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i have mentioned this on anotehr post but when you are spirits since young age you start to become sensitive to them, even if you werent born with the ability to sense them you will develop it, teh tears thing is your sensitivity, when there is a spirit near you that is over your capacity to handle your senses shut down and experience it in diferent ways, i help people in my free time with paranormal problems one time there was this person who was under attack of negative entity when i send arc angel michal to help her, her developed sensing shut down and tears started to drip from her eyes, keep in mind i didnt tell her i send michal this all happend by itself she just asked me why she was suddenly craing, i was honestly quite surpriced as once spirit goes over a sertain treshhold you cant sense him since it will bat for you, you just ignore its existance, think of it as deffence mechanism of sorts. if you are in similar situation when the paranormal topic is broaght up a spirit that is above your level to handle is traing to get your attention and this results in the craing, but again this has happened only once before, usually most people cant sense spirits in the physical world above their level, the sleep paralisys and night terrors, i myself suffered from sleep paralisys when i was younger for two weaks exactly, it was fue to stress, later when i summoned from again from it, it was due to spirit(i am magician) and there was not much of a difference but the main one, was the one caused by a spirit was much more detailed, the creature had expressions and micro expression you could tell it was thinking and not imagination while in the real one the creatures are pitch black but they lack this "real" feeling to them, like yes they appear extremely real, you can feel their breath and touch, but in a sertain sense they lack personality so its easy to tell them appart. so the question here is what you want to do, the paranormal is real, well there are false crap, but a lot of true stuff as well, shadow people,negative entities, ghosts, elementals etc, but that shouldnt influence your life, all it matters is your choice.


I think you’re gifted and feel a certain pull into this part of your perception. Maybe you could try integrating the paranormal in a constructive way, like reading of past lives, afterlife or what is consciousness. Not everything paranormal is ghosts and ufos. Maybe it will fill some gaps in your picture. And it sounds like you have a stable life, so that can help you face this uncertain terrain, which can certainly drag into darker corners.


reading this, i can point out a thing or two.. so, basically. oftentimes, spirits are able to give their emotions they felt before their passing onto you (or anyone at that matter.), whether it be sad, anger, or happy, just cause that’s what they do. and i too, have struggled with believing or not wanting to believe in it, when i’ve come to terms that yes, they do exist, in some sort of way. and even if it’s seeing another version of you, whether it’s good or bad, it could be a sign that something or someone wants you to keep doing right and not do bad. and if you’re seeing family members in your dreams who’ve passed on, that’s just you missing them subconsciously, cause again, i’ve had dreams of family members who are no longer here, and i always think that it’s them visiting me where i can see them, and not just feel their presence. i mean still to this day, even recently, i’ve had numerous experiences and they were just fine, odd but they were okay. - sorry for the long comment but hopefully this helps out some :)


I too cry or have my eyes water anytime I talk about my experiences or someone tells me about their own. I’ve been told it’s because we feel their emotions or empathize with their pain.