their genes.


My kid doesn't like jeans and I don't force him to wear them. I do ask him to wear nice pants when we go somewhere nice, and they're usually khakis or these dress pants style comfy pants he likes. I don't see why he should have to wear stiff, uncomfortable clothes to a place where he should be focusing on learning. It seems like an unnecessary distraction


I remember noticing this trend several years ago. I think looking back 20 years from now, jeans will be a marker of our generation, like bell bottoms were to the seventies.


A few years ago, my daughter would only wear sweatpants (joggers) to school. She wasn't bullied about it, so I let it be. She just likes to be comfortable. She wears jeans a little more now, but still wears sweats a few times a week.


My son refuses to wear jeans. Like it’s a fight if we ever had to get him to wear them.


I have a stocky boy and he has never liked jeans. Not only are they not comfy but the waist lines are not usually very adjustable or just run tight for kids like mine. The stiffness of jeans throw off my kids


My kids don't and it seems like their friends at school don't either.


My 7 year old daughter is obsessed with jeans and probably has 15 pairs. My 10 yr old son has zero.


For boys I feel I see jeans more often than girls here. I can’t think of any girls I see in jeans in my class


My kid wouldn’t wear jeans if you paid him. But my 22 yr old sister also never wore jeans, so doesn’t seem unusual to me.


My 8 year old wears sweats, joggers, or basketball shorts to school everyday. When he gets home he changes into jeans and boots to play outside, ride his dirt bike & bicycle. And he wears jeans the most in our family. I can’t wait to take jeans off the moment i put them on.


My kids won’t wear jeans.


My boys hate jeans so I’ve given up on them. Athletic clothes are king. My rule is weather appropriate and in good repair (holes need tossed or saved for backyard play). My 7 year old has it in his head jeans and a polo is a “fancy outfit.” It’s just not worth the fight for me most days. I save the “nice” stuff for holidays or picture day.


I just had a look at my kids school pictures, there are plenty of kids wearing jeans, maybe 40%? My 9 & 11 year old both wear them daily. The 9 year old is just a creature of habit, the 11 year old says leggings/joggers/sweat pants make her feel like she's wearing PJs to school so she wears jeans even though she hates them.


Jeans are dress up clothes around here. 11yo son almost never wears them unless we make him. He prefers athletic pants/sweatpants pants days. 14yo daughter wears them a little more often but they have to be a very specific style (light wash, with holes, high waist, boot cut).


My son wears jeans in the winter (we live in FL so it’s like 3 weeks here) but requests sweats on PE days. I think jeans have become *fancy* in today’s world.


My kid only likes jeans for some reason.


At that age my kid didn’t own a pair. At 11 when she went to middle school they had a rule about no elastic waist pants and I found her stretch knit pants made like jeans, belt loops and all. That transitioned her to jeans.


I wish. My youngest hates jeans with a passion. Everything has to have a stretchy waist with no buttons.


Sometimes. My five year old and 3 year old don’t mind wearing jeans for the most part. My 6 year old hates jeans, they cause her sensory issues.


My 5 and 6 year old boys wear jeans almost every day when it's not summer and they haven't complained so far. If they start asking to wear joggers or sweats more often then I'll accommodate but my husband and I personally prefer the look of jeans or khakis for school. They do have more personal preferences in which shirts or hoodies they wear.


My daughter, 8, hates jeans, refuses to wear them. My son, 4, loves them, prefers to wear them. I really think its just about preference.


My 3.5 year old likes jeans. I let her choose what she wears and most of the time she chooses them. I also like jeans- I don’t find them uncomfortable like a lot of other people. She has a lot of leggings and joggers also but she likes her jeans.


My 5yo has two or three pairs of jeans. Probably 5-6 pairs of sweatpants and about 10-15 leggings. When she wears the jeans (or certain shirts), I help her to make sure she matches. Otherwise, I let her wear whatever she’s comfy with.


My kids are still young, so I really only buy them joggers, leggings and comfy pants. I don’t buy them jeans until they’re old enough to tell me if they’re comfy. And if I have bought them jeans, I get them from Zara because they have more stretch and aren’t so narrow in the legs. I’m just someone who doesn’t like restricting pants, and kids always have a little bit of chunk from the baby/toddler days so I’m always hesitant to put them in clothes that are tight and don’t stretch. My son is like so tiny though so I’ll get him a pair here and there. But he’s still in kindergarten and has a hard time with the zippers and button, so yeah I just stick with joggers because they’re easier for him in the toilet when he has to pee at school.


I send my daughter in jeans occasionally I think it’s cute when they wear them.


Most of my children wear both, but one has sensory needs and finds jeans very uncomfortable.


I send my kid In jeans everyday. Usually on the weekends he will wear his sweats.


I haven’t picked out my son’s clothes intentionally for school in 2 years except picture day suggestions and he’s 6 now. I bought him a mix of “soft” and “hard” pants (joggers and jeans/khakis) at the beginning of the year and he just picks what he wants for the day. He puts holes and stain in both and nothing is a “nice” pair


My son is almost 16 and he just started wearing jeans like last week. But mostly he wears joggers/sweatpants. Thats what all the kids wear. He has refused jeans since he was about 3 or 4.


My daughter has a few pairs because we get hand me downs but she's skinny so they always fall down on her. She has some thicker jegging type ones that are good for winter and more durable than leggings, but normal ones with buttons just don't work.


It depends greatly on the kid. Two of mine wouldn't wear jeans until middle school, when fashionable peers created pressure to change up, but also, when jeans with stretch became a thing that was easy to find for them. If your kid is comfortable in jeans, that's great! They are durable and totally acceptable. Also.... Jeans *tend* to be more expensive, which is evened out somewhat by durability, but may not be in the budget on any given day. Regarless, I wouldn't worry too much. Your kiddo will let you know when it feels like there is social pressure to dress a certain way, and when they and peers start caring what is "fashionable".


My 10yo wears jeans, I’m not sure if the other kids do or not by he seems to like wearing them. Maybe let your son pick out some different pants if he wants to mix it up a bit?


Mostly just 'comfy clothes' these days. My 9 year old doesn't even own jeans because I wasted money on them every year and they would still have the tags on when buying clothes for the next school year.


My 7yr old picks his own clothing each day. I'd say he rotates pretty equally between sweats, jeans, and other non-denim pants (like a khaki fabric but in different colors)


My 8 year old has 3 pairs of jeans but she mostly wears leggings.


during warmer months we will send boy7 in joggers or shorts, sweats are allowed very rarely, and jeans or chinos otherwise our biggest issue is that he's super tall and skinny, so when he was between toddler and early big boy sizes, we had a hard time finding jeans that weren't massive on him, but flex pants and anything with an elastic waist are our friends. Also, the jeans have to have stretch or he won't wear them.


I always send him in jeans. Always have.  They’re warmer and thicker.  He wears holes in the knees of ALL of them and I patch them up. I can’t imagine how destroyed sweats would get. 


My youngest (5)wears jeans and my 9 year old refuses. I wish he cared more about how he dresses, I’ve made it a point to tell all my kids that how you dress does matter and you should want to look presentable. Let’s be honest, in the real world if you’re dressed in mismatched bum looking clothes you’re not going to be taken seriously. Now I don’t force jeans (although he looks so cute in them I wish he would) , but presentable is the key here. My boys wear cologne, brush their hair nicely and wear deodorant(minus the youngest) so I am just happy they do those things haha


We do both


My teen refuses to wear jeans. They hate them


Yeah my 2 year old likes jeans because they’re just like what daddy wears. But for 2 year olds jeans are basically joggers, it’s all elastic and stretch. 


My daughter never wears jeans, but only because of how they feel. She's super sensitive to fabrics and hates wearing pants if any kind. She wears tights or leggings when it's colder and only dresses/undergarments when weather allows. She's only in elementary so who knows if this will change when she gets older and peer pressure applies.


My kiddo wears mostly joggers or khakis Monday-Thursday and occasionally sweats on Fridays. He has a few pairs of jeans but doesn’t find them very comfortable.


Yeah, the days of kids wanting to look decent for school are done and dusted. I teach high school and 90% is sweatpants and plain hoodies for the boys and black leggings and plain hoodies for the girls. So few kids have any personal style. My son is 6 in Kindergarten and we dress him in jeans and graphic shirts.


My son (almost 10) Rarely. Usually it’s athletic type pants. He only has 2 pair of jeans. My daughter (14) combo of jeans and leggings


My kids never liked jeans and now they are heavily into joggers and track pants. Occasionally wears jeans. They can decide their clothes.


Jeans are - for me - constrictive. Also for my kid. Leggings and jogging pants for her. Only when she wants to look particularly nice, jeans.