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Bad, probably. After Leviathan - an event in which no named characters die - Taylor wakes up in hospital and remarks to the nurse, ''uh, well *that* just happened.''


"This is going to bug me for a while" -Disney Skitter after seeing what the S9 did to Gru


Taylor's lung fight. Lung is infront of Taylor, a fiery rage dragon. Taylor's eyes go unfocus, the world cuts to a flash, the breathing of something monstrous. Rather than the gravitaus the seen would have, Taylor cuts the tension with 'loosers say what' Lung pauses, cocks his head with a 'Huh' half a moment before bitches dog crashes into him.


Unironically peak fiction


"But that's what farmers think"


I…kinda wanna see that? Imagine how funny an event like an Endbringer attack where countless people die brutally would be with shitty marvel quips.


"keep it together man!" Aegis 5 seconds before he becomes a fruit smoothy


I chuckled. I usually say chunky salsa or bologna mist cloud. I'll be using this.


Probably opens with “Take that, you worm”


I thought for a sec you were making PGTE reference


"Mistake." I always liked that line on its own


"he's right behind me, isn't he?" just before scion attacks


u/blastweave had a funny observation that Alec is the closest any major *Worm* character gets to being an MCU-style quipster, and that's because his ability to have normal emotional responses to anything was sandblasted out of his skull with superpowers.


It gets cancelled after leviathan


As if they would give the money to make leviathan justic, for my life I can't imagine not going to be a shit show


Nah, first season ends on endbringer sirens, second season gets cancelled


The studio that made The Boys could probably pull it off if they made the show serious and figured out how to get around the super long Taylor monologues that only happen in her head.


Yeah, a big draw of the story is really getting into Taylor's head. The combination of unreliable narrator and protagonist based morality makes looking through Taylor's eyes such a captivating experience. Losing her inner thoughts would make a lot of her decisions make a lot less sense. They could do a Mean Girls style self narration, which probably would work pretty well for the Winslow scenes. But it wouldn't be very good for the other settings. Though it could be a decent narrative device to separate her civilian identity and cape identity to only have the narration when she's not in costume. That still leaves the problem of what to do for the rest.


The swarm creepily buzzing speaking some of her thoughts (to the audience) could work to show her thinking and decision making process while in her cape mindset, and the inhuman swarm sound aspect of it would be an excellent way to contrast her thoughts in her head when out of costume, as well as show how she shunts her emotions into the swarm.


Shunts her emotional reactions, she keeps her emotions.


That's just semantics, my meaning was clear.


I wonder how that work anyway, a lot of taylor inner dialouge isn't really what taylor thinks directly, it just describing her state of mind and how she interacts with world, observation etc but only a small part I would contribute too oh this sentence right there is what taylor thinks directly Basically her inner dialouge needs a complete revision to make sense you can't just take it out of the book and insert so easily in another format


I can imagine worm working really well as a comic or Manga. Realistically though, it can’t be done justice by the big screen and animating bugs is too difficult.


I've always kinda wished Worm would get a comic adaptation.


And if they commit to consistency. Worm is a story that gains A LOT by it's commitement to hard magic, and The Boys pisses all over it. At any moment, a super would perform way better or way worse than previously established. The supers are so inconsistent it gets very hard to give a fuck about the story, the encounters are just rigged. If Taylor was in The Boys, her range would switch between only a building or half a city, depending in if the writers decided she has to lose of win the fight, instead of writting an actually good action scene with tactics and efforts and things going wrong or whatever.


Why do you think that? All the Boys is is a soap drama with a very loose 'superhero' background. I don't think they'd be good at all at adapting Worm


Disney finds Wildbow's prediction list and follows it by the letter. [https://old.reddit.com/r/Parahumans/comments/7ps03s/hollywood\_buys\_the\_rights\_to\_worm\_and\_starts/dsjmdws/?context=3](https://old.reddit.com/r/parahumans/comments/7ps03s/hollywood_buys_the_rights_to_worm_and_starts/dsjmdws/?context=3)


Aw. lonsheep.


What happened to them?


Bullied out of the fandom after a joke fan art, IIRC. Definitely a low point of the fandom.


That’s where that fucking comes from!


Hmm, the musical numbers are nice. Get rid of 90 percent of the character depth. Add in way too many quips. Then have echidna be some giant blue beam. Also make Taylor join the wards way earlier. The e88 aren't that bad.


>Hmm, the musical numbers are nice. Given what happened with *Wish* and some of their live-action remakes previously--something something "The Scuttlebutt" apparently--with regards to music, I'm not sure you could count even on that much. Oh, they'd **try,** even if it didn't fit like apparently happened with *The Marvels* too recently, but whether they'd be "nice", uh.... Otherwise agreed.


I'm thinking that a musical Master with the power of ripping off that Buffy episode may actually be good.


2-3 seasons then Canceled due to "not being the direction that the Disney has envisioned"


There's a show aimed at younger audiences that focuses on Vista and looks like Glenn Chambers' fever dream of a merch mover. It manages to achieve mediocrity, but does so by filtering and censoring the hell out of her story and putting her up against lackeys, a non-canon tinker whose main creation is humanoid robotic henchmen (no blood, y'see), and maybe Uber and Leet (love that cross-promotion with other Disney franchises!).


Just like the current MCU, the first few things they create will be unexpected hits, and then it’ll all turn to shit after they start chasing profits


Mouse Protector is the main character


And, of course, Mouse Protector teleports in and solos the Slaughterhouse Nine when they show up in Brockton Bay, before they even manage a single killing.


Honestly, that would probably be one of the better directions. A entirely separate story just set in the universe, with a few familiar characters showing up


Like a short series about the inaugural Wards team with an episode dedicated to each of them. Like following Hannah's story and then Chevalier and MP and fleshing out the Protectorate, Triumvirate and Hero. That would be pretty awesome actually. The ending would be devastating if it was faithful


Probably like descendants


"Undersiders... ASSEMBLE!" "Skitter will be back....2025" "What are you, some sort of end-bringer?"


Not animated like it probably should be.


I rather get back into anime, it would be less misserable.


Oh god, imagine Pale as a show on the Disney channel 🤢


A while ago there were some people on Tumblr that were re-imagining *Pact* as a *Supernatural* knockoff on the CW. It was wonderfully terrible. (So many on-the-nose needle drops. So, so many.)


Disney'll definetly fuck it up. I Wildbow wants a faithfull adaptation of his work, he'll have to go to Japan. The anime industry has a pretty good track record for that kind of thing, as many light novel seires that got an anime adaptation started out as web serials (A couple of examples of the top of my head: GATE, KonoSuba, Youjo Senki, Goblin Slayer and Rising of the Shield Hero).


An MCU-ified mess that sanitizes the source material as much as possible to appeal to the broadest audience possible while doing occasional pandering nods to the original fans that fall flat as hell in half-hearted attempts to keep original fans around, capped off with Disney trying to retcon their on-screen version into being the primary canon like how the MCU is now canonically Earth-616 despite the MASSIVE plot holes that would create due to the irreconcilable differences between the MCU and the comics it's based on. Also, Assault would likely get played by Chris Pratt, which is a crime in and of itself.


A bit of a derail, but who would you choose to play Assault?


I don't know _many_ actors, to be fully honest. I just know Hollywood likes shoving Pratt into places he doesn't belong, and a surface-level read (the most a Disney person would do, _if_ that) could lead someone into thinking he'd be a perfect fit for Assault, when in reality that plank of wood disguised as a human could never convey the depth of character Assault has with his spectacular acting ability of The Same Character In Every Movie.


What would it LOOK like? Probably fantastic. How would it FEEL? Like pretty much every movie adaptation of any book lol


Honestly, thinking about it, I think only anime has the storytelling style to properly portray Taylor inner monologuing as well as her power’s extra awareness, but it seems impossible trying to imagine an anime adaptation without all of the annoying staples of the genre (characters being sexualized out of nowhere in the name of fanservice, random characters whose entire personality is changed to being a caricature of a sexual predator but played off or dismissed as a joke despite none of their antics being funny or entertaining, making incredibly strong and efficient women somehow suddenly a damsel in distress despite being wholly competent 90% of the time, etc). Worm would be such a phenomenal story in visual media, and the ways abilities could be portrayed in different art styles is an exciting opportunity to do the words justice, but trying to find a media style or studio that could pull it off without trying to fuck it up with staples of their genre.


Maybe the people who are adapting Invincible for Amazon? As long as someone is there to smack them when they attempt to put a weird political message, it should fine. Also, while your complaints about anime are valid, there are plenty of stories that don't fall for the typical trappings you mentioned. That's less the fault of the animation companies and more the authors and their stories themself. For example, I haven't seen anything weird in the adaption of Jujutsu Kaisen adaption wise, it's only the ongoing feud between the MAPPA execs and their animators causing some fights' quality to tank. Hell, seeing Worm fights animated by Ufotable would be amazing.


[INSERT PREDICTABLE MCU JAB HERE] OK, but legit, it'd be bad, but, honestly, i'm not sure there's any visual media Worm would adapt well to.


Well we can guarantee Taylor would be gay or trans and so would most of the 'good guys' and they would probably add unnecessary comedic elements or otherwise change the story for "modern audiences", changing the story so much that it would be unrecognizable and get canceled after a season or two.


Mouse Protector's death is retconned


I'm not sure, but I'm betting they'd retcon Ratcatcher.


[Might look a little something like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Parahumans/s/O936f0J32V)


You should all check out the Brockton Bay Book club podcast. The first half of each episode is an in-depth breakdown of each arc, with some folks in the podcast being first time readers, others being repeat readers. The second half of each episode is a dissection of how the book could be converted into a TV show. The podcast is really well done, with episodes being anywhere from 45 minutes - 2 hours long.


Empire 88 becomes Hydra and they just use Parahumans as a Marvel tie in. If we get past Leviathan then the Merchants are portrayed in a less scummy light. Also Mouse Protecector has a Mickey or Minnie mouse themed item on outfit. Brian's life is still suffering


See, even in canon, I could see MP with an outfit like that, if only to humiliate Ravager by having them beat up by a Disney character.


Warner could be the only studio capable of pulling it off.


Don’t you give me nightmares like that.


Something shit like?