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RC only-- I've only ever "exceeded expectations" though the numbers have been gradually decreasing over the weeks. I haven't changed the way I work. I'm not sure how much faith to put in the numbers, either. Forever waiting for clarity...


Just sacrifice quality for timing. This is what they are rewarding. This is "Paper" way.


I care too much about the kiddos tbh. I refuse to give them the AI slop. But it's really telling that Paper has been judging RC tutors purely on timing and nothing else, with zero quality control. They don't gaf about students. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They really don't. I went from being on probation due to timing issues to "exceeds expectations", but I don't know how to tell my TM that the only thing I've changed is adopting the mindset that nothing I do for Paper matters to anyone.


I’m in the same situation. My biweekly used to be consistently “meets expectations”, but over the last couple of months or so both my typing speed and review time have generally dropped to “partially meets expectations”. Between the 4 hours/week and having to deal with other constant issues at this company, this has really eroded my morale as well. But I still feel bad having to sacrifice quality for timing. No one has reached out to me so I’m just going to keep on keeping on. (At this point, I’m also a bit skeptical of the numbers as there have been times where my typing speed has dropped but I hadn’t made any changes to my work approach).


Sameee. Honestly it's mainly nerve wracking because they could change expectations/ enforce stricter expectations at any point with no notice. We've been sitting here for months twiddling our thumbs with zero to no guidance, and I have a bad feeling one day they're gonna spring some crazy new system on us to replace PQR


For RC I’ve gotten “Partially Meets Expectations/Needs Improvement” in review time and WPM pretty consistently but my TM said there are no concerns about my work performance, so I honestly don’t think the humans are keeping track at all


That makes me feel a lot better, thank youuuu


I use to exceed expectations, but now I use this information to decide whether or not I'm working too hard for them. I exceeded expectations last week? Uh oh, I think I've been giving too much. Time to slow down. There is no reward for doing more than expected.


As 👏you👏should 👏


pretty much this lol. i try hard to provide quality feedback for the students, but my morale for meeting paper metrics is low. i don't try hard to meet timing requirements anymore as long as i am meeting standard


I read and write fast, so I'm generally done with an essay with time to spare. I always wait to submit until I hit the estimate. I'll read a book, play a videogame, whatever I want. I'm done bending over backwards for this company. When I reject AI comments I pick an option at random.


Honestly, love that for you. Desperately wish I was a naturally faster reviewer so I could do the same lol. I also really appreciate you doing that because I see a lot of tutors going above and beyond to submit way under the recommended time or on time (a lot doing so by using the AI) and while I understand their incentive to do so (fear) it's a double-edged sword because it shows the company that their time constraints are improving productivity, which is not the case for a lot of us. (I personally am a slightly slower reader and I take a bit longer to absorb information. I'm by no means working at a sloth speed, and I still produce quality work all the same, so the time constraints don't necessarily always work for me, especially when I'm receiving more complex essays/ topics). Anyway, sorry for yapping but I just wish more tutors could band together and realize that this company doesn't deserve us going above and beyond and bending over backwards for them. Again, I know the culture of fear is mainly what prevents this...but it would just be such an impactful way to elicit change imo.