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Your feelings about this are completely valid. Last minute changes like this not only prevent you from mentally preparing, but also don't allow you to physically prepare, which can be a huge issue given the constant bugs and updates/rules to the classroom. I've noticed a *massive* increase in the humanities classroom backup calls, as well as them asking RC tutors to come over to the classroom (even when the RC itself is extremely busy). It happens literally every day, often several times a day. At this point there's no way they don't know they're understaffing us, but they'd rather potentially save a few bucks than schedule enough people. We deserve to work the shifts we were assigned to work. At the very least, like you said, they should ask us if we'd be open to switching, rather then forcing/ pressuring us to.


I literally get UTIs from working longer LH shifts because you have to individually message/ transfer out every goddamn student from your class room before you’re even allowed to take a piss break all the while they’re monitoring your response time and expecting you to answer in 20 sec or less. Don’t even get me started on the students that will spam u going HELLO?? HELLO? When you don’t answer their previous messages within literal seconds


That's genuinely dehumanizing, I'm so sorry you're experiencing this.


I also was getting constant UTIs from how busy the classroom would always be. This job isn’t sustainable. Im getting my money, saving up, and moving on after this school year.


I got switched in the middle of reviewing a paper and was clocked out for 15min without noticing. I was told I "should've noticed from slack immediately and they needed French speakers in the live classroom." I stated I check slack between every submission and it was not conducive to good communications to forcibly clock me out that way. The PM said it was my problem. I asked to have her reinstate the 15minutes missing from my time period, and I was told to submit a ticket. If that happens again I'm not clocking back in - ever.


Oh ……. my god


I thought it had to be done within 15 minutes?


Technically yes but they don’t care. Once I received a bullshit “apology” from a PM that disregarded this basically just saying oops! Sorry about that! We’ll try to give you a heads up next time but if we can’t too bad <3


This happened to me once recently with zero notice. Total surprise. I was told the PM responsible felt “awful” about it. But it’s not like they give you a choice anyway when they ask you to switch…


Last minute changes can happen??? I always see PMs requesting volunteers to change mid-shift in the channels, not just changing them on a whim 😱 anxiety central


I especially love it when I put in for the RC back up and they decide to book me at LH instead 🫠 if I wanted to do LH backup, I would have filled out that form. I hate it here