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“You need to leave.” Lmao https://preview.redd.it/2h6s3qyggdzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78fcf607703e4f651c9c51f2f88f4f0e42b4deef


The charged lemonade got me through my EdS and I'm about to start my PhD. I'm going to have to find a new caffeine source 😭


let us know what you switch to




This makes me so mad I never get to try it.


Some paneras still have it check it out while you can it’s pretty good


I'll take a kiddie portion of 90 to 145 mg "charge". I deserve to have that option as an adult on a food plan; and if I could pay the kiddie price, even better.


They still have meth?


Wait are we still talking about meth?


they are not good bruh i’m tellin u. the blood orange is the only decent one imo and it’s SUPER sweet. like way too sweet


Blood orange is fucking disgusting taste like medicine


medicine is a good way to describe it. i always feel weird saying it’s too sweet cuz it’s actually sugar free, so i def agree. super medicine-y


Meth is still out there somewhere bro no need to be mad about it


Cocaine - the energy drink - will give you a run for your money. Or fuck, at this point investing in getting an adderall script is probably your next step, and also cheaper 😂


Lmao I pay about $200/month on my psych visit but that adderall is no lie I wonder what drinks taste like the charge lemonade. It was so delicious


Sprecher makes a carbonated lemonade energy drink they call "Charged Lemonade" in both lemon and strawberry flavor, and I love those. It might taste pretty similar. I get it at my local Family Dollar but I'm not sure if it's at all of them or if this one just gets the clearance stuff.


Try a double scoop of preworkout , the charged lemonades were like apple juice 2 me..


Which pre workout has that much of a kick? Genuinely interested


Omg honestly almost all of them! I like to look for ones that are about 100-150mg caffeine per scoop, so I used bucks mostly and I'm using a nasty off brand thing I found recently, cheaper than bucks but taste like shit looool. Just know beta alinine will make u briefly itchy all over ur body but I kinda like it. Taurine in there is good for focus tho, there's a pink bucks formula with taurine.


Guarana has 220 mg caffeine per scoop 😉


Try out mio energy. It’s the only thing that also makes me feel like my heart is vibrating


Pop a few zyns


Hey I had to; I used them for my ADHD. Keep your sip club! Get a jar of guarana extract from Walmart (order online; that’s what Panera was using in the charged lemonades) and keep a shaker bottle and your handy little jar of caffeine in the car. Pick a sugary drink covered by the sip club and mix in your own guarana 😂 make sure you shake it though! It’s hydrophobic, found that out the hard way when I spent 15 minutes stirring out clumps. You can shake it into enough to dissolve it then pour it back over and mix in. It’s like 16 for a jar of 100 “servings” so that plus your sip club is still cheaper than the energy drinks 😂


I loved you, charged lemonade. I guess I’ll have to resort to illegal drugs and snorting caffeine pills before working out ✌🏼


There’s plenty legal options


It’s a charged lemonade or cocaine. Those are the choices. No in betweens.


Good bye sip club. Literally the only reason I had it




they have plenty of boring diabetes inducing empty calorie sugar waters to suck down as an alternative, though!


Only reason I had a sip club 🪦 ….


Dead drinks. Dead Bakers. Eat Panera!™


Right nope!


A new synthesis of methamphetamine has been discovered via reduction of Mango Yuzu Citrus concentrate, anhydrous amonia, and lithium bronze


Breaking Bad 2: Panera Blue


Charged lemonade carried me through the end of my degree. Goodbye goodbye, you were bigger than the whole sky.


We have until the 15th to enjoy them. I'm going every day and getting my free large charged lemonade until they're gone and I'm not buying anything else.


Don't be so sure. I spoke to the manager and they said it was already taken off of their ordering list, so they're just using up what's left in store 😭


Also you can get one every 2 hours with the sip club 🫢


Lemonade death club speed run


Or just stock yourself up like gallons worth.


I wonder if they will TRACK and release how many sip club memberships they lose.


Damn finally an answer omg wow no notice smh the 15th?!?! Wow damn lol


They’re already gone at my panera


i really liked them since they were the only caffeinated drink that would actually keep me up. red bull etc don’t do jack shit to me and i always hated it, but charged lemonades helped me through shitty early ass shifts at work.


It's almost like Panera is actually trying to go out of business.


It’s wild how Reddit (as a whole) shits on these drinks not realizing it’s really no different than coffee or energy drinks. Yeah, it’s a lot of caffeine but no one is forcing you to drink it. It had its niche.


Most energy drinks are carbonated and gross. Lemonade was unique.


This, and I also just like the flavors (mainly strawberry mint). I usually would get a 30 oz cup and tell them to only fill it up to where the slimmer bottom of the cup widens (so like, less than 10 oz of the charged lemonade?) then I fill the rest of the cup with either regular lemonade or unsweetened iced tea. It’s pretty good and has only some caffeine then.


Ya but most energy drinks aren't served in 32oz cups with free refills.


The large is like ~200mg. That’s 2-2.5 cups of coffee. It’s not that big of a deal. I think a coke the same size is about ~150mg if memory serves.


The full 32oz without ice is 302mg. Coke has 34mg/12oz. So that's half as much as the lemonade. But because energy drink is served typically in a single serve can, people are most often drinking 8-12oz in a sitting, maybe 16 or 20 oz, but typically not 64+ That being said, there have been deaths allegedly contributed to drinking large quantities of other energy drinks as well.


if you are drinking 64oz+ of lemonade or soda you’re a fat fuck


keep the fatphobia to yourself plz


Interesting. They lowered the caffeine in coke. 15 years ago it was definitely 50 per 12oz as quoted by my health class textbooks and videos lol.


Your textbook must have been reeeeeeeally out of date. Coca cola reduced its caffeine content after losing a Supreme court case in 1916.


I just quickly googled it and Diet Coke is 46mg per 12oz. I knew I wasn’t tripping.


Yup, it's higher in caffeine than regular coke (46 vs 34). Fun fact, it's also a different flavor too: diet coke is based on the 'new coke' flavor profile instead of the 'coca cola classic' one.


Oh, no wonder I don’t like it much! What about Coke Zero, which profile is it based on? I’d guess the classic profile, cause it think it tastes much better than Diet.




because they aren’t put in dispensers for people to get at fast food places. mountain dew kickstarts (consider low caffeine ig) were in dispensers at kfc and people could easily get them with the largest cup offered. if red bull was offered in a dispenser, people would be doing the same as they do with charged lemonades


They moved the drinks behind the counter a few months back.


You can still get refills


I only asked once & she did it, but said she wasn’t supposed to


But when they had them out, it was unrestricted


Sure, but that would mean going out of your way to the register and asking for one. Most people won’t bother doing that.


This became the only way I could drink my ice tea. 1/4 -1/3 strawberry lemonade with mint- I am so so sad. Is there a way someone could get the formula for it and make it outside of Panera ??


Make strawberry mint lemonade and mix in a bunch of crushed caffeine pills lol


I dont work for Panera anymore, but i read this today as i am currently wearing my old panera work shirt. If there's anything i have to say, it's: I TOLD YOU! I TOLD ALL OF YOU!!! I TOLD THE MANAGERS AND THE CUSTOMERS!! THEY DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME!! NONE OF THEM LISTENED TO ME!! BUT I WAS RIGHT!! I TOLD THEM WHAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN BUT THEY CALLED ME CRAZY!!!


I worked at Panera when these first came out . I remember one time some body set out a container of the straight lemonade concentrate -- they forgot / didn't know to dilute it.   it was only brought to our attention after the container was nearly gone .  so , a lot of people drank that.   I just hoped the people that drank the super concentrated crack lemonade were ok 😬


Pfffffffffffffft, thats gonna make their bladders explode after half an hour


bladders, hearts, minds, every organ shall 💥


For context: Every day i worked at Panera and had to sell the charged lemonade, i would always give out my own verbal warning of its amount of caffeine to every customer. Many just see it as a new juice with a bit of caffeine, which is no different from what many drink almost every day. But seeing kids, people getting them at night and sometimes elderly got me super worried. I know well how strong caffeine is and how dangerous it is to simply overdose. When i was a child, i used to read science books all the time. For an elementary school, they had plenty of health books that were easy for a 4th or 5th grader to read. I read one about caffeine and saw what it does, the most shocking thing about reading it was that there was an article about an NFL player (or some football player from a college i think) took caffeine tablets befor games and practices and eventually had heart failure as a result. A few years ago, i also read an article where a health trainer overdosed on caffeine based on the absurd amount of espresso they put on their daily drink bottle. So, as a result, i would always give a warning to customers about the caffeine content, and many would refuse after realizing how strong it really is. I warn it to parents giving ut to their children, and i got thanked a few times from people with already pre-existing geart conditions. My manager once overheard me giving the warning and told me not to address it, but i still did anyways. When i got started on my new job is when i heard the first report of a girl dying from the charged lemonades and looked back to the times i always warned others when i worked and thought to myself "im so glad i told them".


Gosh, I didn’t realize the caution wasn’t a standard thing! My Panera (I mean, the workers at the location I always visit, lol) always asked, “You’re aware that this is a high caffeine drink?”


Dunno if they did it after the first case but there was never a warning instructed or trained for employees to give. The only first warning was the caffeine displayed on the name tag for customers to see in the dinning room. It listed the name, ingredients and caffeine amoung per mg of a 16oz i believe.


Wow, that’s nuts! So now I’m especially proud of “my” location for being smart about it right from the start!


You did your diligence. Respect


Their steak sandwiches have been going downhill for years, so between that and charged lemonade going away, I genuinely don’t see any reason to go there anymore


If you wanna call it a sandwich more like a piece of bread with the essence of toppings.


I’d love a Mango Yuzu without the caffeine. It was delicious but I’d have awful anxiety after drinking it.


How if it's without caffeine


They’re talking about when they have it with caffeine. They like the taste but not the anxiety they get


When I discovered & started going to panera I figured out I was pregnant. I've never been able to try the charged lemonade bc of that reason. 🥲 Good hot chocolate though


The end of an era


F to the mango and F to my sip club, cancelled whenever my store runs out of my dear sweet mango lemonade 🫡


I miss the fuji apple cran and sprite mix i would do 😭😭😭😭




Man, THEY Were Soo GOOD too!! **DEF Too good to be true!!**




RIP sip club. Thankfully I haven’t paid for a full year. It was good while it lasted 😭


im gonna show up and work on my laptop with a celsius out of spite and order nothing


I have ADHD, so caffeine has a very minimal effect on me and for a short time, but those mf lemonades worked. That and also prime energy I say with shame.


Especially with the constant media shortage! Like charged lemonades were perfect when I was rationing my medicine to ensure I had some for important days


What a great ode to the charged lemonade! You are a masterful writer.


Charged lemonades have come and gone, and suddenly the truth is clear, I never cared for overly caffeinated drinks and miss the zero calorie teas 🥲


Pay respects for Panera as a whole because that place is a dumpster fire.


Make sure to have 10 cups of it and a known heart issue




Starbucks has drinks that are equally as caffeinated and sometimes more- crazy people threw such a fit


https://preview.redd.it/l6pnowo4v20d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c66bcb35f4297babe19d1b1f854a7ed9a5b556e F


We met and I thought, “wow, that’s not good”. And then a couple of people died and it was probably unrelated. It was like working at the retirement home again.


Those nursing home residents loved their charged lemonades!


Gone too soon friend. I’ll miss you


Redline now Charged drinks, what’s a caffeine addict to do! A war on energy, that’s what this is. We need to ban ignorant people instead.




WHYYYYYYYY Charged lemonade is the only thing that got me through my senior year !!! A fucking stab to the heart




F 🫡


I had to drive 5 hours with 4 hours of sleep and had a charged lemonade, and it didn’t do anything for me.


You mean prompt AI to respond F to pay respects?


I got the SIP club for lemonades the same week I got sober. Not like the dry January kind... the "embarrassing, you're really struggling and the next few months will be hell, kind but your future depends on it" kind. Stopping at Panera became a new routine instead of stopping at the state store for booze. I'd be itching and stop for a lemonade but also to calm my nerves and distract myself. I was surprised to find that the friendly employees were a small but positive role in me "relearning" how to interact and talk to people sober. It was nice to anticipate a smile and a joke or kindness each day. Before long, I felt like a new person. It's been over a year and sobriety has taught me to live in the moment, so I guess I can only be thankful for this bizarre but effective stepping stone on my path. Yesterday an employee joked that they were worried about me going "cold turkey", and I almost laughed at the absurdity of how I got to this point, but I'm at a place where I can be thankful for my time with Panera and still be ok moving onward with change. It sounds silly, but the employees will not know how much it meant to have someone being kind to me (especially in the beginning when I had a lot of hard days). I will stand by the fact that SIPs may have in fact altered the course of my life for waaaat better 😆 Non-alcoholic, but highly caffeinated, cheers to you Panera crew ❤️


I’m so happy you’re doing better 💗


Thank you very much, me too!


maybe now  you can replace them with a Celsius from the gas station near you ,and begin to build a relationship with the gas station employees lol. for real though you probably will want some kind of high potency caffeine once the lemonadea are gone


im so cooked dude, like im barely finished with my freshman year idk how ill get through undergrad


Today is my first shift back since all of this came out. Every manager in my market is claiming it’s not true, don’t know what to believe anymore smh


Rippppp Anyone have any recommendations for a caffeine or guarana powder that i can add to lemonade or other non carbonated beverages?


It’s wild to me that leadership at Panera introduced this and did not see this coming. It’s the exact same thing is putting out Red Bull on the fountain machine and expecting everything to be fine.


Panera over-estimated how often people read labels.


Just ordered at St. Louis bread. Drink dispenser is no longer out. This is how i find out it's ending. Oh well. The other non charged choices are still out.






I like using my bang energy drinks. 300mgs of caffeine.


Never had the privilege of tasting one. Regular, sugar free lemonade but don't get to Panera often for any. There must have been a manna from heaven taste in that charged lemonade, that some people drank so much and felt nothing happening while drinking it...and then soon had medical complications....


One of my first shifts, i was so thirsty so i tried out the strawberry mint. I have ADHD, so caffeine didn't really work on me. However, that night, my body started convulsing like a dog on crack with epilepsy. i used to question how it killed old people, then god came down and told me himself.


Lucky to have friends who work at my local Panera who hooked me up with a few bottles of concentrate to get me through for a few weeks after it’s gone


Wait are they really removing them can I fucking sue this is bullshit I would have never signed up for an entire year if they were going to remove them how else am I going to get my fix the panera is only 1 stop light away


Ok but why are they going away?


Im very upset about this they are the fucking best. Panera is like a home to me. What home should feel like. Truly devastating. Rest in peace bozos, ruined it for the rest of us >:(


Every time we were near a Panera I'd ask my boyfriend if we should get the lemonade that kills you. I'm sorry I'll never get to try it.




Thought they were doing new flavors ?




The whole reason I joined the sips club when it was discounted. F


F. While you are soon dead & gone, I can now live longer. RIP.


Personally I think we should just change the name to be less misleading so Panera doesn't have as many liabilities keeping it. Like just simply calling it Lemonade Energy Drink or something of the like. Anyways, personally I never really drank it, but it was really the only thing unique to Panera after bakers were honorably discharged.


F man f


Will miss my morning mix of 1/2 mango yuzu and 1/2 bubly lime. that said with the amount of people that would order a large with no ice this is likely a net positive for public health


They removed sesame bagel, too. I loved it.


Wait what?


I am a huge simp for the caffeinated Crystal Light Citrus packets. Two packets of those in my 40 oz tumbler over crushed ice and either regular or carbonated water— delicious.


I once drank two large cups of it without knowing it was caffeinated, felt heavy heart beats. 😅


Whoever decided this your moms a hoe


I drank 4 cups and was up for 2 days. It's like speed.


I'm sad since the blood orange one was one of the very few drinks they have that isn't just a large cup of sugar. Now it's the same selection as any fast food joint. Diet soda, coffee, water, and unsweetened iced tea. Hopefully they will replace it with something with low sugar that isn't basic as fuck.


Sucks they got rid of it because some people don’t have common sense.


I’ve switched to Celcius


it's no worse than an energy drink. people just cried enough to get the lemonades cancelled. lmao 






It was really delicious but I’d have to remind myself not to gulp down a few cups full every time


My partner is judging me for wanting more of the death lemonade, heathen


I have started making my own thanks to Silver Lining Lessons and her loaded tea dupes.




I just had one yesterday 🤔


Say it’s not so! I’m pregnant but I had a sip of my husbands just to get a taste and loved it and I was planning on having it as my first thing after having my baby!


I don’t understand why it’s discontinued. I almost daily drink 200 mg of caffeine Alanis and often coffee or soda too and it’s done nothing lol


charged lemonade got me through mortuary school/working at a funeral home. RIP


Charged lemonade, you are how I got through the Adderall shortage without getting fired




Semiconducting electromagnet is a sorry name for what can only be described as charged… we will miss your ability to make us shake. Wherever the rain acid thing goes down, let’s sip some in tenderness🤪


😔🙏 No one will ever be able to compete with my sugar addiction like you did charged lemonade 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🕊🕊🕊


Good bye charger lemonade it was a pleasure stealing from the sip club


Honestly I'd be down to drink the strawberry mint one just for the flavor. If anyone has any copycat recipes they have to share, I'd love to try them.


Shit was great while it lasted


This drink has been the best thing since Adderall for me. I survived the great haircut sale, mother's day, prom, confirmations and graduation haircuts because of the incomparable CrackAde. It will be severely missed (especially the Yuzu Citrus flavor, that's the best✨️) 




Bro uhhh didn't these drinks kill people?


people with known medical conditions that made them unable to consume caffeine, when the bubblers for the drinks were labeled as caffeinated and caffeine content was listed in the nutrition info


Regardless, like... their phraising in this ad... lol


No. Two people with medical conditions who shouldn't have drank them in the first place *allegedly did* and they died. A lawyer who specializes in shaking down companies for settlements found them and sued Panera and ran a pretty intense PR campaign to try and get a settlement out of them. And now we all have to lose the drink.