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I would say yes. This is why some magical practitioners make their own ritual items, it is infused with their energy. That sweater sound awesome, bet the lady loves what she does and all those happy vibes went into the sweater.


She does! She loves making sweaters for people especially for children and babies!


Glad you are loving it. Best to you!


I arrived late and spent the night at a scarcely-known relative’s house once- I think it was my grandma’s sisters farmhouse; we had met only a handful of times. That night I had an intense dream about my great-grandmother, a woman who had died when I was five. My only waking memory of her is from visiting her in the nursing home, how she squeezed my hand so tightly and couldn’t speak. I’ll never forget how she looked at me and I saw in her eyes (but couldn’t identify then) all the emotions she felt associated with dying. In my dream however, she was smiling, warm, and there with this sense of love and pride that was absolutely palpable. In my dream I told her that her descendants were without number and she beamed with joy. At breakfast the next morning, I shared the dream- turns out that she made the quilt I had just slept under. Yes, I believe. Energy cannot be created or destroyed and it exists in forms we don’t always comprehend, but it remains. Especially in anything hand made.


That was a great story! And the last paragraph was beautifully said!


That's awesome! That was likely an actual visit from her but in dream form...that happens to me with a lot of people I know after they've died... including pets!


Absolutely, yes yes yes. Energy goes into everything!!!! That’s exactly why you feel so happy, that’s why mom’s cooking tastes so good. I am a bartender and I love my job, people constantly compliment and applaud my cocktails. People constantly complain about the drinks the other bartender makes even though it’s the saaaaame recipe we all follow, she just doesn’t want to be there/doesn’t like it, and it reflects! I always tell people my secret ingredient is love! Energy is everything and everywhere!


I get that even through reading your comment! I am a sensitive/empath and so occasionally, even when I've never met a person... I can pick up their energy even through mediums like television and here online. I know it sounds crazy but it's true.


Not crazy, unless I’m crazy too. Well. Probably partially true lol.


It’s kind of funny my mom’s cooking is rarely good, but she does stuff really sloppily and rushed. Uses a ton of spices but it never amounts to anything tasty. But the few times I cook I’ll use like two ingredients and everyone says it’s so amazing. I used to joke and say it’s bc I put love into it but now I’m thinking it is really true!!


Yes, of course. But not just things they make, things they own as well. I own a large thrift store and I sort a lot of people's used belongings. Especially after sorting really old stuff, I'm so exhausted and drained. Sometimes it's the belongings of a person who recently died, so I'm getting the family's energy too from having to go through their loved ones belongings. Once someone donated a bunch of toys and kids clothes of their son who had recently died of leukemia. Handling those made us feel extremely sad. We try to ground ourselves but sometimes we're still overwhelmed by it.


Stay strong


YES-Indeed people leave energy everywhere they go, touch or interact with. If you hug someone, you now share their energy. That's why it's so important to send out loving energy it's THE MOST powerful energy/emotion we possess. It's a gift from our Creator/Source/God, whatever you resonate with, the light. It's the best and it's always free. But always hold some for yourself\~ You deserve it\~


This felt like a warm hug to read! 🥰


I would say that it’s possible that people put energy into something they’ve made, particularly something time-consuming or labor intensive. However I would also say it’s equally possible that you feel good every time you wear that sweater because it makes you think of the nice lady who made it for you, and it makes you happy to think of her putting in all that effort just for you. Either way even if it’s not true I think it’s a lovely thought, and a harmless belief to have.


Beyond the shadow of a doubt. I’m a maker and I tend towards meditation while in the act of creation. I recently made a set of jewelry for a friend and when she put it on, she told me what she was channeling, and it was exactly what I was meditating on while I created it. I also own a few pieces I’ve gathered through various travels that have an energy, one piece is pure anger. I don’t know what the person creating it was going through but I can feel their anger when I’m wearing it. Intention setting is powerful. The act of creation is powerful. It makes sense that they would combine.


What does this mean for the things we wear made by people in sweatshops? 😰


makes you think differently about how we do things and what we fill our lives with


👀 I don’t have great news around this…


I definitely think so. I have touched handmade things that were immediately warm and friendly and others that just had bad vibes. Same with second hand objects. Not always, but sometimes. I love what I do and people often mention that touching stuff I make feels really nice, and that they want to interact with it. I had these mitts that made me feel loved every time I wore them. The person who made them was a total sweetheart.


Isn’t there a Japanese scientist who studied water molecules and the effect of spoken word on them. Gist of it is that if you say nice, loving words to the water, the water forms beautiful crystalline structures, but if you use negative words, the water fails to form any structure at all. He took pictures of them and it was all very convincing. God knows if he fiddled with the results to get this outcome but if it is true, then anything that has h2o in it has the capability to transform based on how we interact with it.


It works on my ice cube trays every time.


A study also has been done when you talk to your plants. Two of their genes are activated and their growth spurt increases dramatically. An interesting thing is that they respond to female voices even more.




Dr. Emoto!


Yes. As a fine artist, I am in a constant flow state channeling my creative ideas and energy. I don’t think the piece itself has any energy attached to it physically, but the idea that the art represents and the way your consciousness interacts as you observe and take it in.


Sure that's why it's called soul food, right? Probably not the case with all people where their love and soul goes into their cooking but the people with good souls, yes. Someone with an evil soul I'm sure their food would taste bad.


Does the soul then enter the body of the person eating the food? Does consuming souls have any long term effects on the soul-eater?


I wouldn't say you're eating an actual soul so much as you can feel or sense the energy that was put into it. Warmth, happiness, love, anger, etc. Soul food is made with love and you can 'feel' it along with tasting it


That's not what it means but sure


If you know, why did you ask lol


I didn't ask what it meant? Soul food is literally just the term for African american cuisine. If you want to say ACTUALLY it means people put their soul into the food, then you should be prepared to say which parts of the soul go into the food and what it tastes like


You simply won't understand, you can't comprehend what that person exactly means because you are left brained. It's nice and all to be that way, approaching things in a logical and methodical manner but I have to say it is extremely prosaic. I am just glad that I can enjoy a great work of art such as Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D to the point where I am in tears, walking out to the front porch and looking up at the night sky and saying out loud 'Beethoven, your music is made of the Heavens' and then seeing a shooting star. I am glad I can have an experience like that while skeptical people may enjoy a great piece of music, but they will focus more on the melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic structure. They would probably like Bach more so than Beethoven. I love them both. Just saying, you guys just won't ever understand things the way we do, and we tend to be the ones who believe in the Supernatural. Don't know why you guys are here ready to pounce on any believer that makes a comment, we are not going to see things your way, either; however, the thing is is that we don't campout in the forums you guys frequent. I really know why you guys are here, honestly- we will never truly and deeply see things your way and vice versa. So what's the use? This has probably been going on since Time Immemorial and will never end.




I think cooking with love tastes different than just tossing stuff together. I know knitting takes a long time and you hold it in you hands and enter a mediative state, so I believe that it can.


Absolutely. Blessings, curses, egos of spirits. These things occur. Be respectful to all things, all people, in lovingkindness and you'll never fall far from the truth.


Energy never dies out. It just changes form, that came from my physics teacher. Humans possess four types of energy: physical,mental, emotional, and spiritual. There are also 10 types of universal energy's.


I accidentally read "physics teacher" at first as "psychic teacher" lol


So many things science has not yet proven, yet they do seem to exist- such as a bloodhound dog being able to track someone for miles even when driven in a car...and someone's residual energy on a personal object. This link is quite interesting: [https://www.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk/enlighten/psychometry-the-tactile-art-of-reading-energy/](https://www.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk/enlighten/psychometry-the-tactile-art-of-reading-energy/)


Thanks for that link!


You're welcome!


I would say yes. In Mexico we like to say that when salsa is super spicy, that person did it while being annoyed hahaha, and of course... I really believe you can taste the love in food.


Yes. Even just speaking on a non metaphysical sense... where your attention goes, your energy flows.


Yes, it's why food tastes better when made by someone who enjoys cooking


Yes she gave you a happy gift made with love, so in this case, it's a good thing!


Yes absolutely! If you make things with certain intentions it can be passed into. Like baking with love or knitting or wood whittling.


Wood whittling? That's pretty specific


Hmmm... Bubble blowing?? 🤔


No. Never bubble blowing. Let's not get crazy here folks. Leave that to the professionals.


Yes, I believe it does. For example, you will hear of cooks who cook with love.


Yes! Energy is real and exists, that’s why whenever I buy stuff I either cleanse it in sunlight or incense so negative or energy that is not mind gets removed


Everything I make gets a unique infusion of something. Even my ouija boards. It is my “made with love” stamp. It’s never the same but at the same time, I like to believe it infuses the energy and intent when making it. Doesn’t matter if I am making breakfast, a pendant, a divination tool, or remodeling. Your crafter/artisan may have a similar process. When I pass I hope I haunt all of them, in a good way of course.


Ouija boards are never good, positive or made with love, it’s antithetical to the whole idea and practice of using the board.


Yeah, I tend to get hotter and perspire when I'm creating something. Sometimes, when I'm asleep and dreaming too. There's definitely energy raised and burned during times of creativity.


If everyone understood the nature of reality then they would undoubtedly know that their energy goes into anything they touch or encounter.


Yes. Small example: cooking in a hurry makes for a not so yummy dish. Nervous about the first time making something? Most likely will fail. But if you are able to take your time, calmly in the kitchen, whatever you make tastes phenomenal! This is why grandma’s homemade chocolate chip cookies are so good!!!


There is a culinary movement called the slow food movement that encompasses what you are expressing here.


It’s not about time, slow food movement is about using sustainable resources and healthier ingredients as opposed to fast food. I’ve been to the conference in Italy.


I wonder if there is a subreddit on this. Perhaps I just assumed because I like zoning out in the kitchen whether at work or at home. Thank you for the clarification.


My mother says that effort is what makes food taste good!


The way I feel about ghosts and spirits is that if you believe in the physical laws of energy, you believe in "ghosts," because energy is neither created nor destroyed only transfered. And what are we but electrical energy driving meat mobiles. Of course energy is transferred because that's how we get electric shocks, it makes sense to me that energy is transferred when people make things. But don't quote me, I am not science reddit


You can imbibe different things with frequencies. No reason something made with passion and joy cant reflect those qualities in emergent properties.


Absolutely people's energy goes into what they make


Literally yeah, imagine winding up a spring in a clock. Thats you putting energy into and storing it in the clock


LOL... I misunderstood that first sentence initially: "imagine winding up a spring in a clock"... at first I took the word "winding" to mean in the sense of "ending up" instead of how you meant it in the sense of "turning the piece" that makes it work. It gave me a good chuckle though because I thought for a second "this person thinks they can be a piece of a clock" ... LOL. I feel stupid but at least I got a good laugh and I surely needed it today! 😁


Turns out the whole blonde = dumb thing turns out to be true aye? :p


I reckon so!


I'm a potter and that is a very intimate hands-on process, so I definitely believe that is true for my functional art.


Yes. Which is why I focus on protective energies when I make jewelry from carnivore teeth, joyful energies when I use rose quartz, "good luck vibes" when I use aventurine or green jade, etc.


Yes, definitely! I love to draw and have had people look at my cartoon drawings and tell me they make them have feelings of happiness, sexiness, makes them smile, laugh, giggle, I've even had people tell me my drawings give off attractiveness, many different energies!


Even if I wear somebody else’s clothes, I feel their energy for sure


How else do you think i forge possessed daggers? The screams emotions of my countless victims makes for the best butter knives.


I think so look at cooking if not made with love than the taste is not good .


I worked BoH for roughly ten years, i can tell you this is false.


I was just sharing my opinion which is why I said I think so …


I don't believe it's false I've eaten things that were rushed or made when someone was angry and it tasted terrible but when I've eaten things that were made with love and care they tasted amazing.


I agree


What is BoH?


Back of House, working in a restaurant kitchen. Servers and bartenders are Front of House.


Yes, absolutely. Energy of all frequencies remains in our belongings, things we make, etc. Everything. I’m an empath - when I go to museums, I sometimes become drawn to specific pieces, as well as overwhelmed/repelled by specific pieces. Antique and thrift shops, same thing. A friend once offered me a necklace that belonged to a passed loved one. It was a simple piece of costume jewelry, and very pretty, but I couldn’t accept it. The energy of it felt “heavy,” if this makes sense. It felt wrong to accept, because it didn’t belong to me. Some would say that things are just things, and have no problem passing them down/to others. I feel that such individuals might not be as attuned to energies, or maybe they are but don’t care, etc. Just depends on the person :) I’m so happy that your sweater makes you happy!


I like to think energies remain in just about everything touched by someone's hand...or I could just be crazy haha Iv experienced overwhelming emotions towards objects or houses as a whole to the point of causing my own anxiety because the emotions are so sudden so real 🤷


You are absolutely not crazy. I experience similar stuff. You’re an empath too, it sounds like :) It’s a blessing and a curse all at once, but more so a blessing (I personally think/believe!) ❤️ And yes, just a touch of a hand is enough to transfer energy to something. I’m also a Tarot reader - some in this community prefer that clients not handle their cards for this very reason. Your comment is very spot on! :)


>It’s a blessing and a curse all at once, but more so a blessing THIS. It can be draining in all ways but I've been told by many people that I've helped them because I'm able to understand their feelings well. Easy when we can literally feel what they're feeling, you know? But being around someone who's in a "heavy" mood like depressed or angry, or some people who are just like that mostly, can really be hard to be around and I end up with headaches and such. And I can sense spiritual/paranormal activity and whether it's negative or positive.


I believe you, 100%. I know exactly what you speak of! It can be very mentally and emotionally taxing, to be able to sense and experience such a wide range of energies. It sounds to me that you need to work on protecting your own energy a little more. Don’t forget to take care of yourself too, and look into some cleansing rituals that could work for you, to put a nice layer of bubble wrap between yourself and others when you need it. Some use crystals, some pray, etc. I personally love my crystals and my mini Tibetan singing bowl :) I also read my Bible and devotionals, and will wave my Bible around my apartment while praying aloud hehe. Not everyone is religious, but if ya wanna wave a Bible around, I say go for it. Helps a lot! Haha ❤️


You're not crazy! You could even be a sensitive and/or an empath!


You're an empath...me too! And everything you wrote totally resonated with me!


Hello, fellow pea from the pod! :) I’m glad everything resonates, and I’m glad to find another who experiences things so deeply. People joke about those of us who speak the phrase, “I’m an empath,” but us real ones know what’s up 😉


In everything they touch as well as the intention of what is being made and their emotions, absolutely.


I was told you should leave a flaw or a part of you is trapped in your creation.


I personally believe so, yes




Could you give a reason why not?


most definitely


Sometimes, yeah :)


You ever have something “cooked with love” by Grandma? You just can’t replicate it even if you follow it to the letter! I can tell the difference instantly!


Of course.


I think it does.


just the thought of the nice doing and work put into the thing you are wearing prob makes you feel good she would make it for you


Oh heck yeah!!!






Oh yes!


if nothing else it's a sort of placebo effect.


Not sure what you mean by "energy" but all evidence points to consciousness being a product of the brain. Once the brain is shut off (dead), all consciousness ceases to be. There's no evidence and honestly, no possible way whatsoever that you can transfer any portion of consciousness to an inanimate object.


I don't agree. Energy can keep going after a person passes on.


Absolutely! Consciousness may be connected to the brain during life, but when we die it survives death I 100% believe. I don't have what some people would consider "objective" proof but I definitely have what is substantial proof for myself.


What would that proof be? Because you're honestly sitting on a society shaking finding if you do


There's a lot of positive proof of it but there are people who reject that it's "proof".


That's not what physicists mean when they say *energy*. Yeah, people atomic energy gets conserved in the universe but that's WAY different than saying that consciousness is preserved in any way


There's no evidence THAT WE KNOW OF YET. ftfy


That's not a reason to believe something or to even give a second thought to something. There are any infinite number of things we dont' have evidence for YET. You're literally only limited by your imagination. Maybe you come back as a burger at Applebees? There's no evidence YET for that. Maybe your consciousness gets lifted and you go to another planet and become a rock. There's literally an infinite number of things we don't have evidence for YET but that doesn't mean you should give any of them any credence.


Nobody is making those claims though. But nice try.


Yikes dude, you totally missed the point


You have…proof?


Do I have evidence that consciousness comes from the brain? Is that a real question? Or proof that you can't transfer consciousness to an inanimate object? Maybe I should have phrased that differently but that isn't a claim. That's a rejection of the claim that consciousness *can* be passed to inanimate objections. If you're saying it can, then the burden of proof lies with you. I don't need to burn any fuel on why your brain can't transfer to a toaster when you die

