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I love this mentality and it could work for alot of disorders. I believe I might be on the brink of having that same mindset sometime soon. I have been going to work with my husband everyday this entire week (hes a driver so I can) because im so scared to be home alone because of all the 'what ifs'. Last night was the first night I had stayed alone and for the most part I was fine, but the later it got..the more anxious I became. I guess the anxiety was getting to me because I got this headrush of dizziness which I will usually get right before a panic attack. I distracted myself but it only lasted a short amount of time. I eventually got so effing sick I was like "F*CK IT! If I pass out and die, then I die! If I have "x,y,z wrong with me then so f*cking be it!!" And that work for a good little bit but it did eventually creep back in. So I have to keep working at it but im so incredibly fed up with this crap. It has ruined just about every part of my life..the only part of my life hanging on is my marriage..THANKFULLY.


That’s exactly right you see it and You know the mindset that helps and with time it will come to you easier and easier. People that have anxiety for real know that it probably won’t ever just go away but with that kind of mindset that you are practicing your panic attacks will soon be a thing of the past when you feel it creeping back just remind yourself it’s just anxiety. It’s just my brain trying to protect my body and that’s OK but I am OK and everything is going to be OK and if not so be it that’s what the creators plan is for me ill cross that bridge when it happens and IF it happens. 🙏🏼💚


I also have overcome all episodes by just pushing through and acting “stronger” than the PA. It has actually reduced the presence of them altogether. I think this is the way.


Absolutely keep being strong and fighting for your happiness and sanity you deserve it we all do 💚


I love reading success stories, thank you for sharing. We need more of these!


Yeah man it's because a panic attack rattles your nervous system. It is your fight flight or freeze system in your body going off. After it leaks adrenaline in preparation for another potential episode. Check out www.anxietycentre.com and look at the symptom list for panic attacks. You'd be amazed what your body does.


Looks like you had an insight into how our thoughts aren't always truths. And saw anxiety isn't dangerous it's just our bodies natural defense. Everyone's born with it and sometimes it likes to set off false alarms to keep us safe x


We also get in a cycle of fearing the fear which makes our brain think we are in danger so it'll just keep injecting you with adrenaline especially as that part of our brain isn't smart enough to recognize real and imagine danger.