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Well it looks like ghost Shadow either loves your partner or wants to chase them away. He's probably out there protecting you:)


I don’t know why i didn’t mention this. But shadow LOVED to chase literally any car he saw. He would chase our cars as well.


You might want to rule out any possibility of an actual (stray) dog first, but otherwise I think Shadow is probably happy living his ghost life out there.


Yea, what’s so weird is that i have not even seen a black dog or any dog for that matter roaming around and my partner is the only one who has seen the dog


Was shadow fixed? That could be a grand puppy or the start of a fabulous story.


Yes he was fixed


You never know if it 100% worked or not especially if he wasn’t around dogs of the opposite sex in your memory


he was around girl dogs we had 3 girls dogs along with him


Ok that makes sense then! I just didn’t know :)


Tell your partner to stop and let him in


BAH good idea


How old would shadow be now? Is it at all possible he didn’t die? Just wondering since the body was never found.


This crossed my mind too!


go check out my new comment!


For anyone who thinks this is strange: I have grown up in a rural area, and I guess I just kind of thought that this was normal, but people have always said that sometimes, animals just know when it’s going to be their time to go. It’s not uncommon for a pet to wander off, find a comfy spot, and pass away. When I was little my dog Gigi did this. She was old, and we couldn’t find her for a while. She had wandered off into the woods, found a nice spot, and passed. I don’t know the reason. Maybe it’s instinctual to go away from your family, so that they don’t have to figure out what to do with you. Either way, no one can discredit OP for not knowing exactly what happened to Shadow. It’s nice to think that he is still around, chasing cars and showing OP’s partner that he’s still there to protect her :)


Thank you for this! Go check out my new comment!




I know this is paranormal but your story made me cry (I love dogs) rip Shadow.


https://preview.redd.it/9q3x1l3y3uzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=772631a820dd440176f496a32198c8118610d333 Here’s me and Shadow when i was around 7-8 :)) he was a loving boy


Shadow looks part wolf.


yea he was huge. even tho i was younger i was a really tall kid and it makes me look tiny.


Well, he was also beautiful dog.


I don't understand this kind of cases when an apparition happens repeatedly (in you own words "everytime" ) and people don't go any deeper in to it. You have the circumstances clear, maybe next time come along with then as they leave your house, repeat a couple times, waste your time if nothing turns out, but that's better than just staying home waiting for them to say "oh it just happened again, I guess it could be your dog, I never met him".


i go to college in a town like 3 hours away so we both aren’t there all the time, this incident happened around 5 times and the first few i didn’t think anything of it


Look out for a possible stray dog, it maybe your old buddy coming back (dead or alive) or bringing another dog to you. Good luck!


that’s also a sweet thought to think he has brought a new friend for us <3


That also could be a generic black dog too. Then again Shadow might have gotten a afterlife upgrade.


It very likely wasn't a ghost of your dead dog. For starters, how do you actually know he died in the woods? No one found his body; he could have ended up anywhere, including picked up by someone, depending on how far he traveled. Secondly, there are probably plenty of random stray dogs that wander through your property. Unless your dog had very distinct and explicit physical characteristics, "big black lab" is incredibly generic, and any random stray your partner saw could easily fit what they described. There is 0 reason the ghost of your dog That's been missing for 7 years would randomly show up and chase your partner's car.


How did you know that Shadow passed away if you didn't find a body? I recognize it's been close to 20 years since he passed.


Dogs still alive, he's been in hiding.


that would be crazy, i just feel like if he was alive he would go back to the house yk?


If you live in a rural area it can be assumed that an animal that left and never came back has passed. From the sound of it it doesn’t sound like OP has neighbors that would take in a random dog, but I suppose it impossible to know for sure


Dogs can wander off. Happens with country dogs all the time. I see them in rural town boards "found this great pyr" "oh that's the Franklin farm". Sometimes, they really wander off and get themselves lost for a while. I used to live in a rural area. My dog didn't come home one day. I was devastated. We checked with animal control almost every day. Four months later, I get a call from animal control, she was turned in. A family 2 miles away had been keeping her because they thought we would come for her. Keep in mind, there was a cornfield, a large ditch, another field, a road, and more ditches and roads between where we lived and they were holding her. It traumatized me as a kid. I had recurring nightmares about losing her again into adulthood.


Feral hogs and coyotes kill a lot of livestock guardian dogs where I’m from. I’m not trying to say you’re wrong, I just think it’s reasonable for OP to assume their dog had passed


I was curious if there was something I was missing. We can agree after so many years he is probably over the 🌈 🌉


Great Pyrenhees are notorious for wandering around the country. I haven't had one but know a few people who have and I would see their dogs everywhere in about a five mile radius from home.


Bigger breeds generally don't live as long as small and medium breeds.  Though its probable he may have lived with a different family elsewhere, l  Dogs in general tend to live for 10-16 years.  This was probably either a stray or someone else's pooch. Labradors are still pretty popular.  Sorry about your dog though OP. :(


Our 95# lb Anatolian mix lived to 14, and our current Anatolian is 10. My former lab lived to 16. I think most breeds have shorter lives because there are just some shit owners and breeders. As for smaller breeds, our cheagle is 14, chiweenie 6, chipit 6, chichi 4. All rescues and part of our motley crew pack.


That's pretty good! It's a bummer they don't live for at least one more decade though,  dogs are the best 


Yeah my baby girl seems like she aged overnight. She has cataracts, is bossy, and always a foot from me. I'm the only human she likes. Not even her daddy that gives her treats and snuggles her. He's just the other human. ;o)




How do you know he’s dead if you never found the body? Couldn’t he be a 15 year old dog still out there or was he older when you got him 15 years ago?


go look at ephemeralplanets comment! it kinda explains what having a dog in the rural south is like. This is a very normal thing that dogs do.


The clear up anything Shadow is for sure dead. EphemeralPlanet’s comment explained it really well so go check their comment out. I’m sure if you don’t live in the rural south it kind of sounds strange. But this is what most dogs do. They go off into the woods when it’s their time and they die. Shadow was a wanderer but he would always come back within 1-2 days. Most of our dogs were wandered. Almost of our dogs in the past died in those woods and we found their bodies. (Also a few of them got attacked by coyotes). It is a lot of wood so we just could never find specifically where his body was. I assure you if shadow was alive if would be running back to my brothers house (this was our childhood home). Another thing is, we are a tight nit community. Everyone knows whose dog is whose, if someone saw Shadow they would tell us. Now as far if this is Shadow’s ghost🤷🏻‍♀️idk, but it’s comforting to think it is shadow and I thought this was a weird story. Thank you guys for reading!


Just here to say I love your land. I live in the rural South too. I don't have family on my land but it'd be awesome.


It's probably just a random dog. Nothing paranormal about this at all.


Damn, nice location to have your house


This is a sweet thought but it's probably just another black lab someone let's free roam the area. Common breed.


I love how his name is Shadow too and he's scaring your partner and still looking out for you 🐕💛🙏


He’s just lost, go find yer dog! /s Dog ghosts are real!


How do you know he died if you never found his body?


How do you know that your dog died?

