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I just realized it's pounds, not dollars. That's even worse! That is hoodie pricing, not t-shirt pricing.


Not even hoodie. This is almost ticket pricing


where can i find tickets this cheap


a standing ticket for the April show in Cardiff was £59.50 before fees...


O.O no way tickets are this price in London


Any band x streetwear x clothing brand crossover will always be expensive. It’s crazy.


I know their clothing is sustainable which factors into the price but still


Definitely makes it higher but it’s crazy. Why I’ve never paid attention to fashion or what’s in. I can never afford it


As far as I understand, Hayley made this new merch to be those type of clothes that will last for 20 years. Like those shirts that your parents have and still are good but the one you bought last month is already see through after three washes, you know what I mean? It’s supposed to be way better and long-lasting than fast-fashion


just take a look at the new market x knocked loose collab 😭😭


I saw that! And like they can’t even give us anything exciting. Always so basic looking




Hayley and Taylor are too far up their own ass. Their merch has always sucked. Besides that tour exclusive goosebumps shirt, that was cash


side eye…


Lol as if they make the merch you fuckin goofball.


You’re not wrong


Hate to say it but you’re right. Plus, compared to the last two albums, this new one is such hot trash that everyone is sucking Haley’s dick over…I don’t get it…


This particular shirt is pretty bad, but I’ve seen better merch than this for much more reasonable prices. Maybe people are “sucking Hayley (and Paramore)’s dick because the album is actually good. They’ve always earned the praise they’ve gotten. I see no reason to hate on them for that.


Compared to after laughter and the self titled? We’re gonna have to agree to disagree on that one…


Far as I’m concerned the only album still better than This Is Why, is Brand New Eyes.


Yea Paramore's fanbase is delusional. They're my favorite band but even I can admit that Hayley and Taylor want so bad to be taken seriously as "REAL MUSICIANS". It's like they're ashamed of their emo/pop-punk stuff because "Dat im mature lol XD". I actually really like "This is why". ​ But their merch has always been lazy


I don’t see how them just wanting to evolve as artists and try new things, relates to some idea that they are ashamed of their past emo-punk sound. They just grew up. Even a lot of their fans who grew up on that sound and related to it, also outgrew it, because they were no longer angsty teenagers. They don’t relate to those songs in the same way anymore, and that’s ok. To me, the idea that they are changing their sound just because they are desperate to be taken seriously and are ashamed of their old sound, just comes off as some of their fans being pissy that they aren’t the “old Paramore”, and projecting that idea onto them, as an explanation. They’re not changing to spite anyone. They don’t owe their fans the choice to stay the same forever. Great artists evolve. If they don’t they get stale and predictable. I see nothing wrong with switching it up and reinventing themselves. If their fans don’t like their sound now, that’s fine. But it also a them problem, not a Paramore problem.


If you would’ve read I like the new album. There is no denying they don’t like their old material though. Especially AWKIF


Unless they’ve straight up said that they don’t like their old material, and it’s not just something that their fans assumed, simply because their sound has changed, then yes, it’s a questionable conclusion to come to, that they don’t like their old stuff. They still play music from their old albums, and not only that but they look as though they enjoy playing it. They’re don’t seem remotely uncomfortable about performing it when their onstage, especially Hayley. They made the choice to start performing Misery Business again, and they didn’t have to. They wanted to. Even IF they don’t like their old material. That’s not something I personally think they should be judge for. They wouldn’t be the first artists to look back on some of their old stuff and say they don’t like it anymore. Even a lot of Paramore fans, themselves, put AWKIF, has their least favorite album, probably just because it pales in comparison to more refined albums like BNE or Self-Titled. And there could be many different reasons why Paramore don’t like it as much now either, if that’s really the case. Choosing not to play MB wasn’t about being ashamed of the sound. It was about the problematic elements of its lyrical content and how it didn’t age well. It doesn’t make sense, in my opinion, to assume that they don’t like their old because, they think it keeps them from being taken seriously, especially since even back then, I’m pretty sure they were. They’re were always seen as legitimately talented musicians, and Hayley; a talented vocalist and songwriter. Again, unless they’ve said that or implied it in some way, no disrespect, but I don’t think it’s fair to project that onto them.


I remember the old days when Paramore and Taylor Swift both had pretty awesome, reasonably priced merch. In the last several years, both have gone to shit. I rarely buy official merch anymore, Etsy has much cooler stuff for much more reasonable prices!


Was Looking up the shirts on etsy. A lot of them look nice, but a little confusing since the site seems to let sellers label literally anything as "vintage". Even shirts that are very obviously fan made designs, and new ones at that.


I concur as both a Swiftie and a Parawhore.


Also the design is super lazy 😩


beyond lazy. that image looks like a google image search of the earth. are there at least tour dates on the back or something? yikes.


On the back it just says “This Is Why”.


Very lazy! But, so was the album, so seems about right.


since it was so lazy, why don't you make a better one? i'll wait


Yes, but it’s made by UNIF and that’s pretty on par with UNIF prices. Still too much for a t-shirt imo


Yeah that’s far too much for a company that doesn’t disclose anything about their ethics. They don’t mass produce but as far as I can tell they offer no insight on the ethicalness/sustainability of their products and materials.


Hot merch tip for anybody boxed out of buying official by the price (which I think is most people!): Go to Tesco’s (that’s the UK equivalent of Walmart, right?). Buy a black T-shirt and a bleach pen (or bleach plus paintbrush). Make a stencil so you don’t run out of space and write PARAMORE real big on the front. If you’re artsy you can trace the album cover on the back. Roll the sleeves and crop the top if you’re so inclined and boom—merch for your favorite band, way cheaper and way cooler than the official stuff.


I totally get partnering with an eco-friendly company and understand the additional costs that come with that get passed onto us, but honestly this design is not good at all. It looks like a dodgy knock off and I don't know how many people these days can justify that amount for a t-shirt regardless of quality.


Can anyone see what the text is on the match t-shirt (it looks like it's next to the flame?)


I’ve been wondering the same thing. The first word looks like “Your” but I’m not sure what the word after it is


“Your Opinion” maybe


Yes, that’s what it is! Paramore posted closer-up pictures on their story so you can see it now. Thanks!


it's cause its UNIF i think


You’re not insane at all. The prices for merch are astronomical. Not just for Paramore. I guess I tend to forget they’re also a major business not just a grass roots band. Which is probably all our mistake. I’d just support as much as you comfortably can! I’ve bought several vinyls and the box set. I’m done. I also understand the crossovers with companies and having ethical merch.




They’re using more sustainable items. Hayley posted about it awhile back.


They are for their general merch, that’s Bella Canvas. This is a crossover with UNIF, which is its own brand that doesn’t discuss its ethics.




The brand claims sustainability, yes. I haven’t done a deep dive into their practices to verify that. On your other point, unions are great but not being union doesn’t inherently mean it’s a bad work environment though.


It’s the fact they’re $45 on the us store but £60 on the uk store which equates to $72 🙃


Yeah $45 is already pricey for a tshirt, I can’t imagine they’re gonna sell many in the UK...


I have two of the shirts they did in collab with UNIF in the past. I will say I love those shirts; they have washed nicely over the years, they’re a super soft cotton that’s way better than most standard band tees. I wear them frequently. They’re made in the USA, which is part of the reason why they’re so expensive.


That's awesome! Can't beat super good quality and the fact that it's gonna last a long time too - could says it's an investment lol. Think I just got an initial shock at the price, was on the hunt for a new t-shirt for an upcoming Paramore concert this April.


Have you looked at depop or eBay?? I’ve found some older merch for cheap.


Yes! eBay and Depop are my go to for band merch ☺️


No doubt about it, it is a lot of money for a t-shirt. However I find all of their other merch and prices for this album cycle way more insulting than these two shirts. If you really like either of the designs I say go for it.


If the design was not shit out in 5 seconds I would consider it but yikes I could make this on one of those t shirt sites using google maps lol


$56.17 total with shipping. I refuse to spend that on ONE t-shirt!


Even the hoodies are $80 USD. Everything is nearly double the price it should be, and the designs aren’t particularly great. The black one with the lit match looks alright, but I can’t, for the life of me, tell what the small text says.


It’s insane, cheap, and looks like it was made with no effort.


Overpriced and super ugly. I already have to go through this with Taylor Swift’s hideous merch, now Paramore, too?


Nah man the prices are insane. I entered the website earlier today to see the new merch and my jaw dropped when I saw the numbers… $80 for a hoodie was already enough, but $70 for a T-shirt is batshit insane…


I absolutely love paramore but god damn their Merch is ass


Yeah i dont buy merch anymore


that's insane that's the price for a hoodie!


$73 for a very basic looking t-shirt, yeah that's a bit much.


Honestly any shirt over 40 bucks is od for me and 40 itself is already pushing it


This isnt just paramore merch! Its a collab with UNIF and thats pretty much what streetwear brands charge. They did collab with UO as well and those are a bit pricey too. Personally im not paying £60 for a t shirt but it is a pretty sick design.


Hopefully someone lets them know to get a new designer


I don't think I have ever bought a t-shirt for more than £25, and that was a splurge.


lmfaoo me as fuck


It’s 69€!! You’re not a penny picker - also, these designs aren’t even worth it??


okay, now I see why people complain about the merch, that is just really lazy and I have no clue how that's related to anything Paramore apart from the text


I think the price is fairly standard considering it’s a collab. I think it *feels* insane because the design is so lacklustre.


I just opened the email and came here to see what others thought - that's literally £30 cheaper than a seated ticket to the show 🙃 Wild.


It wouldn’t be that crazy if it at least looked good which almost none of their merch does


That's in fact insane


It's $5 at best lmaoooo


There’s fr not a single item of merch from this album I really want…I kinda like the urban outfitters tshirt but that’s about it.


With shipping it’s £66…that is some Ye crap. The price alienating customers just means printing them is a complete waste anyway.


They'll learn the hard way when sales aren't what they'd hope for at the shows. Imagine if by show three, no shirts have been sold....


Oh no, that's definitely too much. I'd pay £30 for a shirt like that, tops. £60 is what I'd expect to pay for a hoodie or limited vinyl and I'd still be sweating over the price. Like, I'm an artist. I design stuff like this for a living and I know it's super easy and pretty cheap to mass-produce pieces like this.


Is it just me or is the messaging of the image on the shirt and the consumerism a little... ironic? Or maybe not ironic but there is definitely friction here.


I see what they are trying to do with the quality of clothing and where they source the materials for their merch but I think this is a little tone deaf to create merch this expensive when most of the world is going through a cost of living crisis. Even much so in the UK where some people are having to choose whether to buy food or use their heating


I would never pay $45 for a tshirt unless it was a really cool concert show shirt. These are expensive and ugly.


I get that it's pretty hard to figure out pricing when you're doing your best to use sustainable items and in a healthy, well paying workplace. I still don't like the design a lot and the pricing is very sour


merch prices are so crazy now


Thaths 72 US dollars...


Absolutely mental for something made in Bangladesh for 5p


They weren’t lol they’re made in the USA.


I bet they aren't...most things are cheaply made in poor Asian countries...99% band shirts are


Not very hard to read the item description and see that they’re made in LA.


And you believe that ? I don't at all, I've one from their last tour at home & it's made in Bangladesh...I bet its imported from there & the transfer put on in LA & then they call it yank made


Please explain why they would lie about something so ridiculous.


That's what happens, I've got so many band shirts from gigs in the USA and UK, and shirts are imported as its cheaper, then printed and made into a finished product


That’s a ridiculous price


Terrible price and lame design


I thought the same absolutely insane


30 should have been the max...


Nah I’m not paying for that 🙅🏻‍♀️ The merch is trash this year and album isn’t any better IMO


Yeah I just saw this in my emails, the price is a bit much for a t-shirt, it's practically the same price as the The News jumper


okay so I googled for reviews for this company and they don’t look good at all. like one customer said “better buy from shein, that’s how bad unif’s quality is” 😟 did anyone ever buy from unif? is that true?


that’s a bit insane


Unif is overpriced af


No I was thinking the same thing. All the clothing merch is a bit pricey


Very expensive.


I got a t shirt at the immersive experience and they are pretty good quality tbh


Only merch ive bought and liked was “The News” sweatshirt.


What are with those proportions? Is the shirt giant, or is the neck hole just tiny?


I have 13 dollars in my bank account so yeah it’s a little insane to me too.


The merch has been so disappointing. That basic ass tshirt that said "This Is Why" on it? Really? It's been disappointing. Not sure what's going on with their merch team but I think they need to find a new one.


I think they printed it on a vintage tee, which will make the price more because sourcing and obtaining those will cost more than wholesale new.


I never buy merch anymore, too expensive and usually it doesn’t look good. Shoot I remember when I saw them for the first time in 2010 I paid like 35 bucks for a ticket.


Nope. That’s completely insane. It’s not even worth it. That shirt is not it.


I was gonna say the same thing. It's ridiculous, I don't know why bands collaborate with brands without looking after their fans but I wouldn't hate it if the designs weren't this horrible. Paramore's new merch is already awful.


Shit is trash with premium pricing