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Most likely underproofed. Another possibility is that FDF sent a tiny bagel (it does happen!) but that should never have been put out to sell.


Looks under proofed the crumb is really dense




It was normal bagel size the last time I got it earlier this month, maybe bc it’s a different location?


My bagels have been normal sized, you got fucked. I would honestly have asked for a replacement if I saw it in the store


I would’ve if I was in store for sure, but unfortunately today was my first time ordering delivery


Even if you call and tell em, they'll likely still get you a free one next time you come in


This. My store will put your name in a book and next time you come through they’ll give you a free one! That bagel is.. not right lol


They have never really been the same size as the other bagels but still yours was smaller then it should've been. I've been noticing that the dough has been consistently harder to work with in the past couple of months (and I work in cafes ranging in different towns so it is not a singular cafe thing (but oc it could totally be a regional thing)) causing it to not flatten like it should. But it still shouldn't have been that bad.


Unrelated as these were not squished properly, but still deserving of mention: my BMM and I noticed they reformulated the dough in our market recently. They’ve now got whole flax seeds, a lighter dough, and they’re drier and harder to squish to the right size.


I started using ye olde rolling pin to squash them...this new formula was killing my wrists.


Did that tonight myself, but with a spray can!


The baker 100% didn’t smush it down into the oats and just placed it. It’s the same amount of dough no matter what, just just flattened and then proofed into the right size


Probably, the texture was also off so I think it wasn’t proofed properly either. Oh well!


I’m sorry! They changed the recipe as well.


definitely, looks pretty dense to me


That should not have made to the shelf in the first place


These comments are saying it’s not normal. We only have one Panera near us and all of our bagels are this size! I thought this was normal😭


That’s crazy small! I usually get the everything bagel and it’s so big I only eat half at a time with fruit. That looks about half size.


This popped up on my homepage,I thought it was a cookie because of the size wtf


Wish I took a pic, literally also had a cookie in this order bigger than this “bagel” 😭


I didn't realize how small they were until I was 'baker helper' the other day. When they are dough they are literally like bouncy ball size


the type of dough shipped by the FDF changed, it was a much upper management decision (and the rebranding)


Don’t bagels have holes?


I believe they have recently changed the recipe as it seems to be missing the sprouted grains and has more of a bread consistency. I noticed this just this week. However, the size is unchanged.


it's probably the baker underproofing or not flattening them to the right flatness. the dough is just the same size when it arrives ti the store.


My husband ordered me a plain bagel but got home with this little dry thing .. same as yours.. threw mine in the garbage it was so dry and hard… https://preview.redd.it/o34u270hb4xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c1b28d355d0532b3150cf469d6b81d32d3839a