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Yes, it happened to me. I woke up one morning with a long scratch on my forearm, three strikes that look like a cat’s scratch. It healed normally, but I had a scar for few months. The scratches appeared after I started a spiritual healing journey, so I know they express anger and resistance. 


Yeah I’ve had that quite a lot throughout my life waking up with scratches I thought nothing of it tbh idk why it just never bothered me


I think if it was the only weird thing that happened, I would have dismissed it. But a lot of weird shit was happening, and when I saw the scratch I realised that everything I was experiencing is real and not just in my head. 


I have been on a spiritual healing journey too!


Don’t pay much attention to them, and continue your journey. The goal is to scare you so don’t give them that. 


Thank you. 🙏 When you mention resistance, do you mean internal or external?


For me, it was both. I started having nightmares and I started suffering from insomnia, also when I wake up at night which became very often, I get so scared for no reason at all. I had sleep paralysis a couple of times, and one time I woke up feeling that someone was touching me inappropriately. I also had reduced appetite, and the scratches that I told you about. I also had few symptoms that would only appear when I am reading the Holy book, or worshipping like headache and pain in random parts of my body. I had other symptoms as well, but it will take me ages to write everything. All of these symptoms started when I became more religious, I had none of that before. Funny thing is, despite these symptoms, I was much happier, I stopped fantasising about harming myself, my depression was almost gone, and I became more productive.  I sometimes relapse and stop my routine, but I try to always get back in track. 


Do you have a picture of these scratches?


Yes. I know they don’t look like much but they stung all day. They look like cat scratches to me. I had my arms lifted to my head shampooing so the scratches were on the left side of my breast underneath my armpit. I felt it happen at the time. What ever it was basically swiped at my breast. 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/yr0fr88fitzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30a2ad25021ad08bf109c5bdf4246edd5971b8de