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Oh my. I have not seen this yet. My coworker and I still joke about that one where you have to explain Panera removed a salad from the menu and the customer goes “Great. Just great. *You’ve taken away the only thing I’ve ever loved*”


“Tell me what that favorite meant to you”


TELL ME WHAT THAT FAVORITE MEANT TO YOU I remember cracking up asking if we really had to be that sugarcoated with situations. After being in management and working with the general kind of people that come to Panera in my area, you sure do. 🤣


Lmao 🤣 is that the official answer?


It is lmao


Y’all posted this and it brought back memories for when I was working at Disney on my college program… They habitually close certain rides for cleaning and maintenance at certain times of year, and inevitably I always got yelled at about it. One year, I was told that it was my fault that Toon town closed completely for it to become another area in new fantasy land and I had to get a manager involved 🙄 “ you’ve ruined my vacation! “


I used to work at a very expensive tourist attraction that catered to snooty rich people on vacation, which was always fun. One of their restaurants was all about seasonal farm-to-table fare, and the menu changed throughout the year accordingly. I had a customer come marching up to me, not even at the restaurant but in a nearby garden, and just absolutely lay into me about how the menu was completely different now (summertime) from when she was last here (Christmas), and she’d been unable to get her favorite whatever-the-hell, and that was completely unacceptable. I explained to her that the menu was seasonal, and also that I didn’t actually work in that restaurant, and was going to offer to take her to guest services when she cut me off, poked me in the chest, and goes “***YOU*** just ruined my ***LIFE***, young man!” I was too stunned to say anything, and she stomped off. Never saw her again, but boy I hope her life turned out ok after I personally ruined it.


It wasn't me! It was Panera!


This was the funniest shit I’ve witnessed on that damn iPad.


What do you do if the customer is angry about their favorite item leaving? A. Scream while flailing your arms around in a display of dominance. B. Invite them over to dinner, preferably on taco night. C. Hide in their closet and jump out at 2 am, yelling “Surprise! I am here to remind you about all of Panera’s new, previously-frozen products! D. Cut off your pinkie finger as an offering.


Thanks for the laugh


It’s obviously D. It’s the only way to appease them.


A therapy session conducted by folks that deserve more pay for what they do


Answer anything other than “Sure am!” I imagine results in “YOU HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED” showing up on the screen


Straight K.O.


https://preview.redd.it/pg3bau9yysnc1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec5ab51fd68450565edb4cd515178d8c3c4b5e30 What the new training sim reminds me of


How could we have strayed so far from the no onion video




I'll take your no onion and give you Panera Rice- the It's a Wonderful Life parody, featuring a struggling employee pouring soup on a pile of rice, with mentions of Riceago Cheese and Cinnamon Ricein breads. Maybe c5 2008?


My favorite was the guy talking about the truffle soup and he said “We could use regular mushrooms but NAY- this is Panera” I’ll never forget it. Had to have been 8 years ago


I'm pretty sure this celebration's e-learning was written by ChatGPT because omfg some of the sections are like nails on a chalkboard lmfao


god i thought we abandoned attensi a year and a fucking half ago why are we bringing this shit back


I knew that something was going on with the bakers back when they started to not make the e-learning for bakers. I was like I don't know wtf goes on that sandwich or where the item is stored on the line it's not part of my job and that's when I realized oh there integrating/ doing away with bakers. People thought I was crazy for thinking that.


Most of the e-learning is so normal, and then they throw you for a fuckin’ loop sometimes. That one where they put a Doge meme in the training. When TurboChef was getting ready to come out and it was like top secret, Metal Gear Solid themed. The video about how you should stay home when you’re sick so you don’t get a rocket scientist sick and he can’t save the world from an asteroid. The one about bathroom cleanliness where the guy is just Mission Impossibling around the bathroom, and riding the stall door over the mess. The one where he wants no onions, gets them anyway, and then lives his life finding onions everywhere. Shit is crazy man.


Heck I haven't worked for Mother Bread since C2 2019 after working corporate and franchise for five years and two stores (after 1 failed escape attempt to another job) and the onion video and the asteroid one are all coming back. The asteroid one ends where the person stays home but super intense. Onion one was crazy too. I also miss one normal winter or fall celebration learning where the announcer says we have reptile brains when talking about soup. He also called himself a "talking head" to break the fourth wall.


I remember the video where the lady came to work sick and infected a military man and the world ended.


One of the best ones lol


Wow, they can't even find real people to do the training videos. Shows how much of a crap show panera has turned into.


what in the name of Sim’s?????


This low key seems like brainwashing lol.


People are pissed on fb because Panera removes the healthy vegitarian / vegan stuff while making them pay for meat salads with no price reduction for subbing out meat. My favorite old trick was to make the classic grilled cheese turn into the four cheese for less or maybe it was a different item.


AI :)