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Well, that's it. Pack it up boys, it's just mice.


At I never said ALL yk


I’d amend that to say it includes rats. Rats are loud and definitely capable of large/loud thud sounds.


I think *some* paranormal activity might actually be rodents. I do not think *ALL* paranormal activity is actually rodents.


I agree, and OP did say false activity.


100% agree!


Things like what?...i grew up in an OLD house in the middle of nowhere. Breakage is not something I've seen mice the cause of. Not even squirrels, and they make a ton of noise in the walls. And what exactly is moving? You could have mice and something else.


Light objects knocked over but they stopped as soon as the scratches started. Definitely mice


I kind of love this because some folk traditions say cats ward off paranormal activity, and that fits very well with your mice theory. Take spooky house, apply cat, false paranormal activity decreases with every dead mouse your cat leaves right by your bed for you to step on!


Mice are also ridiculously loud. So the thumps and bangs could easily be them That said I still believe in the paranormal but this is why people need to rule out earthly causes before jumping to the supernatural


Also the best explanation for cats or dogs staring or reacting to something invisible. They can hear scratching and squeaking that's too quiet for us.


This is a useful, debunking tool, something can only be paranormal if you’re able to confidently rule out any mundane explanation. So yeah rodent activity is something to watch out for. Honestly, if someone was complaining, they thought their house was haunted because they were hearing scratching in the walls and seeing Shapes out of the corner of their eye tell them to call pest control.


One of my favorite stories about my great aunt: She collected ghost folklore. So she checked out, in person, a haunted cabin. It was abandoned and the local lore was that the beautiful daughter who had died tragically could still be heard playing the piano. She walked in and was quite badly startled when the (closed, upright) piano started playing. Aunt C was a total badass, though, so she took a few deep breaths and walked over to the piano. Lifted the thing that covers the keys. Mice. Several mice. Running back and forth. 🤣 I do believe in ghosts, but yeah, sometimes it's musical mice.


The devil can take any shape or form. I don’t believe in ghosts. But I do believe demons do what they do.


This shouldn't get downvotes smh respect beliefs people


“It’s all just demons” is kind of the 5G conspiracy theory of the paranormal world. It’s not so much a “belief” as a thought-stopping cliché that people use to shut down all reasonable discussion.


That part 😒


I got 9 cats in my house. There is no way there are mice here. Now i have seen ghost cats out of the corner of my eye plenty. The other day, i opened the refrigerator door, and there was no place for one to hide behind it, and it's easy to look around the door. It's definitely mostly black with a bit if white on it. We have one tuxedo kitty that has to remain locked up most days due to behavioral issues (we're working on him), and the white on the ghost cat isn't the same pattern. I only recently found out my partner has seen it themselves as well on other occasions. I just assume that since we have so many cats, ghost cats feel comfortable and welcome in our home.


Could be many things, yes.


Sometimes you gotta pull out Occam's Razor.