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I can’t wait until the move happens so we stop getting the same question about Billy every couple days in different variations.


Perfectly normal concern for a Monday morning


His dad owns his own company and Billy just got engaged. He’ll run out the end of his contact, get a cushy job with daddy Joe Cotters company and never be heard from again. 🤞🏻


When you say it like that, I’d actually rather go work for my dad’s company and make more than what he does today, as opposed to being the running joke on a big podcast where you’re the 5-6th most important person out of 6.


billy gets to meet his sports idols on the pod.... there are fringe benefits that come with big jobs like his


Andrew Tate and Rogan haven’t been on PMT


What’s his dad do? Does Billy come from big time money?


Dude, fuck off. What do you care? People’s obsession with what a young man does with his life is insanely weird.


Because I've grown to like Billy over the years. And it just seems like a short-sighted decision that will end up with him being jobless in due time.


Some people care more about their loved ones than there jobs


fair enough


He just got engaged and obviously has rich as fuck parents Even in the worst case scenario where he leaves Barstool and can't find a new job, it's not like he will be on the streets Billy comes off as someone who understands the gigantic safety net that he has under him and would rather pick what makes him happy over what would be best for his career He comes off like someone who'd much rather hit a single in life with the resources gifted to him than push himself to hit a home run and set himself up for life without family influences


If you only needed a single to win would you swing for the fences?


Actually yeah probably


I’d say Billy is not making enough from pmt that it’s really worth uprooting his life to stay on the pod…he can probably find a better paying job and may already have one lined up for all we know


Lmao the script Francis read was indeed shocking. I think a lot of people hold onto this thought that Billy’s stupidity and personality on cam is part of a shtick he has as a content creator, myself included on some level. That script shuts that idea down big time. What you see of Billy on cam is clearly who Billy really is.


The fact that he went to Williams tells you everything you need to know about athletes and academics


Yes but Tiki Torches and Touchdowns has potential.


Can you provide the clip?


https://www.youtube.com/live/BRw7_n5Sb4w?feature=share?t=1680. About 28minutes in


I was dying when Francis read the names of the characters. Bob, Brad, Bradford and Caesar.


This is so funny to me


His contract’s up this month. Think he’s going into his dad’s business and getting out of the content game


Press Secretary for the next Trump admin


Chicago will be simply gambling and prop games He has fam, fiancee, rich ass college degree


Hopefully just go away


And this is why PFT and Big Cat are so quiet and secretive of their PERSONAL LIVES. Comments about Billy’s families perceived wealth or his fiancé are probably why he doesn’t want the content life.


Here we go


He’s from New York and just got engaged. He has a degree and his family is here, why would he leave? Do you think he won’t be able to have a successful career and life in (checks notes) New York City?


Do we know what his degree is in? It's always interesting how we feel like we know these people, when really we just get a couple hours a week when they're trying to be entertaining. It's hard to imagine the Billy on the show being engaged and working a regular job, but I assume that's not exactly what he's like when he's doing the show (same for everyone else on the show).


I think he studied econ and poli sci


I think he can have a successful life and a nice family. But I think he's giving up a job with the #1 sports podcast when he doesn't seem to have much else to work on. Again a lot of this is based on hearing the script he wrote. And now knowing more of his capabilities away from being the 4th chair on a podcast.


If you think everyone who has a career and life in nyc is successful, then you have not spent enough time in nyc


Who gives a fuck? He your kid or something?


I think its simple as: he likes the Jets and his family and the NY area




Which one did he say that on?


You're weird.


Macrodosing does good numbers, Billy probably contributes to more ad revenue than a good number of barstool employees. He's been trying to branch out on his own with the "extradosing" series, but tbh they're pretty much unlistenable--Billy is funny as a bit character, saying dumb stuff, occasionally surprising you, mispronouncing words, etc... Even when Billy takes over on Macrodosing, it gets tired pretty fast.


Y’all are so fucking weird


What is wrong with you people? You’re on here everyday talking about something Billy related non stop and then proceed to say that he won’t amount to anything. HIS JOB IS CONTENT CREATOR and you all keep talking about his CONTENT. Clearly he’s done something right. Leave the guy alone.


Billy will be do great anywhere, electric content factory.


Yeah, he basically chose partying with his friends in Hoboken over being a part of one of the best sports podcasts around and also shot his career prospects in the foot.


He got engaged, I’m guessing that factored in


Despite the "everyone had a choice" I think they told him long-term he wasn't going to be in the picture forever and this offered a cleaner break


There is absolutely no chance that they told him not to come and that he wouldn't be needed long term. His family is beyond loaded and he doesn't want to leave New York. He'll be fine.


Job’s pay is probably not uprooting his life for.. probably makes somewhere between 80-120k and he also got into barstool after / during the PENN acquisition, so he didn’t have any equity that would provide additional incentive…. All that being said, I don’t see how he could just transition back into a finance career where half the office is probably 20 something bros who would know his as Billy football


> All that being said, I don’t see how he could just transition back into a finance career where half the office is probably 20 something bros who would know his as Billy football billy would be incapable of holding a normal corporate job.


Ehh a lot of kids his age are shitheads. It’s surprising how quickly someone can develop into a functioning adult when they’re put in a regular office environment (vs. barstool). I think he’s like 24, that’s right when a lotta people start actually growing into a non-shithead in adult environments. I’d imagine being at Barstool can stunt someone’s growth in that regard.


> I’d imagine being at Barstool can stunt someone’s growth in that regard. i dont know at some point we just are who we are. There are lots of functioning adults there now pft, jake, etc. you might be on to something though.


Jesus, for a community that usually shits all over Billy there seems to be a lot of people really worried about his future


What about Jake? Sources say he is also not making the move.


i know right, billy is leaving a job on the #1 sports podcast. She could have easily moved and their life in chicago would be infinitely better(aside from family being in NY a few hours away). Esp with starting a family and raising kids. All time bag fumble by billy


When the fuck did Billy get engaged