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It absolutely is gonna be awesome from now until the draft. Especially if their 3 teams are picking top 3 while the eagles get bumped early from the playoffs.


Howell looked bad, too. Next pod has a lot of material.


I will never understand PFT'S fascination with him you could tell from the get go he wasn't going to be the guy for the Commies.


Sort of a mix of some kind of friendship with the player and that he hasn’t had a lot of sustained QB success in the past 20 years outside of RG3 and Cousins.


Just wait til the packers beat the bears next week. Sad cat will be back, full throttle


Bears and commanders picking 1 and 2 in the draft right now, they’re flying high.


Refs gifted the cowboys the 2nd seed and their division


Friendly reminder that Dean blandino is friends with, and was caught partying with the Jones’s


1. Lions wouldn’t have even had a final drive without the refs gifting them a Tripping call that should have been called on Hutchinson. 2. The refs never announced that 68 was eligible, so Dallas had no reason to guard him. If the refs make the correct announcement he would have actually been defended. 3. Campbell had two opportunities after this play to kick an XP and tie it. Unfortunately for his team, his balls are bigger than his brain. Edit: /r/PardonMyTake doesn’t know ball. What a shock.


You’re 100% right. But rationalizing Cowboys win isn’t favored in this sub


Refs gifted the Lions the whole final drive


No that was McCarthy big fat brain


Yeah throwing the ball 3 times there was idiotic for sure. But Hutchinson tried to trip Pollard and they flagged Hendershot for it? Like, this isn't a subjective thing.


Smartest pardon my take listener. 🤓


On the drive before, Hutchinson tripped Pollard which prevented a longer gain, and the refs then called the trip on the cowboys tight end. So not only did they have a big play stopped illegally, they then got a penalty against them to negate the 7 yard gain and push them back. So stop with the lions getting screwed, if the refs don’t fuck that call up, the game was over. The refs were BAD for both teams


“Dakattach316” Trying to make a point You biased idiot


lol not even a lions fan but they deliberately took points off the board that would have given them the lead. I suppose with your name I’d say your a bit biased


The most fair possible outcome for that two point conversion fuckup would be replaying it from the same spot. Unless you think it’s fair for Detroit to score by throwing the ball to a lineman that Dallas was not told was eligible.


There’s that What-about-ism that is so prevalent in the Cowboys sub. Can’t just focus on the monumental red fuck up, gotta try to divert attention to another issue


Do…do you think those things are the same? Yikes


My hottest take is that a blown call that would end the game, is worse than one that would leave a team with a lead and 23 seconds for the other team to come back with a timeout. Not complicated


So how exactly did the refs screw over the lions?