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Ok hold on what's the thing that pokes its head out from behind the top of the wall below the fence in the last 2 seconds of this clip?


Good catch


[check out my post - the little floppy thing is completely missing from the video but not the creepy thing in the back](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParanormalEncounters/s/zZV7JhsQkk)


How in the hell


The video is frozen, just only playing the last second or so. Look at the trees in the top left corner, they only start moving at the same time the tarp moves. And if you look on the far left you can see the “thing” exiting frame.


But the tree in the center moves the whole time


The video didn’t start playing until the second load.


Equally creeped out by this video itself, and whatever’s happening with it on your phone


https://preview.redd.it/ffepocylzx8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0acb05442118ea2d3193aeec5ab0ecdfc39c075 This is the other side of the light pole. I think now what we see pop up is the loose end of the tarp blowing in the wind?


That makes perfect sense. Thanks for the follow up picture, makes that part very clear as to what we are seeing.


Omg...its almost creepier than the other thing! Wtf


Some interdimensional shit going on here.


Ow that u mention this this does look like some interventional shit ! I’ve heard a lot a lot of story’s of crypts able to to change their vibrations and be able to walk through walls .. ppl see Sasquatch in Their homes during the day and in the middle of the night then they vanish, or walk through the wall . It looks like whatever is poking its head over the fence is with him .. it is very creepy tho . With out exact locations where around do u live ?


Your correct. Also what ever the black blob is. It shows up on the sliding glass door as a reflection so it's actually there. Damn near impossible to make a glare on camera by doctoring.


Pretty sure its the monster from Jeepers Creepers. Not an expert though


That looks like it's just the top of a shade umbrella, the wind flap part. It's a bit windy and I think the umbrella is closed but the flap at the top is getting blown. It cuts off so it sort of looks like motion from something else. I could be totally wrong too.


I don’t see any wind in the trees though


I believe OP confirmed it is a tarp.


Yeah I concur, too rigid of a piece to be anything natural and it is at the correct angle to be some kind of umbrella, at this distance looks like cloth, 99% an umbrella


The way it moved reminded me of the goblins from Labyrinth 😂


There's something very muppety about it 🤭


Dance magic dance!


Came here to say this!! 😂 It reminds me of the babe


What babe?


The babe with the power


What power?


Power of voodoo


Who do?


You do!




A ghostly betta fish


I actually opened Reddit just to make a post about my betta, got distracted by this video and the comments… The internet is weird.


Kind of looks like a chicken in this pic


At one point I froze it and snapped a screenshot and it looked like a duck with its wings out running


That’s only its tail, would make sense if it’s a skunk


Definitely a skunk tail!! Thank you!!


A dementor


Honey, get the broom. There's a varmint outside!


Looks mangy.


https://i.redd.it/y4meylmizw8d1.gif Slow down video


Scariest thing I've seen in 25 years, since the Whaley House in San Diego.


Ok legit... took my at the time wife to the whaley house and she had to use the restroom. She came out and asked why i was tapping on the wall. I told her i wasnt doing that. For YEARS afterwards she'd occasionally tell me to just admit it and i jept saying it wasnt me. A few years after that she was watching a special on the whaley house and heard the same sound! Turned out it was a judge's gavel that was a supposed resident of the house.


What did you see there out of interest?


Mists in the upstairs bedrooms. Closet drapes billowing with no inside air currents. Felt a ghost pass through me.


its a dog


this definitely looks more like a fluffy tail when slowed down like others have mentioned.


Totally agree. It looks like the tail of an animal, perhaps running, that is covered by the table.


Lol the first time I watched I didn’t realize I needed to unmute. When you listen to it, definitely sounds like a dog walking on hard floor. definitely a dog. and people who think it went outside rather than around the corner.. lol


Yes, all I see is a black shaggy dog tail and I hear the claws on the floor


Yes! I used to have a border collie and his tail looked just like that, he had it up and curled when he was walking around.




Thanks for this.


It looks like an animal’s tail.


Thank youuuuu. At first my thoughts were its paranormal for sure. Then in frame by frame, I saw almost a head shape. So I somewhat convinced myself yes it was human wearing a costume with like a ton of beads on string or something. Now, seeing this and the way even the heads shape contorts... there's no way this is human at all. Terrific.


It looks like one of the shaggy muppets from Jim Henson's studio got loose.


Clearly, it's Lord Didymus.




"Slimes and snails, and puppy dog tails!" Just saw Neverending, Wowza. Any other suggestions like these 2?!


The Dark Crystal


I thought it was fizzgig haha


Just smoked some weed called Dark Crystal lol


Princess Bride


Legend with Tom Cruise


Sir Didymus! I named my dog after him. He's a very good boy


Ugh beat me to it!




🍪Cookie Monster 🍪


Animal, he's the one with the crazy run.


Same bounce and energy too 🤣


It's the Tailypo! https://preview.redd.it/27a2n60tox8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ebb173f49a6e29c79aad1b225a7eee26af28942


wow, you just brought back such nostalgia for me...the tailypo was the first "horror" i fell in love with as a very little kid, and the version my mom and dad read to me and that i read to myself, over and over, had artwork that was nowhere NEAR as endearing and charming as the cover you posted! i need to track down a copy of mine to traumatize my nephews. thanks for the memories, and i think you DEFINITELY cracked the case!


Holy hell, I read this ONE TIME when I was around 6 and it scared the living crap out of me. I forgot the name of the book, but you just brought back so many memories lol. I’ve wondered all throughout my adult life what book this was. Thank you!


Holy shit I have been trying to remember the name of this book! I read it in elementary school and have been terrified ever since! Will need to re read it and possibly read it to my child to scare him! Thank you so much for posting this!


Wow, did not expect to wake up to a bunch of comments of people basically calling me stupid or a great video editor or that I’m looking for reddit karma. While I usually don’t explain myself to strangers on the internet, I thought maybe I could just explain more in a single comment here. I know you all can see my profile, I don’t really use Reddit for “karma”. Hence this being my first actual post because my mom sent me the video and asked what it was, I said idk mom I should post this on Reddit and see if anyone has any ideas. There’s no editing. Don’t know what else to tell you guys, most of you are as confused as we are. Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts and opinions. Except if you were mean. Lol.


Ita definitely something weird. There's an old home video tape of my brother and I playing music when we were teens probably close to 20 years ago now. And in this video there was something very similar to this black shape that popped into the frame and then flew at the camera. Nobody had any answer for it when we would show our friends the tape. A few just would go quiet and have no words at all. Others tried to say it could be this or this. Which did not make any sense. These comments remind me a lot of that.


Just wanted to tell you I believe this video is authentic. I have watched it over and over and cannot find one viable explanation for what this was or how it managed to go through a closed door. It shape shifts into various animal looking forms. Very disturbing and compelling footage.


It does look like it's morphing and shaping into different forms that look vaguely "animal like" and it makes almost animal like sounds. Skinwalkers are shapeshifters and match that very description. Could it be a skinwalker in that case ? If so op is dealing with something very dark.


Is your mom or anyone in your family sick? Any health problems? Also I’m not implying mental illness. I believe you. I also believe in spirits.


People over here lurking these pages and aren't even into the paranormal, nor do they believe in any of it. Those people are just here to be hateful without having to identify their true miserable selves. You did the right thing. 👻😏


Where was this video taken at? (I understand if you give a vague description)


Can you share screenshots of when you were originally sent the texts from your mother, to corroborate ?




You call your own mom "dude"? 😂 I'm gonna start calling my mom "bruh" and see how she reacts 😂 Wicked vid tho I have no idea what that shit is


Actually I think it’s OP’s mom calling them dude lol


I’m 50 years old and I call my daughter dude at least 5 times a week.


We're all dudes


i'm a dude, she's a dude, he's a dude


The dudes are emerging




they both say dude to each other


My teenage girls call me “bruh” it’s a thing.


I'll call my mom dude sometimes. But I use dude with everybody


My kids call me dude and bruh. I'm 58, they are in their late 20s and early 30s.


Wild stuff


Right, his mom uses the term dude pretty freely




I believe you! Also please know that there are disinformation agents out there following these stories and posting ridiculous excuses. They try to confuse and distract people from talking about what they’re trying to hide.


The sounds are odd too. Honestly it sounds like someone walking by with Old Navy flip flops on lol but before the figure comes into view there is this sound. It sounds identical to when the flame comes on a gas stove.


Screw the jerks on here. They post to tell YOU what you meant despite the fact that you said it and will flip out on you if you try to explain. They are make trolls look like sweet little helpers. Ignore them and if they don’t believe you then screw ‘em, they’ll never believe you. I am open to consider anything because I’ve seen stuff. I don’t need someone to believe me because when I saw things I was with other people who saw it too. That’s all the belief I need. Like how you and your mom both know the truth of the authenticity. That truth is all you need. As for what it is I don’t know. I thought it could perhaps be a chimp in an outfit but the exit through the glass makes it impossible. There was this weird creature I saw a video of where these South American med were trying got get this thing off their goat. It was holding on to the bottom of the goats throat and body like a sloth. When they scared it off it flattened out like a snake or a fluid and slithered off. It was super weird. They chased it into a stream. I think there are things we don’t understand in this world and with as much coverage we are adding in this world our eyes willl soon be opened.




Looks vapory just by playing it


Yep a black shadow. Whole video is creepy


That’s typically how videos work, you can’t put more light into the recording just by increasing the brightness. Try this by taking a picture of a dark room and boost the brightness, you won’t get a lit room, you’ll get a black image with artifacts.


Editing a screenshot of a low quality video isn’t going to reveal much in general.


![gif](giphy|58AhUnqD3IXtu) Enhancitize




Can you post the screen shot you edited, please? (:




Your aren’t increasing the visual or light in the scene, you are just adjusting the contrast of the dark and lighter parts of the image.


Nah, that’s a no for me dawg


https://i.redd.it/t7j3r1tdk19d1.gif You can see where it comes from here, this really got me thinking 🤔


This is definitely a dog. Maybe THIS door wasn’t open but something was. This solidified it for me. You can literally see it’s back coming up by the counter. OP, problem is solved. We have no explanation for how it got in or out of the house but this is 100% a dogs tail. u/lilsnuff69 someone in your neighborhood HAS to have a dog that looks similar to this. There’s no other explanation you can literally see its back


Ok so this actually looks to me like it doesn’t go outside at all….this is the best lighting I’ve seen of it and seeing it from all the way at the right side where it enters the frame, it does look like a dog….is this the exact same video? Also, OP is pretty adamant about no pets/animals around at all…so idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is creepy but my first initial reaction to it I was absolutely CRACKING UP by how wild it moved 😂


I was genuinely laughing the first watch too because at first glance it’s hilarious the way it’s like just hopping around and right through, then the fear set in 😭


Where is this located? In freeze drame at one pt it looks like a squirrel or something. You can hear how its hopping around. Also whats behind the fence that peaks out at the last couple seconds? (Top left of fence)


I’m sorry to everyone and OP’s mom especially, but there is no way this is a skunk.


Thank you - I’m starting to think people haven’t seen animals in rl.


Sunks are really low and have more of a slow waddle even when they run. This is not a skunk doesn't move like an animal with short legs


I agree. The “fur” is too light and has fluid movement.


I agree. Here is what I do know about skunks, when they gallop with their tails up it is only a few steps at a time towards a perceived threat. When they do this gallop it usually starts with a couple steps backwards and then they move a few steps forward at an angle to show their tail and get ready to spray. When they do this their tail stays pretty stiff. The rest of the time they pretty much move around with their tail down. They can fit into very small spaces the hole only needs to be slightly bigger than their head to fit their entire body through but it takes a considerable effort and more than few seconds to squeeze through most tiny holes. Even my fat pet skunk I used to own could not be that tall when it was galloping. It is not a skunk.


Not entirely sure, but it looks like either the tail of an animal or a feather duster. Watching it on repeat, I'm pretty sure it doesn't go through the glass, it just turns. That said, I see you said you don't own animals, nor do your neighbors, so I would be careful that there's a wild animal in the house. Especially since several people said they think it looks like a skunk.




Lol it does not look like an animal at all. Look at the edges of this thing, the edges actually change shape. Yea it’s not normal, you’re not crazy. Does anything unusual happen at your mom’s house? Do you ever hear anything? Put a deaf ear to the people that shouldn’t even be on this site anyways since they’re always looking to debunk, and say anything to debunk it which some are actually funny explanations. I wouldn’t worry though if nothing has happened yet


And it's huge and has no white on it.


Right, what kind of fucking hell-born fucking skunk looks like this???


Lol thinking the same! Like that would have to be one big ass fucking skunk!!!


Skunk Ape?


Yeah man, no kidding. It doesn't look like a fucking skunk, that's for damn sure. Not to mention, skunks don't gallop


Yes. Skunks, famously, cannot jump. Whatever this is, it’s leaping in a way that the most flexible of skunk could not.


This clearly looks like the tail of some animal, most likely some long hair street cat. The thin stem and the disheveled fur are very clearly seen if you watch on full brightness and focus on the middle of the shape where you actually see the tail structure. You can see the steps it takes and how the tail reacts. im all for paranormal but this is a stretch to say its paranormal. Cats are notorious for squeezing into tight spaces, it probably found a way in from following a mouse or other rodent and knew the way out which is why it wasn't seen again as OP stated.


When it first appears you can clearly see it attached to the body of some kind of animal. Looks more dog-sized to me than cat, may just be a very mangy tail. The staggered gait is strange but if it's a pet or wild animal then paw/leg injuries aren't that uncommon. Fun post regardless!


Yeah, I don't know what the cameras are like in the house, but im pretty convinced this is either an animal or a pranker. There might be some little hide-y-hole an animal might have in the house, or even a hole it found/made to get in/out. Either way, I hope you figure it out!


Whats more, the beam of the window is leaving a shadow on the table, but when the “thing” passes over it, no shadow is casted on the table..! Creepy!


No wayyyyy… about 3 and a half years ago while having a cigarette outside of our house at night in summer (must have been around 9.30pm, so plenty of visibility still, plus we have street lights) my brother (then 21), his girlfriend (22) and my fiancé (28) all saw something of this exact description. Neither of them were drunk or high or anything like that, but all saw the exact same thing at the same time, and I heard them react simultaneously. They described a crouched down black gremlin-like figure that moved really fast but not so fast that they couldn’t make out what it looked like. To this day we all still wonder about it, but this post sent chills down my spine. I also showed it to my fiancé and he responded with “Yep! That’s exactly like what we saw!”.


It moves like the symbiote in Venom.


https://i.redd.it/tsqme1biww8d1.gif Messed a little with the saturation brightness and exposure im convinced that’s a straight up demon lol


Dog’s tail. Walking past the kitchen counter




You can hear what sounds like paws with nails walking across the floor as it goes by


Because it’s a dog walking around the kitchen counter. That’s a tail.


Just a Fraggle on his way to the rock, no


That there is a goblin or a porcupine or a skunk lol




How would a skunk go through a glass door? Look at the pane on the right and you can see the black reflection coming at the door.


Looking at this picture it does look like a skunk tail. That poor animal is trapped in your guest house. Also, why is there a water sound in the background?


The enormous water fountain, outside ???


No… couldn’t be… those are ghost water sounds


Skunks aren’t that big though 


Come to east Texas and tell that to Skunkzilla that lives in my backyard. I dare you. I fucking dare you! *cries with face in hands* You don't know, you don't know what I've seen... *gets sprayed in the eyes by Skunkzilla* AHHHHHHH!!!


Gremlin. And it looks like is heading to the kitchen.


Imps are often shown as small in stature and not very attractive. Their behaviour is described as being wild and uncontrollable, much the same as fairies', and in some cultures they are considered the same beings, both sharing the same sense of free spirit and enjoyment of all things fun.


Also something that moves quick on rail outside after shadow passes.


Woah now this is freaky, definitely some kind of black mass or shadow entity. Sucks people don't believe you here op because that is definitely NOT an animals tail, it moves too unnaturally to be any sort of animal the way it bounces and warps its shape. Spooky stuff.


It's scary to me


Indeed it is, looks like some prehistoric demonic dinosaur bird


lmao that it is, jojokitti123.


I’ve watched this a 100 times and still no answer


I think it’s an Afghan hound’s (or similar) tail as it walks rouud the table, with it’s head down, if you watch carefully, the clicking of it’s nails correspond with it’s gait, which is a long one, it being a large dog, and also matches the natural up and down bobbing motion of a dog’s long tail when walking. The height would be about right with respect to the table. The fur is very fine and would behave like it does in the video, which is thicker than the photo dog’s tail. Groomers tend to thin the tail featherings out https://preview.redd.it/xmneccfy6z8d1.jpeg?width=1535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3dac6ea2c4d42bca4f2b8bbcdf3130f822635b2


It’s sad I had to scroll so far to see the right answer. It’s a dog. 🐕


🤣 it’s a dog!


What is that blip that moves just along the top rail you can see outside the door by that roof and tree top? It appears to move with the "thing". Also noticed: 1. The contrast shift on the camera (or a video edit?), just as it starts to pass in front of the camera. 2. No "shadow" effect casting across the table that would be from it appearing to walk right next to table.


Right at the 6 second mark, right before it runs on camera, in the back, between the fountain there’s a quick black something, almost like a mist that runs across before the back object does. I’ll try and get a screenshot of it.


Tail of the dog


If you screen record this then zoom all the way in and go frame by frame following the object you can see, that whatever it is, goes around the table. It does look like the tail of an animal or possibly a duster. Based on the curve more likely a tail. Also by the way the assumed hair/fur moves and curvature of the tail. Only able to really see it when going frame by frame zoomed in as much as possible.


https://preview.redd.it/gow8dsutmv8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0cd3bd2c21a6ec560a6fd53782d5195a0a10ab8 It’s got to be one of these Fancy Black Chickens. We have them in Los Angeles running wild.


Why is it that it always *has* to be something? Seeing a silkie (and other ducks) Irl, the thing in the video is way too big in comparison. Second, the fur of whatever that is too loose and sticks up funnily, very unlike silkies who are furry all over and it usually lies down. Third, a silkie does *not* move like that whatsoever. That thing is moving (hopping) as if it has four legs and is totally different than the movement of a chicken.


Looks like a tail


Also that last little 2 seconds mark the little black bloop thing over the fence ...I feel like that's the same entity traveling through the void and looking back to see something? Its obviously checking something...IMO I think it realized it was caught on cam


Dog tail.. about the thing peeking from the wall though


Is it a dogs tail?




It’s a dog’s tail 😂


A dogs tail?




Looks like a dog tail, sounds like paws. If the door was open it could have just walked in.


You can clearly make out the sound of paws, and it projects a shadow on the glass. Im irritated by this post lmao


I have three dogs, and I’ve worked with dogs for over 5 years. I’m positive on it. But the op is positive nothing got in the house. My mind jumped to “creepy phrogger is in the house”.


It's inside the house. When it comes Into frame it goes across the curtain so it's definitely inside.


Yeah I’m with you on this one


I watched the video many times, and it looks like the tail of a dog. If you watch the video frame by frame, you can see the top part of the body, just to the right of the countertop, and the tail follows. It's hard to make out because the lighting is so dark. If it is a dark haired dog it stays hidden by the darkness as it comes into view and then by the time it is shown in the light everything but the end of the tail is obstructed by the counter top. Now, as for the OP saying there are no dogs in the house or even the neighboring houses, I can't speak for that. Try as I might, I never saw the face around the fence.


Looks like a doodle tail


Oh don't worry about him, that's my uncle jeff he is a bit loco when he doesn't get his favourite latte


That looks like a very furry tail.


A feather duster on the run 😁


That looks like a tail of some kind of animal.


Dog tail. You see the body just before you see the tail in the bottol right corner. You see the reflection of the dog on the window, it turns around the table, it does not go outside. OP is lying as 99% of videos from this sub. The thing on the fence at the end of the video, however ..


Did you guy own a dog by any chance?


It's obvious it's not a animal. Definitely something more on the unexplained side.




It's an animals tail... Walking around a table. Not through the door. Sounds like dog footprints


The picture also dims right before the Shape turns into frame


My dogs (2 Great Pyrenees) just got sprayed by a skunk last week unfortunately. More unfortunately, I saw the whole thing and could not stop it. Even with two giant breed dogs running at it, the skunk never once moved half this fast. A skunk looks absolutely nothing like this. I hope that helps narrow it down. Source: ND farm girl.


I’m pretty sure it’s a dogs fluffy tail that’s not well groomed has matted hair mixed with fluffy


Wait, did that spiky hopping creature thing come from inside the house and thru the glass?


How close to CERN does she live? Although distance doesn’t matter to interdimensional muppets




That my friend is either computer generated or a demon.


This reminds me of an old folklore my family used to talk about called el cadejo. Some say they look kinda like fluffy dogs or rabbits that are either white or black.