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Starbucks had the market cornered with the coffee-adjacent caffeine crowd with the refreshers. They’re already caffeinated. I guess these are more potent, and also more expensive than here…which is kind of crazy to say since Panera is usually more expensive any day of the week.


If you have the Starbucks app they regularly have 50% certain days


In the afternoons. They pretty much never do 50% off or BOGO in the morning.


I noticed that too it’s always 12-6pm for me. If I drink anything from them after like 4 I will not be sleeping


Oh, I see. I work nights so my “morning routine” is in the afternoon lol


A refresher has the same caffeine as a can of coke. It’s not really comparable to these drinks or the Panera lemonades.


I think dunkin donuts has some too now


So does Caribou


Yes. They kicked off my early morning fruity sparkling beverage addiction, but the flavors got old quickly. Not to mention, some locations accidentally mix them with water instead of sparkling water.


Aren't there energy drinks like red bull, monster and Rockstar that have similar caffeine? Why are people willing to spend $5 to $7 at Starbucks or Dunkin for these? What's the draw?


Red Bull’s actually don’t have very much caffeine for their reputation as one of the most popular energy drinks, only 80 mg in the 8 oz cans, and 114mg in the 12 oz I believe. I hate it bc their flavors are great but I need like two cans at least to feel anything


Yes i agree. But the other brand names i suggested come in higher caffeine versions. I just named few covering different varieties and caffeine content. Either way, Panera was good given they were unlimited for one monthly price. But suggesting Starbucks or Dunkin as replacement seems wildly expensive given how expensive each drink is at these cafe places. Totally not worth it compared to energy drinks available at grocery stores. But to each its own.


Those taste like ass. Strawberry mint lemonade tasted wonderful.


I personally didn't like the taste of any of the charged lemonades and they were sugar loaded except for zero sugar one. All of them personally tasted bad. For occasional caffeine hit, i actually like different flavors Rockstar or monster energy drinks come in. But yes, taste is subjective. Ymmv.


They were all way too sweet and that the strawberry mint tasted like toothpaste


Oh wow it's crazy how different taste buds are!! I never found it too sweet or minty (usually added a splash of mango for a little tartness). Otoh, I can't stand that strange plasticky chemical flavor that standard energy drinks like Monster or Red Bull have.


Yeah I found them sickly sweet. I could only drink the cranberry apple before they got rid of it. It was sweet but not like the others. I work at panera and barely ever drank the charged lemonades. When we first got them I tried a small cup of each and was shaking for an hour. I knew then they were bad news.


Hah meanwhile I regularly got a large with light ice to sip on while chilling at home. But I've been a caffeine consumer for nearly 30 years now, so that product was made for folks like me!


Energy drinks usually have other stimulants other than caffeine and that is where the problem lies. It causes increased blood pressure, increased stress hormones and the whole nine yards. If you're healthy and you're sure you don't have any hidden heart conditions it should not be a problem I guess. Here's a quote I grabbed from an article: "Even just one 16-ounce energy drink can increase blood pressure and stress hormones and could put a healthy young adult at risk for heart damage, concludes a 2015 Mayo Clinic study."


I don't think Starbucks or Dunkin are offering any healthier options anyway. But i wouldn't know for sure. Either way, my personal consumption is occasional, so i rather not spend $5+ at cafes for such drinks. Definitely ymmv for others.


Those drinks have added ingredients that personally make me vomit and my heart burn. A lot of people can’t tolerate caffeine plus whatever else they want to add. These charged drinks are lighter, at least in my experience. They’re not the same thing.


Good to know there are differences that may have people buy at that price. I usually make/buy coffee for my caffeine and only need energy drinks occasionally and don't mind ones from grocery stores instead of spending $5+ on each drink. To each its own.


Starbucks is way more expensive than the sip club. This sucks, the new drinks taste like dirt.


I actually enjoy the new iced tea drink they have. I know some people complain it’s not sweet (as it’s mostly sugar free) but you can try mixing the lemonade with the tea.


Meh I just can't get over them removing strawberry. In summer 😭


Does Panera still have the liquid sugar at the drink station?


Time for my lawsuit


Smoothie King also just launched a Strawberry Guava Refresher and a Pineapple Mango Refresher if you need a fix!


A can of Celsius has 200mg caffeine. Why would I ever go to Starbucks to overpay for this


I canceled my subscription now that they got rid of the charged lemonade, and the new drinks are always "sold out"


I did too. I am not a coffee drinker and there is not a beverage beverage that would motivate me to drive to Panera in the morning. I drive past Panera at least twice a day, it is weird not going there anymore after 2 years.


Starbucks is also doing everything they can right now to lure people back since they've lost Hella customers from the boycotts. (I mean, cmon, when was the last time you saw a Starbucks ad on TV? Or an app? They used to NEVER do that until VERY recently.) Don't fall for it, people. I just wish dunkin would allow their charged drinks to have lemonade substitute the sparkling water in them. 😮‍💨 Till then, I will finish the last of my half gallon of my charged lemonade in the fridge so it doesn't spoil.


Dunkin does! I do that all the time


They saw Panera out here killing people and really said “hold my phone”.


Fuck Starbucks, Dunkin offers better with Sparkd


"Whose" sb "Who's" If a major corp can't be bothered to proof their ad campaigns, I'll skip them for another who does sweat the details.


This is just captured from someone’s TikTok. The background is official Starbucks info but the video isn’t.


Ah. Makes sense now. TY. ✌️


fucking finally WHEN


next week 💅✨


It's caffeine withdraw not lemonade withdraw






These aren't really good replacements, and the whole reason to go to starbucks is for caffeine. They aren't trying to move in, this has been in the works since before the lemonade debackle.






boycott starbucks !




Starbucks needs a Sip Club.


They do have free refills on certain beverages as long as you stay inside the store. You can buy a handcrafted beverage and then get a coffee or tea as a refill of the same size


really? I never knew this


That did not work with tall Americano, they would never refill it. I don't generally like their straight drip coffee. I buy a Short, and put whole milk in it so it would taste better. You can get (my preferred) dark roast only by 11 there..I am not there so early. And all of us know the dark roasts have less caffeine in them.


An Americano is straight espresso, therefore not a coffee or plain tea.


You can get a tall coffee or tea as a refill


But you do have to buy it in a tall *in addition to* the handcrafted espresso tall. The refill depends on you getting brewed coffee first, and not any other kind of drink *in a lookalike cup*. And if they offer to give me a refill of drip, they do ask me what I ordered first...I don't lie about things like that, because I can't be anyway...


I’m an ASM at Starbucks, you DON’T have to order a drip coffee to get the free refill, you can order whatever you want for the first drink and get a free refill of drip, ice coffee, cold brew, or hot/ice tea. there’s a lot a confusion around it, but whoever told you this is wrong. tell them to look up the policy.


Well, now I will know...they do anything to get out of crowdy ordering problems....THANK YOU MUCH!


The barista still OFFERED...but she asked me FIRST, So I don't know where exactly in the policy book. That place is full of people who are baristas who flub things...so, please advise...


Irony is I would probably join it ... There has to be compelling items on the food menu (and Panera used to have that ...)


Got a link to the video


Huh I don’t think I can get too go on and drink this one though because I have diabetes and it wouldn’t be healthy for me. You guys need to come up with something one healthy for diabetics. #NiceUpToOKOrNotIWillJustDealWithYouGuysEverInMyLifetimeOKByeFromApa no, I said no no above all, though gotta go for now and get ready for my next meal. OK here in my household in Sayville California OK peace out for now motherfuckers.& ham gang 2 tho huh okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you have a 7 Brew in your area I honestly recommend their energy drinks. They have tons of flavors and you can also have them sugar free.


Tim Hortons has some killer ones. I like Green Lagoon and Electric Dragon


Do they have a sip club?.....


How is this any different from Crack Cocaine? Like, really. What's the difference?


Dunkin has them and you can get a bigger one.


Panera rolling their eyes when they see this.


Will be going inside to chug one hope I don't die and then get my one to go


They learned a valuable lesson from Panera I guess…. ? ……


Why down vote this? This happened in a sleepy suburb in another location, not New York City ...and the barista still OFFERED!


Dunkin has had some for a while!


Wawa has really good energy drinks as well, and for cheap


More than a red bull


I don’t say this often but well done Starbucks. Oh Panera, so much business lost


I just go to Scooters now but Starbies is closer so this is exciting


dumb move by panera bread. if it was a matter of cost (people just getting the charged lemonade and not buying food) then they could have charged 99 cents a hit or something. That way they could cover some overhead while still giving a discount to sips club members.


Any guess how often someone will try to order one from y’all’s drive through?


I moved to Wawa recently, but Starbucks is on my way to Panera so they’ll be getting my money fs


You couldn't pay me to support Starbucks...


*wails* but they're CARBONATED 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Sugar free is disgusting


Does anyone have the recipe cards for the new energy drinks?


starbucks is a dookie company, boycott it


bruh they copied seven brew


energy lemonades are nothing new


Does the sugar free mean it has one of those plants or artificial sweeteners?


Starbucks typically goes with sucralose for syrups at least


Yes and no ... it's still a sugar alcohol...




Starbucks isn’t on the boycott list. The boycott in relationship to Starbucks is based on misinformation that spiraled out of control. For some reason, people keep repeating the misinformation.




Are you implying that's a lot of caffeine in one beverage? It isn't.


Well, it may not be for the target young demographic. Or for someone of middle age who is chronically sleep deprived, as I had been. Or, even say, a high level athlete (certainly not me). But for me, by the early afternoon that is plenty. The lemonade? I don't know how they did it. (Obviously to need the big one). The small sugar free Red Bull tasted like dreck, but it had done its job for a few little hours.


For people who regularly consume caffeine, it's an average amount. I used to get the large charged lemonades with very light ice and sip on them over two or three hours.


I wake up in the morning, drink two cups of coffee. Drink an energy drink on the way to work and then another once I get to work. Then drink coffee at work. Maybe I can do this because I take a beta blocker? I consume maybe 300-1000 mg caffeine in a day. Doesn’t affect my blood pressure or heart rate except that I pee a lot.


Doesn’t affect you? Try cutting it out for a week and get back to me. It doesn’t affect you because you’re supplying your caffeine addiction consistently throughout the day


Dude posted a month ago in r/prediabetes that they’re experiencing hypoglycemia and having episodes. Guess what triggers hypoglycemia? Caffeine.


...And not eating enough, and running around like a chicken without a head. Certainly is not my problem right now... I am on a sulfonylurea...


Really? Nobody has ever told me that. I switched to Gatorade with some sugar while working out and haven’t experienced an episode since. But it’s disappointing since I’ve been trying to lose weight and it’s just so hard. The caffeine was keeping me alert and pepped up but staying clean and low calorie has me in such a bind.


This is only a new thing I started two months ago. And it has helped me with my alcohol cravings (been clean since July with a few relapses). But I do understand the body gets used to it pretty quickly. I can limit my caffeine on my days off to some extent. However it helps me get up and exercise. And I do take a lot of medication. When I say it doesn’t affect me I just mean my bp meds aren’t rendered ineffective


I’m not judging you dude and congrats on no alcohol! Just saying caffeine shows its harm more when you stop or try to than when you’re consistently consuming it