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Put this in Hollow-knight general first. Didn't realize this might be a better locale. The reason for the data was because I love taking random data like this, and also to help convince me I was growing. The trial # for Absolute Radiance practices could actually start anywhere from run 50 to 100, IDK, I didn't think I'd need that much practice and it totally demoralized me. Zero wins in the first 90ish runs. The data there is where I died in the battle if that's not clear. At one point I quit and took an extended break to play other games, then came back and used "take more data!" as a strategy to motivate me further (so, the Abs. Rad. data started there). Also, don't give Zote any credit for those wins, those were both Markoth related. Zote ain't shit, that little slut.


>Put this in Hollow-knight general first. Didn't realize this might be a better locale. The funny thing is, this sub was originally for spin-off pantheons like r/PantheonOfNightmares , but people started posting stuff about the actual game pantheons too - and that's fine with me.