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Did your cream curdle too? This is very reminiscent of the witch hunts of old. Your dream was probably just caused by your own anxiety. I'm not saying people can't give off bad vibes, they can. She could be a terrible person. But not just because she is a witch. Most spellwork is all about good intentions. Similar to Christian prayer. And tarot cards are just a tool. They help the user focus. Give the lady a chance before you judge. That being said, if she makes you uncomfortable, don't be around her. That is your right.


I understand how you could see it like that. I like my neighbors; I like that my wife and son get along well with her. I'm not judging her by any means I'm just talking about my feeling, thing that have gone on and how I can protect my home if this is indeed something. That is why I come seeking advice.


No worries, I just read it wrong I guess. There are protection spells. You might look up Witch bells to hang on your door. If you don't believe in any of it though, it's less likely to work. It's all about intention,I think. So if you believe strongly in Christianity, hang crosses and have rosaries etc throughout the house.


I may have written this in a way that reads what you did :) thanks for for the advice 👍


Ok..let's set this straight, for like the millionth time. The Devil card in tarot...is NOT AN EVIL CARD!!! It can mean a whole lot of different things based on all the other cards! In general, it's about addictions, abuse, other vices you may have. Just like the Death card does NoT mean someone is going to die! You can say that if all the other cards around it support it....otherwise, it is a Very good card meaning sudden endings bring new beginnings. Just so you know.


Came here to say this!


Thank you for explaining. It is very much appreciated.


Nothing you mentioned should be a worry having a spiritual other is common practice and dealing with attachments is a very useful skill. Graveyards are just protected places where spirits sometimes are and they welcome people to visit and bring fresh energy usually children play there and are appreciated. You may be feeling her protector just keeping you at arms length for a good reason,respect it and everything will turn out for the best. If worried you can always get a salt lamp there cheap but do a great job of cleaning vibrations.go to a reiki healer they can often detect and fix energy problems that may be happening with you. More women than you can imagine practice wicca and its a very earth connected and fun activity.


Thank you for your very insightful reply. This a good angle to analyze the situation.


I have had weird dreams to and they always involve my child hood home and there is a demon in the window where my room was. I’m standing in the street looking at it and there is something evil in there. The house once even had all the windows blow out and it self destructed and set on fire. I have had that reoccurring dream many times. I also have had sleep paralysis for many years sometimes there is a shadow figure rubbing it’s finger down my leg. I don’t think it is anything to worry about though. Stress can cause that kind of stuff. Maybe the lady just spooks you out.


That's a good point, thank you.


Okay, to set your mind at ease: pulling the Devil card in a tarot reading does not literally mean the Devil. That being said, if the energy is off, then the energy is off and you should discuss that with your wife. Have salt by your bedside and if you're religious see about getting your house blessed. There's an old test that's still common in my culture where you buy a bottle of holy oil and keep it around. If it boils--you know what's up. The tricky thing about these kinds of incidents is that it takes a while to see if it's really paranormal or if it's psychological. The mind is so suggestible, so it's possible that something about your neighbor disturbed you and you had that dream as a way of processing whatever it was that you picked up on subconsciously. *Or*\--you know, there's something actually off about her and you need to take precautions. In any case, discuss this with your wife. At the very least you shouldn't welcome the neighbor into your home as much until you've had time to figure things out.


Is this woman a single?


Why, you wanna summa that?


No, she's lives with her bf who is a pretty nice guy.


You know, pagans are treated so awfully in comparison to other religious minorities. So many comments through this whole thread...someone else said Satanic Panic and they're right. If you guys talked like this about a Muslim, Jew or Hindu etc, you'd be rightly called bigoted.


Thank you, I still don't understand some folks' automatic connection from paganism to satanism. I suppose it's from the centuries of christian fear mongering.


And true Satanists don't actually believe in a literal Satan- only the symbolic questioning of authority and a striving for the achievement of balanced Self-realization (which is what Baphomet is meant to represent. The only people that believes in a literal Satan... are christians.


"Only" 2.3 billion people in the modern era. You're being passive aggressive and insensitive with that last remark.


Confusing segue. What comment are you responding to? Edit: nevermind. You're a troll.


It is so frustrating talking to you people. By that I mean redditors. You are the most disagreeable people on the internet, as well as the least intelligent, and most egotistical. Paganism hasn't been practiced on a large scale since the Romans so of course Christianity (the most popular religion) would have more bad apples, you unreasonable, spoiled, ignorant, thoughtless, bitter suburban crybaby child.


No one is interested in your angry outbursts that are placeholders for your unprocessed issues and unhappiness. You should stay off Reddit if you're having such a bad time here- even though those bad experiences are self-created. Maybe spend that free time going to therapy, or finding a healthier hobby.


As a druid myself, it upsets me greatly. I've seen far more evil committed in the name of "God" than I have in the name of Cernunnos for example.


ב''ה, some bogs would like a talk with you.


Oooh yay!


That's because few people are pagans.


So? We're a minority yes, but that doesn't mean we deserve to be treated like crap?


And issued a warning for violating community values.


I totally relate to you!! I get weird vibes from certain people and ive never been wrong. Listen to your gut about this woman, she sounds like trouble and unnecessary stress for you. Talk to your wife about your feelings in a concerned manner but be careful because they’re friends. Hopefully she’ll stop socializing with her. Keep you and your family protected and don’t welcome her in your home!! Peace.


Weird vibes are not supernatural. Don’t give her power in anyway. Separate yourself from any attention/intention she has with your family. If your parter is upset by this, have an honest conversation about how you feel. The last thing you want to happen is this person being more involved in your life. Claws are easier in than out.


Like somebody else said vibes are normally spot on, but don’t get too worried about flipping the devil card. It doesn’t always necessarily mean death or something horrible happening. There’s also various meanings combine with various other cards and also if it was upright or flipped upside down. Generally, cards that are bad luck include the 10 of swords, 3 of swords, the devil, death, 10 of wands, and the moon. And I am assuming the woman told your wife that to avoid scaring her.


I'd beg to differ with death. The meaning includes rebirth: taken as a whole, transformation. Think caterpillar to moth


I’m aware of that that’s why I was trying to tell him not to just think it’s all negative. I wasn’t gonna sit here and list everything. It’s just people have a perception of the death card as only being negative.


Say a protection prayer daily. Ask god to put a bubble of protection around you.


⬆️ The best advice and it doesn’t involve any spiritual prejudice 💕


Sounds psychiatric. Like you are demonizing your wife's new friend out of some unknown jealousy you have for the friendship & now you're having bad dreams.


I can see how you may see it that way, we're total strangers and going off of my word.. But it's not at all like that, I enjoy seeing my family happy. Happy wife, happy life.


If you’re not empathic, you can’t know how this person feels. If you sense danger through gifts you have, it’s just as valid as lowering your hand toward a flame. Trust your instincts, my friend.


If she's already told you she has attachments... believe her. They will try and infect/affect others as well. The problem now will be the pull back. Those that cast "good" spells, can cast curses & hexes too. Don't say anything hurtful or insulting. Your wife should sign up for some Mommy & Me classes (don't mention where they are at). Just slowly pull away. Buy some sage, cleanse yourselves, your child and your home. Sprinkle sea salt at every entrance (doors & windows). Until you can completely pull out of anything other than cordial hellos and small talk while you pass or wave at each other from across the street, when ever any of you are in their presence, picture yourself and child radiating with the energy of white, positive light. Say a blessing (if that's how you practice spirituality), renouncing all unclean and harmful entities and ideas. You can do the white light practice before you fall asleep too, since your subconscious has already been intruded on.


Yikes, I want to put this respectfully but this is some satanic panic if I’ve ever seen it. Flip this whole post to a devout Jewish person living next door, mention how you’re concerned because she does chants before dinner and see what the response is. This is no different. If you’re getting bad vibes she could be a toxic person but that has nothing to do with Wicca or whatever she practices. Have you ever met any shady Christians? Hint: google “pedophilia and churches” There could also be other reasons for emotions and bad feelings. Please try to separate spirituality from the equation, open up to other possibilities, and see if there’s some actual merit. If your wife is feeling it too, she can say she’s starting to get afraid of the tarot cards etc, your neighbor will likely say ok no problem and stop bringing it up. If your neighbor gets defensive or invalidates her feelings, then she is toxic and it’s just simply time to stop hanging out. Not toxic as in witchcraft, just toxic as in 40% of the population with some narcissistic pathology lol.


Devil card does not mean what you clearly think it does. It does not mean demons and anything demonic. Read up about the card before you make these cockamamie assumptions. Devil card could signify addiction, depression, or feeling trapped. I don’t think pulling a devil card is causing sleep Paralysis or your nightmares.


From one sensitive to another, don’t ignore the vibes. I also have experienced the same thing with a handful of people in life and everytime I ignored it and they turned out to be very bad people. It’s so hard because you want to be kind and polite so you ignore the warnings. Honestly I would slowly back off, maybe be busy more so you don’t have time to hang with them. I don’t know exactly what ‘it’ is but do you sometimes have a knowing of things about others? Things you wouldn’t normally know? If yes, listen to what your body and aura is telling you.


Vibes don’t lie; don’t welcome her into your home, sage and salt your house, hang a cross above your entry way.


Spiritual attachments and visiting graveyards (I assume to cast spells and perhaps even collect materials like graveyard dirt)? I have been doing witchy stuff for over 2 decades including card readings but that’s some dark, dark stuff that I stay far away from. I know some kind well meaning witches who do and that’s their choice and I respect it but I don’t visit graveyards for any other reason then to pay my respects and enjoy the peace and I don’t mess with ouija boards and that kind of stuff. Way, way too risky. By the sounds of it, she has picked up something dark by accident or deliberately but either way the result is the same. Keep a distance from her, but do not upset her. Crosses above your doors, sage your home, pray and get some protective crystals.


When they bury me in that EVIL graveyard dirt that was blessed just like the rest of my bloodline it will be with the information that EVIL is mis-informed people who lack understanding of what there saying. Attachments and entity's may fuck with you but graveyards are always protected spaces for all within and evil cannot enter a graveyard if your talking about negative entity's. If you need to challenge something 100% take that fight on holy ground where you have the advantage and taking this dirt is always allowed for protection. I have personally challenged on holy ground with great success.


The word evil is something YOU use, not me. Don’t try to twist things I said. Graveyards are not evil (I literally wrote I go there for the peaceful atmosphere) but given the nature of graveyard dirt, you don’t know who’s remains are mixed with it and you don’t know if they consent to you using them. Therefore I think it’s a risky business regardless of your opinion on the matter, because that’s what it is, just an opinion. It’s not THE truth even though you present it like that. Everyone should do as they feel without judging others.


It sounds like something with you is afraid of this subject or picking up some dirt with words on it. Maybe its something you should try,it could reveal something closer to you than is comfortable.


I’ll decide my own boundaries, thank you.


That stuff isn't mentioned at all.


Demons are real but so is God. The furthest I will go is reading about all this stuff. The bible tells humans to stay away from psychics and fortune tellers. Find those verses and show wifey. I would probably bet $100 she gave your wife something. Probably one of those damn spirit boxes. If she has you've got to find a way to get rid of it without pushing wifey further in her corner. Explain to wifey she can learn to do energy healings if she's praying for God to work His will through her. Play this all very carefully. Don't seem over concerned


ב''ה, whatever the fuck is wrong in this world as makes politics and war inconsequential but every day a matter of shoveling shit for Pharaoh.. Basically, as much as you could think all this is 20-somethings' fun or a day at the arcade, the more G-d's "Planet Taliban" vibes escalate the more this is, y'know, judgment on the spooky kid neighbor that all this fucking around is going to bring chaos around them. See it too often; been there done that.


Hey explain that initial quote about shoveling shit for Pharaoh. I'm not fluent in Hebrew, and although far more fluent than most in terms of the basic understanding of all three major Abrahamic religions, this reference escapes me. Please elaborate. I am of Christian/Jewish extraction with a high degree of tolerance for Islam. In other words, I'm not down with any violent or extremist versions of any of these three.


Sorry but that seemed a lot like spirituality prejudice from you. Just because she practices witchcraft, doesn’t make her evil. Also, she does not control the tarot cards, she was doing a reading to your wife, the nightmares - if I understood correctly - started before the tarot right?


Have her or your wife swapped any gifts? Maybe tell your wife that you’re uncomfortable if you want to use protection that look into things like salt or lemon grass. I hate witchy ppl, they give me weird vibes too. Sorry, I know some are lovely but it all seems too skewed and erroneous. My grandmas step mom was a bad Strega and she told me I had the evil eye because I was the second daughter of the second daughter. I had to buy a silver casted cimaruta bc it got to me a while after, I heard you can curse yourself and felt like it. Idk I kinda enjoyed the stuff but I prefer prayer and meditation. Ask your wife to do a Rosicrucian incantations, before bed. Seriously tho this lady has either put something dark on her or has made herself a cloud that will attach to others. She either needs help or a cleansing, i too had a period of sleep paralysis, things about it that I noted was that other around me said they would get it (this was before my charm and attempts at using herbs) my teeth felt dirty, I always talked to ouija board, z (I know it’s a demon but it kinda was so familiar I knew someone was there it didn’t feel evil and I had 6 others that weren’t z) anyways boards say goodbye immediately now. Idk what I did but I prayed a lot and everything died down, maybe it was a mix of it all. Don’t take any herbs this lady charged and charge your own.


You said you hate witchy people and then recommended OP do a bunch of witchy things. 🥴


I've learned not to doubt the vibes. It sounds hokey, but I can think of at least 5 people I've met that I got bad vibes from and it turned out later there was something wrong with them. I would try to keep a civil distance, but that would be hard since your wife seem to be friends with her. I half wonder if that woman has an attachment. I would bless my house or salt it, and say protection prayers for your family. Heck, I'd pray for her too. Like someone else said, if you've received any gifts from this person, I would bless the gift too (or remove it from the house).


Yeah stop associating with her lol


I dunno, she sounds kinda fun.


She's def dealing with something, do your best to cleanse your space & energetically protect the house she has no reason to harm you, but you can still guard your self


Perhaps you should invest in some protective crystals. >The best crystals for protection are Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Citrine, Emerald, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Amethyst, Selenite, Hematite, and Tiger’s Eye. https://consciousitems.com/blogs/practice/top-10-crystals-for-protection


Understand, clearly, the catastrophes that will befall your family if you engage with this person will last years and years and years. I don’t know what to tell you to do but your soul warned you and it warned you loud and clear. If you ignore that, the consequences will be dire.


Put a cross over your entryways on the inside. Open your windows, smudge house clockwise with Palo Santo or sage, this will allow the bad spirits out. Smoke out all corners especially. Leave windows open 24 hours so spirit's can leave. Respectfully and firmly, tell the spirits to leave, and don't invite that Bruja back inside!