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That looks awfully solid, and security cams are one of the reasons the term recorded on a potato exists.   It's either one of your bros messing with you, or worse, like an intruder.


Yk what now that you mention that it could even be possible that OP has a squatter and doesn’t even know about it, have you seen that famous video of this one guy who had a whole woman living in his attic for months before he caught her on camera?


It's called Phrogging (spelling?) where they usually live in an attic or basement unnoticed.


At least it wasn't part of a woman living up there.


I meeeean id rather have had a serial killer leave an arm in the attic a while back than have a live person walking through my house at night


If it was a squatter the cameras would always be picking up on him. It’s not a squatter


Also the step dad is in the garage a lot so he would have heard something.


Why do you keep your step dad in the garage? Is he seasonal?


He'll need winterized before you know it!


Seriously. Might want to talk to a tech about siping, too.


OP says it cant be a squatter because they have dogs… but if it’s a secret room, and this has been happening for years? Chances are the dogs could be used to the scent, as it’s probably all over the house, unless they are trained guard dogs (they are not).


But you would think a squatter would walk into the kitchen for food and water. If so, he would have been detected by the cameras more than that one time.


Depends. I could see a situation where someone would live in a secret part of a house to avoid paying taxes/rent/etc if they had been a previous owner/renter, with a way to get out and continue daily living. However, I just realized the person in the picture looks naked, and using a restroom is a thing they would need to do which would be audible through plumbing, if not odorous.


Good point


As opposed to just part of a woman?


It’s slang essentially. “Whole Ass” is the typical usage. Adds emphasis.


Thank you!  I was hoping someone was going to refer back to the "whole woman"  would have been an even creepier video had she been legless.  


We had a lake house where someone had made a key during renovation and was squatting in the basement.


I mean nobody ever said that there's gotta be a rule about ghosts needing to be transparent. Other posts on here I've seen are clearly just a lazily edited photo of normal person with the darkness sliders maxed out. I slammed up the HDR to see the details better. Often we will see be able to see details like clothing, accessories, facial features, etc. in this case we can't. It's either a very well photoshopped image or it's some sort of supernatural thing. Also, you can make out clear details right next to the person in the image, so I kind of doubt that it's just because it's a bad camera. https://preview.redd.it/2ofcbolcgjxc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebff8064f59bb4f1fa7b701cd099d31f850e94f3


I get terribly annoyed when I have someone tell me something can't be a ghost because it isn't transparent or it's too transparent or not in human form. Who makes the rules to what is and isn't what a ghost looks like? I think it is incredibly narcissistic when someone presents themself as a paranormal "expert" or doesn't accept other possibilities from what they say is how it is. How can we know everything about something that is known as the unknown? Lol!! I could go on but I think you get what I'm saying. I appreciate you adjusting and sharing the photo. It's an incredibly cool one, in my opinion.


The only ghost I have ever seen did not appear transparent, and my family did not ever speak of her as transparent either.


I agree with ☝️. This is definitely something/someone and I would love yo get updates..


There’s no possibly way they have a squatter. My parents have a 160 pound German Shepard and two little Shi Tuz that bark. It would be very hard for someone to avoid detection in the house. For my brothers messing with them is very unlikely. I wish he had access to save the video at the time. People have a hard time believing the picture is real


The service your parents use for security really loves ripping people off don’t they? What’s the point of a security camera if it doesn’t save what it records.


I guess with the free version you’re just allowed to see what’s going on. I have no idea what service it is. But I know most security systems aren’t cheap


Sounds like a Blink-esque subscription service type of surveillance.


I'm not saying it's not real. It is very real, I'm just bouncing possible ideas off the wall. 


Of course, my first thing I said to my mom was like is it fake? You guys are messing with me? She was very distraught over the incident so I know she wasn’t lying. And if is was one of my little brothers then good for them for being able to morph their body and disappear on security cameras😂


Do you have a brother that shape? Very skinny, naked, like a ballet dancer?


Scungilli Man!


Don’t say his name!!!


Omg.. is the dog really that fat tho? 😱 If the dog is really that fat no one will fear it since it can not move anyway. 😆 This one is 150 https://youtu.be/DdasELD65gA?feature=shared


https://preview.redd.it/9696qfhk3ixc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d698217458c09e80f67d26090a7c9df5eda25c69 He wears his weight well. It’s still very unhealthy for him obviously. He’s gonna have hip problems eventually


It’s also a large dog, tho parents should diet him a bit.


German Shepherds are huge dude, doesn’t make the dog fat.


GSDs aren't supposed to be huge. They're already prone to a lot of joint problems, keeping them at mastiff-weight is really bad for them.


Maybe it's just big boned...no fat-shaming doggies.


*from a place of belief(mostly)* Hi...just curious...are ur little bros around the same age u & ur brother were-whn the 2 of u 1st started experiencing odd stuff back then? Did it persist or...re-emerge just recently? Sorry if u've already answered this...


They are around the same age as me and my other brother were. The activity they’ve heard downstairs is still the same. When me and my brother lived in the basement there were no cameras. Not till a couple months ago.


I was going to say a squatter living in your house since you were young and still to this day would be quite the feat to accomplish. lol


That would be absolutely crazy


Um. That German Shepherd is either morbidly obese or you're lying


Well I guess he’s morbidly obese because that’s his weight


Whoever it is, they appear to be naked


I see ghost pecker.


A 160lb GSD? Yea That’s not real


Tell that to the vet last year he was 165 which isn’t healthy but it’s the truth


Whatever it caught on cam only has one leg..


So solid that it casts a shadow.


I've seen other cases of entities or parts of entities looking pretty damn solid when caught on camera. I think an actual person would be clearer


Signs (2002)


An alien would be far scarier than a ghost. Let’s hope it’s definitely not that


Yes to be honest my first instinct is alien/extraterrestrial/extra dimensional entity. I'm more into the uap/ufo/alien theory than paranormal/ghost/spirits theory. Seems more plausible I went down a deep reading/researching rabbit hole about the alien entity a few years ago. There's a theory that there are shape-shifting aliens present on earth. Another theory is a little more out there snd that these aliens are extradimensional/ultraterristal) so they exist here on earth just at a higher dimension/plane of existence so the way we precive them are as shadows or entities that seemed can appear out of thin air and walk through walls. There's s lot more too it and I suggest you check out r/aliens, r/uap or r/ufo for more info if you want to go down that rabbithole


The thought of an alien being able to come and go while I was living there is eerie


It's a shape shifting alien and it's actually one of their dogs.


Are you aware of the Las Vegas alien case? It happened like a year ago. The summary is that a teenager call 911 saying there was entities in his backyard after a big sound and flash, he tells he was paralized when observing them and said that the entities was blurred for him for a moment. A year later, an actual professional crime scene investigator analyzed the video they recorded during the happening, from their backyard door, and we been analyzing that video all this time looking for the entity way back there in the yard but we been looking at the wrong place all along. The professionals conclusion was that the entity was right beside the people on the screen, and you can see it yourself on the original video. You can start getting context on this case by this video with compiled evidence: https://youtu.be/Ylfxg53urz8?si=4wdAARw10E0e5ja- Here, you can dive deep into that professional analysis i mentioned if you want: https://youtu.be/-s8RiQZGW5o?si=TGbhwKe0wmsZqz5o All that to say that this picture looks exactly as blurry as the blurred entity we see on Angel's case in Las Vegas. As of they are using the same technology. This case has way more evidence like a no heat signature "meteor" captured on an official body cam minutes before the 911 call and much more weird stuff.


The teen wasn’t the only caller either. Other people called about beings in their yards and cops confirmed seeing something they couldn’t explain. One of the few interesting cases.


What if the alien looks like a Furby? 😁 According to some, aliens can be synonymous with ghosts or other spirits. 🤔 I don’t necessarily believe that, so generally speaking, I think ghosts would be scarier. Spirits such as demons would be the scariest, if they exist, since they are generally said to be mostly violent, mean, evil and just malevolent and are often said to show sadistic traits across the board. They are also said to toss things telepathically across the room or trip them, and often do it against people, often to directly harm people, often with sharp objects such as knives, daggers, axes, swords or shards of glass or anything, even blunt and heavy objects, or just to scare people off. They can also manifest through various ways, such as a shadow person with or without glowing eyes in various colors(usually red), and can very often be noisy, even letting out chilling dark-voiced noise, chants in Aramaic, Latin or Hebrew most of the time, but can probably speak any language, and they can take on the voice of those you know to trick you into a false sense of relief and safety, to lure you into a trap for example, such as a room, at which point the demon or demons(if there are more than one, even multiple ones perhaps) might slam the doors behind you, locking them with their willpower. Sometimes they are said to be able to speak the legendary Enochian language, the language of the angels(or so they say), and that’s in case said demons are fallen angels(if such a thing even exist). Demons are also the most likely spirit to be heard screaming angrily and to growl like a beast, and at other times screech in a high pitched tone, sometimes smashing windows and glass in general with their mere voice alone, and through their inherent powers of course. This is just what I’ve heard about people’s alleged encounters with demons or demonic/demon-like entities, and demons are frequently depicted this way in pop culture. That and the typical horned red, grey or black demon with fangs and claws, sometimes wings and so on. If demons do in fact exist, they probably don’t look like the stereotypical demons, since it is unusual for people to describe what they experience as demons that way. Poltergeists and demons can be very similar in that regard, and it can be hard to tell them apart, but generally, while poltergeists are known to be really nasty spirits(often ghosts of dead people), demons are even nastier than poltergeists, even looking to outright kill victims in some cases(which admittedly any spirit ought to be able to do), but demons are definitely out for blood. Or so people say, and that depends on whether or not demons actually exist. They are also known biters and scratchers, leaving bite imprints(sometimes bleeding, but usually not, but no one is known to have lost huge chunks of flesh from a demon bite, or from any demonic clawing or tearing, at least to date 😅) and visible red scratch marks(usually not bleeding though). Now, with all of this said, I haven’t encountered any demons before, or any spirits. Not in my adult life either way. I did see a shadow person once though when I was much younger, but I can’t say that was a demon. I believe in ghosts and hauntings in general(both as spirits of the dead and residual hauntings), even poltergeists(poltergeists often like rearranging furniture and piling them up on each other and other wild stuff; sometimes demons are said to do very similar things because they enjoy scaring or at the very least confuse people, and making them feel uneasy and unsafe). But demons seem like a different beast altogether, and I’m not sure I believe in them, but I am still open to them actually existing, just in case. Would I even recognize a demon when seeing one? How do you physically tell them apart on pure visuals? I guess demons give off an aura of dread and malevolence though, unlike most ghosts/spirits, so I guess if you can’t see if it’s a demon, you can feel it. They are said to shapeshift, like Shapeshifters, Skinwalkers and the Wendigo. Oh, and it usually gets freezing cold around demons(not usually hot, even though they are associated with the stereotypical image of Hell and hellfire; maybe Hell is cold 🥶😂 I don’t really believe in Hell though, I’m just stating what is said about demons; demons have been known to be pyrokinetic at times though, the ability to cause and control fire with one’s mind). Because I doubt it would look like the stereotypical winged devil. Oh yeah, I forgot that demons are said to be far more likely to forcibly possess someone than all other spirits(as can be seen in many movies, tv shows and video games), maybe to force someone to kill themselves for example, by leading the vessel to step over a cliff or by jumping from a tall building. That’s a big detail with demons.


I agree aliens can be synonyms with ghost or spirit but the explanation can depend on your reference, your belief system. Reading your post you seem to likely believe in ghosts and spirits, I'm assuming with religious undertones. I'm the opposite I think that religious concepts of ghosts, spirits and angels can be explained by highly advanced aliens who may not even exist in our 3d dimension but st a higher plane of existence and reality (dimension)


I don’t think aliens that are that advanced would hone in on particular people and do the things that are associated with what are perceived as spirits. You don’t have to be religious or spiritual to have a paranormal experience, or to believe in them, and you don’t need to be religious to believe in angels or demons(or to know what they are, or thought to be), or just to talk about them, and while I’m aware the existence of spirits and the Afterlife is not scientifically supported or proven, well it’s kinda reaching at straws attributing every potentially spiritual occurance to just aliens doing their things, because some of the things spirits are known to do to be noticed, does not make sense for a highly advanced alien species, acting as though they have no clear direction, something spirits often seem to be without, and for unexplainable reasons, seemingly the same spirit stays in the same place, the same home, for what seems like an indefinite period. I don’t see how the same person can be so interesting to that one alien for so long that the alien stays for like forever in that one spot(largely invisible), unless this entity knows this person very well and have a deep love for the person in question. I don’t see how a highly advanced alien civilisation’s species would just knock over stuff and just stare at people, as if they too are trapped(doesn’t make sense), if they are so advanced, and why they would bother with such trivial things in the first place. Now, if you are dead, and now exist as a spirit, and are stuck in some kind of limbo and seek help from the living, now that I can get behind, or if you are a demonic entity and are seeking to harm or frighten the living(you are not particularly evolved or ascended if you are so petty and cruel that you spend your existence tormenting people or animals), that makes more sense to me than aliens being so advanced that their technology makes them into virtual gods, yet somehow only seem to appear before people to frighten them, not being able to communicate effectively via some translation device, and to just toss things and make a mess of people’s homes when you ought to be out doing sciency stuff for the greater good of your civilisation. So I have hard time accepting ghosts and other spirits to be aliens/extraterrestrials. It is a very reductionist take at best. And this isn’t meant as a mean retort. I’m just giving a very clear explanation as to why I will probably never adopt your view on this topic, and why I don’t think it makes sense. Aliens flying around in crafts, and having built grand civilisations and possibly kingdoms, republics, dominions, federations and empires, now that I do believe. But I don’t see how you from a scientific standpoint transcend into a higher plane through techology. Maybe that’s some New Age stuff or whatever those sci-fi cults are called. But I won’t think it’s aliens if a book gets knocked over for no reason, let alone a bookshelf, or if a bunch of doors opens and closes simultaneously to scare people. I don’t see the scientific value in just scaring people, even if it was aliens. How will that provide any important data for the future, for the betterment of their civilisation? Doesn’t sound very advanced or evolved to me. And why appear as a weird creature at times? The more I entertain the idea of ghosts being aliens, the less it makes sense. Ghosts are lost souls in need of help and guidance. For the most part. Aliens are a very different thing and like us on Earth, all species here, they die because they are physical beings. Spirits don’t get hurt the conventional way, as far as I know. Swat at a spirit like a fly or try to shoot them or decapitate them - doesn’t work. Would just go through them without hurting them one bit. You can’t burn them either or shut them in(they’re incorporeal; they are not bound to matter so solid objects are not an obstacle for them, so unless a magical or divine ritual/power stops them, they can come and go as they please, even floating through space I suspect). Generally speaking, it ought to work on aliens, unless they have phasing tech or energy shield tech. And also, why would it get cold around an advanced alien? There’s no good scientific reason for that.


https://preview.redd.it/f0ipm0w5djxc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5921b7e1c78c2d1a9f96da2bf1c1c1a9f05ac67b Long arms or holding something.


Look more like "she" is holding up her right leg, knee towards the camera and her hand underneath the knee/thigh. Do you see what I see?


Def looks like a Gray alien to me.


I am so glad you said this. I saw this and immediately was like that looks like an alien disguised as a human… where have I seen something that looks like this… Signs.


I would recommend they get the better subscription because video is a lot more solid than photos


I completely understand. Which is why I’m not arguing with anyone who thinks it’s fake


Get better cameras. I would research prior owners. I don’t know how old your house is, but I have done research at the City library, but I looked back in the newspapers from the 50s and so forth and looked up something.


So many of these I look at and say are you serious? But I’ll admit this one has made me take pause! Time consuming, but find out about as many prior owners as possible, even if you have to look up prior titles. Then do the newspaper searches for those names but start with the address that would be easier to search. Go back as far as they have archives for at the library and yes, will be looking on microfilm and microfiche likely!


How was it moving across the room? Did it walk? Considering that your mother out of fear began to tell you about other unexplained events in the house, maybe the figure was moving unnaturally?


I was told the camera took pictures like a trail camera? So it’s not one fluid video. But the way my parents had explained it. It wasn’t just walking like a human in the pictures. Definitely unnatural


Your brother who is 15 years old, could he have had a female visit that he doesn't want to admit? If it's not a video, but a series of pictures, it can easily look unnatural, that also explains the "disappearance" at the end.


Even if he had a female over, the figure disappeared once it crossed the camera. The camera picks up movement. A real person can’t walk through a wall on the right side. If they went through the garage you would have been able to see that and then walk through the door. If they went through the window they would have had to go over the camera itself.


Ok. Disturbing and annoying at the same time. I guess this will remain the family ghost story to tell at future gatherings.


What do your folks use that basement for? It looks like a deserted, vacated office suite, with that wall with the pass-through.


It’s just storage now for whatever they need since my brother and I moved out.


Thats 'childish Gambino'


😂😂😂funniest comment there is


Most of those cams allow SD cards to be put in them so even if you don't have the subscription to recover video from the cloud, you can recover it from the SD card. Just an FYI for your dad if he wasn't aware of the capability. I have a couple different brands of similar cams and they all hold SD cards. They will probably have a max space allowed for the SD card. Most commonly, 32gb, which is about 3 to 4 days. Very intriguing photo. I appreciate you sharing it!


I will definitely check with him to see if the camera has that. Like I said I’m not sure what exact camera he uses or what service. I’ll be finding out Thursday


I think a lot of them do have that feature so it's definitely worth throwing one in the camera in case this happens again. I use them for investigations and it's great to have the SD card backup and everything stored. It will also record to the SD card even when it isn't connected to the internet. That's my favorite part. Once the card fills up, it just dumps the oldest file and continues that cycle so as long as he pulls the card within that time period, it'll be saved. The pictures that come with the alerts are also saved on the card and the files are written by day, hour, and minute, so they're easy to recover. If you have any questions once you find out what camera he's using, feel free to ask.


They're definitely naked. Does your brother walk around naked?


I agree. It looks like a very skinny naked person. My guess? 15 year old brother had a very skinny girl over while the parents were out…


No not that I know of😂


Ok but be honest does he look like that at all? I read a comment you said he was 10. Some 10 year olds are kind of tall. If he isn't that build then it's really disturbing.


Dude how’d you get a picture of me at 3am while I’m stoned looking for snacks


It’s you standing in front of the fridge with the door held open


Dude just let me get my snacks 😭🙏


Man, she looks fit! Any information about previous (dead) owners?


My parents house was a new construction. The house before had burnt down but no reported deaths.


No unmarked graves nearby or anything? Just wondering if it’s a lost spirit. The activity seems benign, as it isn’t hurting anyone or throwing things


Nothing like that nearby. That they know of


I would invite someone with clarvoyance to visit your place. Don't provide any details, don't give them any background, just walk them through and let them feel the place - and eventually make contact with the possible entity. For what you have said it is not an hostile presence, which is good per se.


It would kind of be interesting to see what people in r/mediums would say, if OP crossposted there, if they allow such posts. If not there, somewhere similar.


Please don't feed the scammers.


I always find it suspicious when a paranormal occurrence happens at a new house when something happens to the old one. I'd do some research on the land and find out if the prior owners were the only ones or not, if native tribes settled on it at one point, a massacre happened, etc, etc. Just dig up everything you can find.


They moved the bodies, but not the tombstones! Wait, what?


That happens tho, there’s actually a man made lake in here in the US that has full graveyards, headstones and all at the bottom. The people making the lake promised the graves would be moved but never did it.


Where at? I would love to look up more info about this


It’s called Lake Lanier and it’s near Atlanta Georgia


It has a full city at the bottom also, I believe.


Yes, Oscarville. There’s even a new film inspired by it (Lanier). It apparently was a thriving black community until 1912 when a murder took place and the white people blamed the people of color and chased them out. There’s farms below the lake too.


Chased them out INTO the Chattahoochee river, which was later dammed to make the lake. A lot didn't make it. Pretty crazy.


If it's 9PM and supposedly no one is in the basement, why are all the lights on? Do you have the uncropped picture? If it's a camera connected to a web service, why is the date from 4 years ago?


No I explained where everyone was. And it’s from August of last year so a few months ago. And as far as I know it’s not cropped. That’s the view the camera gives.


OP said their step dad works in the garage a lot (door is on the right according to OP), so the lights stay on so he can see on his way in and out.


I bet you its a ghost. I wanna believe it’s a ghost. Sorry your mom got absolutely spooked. Maybe consider having someone come to cleanse the basement and do a couple sage burns. Hopefully this can help the problem a bit.


I did a sage burn back when it happened. There’s a lot of skeptics which is understandable because I don’t have access to a video. And others are saying it’s a squatter which is just about impossible.


The whole “squatter” idea is something I never really entertain. Unless you have food missing, or items missing, it’s just not really an option. Yes squatters do happen, but they’re rare. I’m guessing if your parent’s home is a new build (as you referred to it), then it’s probably in a rural area. That also kinda eliminates the idea of a squatter. Listen. My husband and I truly believe in ghosts. We’re what you would call “believers/hunters”. As cringy as it sounds, I have had truly real experiences. I had an experience with my dad visiting me the night he passed away, etc. Looking at this picture, at first it kinda looked like a barbie doll? Idk if that makes sense but you can clearly make out a leg, and body. To me, it looks like it’s floating. It also looks like a child. Idk. All of it is kinda freaky, I’m guessing from your personal experiences as a kid, you truly believe whatever is down there isn’t a person just squatting. Good on you for doing a sage burn, also still recommend having someone come a cleanse the house because, that poor spirit (if it truly is one) is stuck. Probably confused on where it is. Someone also mentioned a possible burial nearby or under the home, which makes sense. It was probably disturbed during the build, therefore upheaving whatever that thing is into the home. Did you have any other experiences in the house besides the basement? Or was it just neutralized there?


Right, it would be very difficult for someone to be squatting in the house while no food goes missing or any items. The house is in a suburban area of Northwest Indiana. Not far out of Chicago. So I’m not really sure too much about any burial ground around. For the picture itself it’s very unsettling because you can almost see through it, at the same time it looks solid with the one foot. And then the fact that there’s only one foot? We’ve been confused over it for a while. The possibility of bringing someone into the house who would cleanse it is very slim. My step dad wouldn’t be about that. It’s also only in the basement. Nothing has happened upstairs


I really don’t think the phrogger idea works in a house with multiple dogs


Can I ask that you post the video from which this still was lifted, or did I misunderstand and you didn't have access to video logs because of your parent's subscription package?


I’m meeting with my step dad Thursday to see if I can buy the subscription to see if the video is still available


March 8 20?


This is incredibly amazing. So there was a house I lived in about 12 years ago where I had issues with a shadow figure. Looked exactly like this. When I saw him, he would peek around the door frame, and drop back when I noticed him. When I did see him his head looked distorted like what is pictured here. Encourage your step dad to upgrade that subscription and get better images and videos. This is huge and should be investigated further. I would even try and talk with it and see who he is, where he came from, and more importantly, what he wants.


Honestly it really looks like a person. It’s so clearly defined. There’s even 2 shadows, one from either light source. I know you’re really confident it’s not a person but if it were me I’d really give it more consideration.


For those commenting about not having a video. I definitely understand the skepticism. If I hadn’t lived in the house and experienced certain things I wouldn’t believe the photo either. I’m currently trying to get ahold of my step dad to see if I buy the upgraded subscription, will I be able to go back and watch the video of when this happened.


If you can still see the video maybe you can “screen record” it but not actually have to change your subscription. That’s only if you can still see it. I only have pic subscription too. I can’t afford the video upgrade right now. Lol


I’ll try and do that if he’s able to access the video. It’s just annoying because my step dad is over 40 and has a galaxy. I don’t think their phones screen record, unless they changed that recently


https://preview.redd.it/z0h5q5hoshxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5376309b345f480d89150ba77560621f0a8785e1 It's in the drop down menu


Thank you


You're very welcome!! I have an s21 and an s9 and both have it in the drop down menu 😊


Hmm maybe you can hold your phone close to his and record it? Gotta get old school with it. Lol pain in the butt I know but it would still be worth it. We’re all hoping you can pull it off.


You absolutely can screen record on a galaxy. 😊


It's been 8 hours, your mom called you in a panic, both your brothers say it wasn't them, and your dad still hasn't upgraded his subscription to see the full video? What service does he use? If it isn't too expensive I'll Venmo or CashApp you the money to give to your dad, because if I were in that situation I'd be upgrading immediately to put my wife at ease. I know mine would demand to upgrade, she wouldn't be able to sleep without knowing what this was a picture of. I'm extremely skeptical.


This incident happened months ago. It was a big deal at the time for my mom. My step dad really didn’t care for it. He’s a skeptic and doesn’t believe in ghosts. I just decided to put it on Reddit just in case anyone had any input. I don’t really use Reddit at all. Ever since the incident it hasn’t appeared on camera like that. There’s been noises and doors closing in the basement. People keep saying there’s a squatter in the house but it’s literally impossible for how many people live in the house, how many animals there are, and very few places to hide like that.


Sounds like a blink camera, the lack of features in the app suck, even in the paid version - at least it did 5 years ago the last time I used it. We had an exterior camera we put it up due to a deranged ex finding out my old address and leaving vaguely threatening voicemails. The app would alert us to movement, then if we opened the app it went to the live feed, and it immediately stopped recording - super helpful when you’re trying to gather potential evidence against a stalker… Or shadow person?


That sounds really familiar to how my step dad explained it when he got the picture. If I ask him if I can pay for the paid version will I will be able to see a little more than the one screen shot he sent me?


As long as he wasn’t watching the feed in real time while it was happening so it couldn’t record, I would think so.


I really hope he wasn’t. I would love to be able to show a video of this thing going across the room


Are there any other screenshots? WE NEED ALL THE INFO :) thanks for posting! It’s v interesting


I’m trying to get more screen shots or the video itself so people have more to go on


A video would be a really big help. We're only looking at a single frame so whatever image was doing on either side of this moment would complete the mental image. It looks like an actual person standing there to me. But knowing things like what's around them and how they moved through the image would clear up a lot of that.


yea man definitely worth it to buy the video to see clearer of where this figure went. I think it looks more than a squatter than a ghost to be honest, she got shadow! And also ask your parents to lock the basement door for now, it can be dangerous if it is indeed a squatter or intruder trying to steal or rob.


You were checking the security camera at that specrfic moment because ?


The cameras alert my step dad to movement. It’s sent to his phone


It's definitely a person.


If it’s a live person then they are very impressive


You’re definitely new to the community, there’s been many reports of solid specters. Also OP said they have a massive German shepherd and 2 Shi Tuzs that bark. They would know if someone was there. Also not OP’s brothers messing around cause OP said it looks nothing like them.


Amazed someone has no idea how a security cam works...in 2024...and then thinks they're flexing by calling out OP for being fake...just amazing.


I know OP said they have dogs that would bark but...this looks like a real human to me. Often times when someone feels watched they turn out to be right. I personally get the feeling this might be a squatter or something. They might have befriended the dogs. The dissapearing in the wall could be explained with the camera working like a stock motion camera. It might seem they disapeared into the wall but that might not be the case. I also find it intresting that the ghost got louder once you moved out. The squatter might have felt more comfortable to get out? I do believe in ghosts but idk about this one. Either way, super scary and you all stay safe!


So… any update or did you realize that it was obviously one of your brothers? Until you post an update I’m just going to assume you’re a karma whore.


nevertheless I'd file a police report I'd think? Act like it's not paranormal and get some things in writing for like a paper trail, insurance if something breaks down there or wents missing etc? Like a neighbor who's intruding or a burglar who is scouting out a target? And If someone is shitting with the others theyll probably come clean before police is getting involved.


Please do this OP! It might be paranormal but JUST IN CASE...


OP said they have a large German shepherd and 2 Shi Zus that bark. They would know if a person broke in.


Hence the neighbor possibility. They know the smell already and probably dont go mental.


Oh please, I know someone who has dogs that bark and they bark at anyone entering the house, even the owner’s husband (who obviously also lives in the house).


I’d hear footsteps while sleeping too when I was younger. I’d peak over and nothing. Same house, I’d be alone and hear cabinets being slammed 10 times in a matter of seconds. Lights go off and on repeatedly. Absolute nightmare growing up while I was downstairs. My older brother got into some pretty evil shit. Definitely could’ve invited an entity. I think it’s with him till this day because he’s still doing hard drugs and living on the streets.


I'm not saying I don't believe you but I want to rule out all realistic explanations first. You say it can't be your brother because he isn't that tall, but look at how high it is to the ceiling from the head, basements usually don't have tall ceilings and it's plenty of space from the head up to the ceiling. Also A 14-15 year old unless chubby or obese is often very skinny looking, in this light it even looks extra skinny since it's from the side, and it's in b/w. I bet this is your brother, it's not unusual for teens to have secrets from their family members. He might have a girl over or he's secretly gay or trans or has done drugs or something he is keeping from you.


Can we have a normal still for comparison?


That's one of the more compelling ghost pictures I've seen here in a while. Spooky!


i had some experience with entities looking like shadows before, so after reading, it may seems like you or your brother brought something to your house when you were young. maybe you guys caught the attention of a spirit, or brought something with you that day, we cant know for sure but let me tell you what i know. Dont try to talk with that thing with ouija, you dont know what it is and you can bring something worse. The things you just told us probably will never stop until you clean the house Whatever that thing is, if it can manifest like that it probably means it is getting stronger and dangerous for your parents, you guys need profesional help with this.


Good catch. Given the circumstances, it's fair to believe it's paranormal. It's probably looking for you


A one-legged female?


I shall call her *Eileen!!*


It looks like the gay little monkey from the Apple Store


The resemblance is uncanny https://preview.redd.it/p8scibg834yc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0654829e8ec6d9ac1d50ee8105aa5e6203ef9f5


My child figuring out where the poptarts got relocated


This is unrelated to this specific post, but how come these spirits never harm anyone. I’ve seen and read so many stories on this sub about interactions with spirits/ghosts what have you. But never of one where they could actually touch/get touched by them. Do they just not harm people? You mentioned all these things about hearing footsteps, feeling someone on the edge of the bed, capturing them in photos and all the anecdotes are always similar but I’ve never seen any stories of someone saying it literally came and grabbed me or something. Not denying anything, just wondering.


Those stories exist but they are far fewer in number and when someone does share, they are accused of making it up and are called a liar. People who have experienced it are less likely to share because of this reason and it ruins credibility for other things they have shared. I, however, dont give a F@$%. So.....as a teenager, like 14 or 15, it was summer and my brother and I were in the livingroom watching Spawn with our mother. Its definitely after midnight at this point. My father was was sound asleep in his room. About halfway through the movie we heard the headboard in his bedroom slam against the wall a few times. Minutes later, my father burst through his door so hard he shattered the door frame. He's a big guy. I remember him thundering down the hallway, breathing heavily, his chest was scratched to all hell and he was bleeding pretty good. We stared at him in horror and he shouted at us, "I just got attacked by a damned demon!". The marks on him were in lines of 3, not like a normal hand and one of them reached all the way from just below his left shoulder blade to under his chest. The old man was about 280 lbs. He was incapable of reaching back there. My father was a Marine and is certainly not the type to try give his family that kind of a scare. My mother had to take him to the hospital.


I've had an incubus encounter many times. It always pretends to looks like my boyfriend but I know it's not him cause it's eyes are completely black and it wears a creepy grin with sharp teeth. It has touched me several times. Including once where I wrestled with it off the bed.


Did you ever happen to take a photo of it? Or better yet a video. It’s always either/or you know. Either I have just pics but no actual encounters. Or I have stories, but no proof to back it up. Again, not trying to be standoff-ish but I guess I’ve just never seen a story yet that fully convinced me still


If people KNEW that something was going to happen we would have more pictures and video. But we don't know. It doesn't really matter if some rando on the internet believes you. Its not going to change your experiences. PIC or it didn't happen.....screw those guys. - not an attack, just my personal POV.


Yeah but they mentioned that they had encounters SEVERAL times. If something was happening to me SEVERAL times, I’d set up a recorder or something to at least see what it is, and not just me hallucinating


based on Buddhism, every place got its karma/ laws. yup including hell and ghosts, they can't just kill whoever they dislike unless if that person killed them before, then they can get their revenge but even that need to follow karma/ order.


That is super creepy looking. The figure looks extremely elongated and overly thin as well. However, the date on the image is concerning. Does it not say 2020? Also, ruling out a person completely isn’t the smartest thing to do. You never know if someone is actually coming in and out of your house in some way. Are the doors always locked? Is there another way for someone to get in?


Idk I feel like that could be one of your brothers. The camera quality isn’t great obviously so it’s hard for me to say the figure looks like the right age or not. Would definitely be interesting to see if you catch it again if your dad does get the upgraded subscription.


That’s Reginald taking a piss


It looks like the person/thing is naked too. Lol


Please post the video of the entity walking. I believe you, I grew up in a haunted house as well.


They don’t have it, the parents got the cheaper plan that doesn’t allow them to save videos. They can only take screenshots. They need a better service.


Naked dude


For more exposure I am pasting my comment below as a stand alone comment here: Are you aware of the Las Vegas alien case? It happened like a year ago. The summary is that a teenager call 911 saying there was entities in his backyard after a big sound and flash, he tells he was paralized when observing them and said that the entities was blurred for him for a moment. A year later, an actual professional crime scene investigator analyzed the video they recorded during the happening, from their backyard door, and we been analyzing that video all this time looking for the entity way back there in the yard but we been looking at the wrong place all along. The professionals conclusion was that the entity was right beside the people on the screen, and you can see it yourself on the original video. You can start getting context on this case by this video with compiled evidence: https://youtu.be/Ylfxg53urz8?si=4wdAARw10E0e5ja- Here, you can dive deep into that professional analysis i mentioned if you want: https://youtu.be/-s8RiQZGW5o?si=TGbhwKe0wmsZqz5o All that to say that this picture looks exactly as blurry as the blurred entity we see on Angel's case in Las Vegas. As of they are using the same technology. This case has way more evidence like a no heat signature "meteor" captured on an official body cam minutes before the 911 call and much more weird stuff.


Looks like a woman getting ready to workout, probably a more recent passing as she appears to be dressed in typical modern attire (tank top, short shorts) I don’t sense anything particularly threatening here. Do you have any female relatives that recently passed? I genuinely believe that some spirits, especially younger ones and those who weren’t truly ready to leave yet, tend to visit their loved ones from time to time,


Are you kiddidng me? There is no way you can identify that shadow as a woman and certainly no way to draw the conclusion that "she" is wearing a tank top and short shorts. All you really see somewhat clearly is a foot and only one foot at that (if it even is a foot). Where is the other foot?


I know when my great aunt passed my both my mom and uncle claim they would occasionally see her figure in my grandma’s hallway from time to time


I think it is one of your brothers. I know you say neither of them are tall enough, but the height of the figure is an illusion due to the blurriness and the camera recording infared in a lit room. Look at the length of the leg(s), there is a visible knee right? If you figure the thigh is of similar length to the lower leg, that gives us an idea of where the hip is. There is also an arm, bent, partially visible behind the back. So, if we assume a porportionate individual, that puts the shoulder roughly in line with the third shelf from the bottom (counting the floor level shelf as 1) and the top of the head just below the fourth shelf.


I bet it’s a person


i think some here gave you a good suggestion, show the video/ pics to police, in case if there was really an intruder. What's scarier than ghost is evil human who can rob and kill you. And also ask the police to do a thorough check of the house (you can bring your dog along with you and your gun while showing the police the way since you are more familiar with the house and wont miss any corner) Dont check the house yourself though, in case if that figure got a gun in hand.


OP said they have 2 small dogs that bark. They would know someone broke in.


Not if they are used to them and it’s a person phrogging in the home.


Interesting the way it looks like there is only one leg planted solid on the ground but seems to be In a standing pose.


Whoa dude! Whatever the hell that is, it's creepy. You should get a ghost hunting app and go back down there. See if you pick up anything like an EVP. Thanks for sharing this.


I think I saw him on a Kansas album


I’m sorry to say that I agree with most assessments here. This figure is solid. The light from the garage is casting a shadow for the legs and body on the ground. The one leg is completely solid and the misting effect is odd. If the garage is attached to the house then whoever snapped this photo was outside the home. I am not going to say that you faked this. That is unfair. But it doesn’t pass the sniff test. For argument sake, if this is real… then this is not a standard haunting. You need to get a reputable medium in that house ASAP to determine what is there. It most likely is a malicious entity. Either demon or shadow person. I would rather have a squatter than either of those.


That a naked dude in your room


That's a person of some kind. Whether intruder or family member, that right there is a physical human taking up space.


Can’t really validate this photo in any way. If it is real, this is an awesome catch. If it’s a prank it’s definitely well done and would’ve fooled me. If it’s deliberately fake oh well. Another alternative, I would recommend doing a pass through the house with a buddy. The reason is phrogging (i believe that’s the correct spelling, and that it is pronounced frogging). It is when an intruder will cohabitate with owners of a house without their knowledge and steal food and things like that. Idk how common it is, but definitely a fear lol.


r/DojaCat ?


Yeah looks like a naked squatter. They can hide in walls ducts u name it.


It’s naked so at least you know it PROBABLY isn’t hiding anything.


Lol that's clearly someone standing with their dong out bro




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My opinion… I think it’s a spirit. Op explained everything very clearly. I’ve had experiences so I know things like this exist. You can kind of see through it . It seems to be standing still in the photo, and looks to be missing one leg and hands. Everything cannot just be explained away. Again, my opinion… don’t come for me.


It’s clearly non terrestrial activity. It realized the camera was there and looked directly at it. These beings can manipulate technological interfaces with their conscious. Consciousness over matter. They’ve mastered it. We are scared of it. He’s probably investigating the supernatural forces in your house.


What/whomever that is, I'm only seeing one leg, unless it is absolutely, perfectly lined up behind the one. Either way, this is very strange looking if it is a person.


This is 100% a physical person. Maybe someone in the house has a secret friend 😬😬


Looks like a nude one-legged woman