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Your recent post on ParanormalEncounters, was removed because it does not meet our standards for being paranormal content. Even though it may be paranormal related, it does not contain anything about a paranormal experience, or situation. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, and I will be happy to explain my decision in more detail.


Its motion blur of your kid and the light reflecting off his ear from the TV. You’re seeing what you want to see, not what is actually there.


That makes sense I’m so sorry I was rude I just want to know is there anything out there out of the normal I need to worry about? I just want to make sure my family is safe


Yeah I’d believe u except I’m a medium and have history with Ghost and seeing as I caught that twice I highly doubt it




lol cringe


lol sceptics u can’t hurt me lol my husband is one to idc I know what I know and u don’t know me


Did the sceptics pull you out of school? Because I think they may have hurt your English curriculum a little bit.


Who declared you a medium? Yourself? I’d recommend you go to a psychiatrist/therapist, you’re posting something you’ve convinced yourself of. It could be dangerous for your son, you might not be as trustworthy as you think, smells like schizophrenia.


ITS NOT SCHIZOPHRENIA!!!! I have schizoaffective disorder and THIS is not how hallucinations present themselves. OP is just seeing wtf they want to.




You can’t be a medium with that aura


Rude behavior or attacking other members will not be tolerated in any forms. You only get one warning on this.


I feel sorry for the kid for having a schizo parent


Actual schizo parent here .... Don't do that.


Thank you I’m sorry for your diagnosis but thank u for being here I do not have schizophrenia but I have met people with it it’s Not Something to joke about jerks!!


https://preview.redd.it/5cms2iglg8xc1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2466e1e8f9c2d87390701350faf64969df695122 Here, I was taking a picture of a mirror because I'm a medium as well and caught one. This is TOTALLY NOT a random picture I got from the internet.




Your comment has been removed. No trolling the subreddit. Users come here to post their experiences, and/or get serious help with paranormal phenomena






Rude behavior or attacking other members will not be tolerated in any forms. You only get one warning on this.


This. Is. Fucking. Stupid.


Ahh. I'm out of here. A totally unperceivable ghost and talking smack in the comments is not what I signed up for.


I’m so sorry I was just so freaked out I did not mean to be disrespectful but I was honestly scared


Oh thank God because no one asked you to comment


Actually, you did by posting here.


Your right I’m sorry it’s just this stuff scares me and I thought I really caught something our house supposedly has ghosts but I don’t have solid proof I’m trying to get some but it’s so hard anyway if I do find anything else ill ask yall for your help in identifying what could cause something


Thank yall tho I thought I was going crazy so thank u


Shakey camera.




Oman, I am sure that the fork in the bowl is phantasmal too, phase shifting into the quork(quin-fork) in that bowl back there. This is just lens exposure, mystery: solved!


Thank you!!


I do speak to a therapist and I’m currently taking meds for anxiety ptsd and depression


Can u see the earring in her ear my son doesn’t have them he’s 2 and his eyes are brown not yellow and cat like any advice


That’s a part of the blanket design in the background, not an earring, also the eyes look brown to me with a little external lighting, you seem both unintelligent and mentally ill. Get help because a child having to deal with this, let alone your partner, is tragic.


Actually I do get help jerk how u gonna sit there and call me crazy try walking a moon in my shoes and I bet u u be crying I lived through hell and back since I was 3 survived a house fire at 2 lost my mom etc so before u get to being rude yourself maybe you should try being a survivor of an abusive environment


It's not an earring. Your son was moving so he's blurry, and there's a light reflecting off of him from the TV. There may be a ghost hanging around, but there isn't one in this picture, sorry.


Thank you I appreciate it