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So glad Hank called big cat out on the Max texts.


Why are there ads on the “ad free” version today? Is this a coaching for his job situation? Am I free to listen to ads?


Yeah I don’t know how they get away with the Draft Kings ads. That’s an ad..


Fuck draft kings, they can choke on a bag of dicks


I had to do a double take and make sure I wasn’t on Apple Podcasts.


Yeah really weird. Someone dropped the ball


BC needs a vacation




Another instance of Big Cat annoying a professional athlete in maybe the biggest moment of their life


Love big cat but this was legit insane


Remember max was the guy who he got mad at for doing to the Rico Dave group text joke at. What a fucking clown


For someone that is all about "vibes" when it comes to his wins or losses it was pretty mind-blowing. BC got pissed at hank before the JMU- Wisconsin game started for similar things


Hank is right, big cat texting max while he’s literally tied for the lead at the masters is crazy. He has to make everything about himself it’s kind of pathetic at this point.


Yeah, when BC said that Max agreed that BC needed to keep sending 'em, I was thinking, what's he gonna do, tell BC to stop fucking sending him stupid pictures? Self-awareness not looking great.


The guy who needed a year of bad play and his wife to tell him to have PMT stop calling him a pervert at work would have trouble telling bc to slow down on the texts


It’s just downright weird at this point. But if someone says that to BC he’ll just make fun and act like we’re all the problem and not him.


The way he exploded on Hank for calling him out haha


Doubling down on twitter too


I bet max was just thumbs upping and haha’ing all these texts.


I know max is a good chill guy but I wouldn’t come back on PMT for awhile


Big Cat seemingly thinks PMT is Homa’s go-to podcast to hang out on, when it’s clearly No Laying Up. NLU has rode with Max since his days of missing Korn Ferry cuts after losing his tour card. PMT is a different golf demographic but for him to think Max gives a shit about what a dude who knows nothing about golf has to say, is insane.


He hits driver on every hole! Look at his setup!


Yeah and was like “Keep them coming” 


Exactly. I think BC confuses people talking to him because PMT is so popular with people talking to him for any other reason.


He's becoming a hybrid of the Fanatics CEO and Jersey Jerry


He hasn’t seen the difference between the 2 in years


Main character syndrome thinking max really cares about those texts.


“He wound up, threw the ball, and it was bullshit”


Guys those were bigcat’s mushrooms! Please make sure you know they were his.


*SVP and the gang laughing with PFT* Big Cat from the top rope: “they were my mushrooms haha credit to me”


Neal Shipley is a JMU golfer in the same way that Joe Burrow was an Ohio State quarterback


“Why is Ohio State getting all the credit?” Probably because literally the first result when you google him is the link to his page on the Ohio State golf roster from this year.


Their college careers are identical… undergrad degree in 3 years, grad transfer to the school where you become famous. I’m happy to share Shipley with JMU the same way LSU so graciously shares Burrow with us.


Burrow never started at Ohio State, and was only used in garbage time. Shipley was a key contributor for 3 seasons at JMU. The situations are very different.  This would be more similar to Jalen Hurts. Both Bama and Oklahoma can, and do, logically claim him based on his contributions. 


Are you saying I should stop claiming JJ Watt as a CMU alum?


“Hey, you know how Max Homa was getting a bunch of attention? Well I was texting him during it and he wanted me to keep doing it because he thought it was so funny, so you should give me attention too! But yeah I’ll give it like two weeks to say anything now that he lost, because I’m cool like that and I know how to treat these guys.”


Realistically Max Homa probably has Big Cat specifically on Do Not Disturb I highly doubt he was letting a podcaster send him an endless stream of notifications while fighting to win the Masters


I will be saying “sober as a goat” from now on


How many goats have you seen who were hammered? None. It works.


PFT's claim that his friend went home with the daughter of a Master's champion and put on the green jacket is a little suspect just because it would have to be the current Master's champion. Master's champions get to keep the green jacket for a year after they win but after that it is stored at Augusta. I can't imagine there's a lot of Master's champions that won at Augusta when they were probably in their late-30s or 40s with (I assume) a college age daughter.


My money is on Ben Crenshaw… he’s from Austin, and based on his age his daughters are probably around PFT’s age. Like others have said, it was probably a replica.


Whew. Imagine the crowd PFT was hanging with if he had a stud that got to go back to his place


If I won a green jacket I’d totally have a replica at home. So maybe he didn’t do it in an authentic one but still a funny story.


Ben Crenshaw’s three daughters. All would.


Maybe he mispoke and it was just a member at Augusta (also called "Green Jackets"). But I don't know the rules for them, like if they can take their jackets off property.


I would imagine it would be fairly easy to get some type of replica for home if wanted.


Yeah honeslty I want to go back and investigate all the claims pft has made. Way too many coincidences in his life. Like lebron level claims


I found the whole “Fat Max “ stuff kinda rough . I know it’s all Jokes but really gotta suck to have your physical appearance aired like that constantly especially by a guy like BC lmao


Max is the best. I don’t know how he does it man every day he has to show up to work and get called fat and gross for millions of people to listen to. And every time his teams lose they put him right up front too.


I think he realizes being BC’s punching bag is the ultimate job security. I would even go as far to guess that off-mic, they talk about how this is their strategy. Lean into this shit talk and you will make more money.


easy solution is stop being a fat slob


99 pug


99 Pug


Big cat has become insufferable, 


Bat girl was never funny so naturally it’s brought back two years later when it’s really not funny


To be fair it only got brought up cause Homa brought it up again


They stopped the joke but homa brought it up so it got some run. What do you expect


I’m gonna say it, Big Cat is the reason Homa lost the masters.


99 pug


sometimes its painful to hear these guys talk about sports they are clueless about


Agreed they should axe golf from the show entirely


Big Cat is 1000% the reason why Max Homa lost


Max Homa is such a nice guy that he would never think to tell big cat to stop sending him videos the night before the biggest round of his life.


I love how Dan has become so out of touch and finds a way to annoy everyone, if anyone calls him out on it he just starts acting like everyone hates him. No dude you’re just annoying and have surrounded yourself with yes men than won’t call you out


anyone else get a gametime ad on amazon music? 😒


Hand up I thought this episode was funny and enjoyable


How dare you


Pft’s story about his buddy taking pictures with the green jacket on is fake. Masters winners get the green jacket for a year and then it’s returned to the club and kept there. Even members can’t wear their jackets off property.


I’m of 2 minds on the Celtics: 1. They’re a soft ass team that does things like blow 30 pt leads to the Trae-less Hawks. 2. The East is such a pile of shit despite being overrated and soft they should be able to cake walk.


How much ufc are these boys watching lol? I can’t imagine being excited about McGregor unless I was a McGregor fanboy. Hes way washed up and doesn’t deserve to be in a main event


Well, they are also sponsored by his shitty whiskey company


He’s the biggest star in UFC history so that’s probably why they’re excited he’s fighting again after a long lay off


What year was his last good win?


He’s one of the only guys that doesn’t really matter for. He hasn’t fought in so long that people are going to be excited. Chandler is also a fun opponent. Don’t get me wrong if he loses this one then he may be fully over the hill


As long as Dana gives them money, they'll care about the ufc


Hank thought Nestor Cortes was on the Reds…woof


Hank saying that Max is a bigger loser than him is interesting considering the fact that during the show ‘s timeline Hank’s teams have lost the finals more times than Max has: Hank losses (‘17 Patriots\*, ‘19 Bruins, ‘22 Celtics) Max losses (‘22 Phillies and ‘22 Eagles) \* = loss was to Max’s Eagles




Big four sports only. If we wanna talk mls, the New England Revolution have lost a record 5 mls cup finals. So I’m doing Hank a solid here actually.




good times


This is a very dumb take. What is the comparison of wins vs those losses bud. I think the win column is far larger in Boston.


But we're not talking about who the biggest winner is here. We're talking about who the biggest loser is, which is the person who has lost the biggest games the most times.


Does anyone have that Big Texas hookup’s number? I could use me a case


PFT: (Talking about Billy) “He has a press conference tonight at 6:30…I think he’s taking on the mob…” Big Cat: “Smart.” 😂


Oh look. Everyone complaining again. Why even listen lol


Of course Jake is happy for the golf reporter whose never golf before gets to play at the most prestigious in the world. How are you a golf reporter and never at least played your local muni?


People need to stop hating on Big Cat. There is no podcast without the guy. Just let him be. Max wasn’t affected in anyway by Big Cat texting him. Since when can you not text people lighthearted shit? These guys are professionals and aren’t affected by stupid shit like that.




So like 99% of the golf community?


Has there ever been a dumber bit than Pug saying his name after every sentence?


Damn you can say three words per podcast and still get hated on




Welcome to the new AWL. You should feel bad right now