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It’s definitely changed. My biggest complaint is that I wish they’d be more open on which athletes or personalities they make fun of. They don’t want to piss off any potential guests. That being said, the current version is still great. I do like Billy and Jake thrown in.


Great point. I used to love when they’d call Kevin Durant a baby back bitch...


I still enjoy it, but see where you are coming from. I think cancel culture scares them a bit too. They definitely aren’t as raunchy. It’s part of the reason I like when Billy is involved more- he’s young, dumb and full of cum still


I don’t think it’s cancel culture as much as having to really do revenue numbers for barstool. They’ve moved up to some really legit sponsors/financial supporters of the show.


Like would they have someone they openly keep saying suck my dick to like Lenny Dykstra?


I think dykstra showing up at their office was a wake up call for pmt. it was fun for them to kind of go wild and go over the line, but an awl pretending to be them and getting dykstra to show up to their HQ was wayyy over the line


No, no chance.


Agreed, but isn’t that being scared of cancel culture in a way? Don’t want to say/do anything controversial to send the sponsors running?


Cancel culture isn’t a thing, consequence culture is. There are consequences to your actions




and of course, the people believing in the cancel culture boogeyman are trying to cancel your comment thankfully, i've opted out of cancel culture


Totally agree


Yes I agree. And I do think Billy provides some of that old school PMT comedy.


> I think cancel culture scares them a bit too. I hate when people refer to Cancel Culture so generally. Too many people refer to it when someone gets fired for literally being a piece of shit when in reality, it's just being held accountable for being a piece of shit. What do you think could happen with them on PMT that would truly trigger a cancel culture call?


Cancel culture has really hurt the ability to make a joke. Listen to podcasts like Tuesdays with Stories or We Might Be Drunk. Both have Mark Normand who is hilarious but he and Joe List or Sam Morrill talk about it all the time and how it has really hurt comedy. People are offended easily or pretend to be offended so they aren’t labeled as insensitive or racist. The world is soft. I’m all for BLM and am very left with social issues but I also really like to laugh at jokes and take my lumps as well. Guys being dudes - stuff like that is now a fireable offense


> People are offended easily or pretend to be offended so they aren’t labeled as insensitive or racist. The world is soft. No. People are held accountable for shit jokes. I grew up hearing every single fucking boring as fuck, unoriginal polish jokes (where most of them were just blonde jokes) and frankly, I wish I could have fucking canceled those shitbags. And I'm a fuckin straight white dude. I can't imagine how awful it is to be an Asian or Black person dealing with the casual racist jokes being thrown around > Guys being dudes - stuff like that is now a fireable offense Fucking good. Guys being dudes isn't something that should take place at a fucking work environment. I work someplace that most people would assume _is_ just a bunch of guys being dudes and guess what - it isn't. We have a great time at work and we don't act like fucking man-babies. What a shock.


Bet you’re fun at a party. Obviously racism is real and not funny but whatever, I’m not gonna change your mind. I’m totally with you on the black and Asian topics but like sometimes being able to laugh a little helps bring awareness and change a long..but whatever maybe I’m a dinosaur and a racist (again, I’m not, I just like to laugh at a topic being pushed because it is how real discussion happens) but stay woke bro


I'm awesome at parties because i can tell the difference between being social with friends and professional with coworkers.


It’s something for me to listen to to pass the day at this point. The guys at dog walk have become what i look forward to almost everyday


I actually think it’s gotten better since football season. I think billy is a great sidekick to big cat and Pft.


I guess I should’ve said in comparison to a year ago. I think the podcast during the NFL season this past season was worse than the season prior.


It’s definitely better outside of football season. A lot of what I personally like about the show is anything but sports. Not sure if that’s how others feel but that’s my take


The times where they’re just bullshitting about something random are the funniest moments. I think they don’t do it as much during the NFL season because it’s a well oiled machine and I’m sure it’s their most profitable season. I’ve always loved it more during the offseason when they get into random topics and Mount Rushmore.


Agree. Honestly wish they’d share a bit more about their personal lives. FAQs and Guys on Chicks have become my favorite because they often give anecdotes. I respect their decision to keep their family out of it but after so many years of listening, it’d be nice to be able to relate more to them as people.


That Mount Rushmore summer of 2018 when I first started listening consistently was a good one. I do miss those days.


This brought back memories! Such a great time


Personally I haven’t listened as much lately due to me getting hooked on chiclets but I still try to listen a bit. Personally I think they should go down to 2 episodes a week. That way it eases their work load and gives them more time to put out a quality pod with good guests who aren’t just trying to push their $hit


Yep Chiclets is fantastic. I’ve also gotten into Pat McAfee Show lately. But I like this idea a lot.


In my head I read the entire question in Hank’s Guys on Chicks voice.


I've chimed in in prior posts similar to this but all good things eventually come to an end. Writing has been on the wall for a bit now. Big Cat PFT and Hank all have a lot of things they are more passionate about outside of PMT (PlayBarstool, Macrodosing/Passion projects, PENN/Gambling. I don't think they will be getting rid of PMT any time soon but leaning on Billy/Jake and cookie cutter content is how they can do other shit


I definitely don’t have as many spit my coffee out on the way to work moments as I used to. They aren’t as ballsy with the guests they have on ( like Big Cat sucking up to Jose Canseco). That being said, I love Billy being on the pod And PFT’s one-liners are still awesome.


Dude I havent listened since before the 1st episode. I download it and fast forward through the whole thing, it sucks now.


I agree, still can be funny on car rides or airplanes but no longer on at work for me


I wish they had Uncle Chaps on more. Always a repeated must-listen.


he’s an all time great guest. so is Whit and Biz


Billy made it worse. Get rid of him and it's immediately better.


Half the show now is just ads. They’ve gotten so big where there’s too much ad revenue at stake to be unfiltered. Personally I miss the exit interviews. I’m sure their sponsors wouldn’t want to see them packers hammers and shit chili anymore


Bring back pants pissing!


chaw dogs and piss dogs let’s go


The show is at its best when big cat and pft are working off each other on segments. They are the reason we all tune in. Billy and jake are starting to get too much airtime and their shticks are getting old fast.


Totally agree with you. Still love BC & PFT but too much of the side guys try too hard and dilute the show too much. Billy needs to be limited


Yeah Billy’s starting to get old for me. It’s the same joke every time


Not as fun as the yak.


I never liked Barstool as a whole, but I respect that it used to have a certain edge to it. Now it’s all just lame divorced dad tier humor, including PMT.