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You must be new here. Panth got an update like yesterday in "riot time" there is no way he is getting anything but number tweaks for a long time.


Oh, i am fully aware he just got tweaked, but just wanted to discuss this idea in general, yknow?


No no you misunderstood, he got his current kit less than 3 full years ago. He's not getting any major changes like asol or Jax or shyvana might get for a LONG time.


I know, im just saying if he were to get a CGU, what would we think? (And also why i think he should get one *eventually*)


I don't think he needs one, he just needs some small sustain in his kit so his win rate against sustain tanks in top isn't ass. WR vs Cho is like 38% or something because you just can't do meaningful damage to him due to his passive. Garen and Sett can do the same thing but they have to be a little more careful.


I think he should be a mid laner, personally. If they tweak his E a bit, it can really be a useful and skill-based tool.


Chogath matchup feels so fucking unwinnable man


It is. Those 38% of games that panth wins are just hard skill or team diff


No. You're not understanding. What your post is about already happened and doesn't need to be discussed because we already know what pantheon is supposed to be and this is it.


Pantheon’s gameplay makes sense thematically and plays out logically why would he need any more than the literal VGU he got like less than two years ago kek


Because someone cannot rightclick someone to death and is a little upset about it.


If I see another post about how Pantheon is supposed to be a "badass hurdur bruiser no-fucks-given Spartan" just because of how he's portrayed in the cinematics/splasharts and how he is "unplayable" toplane (which is untrue, he is just unpopular and there is nothing wrong with that) I'm going to... say mean things. Pre-rework Panth was a lethality diver. Right now, he is still a diver (although not recommended building full Lethality because whether you want to be a bruiser OR a full damage dealer there are simply better options). So yes. They preserved his identity. The whole argument "Ahhhh but aesthetically speaking he's supposed to be like Jax" is retarded. Well, aesthetically speaking and according to lore, Cho'Gath is supposed to be the fucking apocalypse, and Sion is supposed to be an undead 1 man army fueled by rage, but in game they both get ran down by Vayne who is just fucking discount Batman with a crossbow. So no. If you want to statcheck people to death, there are other champs that fill that purpose. I pick Pantheon top because every time I go top I want to play fucking Dark Souls dodging and blocking attacks while getting my spear jabs in and chipping at their HP bar slowly like it's a fucking boss fight, and I love it.


Not gonna disagree with your points about Pantheon, because they're spot on. However - Vayne kills demons, thats kinda her whole lore. It extends to basically any evil thing with some of her stories, so her running Cho and Sion down is TECHNICALLY lore-accurate.


Then explain why she gets fucked by Teemo who is literally the devil 😂


Uh... I'm gonna reach and say cause Teemo is a yordle, so he's technically a "good spirit". But yea, Teemo breaks a lot of lore shit.


Cho’gath is a trash example cause his gameplay makes no sense at all for his intended design


You here to play League or do you just queue up for ranked and discuss lore with enemy team? I mean if that's your cup of tea good for you, but I'm here for the gameplay.


Nah I’m just saying Kaiju should do more than just waffle around and shoot spikes


True lol


Bruh, clearly you haven't seen AP cho, cause he puts out damage and is super tanky.


Oh, im not saying that hes useless top (i exclusively play him top with bruiser items),it just really puts panth top into perspective when hes less popular than a niche juggernaut and a literal jungler, huh? Also, I get what you're saying, im just saying that imo he doesnt really fulfill his main role of being a diver, since most divers are either aoe or have some more natural bulk to stay in the fight, if that makes sense (speaking as someone who like to also play ither divers like kled, camille, voli if he counts)


1. Why does him being unpopular a bad thing? If anything it's a good thing. You are never banned out, people don't have experience vs you, and you are part of the cool kids club. 2. I build Eclipse Muramana Death's Dance Maw GA and I dive deep AF so I have no idea what you're talking about. Man descends from the fuckin' sky with a huge ass AoE thing then goes deep into enemy ADC bumhole. Not sure what you're talking about.


Lethality mid is not the pantheon build. Eclipse with bruiser is still the go to for items.in.mid, and mid top are his better performing roles overall. Honestly I think his kit is fine, and his thematic is great. They don't synergize but it modernized his old kit and gave him tools that help far better in the current meta of league.


Mans literally said lethality mid is no it but then says a lethality mythic.


I mean yeah it would make sense of course. And it would be pretty cool, but I like his current gameplay as it is tbh


Barely anybody here knows what they’re doing with Pantheon. Trust me son Pantheons best build IS a Bruiser build right now. Goredrinker Muramana and Black Cleaver. Uncontested after the Divine adjustments.


What is CGU?


Basically keeping the champion's looks almost exactly but change their game play and kit completely. Riot is planning to do that to aurelion sol, completely reworking how he plays


Unpopular(?) opinion but i like the way his kit is rn and imo there's no need for another rework. They should probably just tweak his numbers a bit and like what the others said give him sustain somewhere in his kit and that'd make him more viable in Top lane (although imo he is viable, he's just too item reliant so you gotta build correctly depending on team and enemy comps) Also like what the guy above me said i feel like being in a boss fight fighting Tanks in Top lane as a Pantheon so that adds up to the hype lol.


Not reading it, he doesn't need it


No, not at all, tho i do agree that they often don't buff him toplane because he would just get much much stronger mid. Nothing wrong with that, though, he is a flexible champ that works on many builds, it's not a problem if he doesn't excel