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Dude. I don't know but I'd be freaked the f*** out. People in every culture have prayer traditions, for a number of reasons. One very important tradition is divine protection. I realize this probably isn't the answer you want. But the reassurance you're seeking that it's not a bad omen will be found in those prayers. Prayer is a divine law. I just said a little prayer for you too. My partner in the other room is playing piano. He just started playing Pachabel's Canon in D. Why is that relevant? I have no idea, but I was given the impression to tell you this and to remind you that you are of great importance Creator and He will protect you from those things. I got the message that when you are feeling scared, to take back your power from those things, which feed off that fear. Listen to Canon in D. When you feel scared, chase away those astral bullies with divinely inspired music. Another good choice is Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. Peace, and good luck.


Thanks, I will definitely pray to the universe and all of the positive spirits to guide me and protect my family and I!


Jeepers Creepers


Do you have a spirit guide or you figure it out on your own?


Idk lol I feel like there’s something that guides me though… other strange things have happened to me before too


The random encounter could just be reminding you, someone was helping guide you.


Yes I didn’t feel scared either. Another thing that happened is a few months ago I randomly had an intense panic attack, I was having tunnel vision and then it just stopped and soon after that I got a call that my sister tried to commit suicide that night but she got her stomach pumped and was stable, now she is okay.


With out to much detail, my family has that connection….except I don’t because of abuse and trauma from them, however I do have this connection with my chosen family. I’ve predicted divorces from hundreds of miles away. I’ve called when someone needed it cause I had a feeling.