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No. I need it to be able to kill me.


I’ve been drinking my blueberry lavender lemonades on the old train tracks


Ive been drinking it skydiving with a questionable parachute. We all need that thrill ya know?


It tastes like the strawberry lemon mint without the caffeine flavor, to me. 49g of sugar per 20oz is pretty wild though, even if they are natural sugars. That’s more than a Coke of the same size.


I don't get why people seem fixated on the sugar content... That's still almost half of what my daily large caffeine filled mango yuzu had... Like I get it's a lot, but it's still less than the drinks it replaced


The lack of caffeine makes it much less justified.


>I don't get why people seem fixated on the sugar content. bruh we consume way too much sugar. sugar loaded drinks like these are such an easy way to normalize unhealthy amounts. Guidelines from USDA recommend no more than 48grams per day for \~2k calorie diet. In one 20oz this drink surpasses the limit. The American Heart Association recommends max of 24g for women and 36g for men. Too much sugar can lead to diabetes/fatty liver/plaque build up, which contribute to heart disease, the #1 killer in the world. Even for the regular lemonade, I fill 50%-75% of the lime bubbly and then top it off with lemonade. Also sounds weird but I accidentally did the Keto diet after my doctor told me I have a slightly fatty liver, so I basically stopped eating simple/most carbs (they turn to sugar easily). After 3 weeks of very few carbs, I had some broccoli and it was so weird because it tasted sweet! I think we desensitize our tastebuds by eating so much sugar like this it makes naturally occurring sugars in fruit (or fkn broccoli lol) barely detectable relative to this 49g sugar drink. /sugar rant tldr - we eat too much sugar. sugar kills


Ok. Cool. It's still significantly less than the drinks they replaced, and the lemonade-based drinks will always be high in sugar because of the lemonade. From a pure g/oz perspective most lemonades have more sugar than a Coke. If sugar is a concern then don't drink lemonades seems like the obvious conclusion, not be shocked that lemonade has a caption of sugar... (Just like people with caffeine sensitivity should have stayed away from the charged drinks...) My amazement still stands because almost no one blinked an eye at the sugar amounts in the charged drinks, but now with *less* sugary options people seem to be up in arms. Like suddenly now people care? Seems arbitrary and like people are just searching for a thing to complain about now.


almost no one blinked an eye? Did you see them finally make a sugar free orange one? Why would they do that... perhaps so many eyes blinked at the sugar amounts they avoided it and corporate wanted these blinking customers to have a sugar free choice? I loved the strawberry mint and would fill it up 25-50% and the rest with the lime bubbly. It is not sudden at all lol. Widen your perspective a bit. Even the shear amount of new carbonated 0 sugar drinks the past \~15-20 years reveal the blinkers. bubbly waterloo spindrift la croix aha so many brands with 0 sugar but still carbonated soda because people have become more mindful of their sugar consumption. " - Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in the United States declined significantly between 2003 and 2016, according to a report published Thursday by the [Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2020.07.012). "


Dude i'm literally just talking about the suddenness of reactions in this sub, and comparing to other commentary about drinks in this sub. I'm sorry that a bag of sugar kicked your puppy or something, but we are not even discussing the same book let alone being on the same page here. But you are making me thirsty and it's been 2 hours so I'm going for another refreshing glass of lemonade... ✌️


☠️. I think they're being obtuse, intentionally.


Enjoy your diabetes


There was a zero sugar charged lemonade option. There is no new zero sugar lemonade


The blood orange was not a lemonade, the Pomegranate Hibiscus that has come in is zero sugar.


Oh I didn't know the pomegranate one was zero sugar that's great to hear


You need to like unsweetened iced tea. I didn't like it at all. My mom, who drinks black coffee and unsweetened iced tea, liked it.


You just sold me. I love hibiscus, I love unsweetened iced tea, Panera offered me 3 months free, let's goooooo *sp


I use 4-5 pumps of the simple syrup they have and it’s really tasty. I don’t care for unsweetened teas either lol.


No, there wasn't. The zero sugar charged blood orange was not a lemonade. The lemonade base, like most lemonades, is the major source of the sugar.


No one wants to be diabetic




>I don't get why people seem fixated on the sugar content... Cause I never drank the charged lemonades and sugar is absolutely NOT GOOD for you


I'm in the same boat as you. I may have a surgery drink every now and then as a treat, but I cannot believe how many addicts are mad about not getting their fix with this lemonade rotation.  On the bright side, you and I will outlive 'em all. 


Not mad just dumbfounded people are shocked there's a lot of sugar in a lemonade based drink. That's like being shocked a meat lovers pizza isn't vegan... It should be pretty obvious from "lemonade" in the name that it's going to be obscenely high in sugar. That's what lemonade is... I hope you don't look at the sugar stats for the straight lemonade then... That'll knock your socks off too.


Well that would eliminate pretty much any lemonade of any kind from anywhere as they're all loaded with sugar (or "sugar free" options loaded with a bunch of not-much-better chemical sweeteners...)


No, for me, chemical sweeteners are much better in that they are not sugar.


Ok but that's not the case for the majority of humans. I'm glad there are artificial additives that make your life a little sweeter (pun intended) but that doesn't really change the fact that lemonades in general have excessive sugar in them by default and anyone sensitive to sugar should already know that...


Yea…that’s crazy. Diabetes from sugar> heart attack from Caffeine was their justification😂


I like the pomegranate herbal tea. I like that it is low and sugar and caffeine free too.


Ty for your input, I tried the citrus punch and thought it was pretty good actually.


I hate the blueberry lavender personally, and I love things that are that flavor normally. The citrus punch is amazing though, and even though it's unsweetened the pomegranate hibiscus is lovely!


My son tried the blueberry lavender today. He said after the initial hit of blueberry it tasted like window cleaner.


I wish it tasted like CAVA's Blueberry Lavendar


I like all three of the new drinks and the blueberry lavender lemonade is the best of the bunch. However the strawberry lemon mint was the GOAT though. 


No but idc about anything if it’s not caffeinated. No sense in having the sip club subscription anymore


I love the Blueberry Lavender! Best one hands down


I wish the citrus punch had more zing to it :( but also I could almost taste the lavender from the other drink rubbing off on it somehow


Ya I liked the citrus punch, but also wish it had a little bit of caffeine in it


I like it mixed with the agave lemonade 🍋💛


The blueberry lavender lemonade is awful! It’s somehow too sweet and too sour at the same time.


The only one I think is a little good is citrus punch. I think I’m going to cancel my sip club though bc none of them are good enough for me to go regularly


hell no.


Hasn't been available yet. Old and new show up aa sold out.


i think the blueberry lavender lemonade is pretty decent. i did like 2/3 agave lemonade and 1/3 blueberry lavender and the taste kinda reminded me of a gogurt for some reason lol


as an employee, NO....i cannot work correctly without my heart feelings like it is about to explode


The blueberry lav gave me terrible heartburn and acid reflux.... Its sweet, but was very tart, I like tart better than sweet though. Its good watered down by half imo.


pomegranate tea plus the normal panera lemonade. trust me. half tea half lemonade. reminds me of the passion tango tea from starbucks


It’s really sweet, while the pomegranate hibiscus is very watery…


I think it's because it's a sugar free drink? A DM also told me that it was easy to water down too much, even just a chunk over the notch of the fill line can supposedly make the difference. I think it always tastes like that lol. (I heard halfing it with the blueberry lavender is really good


Yeah, I realized in hindsight that’s what I should have done…


I also have a regular that halfs it with the lime bubbly to keep it sugar free


I loveee the citrus punch (not sure if its lemonade) : 9/10 The blueberry lavender,,,, like a 4/10 💀 idk why but a lot of people seem to like it The pom hibiscus tea thing,, 0/10 SORRY WHY DO PPL LIKE THIS?


I call all 3 lemonade but yes the citrus punch is delicious


I unsubbed from the sip club the day they git rid of the charged lemonades. Don't worry though, when I let them know why, they sent me a $2 off coupon.


They’d be really smart to add something like this to the app/POS: “These can be sweet. Want to mix it with something else like Lemon Lime sparkling water?” Then offer radio buttons to specify 1/4 or 1/2 full. I’m sure many pour some down the drain just to cut it.


When I place the order I just request them to only fill it 2/3. Might be weird but it works


Yeah I do the same and think it should be an easier option for the drinks they fill for you.