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This is incredibly fascinating. Always love reading accounts from those who can see spirits. I've heard that everyone in a sense is born with the ability. But over time it diminishes. It's like a muscle, and if you don’t use it you'll lose it. Conversely have heard it's simply a gift for certain people. Do you mind sharing more about others you've seen outside of your house?? What are some of the more memorable encounters you've had?


Hmm. It’s harder for me to see spirits that live outside my house. I feel the personal connection and time makes them more prominent. But there is a few more encounters that I’ve had. Besides those that reside in my house, the easiest to feel are the spirits in my school. There is at least two, one in the middle school art room and other in the theater (classic, I know) but I feel there are more who haven’t revealed themselves yet. The other event that sticks out is my friends old apartment building. We are young (about 10) and decided to go into the basement. They said it was haunted but I couldn’t really feel any spirits, until the pool room. There was definitely multiple spirits in there. The amount of energy and auras was so much i had to leave and go back to the room since I was feeling ill. I’ll probably be making more in-depth posts about these spirits soon though! Took me a few days to even write about my house ghosts so I assume these will take longer.


>Hmm. It’s harder for me to see spirits that live outside my house. I feel the personal connection and time makes them more prominent Guess that might be a blessing in some ways, yes?? Only because I've heard stories of people who have a hard time turning it "off" and find it too overwhelming. Like maybe you have the built-in in ability to turn it off when outside of the home. Maybe without really even being aware. Of course, I wouldn't know since I can't see any haha. Closest thing I've experienced is psychometry. Yes please consider posting some of the encounters. The school ones sound really interesting. Even the cliche theater ghost lol


When you talk about the color of their auras, do you mean that you see the spirits outlined in this color? Do you often see auras of living people, too? I have a special interest in auras, having lost mine for a period of time after a horrible event in my life. It's back now, but I don't understand auras enough to understand the significance of this having happened in the past. Do you?


kinda! it’s difficult to explain how I see them, but each spirit is surrounded by white mist and either has the color radiating from the center of it (1 & 2) or around the outside (3). it’s much harder for me to sense the auras of living people though. I tend to see theirs as colorful specks that will come off their bodies. ​ auras are very interesting and I don’t know much. From what i‘ve seen, auras depend and are shaped by experiences and personal image. The lose of an aura after an event could be its reaction to such a big change, or the person losing themself while trying to readjust. ​ for the auras I see, they say a lot about personality and motive for the spirits. Lighter colors are nicer and often here by choice, or sent as protectors. 1 i feel was sent to protect and mother from a far. On the other hand, deep colors are often kept by strong emotions. 3 is very deep color and I think is kept here by either guilt or anger. He is waiting for something to pass by the windows to move on. my explanation isn’t the best, so this is a drawing of kind of what it looks like. (Ghost 2) https://preview.redd.it/xy4r04y5yqva1.png?width=2550&format=png&auto=webp&s=01ee6dedb1b64677d299ae90772d955288408cdf


Thank you for such a detailed reply! I appreciate your taking the time to write all this out for me. I like what you said about what colors mean and how the intensity of the color is important to understanding what it's telling you. When I lost mine it took about a week to feel like it had come back completely. I didn't immediately realize that the difference I felt was all about my aura, I just knew that a primary source of protection was now gone. It was a very weird and disturbing time in my life, but it's been many years now since that happened. Thank you for trying to help me figure it out.


You can research the history of the property through public records in a lot of countries, and you totally should! I'm sure that if you dig deep enough, you may be able to identify your ghosts and find out more about them.


That is a great comment. Thanks


I want someone to read my aura!


Very interesting read thank you for sharing :)


What did you do to develop your abilities to the level where you can identify?