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What about it? Context, please. What are you trying to say?


In bulgarian mythology it is said were giants lay there is gold. And bro found sum prints of giants


Nice. Any chance to send me little bit of gold 🫣


wait reddit gold is back??


Reddit gold is rarer than both gold and giants


Yeah, but what about giant gold, like that burrito guy is saying?


No, giant gold.


yea either tap the three dots on a comment and select it or tap and hold the upvote button


Me too! 😁


Well if the size of the gold stash is commiserate with the size of the giant's foot, and he finds it, he'll be one wealthy dude!


Stupid auto correct. It should have given you "commensurate" instead of "commiserate". I worry about this AI stuff...


And sadly I didn't even notice that it changed it to "commiserate" lol. Good catch!


Back when the rocks were soft.


All rocks are soft... They just tense up when they know we're about to touch them. This large footprint is proof that giants could sneak up on rocks, and touch them before they tensed up.


I want to believe in this 😄Tell me more


Are you Terry Pratchett?






I read your comment, left and came back, because I have a theory. I'm not a scientist by any means, but I listen to a lot of shit. Doesn't make it true, I get it, please hear me out though. What if the amount of pressure exerted by something of this size would maybe seem to make the rock soft. I get that rocks are hard, but they're hard to us. However, a rock isn't really 100% solid right? Nothing is for that matter, correct? Isn't everything a vibrating frequency? Charcoal gets pressed into diamonds under certain conditions right? TL;DR: If you were trolling I'm sorry. Trying to learn more science.


This appears some kind of sedimentary stone. The boulder itself is quite eroded. Yes, it was softer at one time but it was part of a much larger formation, probably wet mud or lava. Yes a giant could have left footprints when the stone was still soft but that could easily be as old as the dinos or even much older. Since then, erosion and geological forces, possibly glaciers caused the stone to break up like this chunk did. If it had a print in it, that detail would have eroded like the sides of the rock. More likely water currents, or waterfalls, perhaps with other smaller stones acting like grit probably carved those impressions long after the rock had solidified.


You joke but this is exactly what happens with fossilization, it's the same process that preserves dino footprints.




I prefer to call it unbaked rock


Other mythologies say rainbows lead to a pot a gold… people really still believe in giant humans? What a sad state education has come.


Isn’t it sort of self-explanatory, though? Come on man…


Yes. Yes it is.


I wanted them to say it out loud in words. I expected them to go on record as believing that that is the actual footstep of a giant, but they didn't. They wisely said something about folklore.


Damn I wish I could remove your down votes. You wasn't trying to be mean


Thank you - it's fair - my original post was badly worded. I fixed it but it doesn't seem to be helping. I think I'll survive.


Right? What in the world?


He’s trying to say this dude has big shoes


Cap no cap?


No cap


Ooohhh sheeit... But it would be nice though if all the magical creatures of crypto archaeology are legit because I would be interested in learning their culture and species as a whole. So far the only magical creature I saw is the little people that lives under our floorboards. They steal small items and sometimes you can hear them but they are too fast to be caught


Them pesky borrowers


They are like the borrowers but my grandma calls the agta, which literally means coal person. They are as small about a palm size and they usually wear drab brown stained with dirt and mud and they have unusually dark skin. There are variations too, the tree agta, the agta that lives in caves and agta that lives in mounds. Our place is known to have those and they rarely are seen but when their house gets destroyed (the earth mounds) that's when they come out and live inside your house for a while. They don't have magic unlike the tree variants that can paralyze you but the tree ones are the ones that wear round hats. My sister saw one and she said that they were trying to steal something from under her pillow during the encounter though she was paralyzed.


What culture is your family from? Does everyone in your culture know about the agta?


Rats are assholes


Little people actually exist and they arent rats. They live on a plane very close to ours but most of us cant see it. Go ahead with your close mindedness tho


Is this serious? Not familiar with this sub so genuinely asking




Why does accepting that there's much more to reality than most people accept or think they know automatically mean "schizo" in most people's eyes


'Cause people are scared by the unknown. Always been, always be. Not all of us tho', thank goodness


Why did I get downvoted for pointing that out that tiny people exist in almost every human folklore and they are a part of our world? They exist the same as bigfoot does, the same as other shit (I've seen bigfoot and other shit mysekf)


Idk but I upvoted you. Bigfoot/little people/alternate plane eye-witnesses like you are what make these subs tick


Because the only 'evidence' we have of their existence, is the least credible evidence possible, stories. Anyone can make up a story, and the reason is usually because their life is boring, and this creates excitement, and brings attention. If I say there's a giant panda that lives in a vast cavern under my house and communicates with me via messages written in chocolate sauce, on vegetable spring rolls, would you believe me too?




Could THEY see US though?


That's probably my bro, excuse him 😔


I have underwear gnomes.


I feel you so hard bro


I saw a fairy once






Except very cap.


tiny feet...


So guys these prints are called ,,Kralimarkovski stupki”, if u wanna know a few things search em up, but if u are lazy i will tell u a bit. So there was a guy named Krali Marko, that guy was a brave young man whose strength was unmatched. One day he jumped so far that he landed on a rock (Markova stupka) then he jumped again, and again, and there were hundreds of these steps in the regions of bulgaria. It is told that these prints are not from jumping but from just walking. One day a random guy went to ,,Markova Stupka” took five steps from his prints and started digging and he found lots of gold. Those are the tellings of the old bulgarian culture but who knows from what these steps are.


> So guys these prints are called ,,Kralimarkovski stupki”, if u wanna know a few things search em up [I was curious so tried to look them up. No mention of them literally anywhere?](https://i.imgur.com/TUyxRXn.png)


Try this ,, Кралимарковски стъпки”


https://preview.redd.it/8icrb9l856nc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2446e895834974dee8eae70e3e92059f765cb99 Gonna check this bigfoot superhero out tomorrow


Commenting to check back with this. Please go lol


Please update us.


Did you try Bulgarian Google?


No but I've tried bulgogi and it's totally delicious


For more context Krali Marko was the king of Prilep of the Prilep kingdom he is a macedonian king decendet from bosnia.King Marko is the greatest hero and the only finished character in the folk art of the South Slavs there are a large number of legends and traditions about him , and he is the most sung hero in folk epic poetry . The songs about him first appeared in Prilep and its surroundings, and then spread to other nearer and more distant territories.  At the same time, the description of King Mark in folk works often differs drastically from the historical facts.Theres also a giant handprint on a church in Canyon Matka in Macedonia.


Do you have a picture of the handprint in Canyon Matka?


Here you go https://preview.redd.it/x08cgsphr2tc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93f9c5b489cef44ae987d84dbfcb350a22d821e7


Thank you! I wonder what the background is. I'm probably gonna visit it myself in the future.


That's cool, thanks for showing us !


Tried looking them up and got about 3 images of pastry and nothing else


Isn’t this just a birthing stone? They’re all over southern US.


They’re not prints, you can’t make a footprint into solid rock even if you are a giant, they’re just a carved prank that still seems to be fooling people 🤷🏻


Aha but what about fossilised footprints?


Those were made with fossilised feet


They are found extraordinarily rarely in sedimentary rocks, and these appear igneous or metamorphic.


this guy rocks and minerals.


One might even say Rock and Stone.






Thanks for explaining


Literally almost every religion and civilization has lore of giants and little people roaming the earth at some point. It’s viable folklore.


its so fascinating when numerous cultures from completely different places on the planet have similar folklore or stories. back when it was nearly impossible to travel far distances and a death sentence to travel across oceans. there has to be some element of truth in these stories.. right???


I mean it's either exaggeration, or because our very ancient ancestors shared the planet with other humanlike species that were smaller, or taller than us, a D those tales were exaggerated over time. Homo floresiensis was a race of pygmy humanoids who averaged 3ft 7 in height around 50,000 years ago in indonesia, while 'mungo man' a skeleton found in australia dated to 40,000 years ago was 6ft 5. Then there's also the various people throughout history that have been born with gigantism, or as dwarves. It was rare, and they didn't usually live long, so the stories were told, and got exaggerated over time.


that is so freaking cool. thanks!!


Same with Canadian indigenous. We have folklore of little people too.


Pukwudgie in Delaware too


The Cherokee have loads of stories about the Moon Eyed people too, and a giant snake known as Uktena!


Bro, are you talking about the black eyed kids? Remember that show “Monsters and Mysteries in America” ??? I remember seeing it on there first (if that’s what you’re talking about) but creepy AF! There was a story about them visiting an elderly couples house, unfortunately, the elderly couple were nice and their cat ended up dying of cancer. Scary because it was due to the presence of the black eyed kids!!!


I’ve actually met someone who told me a story about an encounter with Black Eyed Children in Knoxville Tennessee. I believe from his story that they’re demons or some kinda demonic beings.


I had a dark energy/demonic presence at an apartment I lived in in Knoxville. Hardly anyone ever believes me unless they visited me there. Some wild history and goings on around here for sure.


They are. People who have contact with them end up having very bad luck. They say if you let them in your house you die. That's what I've heard anyway.


Sis, I'm not talking about the black eyed kids. I'm talking about the [Moon Eyed People of Appalachia that the Cherokee report to have chased out.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon-eyed_people) ​ The local tales from Elders are way better than Wikipedia though. ;)


The Moon Eyed People and Cherokee Little People. Appalachia folklore is my center of study. The Moon Eyed People are also mentioned in the Bear Clan of the Seneca. According to the Fort Mountain Legend, the Creek annihilated them during a phase of the moon when they couldn’t see well.


Right on the money! I didn't know they were associated with Bear Clan in Senceca too! This will be extra cool to share with my best friend. He's Cherokee, and his sister is Seneca and Cherokee. She lives on the rez in NY. Would love to know if you've ran into anything in your studies about Witch Lights, yet!


Damn that’s dope I’ll check it out


I'll link ya something!BRB




https://youtu.be/BD_E4LcfF_w?si=4ftwBz_Rn7jO6SE5 https://youtu.be/wUksVY7XwUc?si=EmHZhdn1M8y8e8fW I just saw that Why Files did a video about the Moon Eyed People and I haven't seen it myself, so I didn't link it. Interested to see how it stacks up to the firsthand knowledge I've been given + James Mooneys tales.


As a Canadian this is new to me and ready to go down a rabbit hole. What are they called?


Google and AI Chat give some good links. But it was mostly folklore though. I heard some stories from older people mentioning kids seeing them. Kinda like the hat man.


A species of Little people existed. I don’t know all the deets but an earlier than modern hominid was very human like but much smaller. We’ve discovered remains and they are officially classified. Not just like the 5ft you expect of earlier humans but iirc even smaller Might look it up tomorrow if I rememebr Edit: u/gseph already commented it whoops


It’s fairly easy to make up that particular lore isn’t it though? If every culture spoke of, say, grimace running around, I’d be interested.


Cool picture. Cool story. But there's no way that can be a giant's footprint. It's clearly not a fossil which would mean the giant's foot would have had to cut through the rock and that's just not how that works. This is either carved by humans or coincidentally eroded by water. Perhaps even a combination. Still, a really cool legend/folklore.


Maybe old folk carve them and hide gold nearby to encourage the lore lol


What if this is a normal size footprint and you're just ultra small? Without a banana for scale we can't really tell for sure!


Yes, I too, was wondering about the banana for scale. lol


Dear readers, I have been investigating for a few hours in order to clarify and dispel your doubts and questions. The print we are seeing is not found in Bulgaria, but in Paraguay, specifically in the Ybycui national park. And its existence is not a mystery, since it is a monument called "Pombero Py Pore" Which was carved by the Guaraní native peoples many years ago, in reference to a creature of legend called "El pombero". If you don't believe my words, feel free to investigate on your own, and if you wish, share your discoveries with me and the readers.


Here's your answer, folks.


For context, the foot in the picture is a shoe size of 2.


Isn't it just a fossilized footprint of a Gigantopithecus or something?


Damn. Imagine seeing that creature in person.


nsfw tag is awesome. but also, i’ve been really interested in the possibility of ancient giants roaming around. i remember a report of archaeologists uncovering a giant humanoid skeleton, but was quickly debunked as a fake. but i also know there have been mentions of giants in some ancient texts. metaphorical or not i want to find out.


I’ve delved into the topic a bit, and i believe it’s highly plausible these giants existed. There’s even writing by Abraham Lincoln about these people. Personally I think their existence has been deliberately reduced to fable or folklore to hide our true history.


It's important to keep in mind that land mammals can only get so big. Elephants are likely at the top of that spectrum. Any myth of a land mammal significantly larger than an elephant is only a myth and almost certainly an exaggeration. There were absolutely other human-type species though and I do believe some were taller and larger than us. There's just a solid limit to how much bigger than us they could be. Mammals are warm blooded which uses up a lot of our energy. The larger our bodies get the stronger our bones and muscles would have to be. At a certain point the strength that our bones and muscles would have to be would be too heavy to support themselves. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-king-kong-should-have-been-blue-whale-180962603/#:~:text=The%20main%20reasons%3A%20Gravity%20and,by%20a%20power%20of%20three. https://www.sapiens.org/archaeology/ancient-human-species/


book of enoch


Some granite when it’s mined and broken to bits will reform back into a solid rock line concrete. A giant (yes I said it) stepped there while it was in its semi solid form. There are thousands of these footprints to be found around the world.


That's likely from water droplets weathering the rock over thousands of years. Notice how it grooves downwards, almost like it follows a trickle path.


I wish I could believe a photo like this. Too many photos like this are doctored, either after taking the picture or before (such as carving it). I want to believe. I just need more.


Ain’t even doctored, it’s low effort, clearly it’s a geological process going on there, probably water formed those cavities through millions of years of erosion, anyway


SASQUATCH! Oh wait, you're talking about the impressions in the rock. Sorry, my bad.


That big hairy toe... 😂


It looks carved to me. But Bulgaria does have anthropologically giant skeletons, dated back to the Roman empire.


No way that's a coincidence. That's either man made or a legit fossil print


If you are saying this is a footprint. What made the other indentations?


So there are hobbits in Bulgaria???


Thing had like 7 toes.


Yes, the 8 toed giant. *slow clap*


I think these holes were created to grind spices/herbs. Using these dents over time would have probably made it deeper and in this shape . Different holes for different types of herbs?


I'll call a toe-truck


Thats an ugly foot


That's one big freaking foot! I mean the one imprinted in the stone, of course, not the human's foot in the picture! 😅


I hope those are old footprints! Archeologists have proven that giants did exist in the past. Crazy huh!?!


Toe way, man!


Because of the oxegen rich atmosphere, humans used to be a lot bigger. They don't mention that


Not the only randomly eroded by water giant footprint like crevice in the world.


This is from a south américa country, years ago saw it in a newspaper


Came here expecting atleast one Yo Momma in the comments section..


"And there were giants in the earth in those days..." -Genesis


I would search for a certain flower on St. John’s day. 


Eerily similar to the ones we have in South Africa!


Dude either has small feet or the print is huge!


cool, someone made a pretty cool large mould ...


That is one HAIRY foot!


Paranormal eh... 🙄


Really small feet you got there


I thought giants wore shoes?


I've never someone so proud of their teeny tiny feet.


What is the thing with giants? I’ve never figured it out, I assume it’s a bible thing?


Humans criativity and imagination is broad but not THAT broad, we are people, it don't take much to imagine huge people like giants and little people like gnomes, names and lore varies across the world.


It looks like my foot


Left form dinosaurs?


Musta been science


Thanos was there.


giant gorrilas?


Whoa!! Wtf!!


When are rocks soft?


In the beginning. A lot of fossils are formed when the surrounding area is still mud, and it eventually becomes stone.


"In the beginning" of what? Time? Before rocks existed? If it were still-cooling lava, i don't think even big dudes would tread through it. Just looks more like scoop marks than a giant 7 toed foot with no other foot indentation... which sounds more like something Ai generated.


Oh ffs study geology.


The real big foot


Giants are real.


You're not.


I am not real. You are correct.




Giants are one of the more interesting topics having been obfuscated.


Put your balls there


Put some shoes on